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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Liz watched Reina vanish thankful for her help in reinforcing the water elementals seal, her mind feeling quieter now the seal was strong but still when the girl looked over at Chase there was still a voice telling her to fight the young looking women but now Liz knew better and got up from her chair stretching and looking around, it seemed everyone was done fighting for now and Jame's was busy telling peoples fortunes which did intrigue her but the girls mind was on other things so she decided not to join them for now.

Liz walked out to the courtyard in the centre of the school where she saw other students practicing their magic as this was one of the few areas in the school where magic outside fighting in the safe zone which the gauntlets. Wanting to practice herself to see if Reina's seal would make her stronger like she told her but Liz also recalled that she was told it would now take more concentration to switch into the water elemental form. Closing her eyes Liz tried to put in her usual effort to switch forms but to no avail which made the girl annoyed as she tried to increase her concentration still to no success.

Taking a seat down on a bench nearby Liz looked at the fountain in the middle of the courtyard trying to think about how she could concentrate harder. Liz remember when she was taught basic magic back at her island that chants to spells were never necessary but young magicians usually used them to reach the level of concentration needed to use the spell. Using this logic she continued to look at the fountain while starting to chant "Water is liquid without true form, can be peaceful and calm or aggressive and destructive, I am water." Liz closed her eyes when she finished her chant opening to find it successful in turning into her water elemental form which made her literally jump off the bench in joy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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arowne97 said
Joseph started to look through the book, then held it in one hand, while he held out his other and said something in one of the ancient forgotten magical languages, and a fully translated copy of the book appeared in his other hand, and he gave them to Tyler. "Here you go."James sat back down where he was, and laid out three cards this time after shuffling the deck. He looked at Sol. "Are you ready for this?"

"Of course i'm ready go ahead and flippy the card thingies already!" Sol said somewhat impatiently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

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Slick jumped up, his head shaking, he was covered in blood, head to toe. As he climbed out of the cave, that killed Rinion. "Why did I have to let him die?" Slick began to run twoard the school.

I will get to student council. I will avenge my friends and do what I came here to do. If I fail we always have plan Omega.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Eklispe said
"Of course i'm ready go ahead and flippy the card thingies already!" Sol said somewhat impatiently.

James nodded. The first of the three cards he flipped up was the Death card. "The Death card. I already knew this would come up." He flipped up the second card. The Lovers card. "Your death will be caused by the person whom you fall in love with," he said, before flipping up the last one. "The wheel of fortune, inverted. Your death will be caused by a really unlucky accident. These two cards together mean that it will be an accident caused by the one whom you end up in a relationship with."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Sol grinned, "That's some classic greek prophecy right there, course seems easy avoid but they always do don't they. Well thanks for the reading i guess i can-" he was interuptted by the loud rumbling of his stomach, "Get food I suppose, I guess it is that time of day isn't it." Sol said grinning ruefully while looking at the sun that had crept up to the middle of the sky. Luckily they had returned to the cafteria after the brief fight and it was buffet style so he could just load up, Sol quickly piled several steaks on his plate and set to eating.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James simply nodded to him and stood, before putting the cards back into his deck and shuffling them again. He started to head to the cafeteria as well, his stomach growling the whole time.

Meanwhile, Joseph had found the school's library, and was looking through a few of the really, really old tomes and grimoires.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScorpionLantern

ScorpionLantern A Poisonous Light

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mithrail swaggered into the school grounds. She was a bit late in entering school, since her family had to set up a fake identity for her (how preposterous, to think that she had to play as a mere human . . .) but now here she was. It appeared that it was around morning, and classes had not yet begun. Well, she was feeling a bit peckish, so she supposed that meant breakfast.

"You there, commoner! Tell me where you serve food here," she demanded, looking at James.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James sighed. "I'm on my way there now." One of the cards in his pocket started shimmering, and he pulled it out. It was the Aeon card. "Heh....a Celesial...?" he mumbled, smirking lightly. "Just follow me, he said, looking at Mithrail as he put the card back in his pocket.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScorpionLantern

ScorpionLantern A Poisonous Light

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mithrail 'harumpf'ed', and was glad that this common thing followed her orders immediately, as is proper. "Very good, lead the way!" Mithrail looked around, and was unimpressed with the school and its students.

"How boring," she thought. "My presence here is hardly justified!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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"Right this way," James said, then jokingly added, "Your Divine Grace." He led her to the cafeteria. "Well, here we are. I'm kinda new, so I don't know what they serve here. You'll have to find that out yourself."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScorpionLantern

ScorpionLantern A Poisonous Light

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mithrail took James joke literally and simply thought he was giving her proper respect as she was due. Mithrail snorted in response to his words. "Hmph, that's hardly necessary," she remarked. "You!" she shouted pointing sharply at Sol. "Tell me what delicacies are available for purchase here, and give me a proper recommendation hence!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James sighed, mumbling, "Damn celestials...take everything too literally..." He looked at the Aeon card again. It was still glowing, meaning that Mithrail was pure Celestial. Before he walked away, he whispered, "And by the way...I know you're not human..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Sol frowned at her, he had been about to take a bite of a paticularly juicy chunk of steak. "First off missy calm yourself, inside voice. Second, everything is paid for with tution and its buffet style, I think this place has everything on planet Earth to eat so dig in." he finished and promptly bit into his steak.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Chase said a brief goodbye to Meruin, before walking away. She had lesson plans to make and things to pack for her trip. Meruin looked at the new girl with interest. There was something vaguely off with her, but Meruin couldn't pin down _what_. She shook her head and left it at that. It was a mystery for another time. Meruin walked towards Tyler, hands wrung behind her back, and stepped towards him slowly. "What are you doing?" she asked, peering at Tyler, then at the book on his hands, then back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScorpionLantern

ScorpionLantern A Poisonous Light

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mithrail huffed as James made his reveal. "Of course I;m not -" before realizing with a start that she was supposed to keep her identity a secret. "H-how-!?" Then Sol spoke up. "Hm, so it's free. How quaint. Although I must say I don't like your tone, hu-" she stopped herself from saying human. "And it's beyond unreasonable for me to have to serve myself. You there! I request a meal!" she ordered, glaring at a random student nearby.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 9 days ago

James smirked. "The cards tell me everything," he said before walking off to go get himself some food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sol swallowed the hunk of meat he had just so glee began eating and stood up and walked over to Mithrail inspecting her closely. "And I don't like your tone much either. I don't what kinda privilaged life of luxury you came from but around here you get to do it yourself, whether it comes to getting food or fighting." Sol said angrily restraining himself from adusting his sword as he often did when he was angry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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> Chase said a brief goodbye to Meruin, before walking away. She had lesson plans to make and things to pack for her trip. Meruin looked at the new girl with interest. There was something vaguely off with her, but Meruin couldn't pin down _what_. She shook her head and left it at that. It was a mystery for another time. > > Meruin walked towards Tyler, hands wrung behind her back, and stepped towards him slowly. "What are you doing?" she asked, peering at Tyler, then at the book on his hands, then back. "I'm reading a Master level book on Water Magic." Tyler replied with a glance up at Meruin. " It appears as if it's implanting knowledge directly into my head as I read it, possibly as a bonus for translating it. I now know how to do this." He began forming miniature birds from the moisture around him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Oh, that's nice," said Meruin, inching a bit closer to him. "Do you mind if I try to read it? It's been awhile since I've tried to read up on elemental mastery. I mostly focus on Rune Work." Technically not lying. She really hasn't read up on elemental magic in a long while . . . but that was because she's damn well read near _all_ the books related to the subject.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Kevin sighed a heavy meow as he walked around the court yard lost a usual. " What the hell Mutt was just in front of me." He sat angryly criss crossed starring at the school. His stomach begin to grumble and he became more angered. " I need food....." Kevin thought for a few minutes and jumped to his feet excited about the idea that just poped into his mind. "I'll use magic!" Kevin closed his eyes and began chanting a spell, the spell ended and he then shouted. " Vanish!" As he opened his eyes they turned yellowish and started to glow. Lightining struck were he stood and continued to strick until kevin reached the lunch room.
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