Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 7 days ago

TheHangedMan said Read through it. Accepted, Apo (can I call you that?)

Yup! You can call me Apo ^_^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Jedly said
Morning all. So far, I've finished everything but the personality and bio. Currently jotting downs lines while listening to my friends in teamspeak. Sounds like they're getting wrecked in CS:GO.Also, Hanged, quick question, does the Hall of Healers serve as a general hospital for the locals of the surrounding town(s}?

The Hall of Healers is for use only to Academy members :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

What is the policy on using magic to get ahead in class? Like we was saying earlier in PM, one of the thing my character is going to work for is the gift of tongues, is not allowed to use it for Language or does he get out language or what?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

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TheHangedMan said
The Hall of Healers is for use only to Academy members :)

Alright, that's what I thought. My character will be a person who frequents the hall, just to see the new faces and treatments. I've made some edits to the CS , the personality and bio should be up soonish. Some parts of the current CS coincide with the remaining sections, but all will be explained when I have the parts up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Leotamer said
What is the policy on using magic to get ahead in class? Like we was saying earlier in PM, one of the thing my character is going to work for is the gift of tongues, is not allowed to use it for Language or does he get out language or what?

The gift of tongues won't work if you're writing a letter without anyone around :) For the 'normal' classes that Magestravi have to take, using magic to study is allowed, but during exams and tests, it's forbidden.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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@Hanged, if it checks out with you, then it's done and I won't really be making anymore changes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wait, doesn't Rose and Jedly, plus Hanged, mean we are now at six?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Leotamer said
Wait, doesn't Rose and Jedly, plus Hanged, mean we are now at six?

I need them to be absolutely finished before accepting :)

HylianRose said
@Hanged, if it checks out with you, then it's done and I won't really be making anymore changes.

Okay then. Short and sweet, I like it. Accepted :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Veili Sturm, the Weaver Smith
Gender: Male
Age: 19

Appearance: Veili is large and built heavily, just over six feet tall and weighing nearly 200 lbs. Aside from the massive scar on his face, he also has another that goes across his entire left hand. Attire-wise, he refuses the traditional robes and whatnot of the Academy and prefers clothing of his own design and make. As such it's quite easy to notice him, since he sticks out like a sore thumb in the midst of crowds.

Personality: Veili is a bit of a wild individual… that is putting it lightly. The words delinquent and punk have been used to describe him a good many times, and sadly enough they are more often on the spot than not. He is hot-headed and can be easily riled up, but do so with the assumption that he is a fool and you will find yourself paying. Despite his seemingly reactive nature, the boy possesses a sense of cunning that makes him problematic to deal with as he actually, to many people’s surprise, takes his time to think. Generally to the detriment of others, but hey, sometimes that brain gets put to good use.

Yes, Veili does have some good points as well. He can be very passionate for one thing, putting forth a sense of drive that would surprise anyone who’s only seen his outward persona. Well… unless it involves fists flying since fights are one of the things that make Veili’s blood boil. That aside, he also has a rather fine eye for detail and can be meticulous at times. The sad thing is that these positive traits only really manifest themselves when it comes to Veili’s interests. Everything else is almost exclusively dealt with with his outward persona.

There is one good thing that holds true for Veili in almost every circumstance though. Surprisingly, he is not one to hold onto grudges and is actually rather good at letting go of things. Given his brash attitude, it’s not easy to tell that’s the case, but such is the truth.

Abilities: All Magestravii are born with a basic instinct that needs to be supplemented by learned knowledge in order to properly spellweave lest they injure or kill themselves. While Veili is still bound very much by the same rules, his instinct seems to be exceptionally sharp. Whereas other Magestravii would spend hours pouring over information to safely weave a spell, Veili is a fan of “winging it” and more often than not succeeds, if only partially. Even in the occasions where failures occur, his instincts have saved him from the worst case scenarios.

It’s not only his instinct as a Magestrava that are good though. Between the number of scraps he has gotten into and testing the weaponry he forges, Veili has developed a fairly good instinct for battle as well. He understands and can wield a myriad of weaponry acceptably, although his skills are all completely self-taught and thus somewhat lacking.

“Weaponry he forges?” Why yes, aside from being a Magestrava, Veili is also known to be a weaponsmith, and one of upcoming talent. It is one of his few passions, and though he does occasionally forge pieces traditionally, he uses spellweaving extensively for the majority of his creations. Alchemy and Automancy grant him unparalleled control over the material he works with, while his studies in Out and Insorcery give him the ability to go further with any enchantments he may laden the completed piece with.

Studying: Alchemy and Automancy would be his “majors” while he also “minors” in Out and Insorcery for the purposes of enchantments. Pythomancy is a hobby of his as well, if only for the materials that could be gathered from such creatures.

Interests: Metalworking, brawling, eating and drinking, making a pretty penny (surprisingly), and even reading (shocking!).
Dislikes: Scheduling, formal studying (slightly suicidal, yes, but it hasn’t killed him yet?), formalities in general really. He moves at his own pace, finding it hard and an annoyance to conform for the most part.

Biography: There would have been no way for anyone to guess that Veili would take the path of a smith in his life, much less while also being a Magestrava. His family, simply one of the numerous middle class doing their best in life, was quite unremarkable and easily looked over. As an only child, he was never really lacking in material needs, but even at a young age it became clear that Veili needed something more in his life. The problem started off small, being easily distracted or simply losing himself in something others just couldn’t seem to see, but it grew worse the older he got.

Veili grew up as a restless and, almost seemingly, agitated adolescent. It was maddening that no one, not even himself, could understand what was wrong. All he knew was that there was something missing in his life, though what it was he could not figure out. It was no wonder he could hardly stay still with such a sensation eating away at him every day. While he might have been quiet and solitary as a child, the wrongness he felt changed him. Easily irritated, highly reactive, and unafraid of violence. Time to think was time to brood, and so Veili became rash. He acted without thinking more often than not, and it was around this time he became known as a delinquent and trouble maker.

His parents had good reason to be concerned, but with them Veili tried his best to hide his problems. He placated their worries as best he could, trying to hide the fact, and it was undoubtly a fact for him by now, that there was something that was off about him. Maybe it worked, or maybe the two of them just saw their young boy trying his best to grow up. Whichever it was, they supported him to the best of their abilities.

And though he was violent, Veili was never cruel. His fights never escalated to more than a street brawl, and there was a fine line in the sand that he never crossed. The same could not be said for some of the targets for his ire though. There was only so much some people could suffer before they turned to more drastic actions, and for a few individuals, getting kicked into the dirt for months on end did just that. Although, in hindsight Veili is actually grateful to them. He would have continued trying to find that perfect puzzle piece if it weren’t for them.

“His ears caught the sound of metal being unsheathed. “Fuck!” The other boy’s grip tightened, as if desperately trying to hold Veili still for just a few more moments. His anger peaked, a furious snarl twisted his face, as for the first time he felt the urge to simply hurt all of them as badly as he could. His fist smashed into the boy’s face, and with a sickening sensation he felt something crush underneath the blow. From how he reeled back immediately, clutching his eye and screaming in pain, Veili felt a fleeting sensation of guilt. That was quickly dismissed by the glint of steel coming right at him.

‘Shit.’ Footing wouldn’t let him back up enough, nor was it stable enough for him to block or deflect the stab. All the while, the knife’s tip neared dangerously.

“FUCK!” Roaring his anger, Veili trusted his instincts and reached forward, catching the blade in his hands. He felt the sharp edge bit into his palm, parting his flesh smoothly, but it was not pain that he felt first. The image was formed, the rush felt, and reality twisted. All in a moment, and in the next Veili ripped the knife from the other boy’s hand; the blade now a simple lump of twisted metal. And despite the large gash on his hand, despite the red that dripped from his palm, Veili wore an almost rabid smile. This was what he had been missing all the time… He was a Magestrava, but the realization paled to the sensation of being “whole”. He might have whispered a, “Thank you,” that was hardly heard, but...

The town heard the other boy’s screams of pain well enough.”

After the incident, Veili was in a precarious position. While he did have the right to self-defense alongside his position as a Magestrava now, he had also maimed two other boys. One had lost his eye completely, while the other’s arm was a mangled mess that could barely move anymore. Even his parents, who had always tried to support him, weren’t able to fully take his side. Thus, it was decided that it would be best for him to leave the town and head for Aledine Academy. He would need to go to further his education as one of the Magestravii anyways, and it would serve to rid the town of his presence.

He was disappointed to say the least. The feeling of being “whole” was dulled by the loss of his home. Though it had not been said, the message of him not being wanted was clear enough. It hurt, more than he let on to anyone around, but at the same time tempered his personality. He learned from that experience, and sought to become someone who would be able to step back into his home without shame.

Quickly enough, Veili learned that the traditional methods of study for Spellweaving were not for him though. The act of reading through text after text on the branches he chose to study was painful for him, and more often than not he would simply skim and then attempt. Which flew right in the face of what almost every instructor emphasized, but that was how Veili chose to roll, so to speak. He advanced at a frighteningly fast pace thanks to that reckless method of learning, and though it was not without incident, the ends justified the means. By the end of his first year at the Academy, Veili was already a capable weaponsmith and bending metal into weaponry from the confines of his room.

And that expertise only continued to grow as he expanded his knowledge and skill base. Where he worked with common steel, more exotic alloys grew to become his material of choice. Weapons of superb craftsmanship saw the etchings of runes eventually appear, and these runes grew in complexity and diversity with the passing of years. Though he is technically of age to leave the Academy and return home, Veili sees more to the path he can continue to take. As such, he remains at the Academy to further his skills and see just where they can bring him.

Equipment: Oh boy… Veili has a downright impressive weapon collection to his name. Knives, bows, polearms, and even some more exotic weaponry have him as their creator. His two favourite weapons are a pair of blades that go by Reavers. They are relatively plain shortswords, about two feet in length each, with serrated edges nearing the hilt. They are inscribed with numerous runes, new additions, that provide protection against both Out and Insorcery. By funneling mana through the blades, one can generate a protective barrier, while the other insulates him from attempts at Insocery against him.

Extra Information: While Veili has little issues with his Alchemy and Automancy classes, his other subjects are fairly lacking. Nevertheless, he has little issue monetary-wise thanks to his profession as a weaponsmith. His creations aren’t exorbitantly expensive, but still fetch a hefty price.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 2 days ago

Edited my Cs to fix the issues with grammar and the like I could see.

and lots of reading to catch up on
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

You know, reading the Headmaster's CS, it almost does feel like there was some enchantment on that book he was given. Though, maybe that is just me and my paranoia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Well, damn, that looks like a badass CS. Gonna grab a cup of coffee and read through it. While on the subject, just finished my CS, I'm open to any edits. Sorry the ending is a little bit cut off, at that point I felt like I had written enough, and would like to fill in the gaps during the roleplay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Zombehs said
Veili Sturm

Alright, everything checks out. Though I'm a bit wary of the weapons - the school isn't strict on them, but the number he has is unnerving. Anyway, I like how his abilities are instinct based. Accepted :D

EDIT: Just realized that you're are sixth accepted character :) Anyway, you guys wait a few hours (in school right now) and I'll start the IC
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 1 mo ago

TheHangedMan said
Alright, everything checks out. Though I'm a bit wary of the weapons - the school isn't strict on them, but the number he has is unnerving. Anyway, I like how his abilities are instinct based. Accepted :DEDIT: Just realized that you're are sixth accepted character :) Anyway, you guys wait a few hours (in school right now) and I'll start the IC

Huzzah. He would be willing to compromise on how the weapons are kept secure if the school raised it as an issue to him.

Also, ah shit. Just remembered that hiders don't function properly with quote coding in them IIRC. I'll fix up my post so you can copy and paste it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Some how I image Alexander and Veili getting along.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Well, it's 12 in the morning here, so I will be hopping off soon. School starts Tuesday, and I need to get back onto a... better sleeping schedule. I'll be up for a couple of ours, so I'm open to edits. I can make them until then, or when I wake up tomorrow. Can't wait until the IC starts up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Zombehs said
Huzzah. He would be willing to compromise on how the weapons are kept secure if the school raised it as an issue to him.Also, ah shit. Just remembered that hiders don't function properly with quote coding in them IIRC. I'll fix up my post so you can copy and paste it.

If that's the case; no weapons on the grounds during schooldays, and at all times, no weapons in the classrooms, Hall of Healing and any of the Towers :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

is necromancy an acceptable form of magic for this RP?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Zmerr said
is necromancy an acceptable form of magic for this RP?

Yes it is :) In fact, for most of the higher level Academies, they tend to have Lich's for professors.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

awesome :) i have a few characters that i usually like to pick from. i had to adjust one because i wanted to use him for this RP.
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