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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Leotamer said
The idea is that they would be a parting gift when he left to go the school, and that they are rather simple magical creatures that can basically cast simple light spells and simple healing spells (healing scratches and such.) Basically, they are there to look out for him.

Ah, sort of like automatic nannies then. Okay, that's all I needed to know :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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TheHangedMan said Anyway, it's nice to see you guys in discussion about the RP :) Once we have exactly six character made, I'll start the IC, is that fine?

Time to get chop, chopping then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellOfALife
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Sorry, maybe I'm not reading clearly or I missed something, if you're a Sepcarim and you're only able to use one of the Maian energies, can you use that same energy to cast spells in any of Branches of magic. Like for example, using Xi to cast spells learned from Insorcery. Sorry if this has been answered before, the interest check went rather fast so I couldn't read everything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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HellOfALife said
Sorry, maybe I'm not reading clearly or I missed something, if you're a Sepcarim and you're only able to use one of the Maian energies, can you use that same energy to cast spells in any of Branches of magic. Like for example, using Xi to cast spells learned from Insorcery. Sorry if this has been answered before, the interest check went rather fast so I couldn't read everything.

From what I understand no. Insorcery requires Sakra as its main fuel, and would thus be completely out of reach for a Monk that can only utilize Xi.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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HellOfALife said
Sorry, maybe I'm not reading clearly or I missed something, if you're a Sepcarim and you're only able to use one of the Maian energies, can you use that same energy to cast spells in any of Branches of magic. Like for example, using Xi to cast spells learned from Insorcery. Sorry if this has been answered before, the interest check went rather fast so I couldn't read everything.

Nope. Each branch and spell requires a majority use of a specific Maian - Insorcery, for example, primarily uses Sakra, rather than Xi.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Well, there is a very distinct difference between controlling one of the energies incredibly well (Sepcarim) and controlling all three of the energies equally (Magestrava). Even the simplest acts of Outsorcery or Insorcery require the use of all three types of energy, and are thus only available to Magestrava. Monks, Sykers and Shamans each have their own unique capabilities, based on the energy they are bonded to, but they are also limited to them. They cannot cast magic from any of the branches at all.

EDIT: That being said, many Syker abilities can be emulated with Insorcery, Shamans control the same elements as elemental Outsorcerors, only better, and certain elements of necromancy and bodily-augmentation Outsorcery are encapsulated in the abilities of Monks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellOfALife
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Alright, thanks for clearing that up for me guys ^^, I'll try to rethink this character around these limits or think of something else, I'll be posting a WIP tonight though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellOfALife
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Well, I'm hopping off for the night. Somehow, the clocked suddenly turned to half past two. I should be up in 10 hours, and I'll get back to working on the CS then. Hope I don't miss much of the OOC chatter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Alexander Grove
Gender: Male
Age(11-19 for students, 22 - above for teachers): 11

Appearance (Pictures are accepted in place of description): He has soft green eyes, with short brown hair that almost looks like it was cut by someone who looked like she had no idea what she was doing. He doesn't wear robes, and instead wears a pretty well off tunic and pants that looks like it comes from a middle class family, not entirely poor, yet not entirely rich. Other than that, he looks pretty much completely normal.

Personality: He has learned self-control, self-discipline, and responsibility through poverty, though he still a child at heart. He has a strong moral compass, but also has a black-white-blue-purple morality. Stealing is wrong, but stealing something that is stolen is not wrong because stealing is bad because you're taking something one else owns, but when it said object is stolen, it isn't theirs. And he has also learned of the art of sarcasm and being slightly manipulative, though sometimes he can't help but slightly gullible.

He can sit still when he needs to sit still, but other wise, you will often find him running around and climbing on anything he is allowed to climb on. He loves culture, whether it is human, fae, or something else, where it be poetry, music, and so on, but human history can bore him and he is a bit socially awkward around humans, though he is still out going and fun loving.

He quite studious and loves magic, but does not work well with strict teachers. He can be highly pressured by strict rules and harsh dead-lines. He also can sometimes rely on his intent ability and intelligence over his learned ability and intelligence. He knows how to read and write in both English and fae tongue, though his English is not the best compared to his fae that is almost like he is a native born speaker. It is rather rusty and when it comes to writing it is more raw academic knowledge of English over practical application of it.

Abilities: Firstly, he is an Syker.

He has a quite primitive ability of slight precognition and identification. Basically, he will get either visual or audio ques that something is dangerous, misleading, useful or so on. Visual ques normally come in the form of colors, for explain dark red normally means danger, bright red means hot, light green tends to be useful, whereas dark green tends to mean poison or dangerously acidic and so on. Whenever there is danger or something useful that is not in his line of sight, but is usually important to his immediate survival, ping sounds will generally lead him towards said object of interest, normally high-pitched means something bad, whereas low-pitched tends to mean helpful. With his time with the Fae, he has slightly refined this gift, and if he focuses on an object, he can see it through its color system and if touches something, he can normally identify truths or properties of said object, or a person. It has also developed into a very limited magic sense.

He has also been trying to learn clairvoyance and clairaudioance, and got to the point where he can some-what reliablely cast those spells but he isn't even good at it and it takes basically no effort to ward against them.

He also has an unsophisticated mental ward around his mind to protect him from other Insorcerers or Sykers, however it isn't particularly great and is sometimes just bypassed altogether.

Studying (What magic branch(es) is s/he studying?): Insorcery, Pythomancy, Poetry, and Theater.
Interests: Animals, The Fae, the Arts, Climbing and Running,
Dislikes: History of Humans, Any negative talk of the Fae, Sickness and Injury, fire, Writing in English

Biography: : At the very long age of eight, a fire consumed a part of his village, killing off his parents. He was saved when he heard a strange ringing in his ear that he some how knew to follow, that lead him away from the some-to-be fire. The local lord set up a small shelter for those left homeless and even orphaned by the fire, however over all the conditions were very bad. Food was always in sort supply, the place were crowded and everyone, including the children, had to do odd and often nasty jobs just to get by.

Alexander would often go into the forest, to search for berries to eat and various things he could sell for pocket change. He had peeked the interest of a fairy who often roamed the forest with little better to do, as she had sense his blossoming magic. Part of the fay took pity on the poor boy, whereas the other half seen it as a golden opportunity. It was a orphaned wizard who was already well on his way to become a strong sorcerer. So, for about of a week of watching him, she decided that the boy needed a parent, and oh-so-gracious and wise her would be that parent. So one day when the kid was searching through the forest, the Fae introduced herself to the boy, and revealed herself as Illiroburcordis Et-Anima or Lily for short.

Obviously, wishing to escape to poverty and the horrible shelter he was living, it could of been a bear who gave him the offer and he still would of taken it. Lily did a quite a good job at raising him, if you ask her, possibly better than the shop-keepers that were his previous parents. She made sure he was healthy, and active. She also made sure he was quite well versed in the arts in general and in the culture and customs of the Fae. However, he was cut off from humans almost his entire stay with Lily, and the only social gathers he ever went to were with Fay. So Lily, deciding that it best that Alexander got to spend time and get to know his own people as well as further his magical studies sent him off to Aledine Academy. Which Alexander looks forward to with youthful optimism. Though, as a parting gift, he was given a horse to get him to the academy and two will-o-wisp, who have minor magical abilities in the form of light and healing spells. The horse being named Tempestatem. The two will-o-wisp: Numquid and Inwisp.

Equipment: He has his horse, who is a wild stallion that is surpisely well tamed, named Tempestatem. He has two wisps companions known as Numquid and Inwisp. He also has a necklace with a none magical silver coin on it.

Extra Information: As a skyer, he bruises and bleeds quite easily and isn't particularly strong, but he is still energetic, agile, and dexterous. He does not get sick often, but when does, it is often enough to make him bedridden and throw up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Leotamer said
Alexander Grove . . .

Accepted. Nice Leo :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Also, are math, English and history required courses at this school, or do they even exist at this school
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

:P Don't you mean Common, or Lismosian? I doubt they speak English.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Leotamer said
Also, are math, English and history required courses at this school, or do they even exist at this school

Lismos is a dual-language country. The first language is called 'Athripholi' and is the language of an empire that Lismos was previously a part of centuries ago. This is the commonly spoken language. The second one is 'Lismosi' which is a language derived from the previous language and is officially the national language; however, this is usually only used by nobility and learned people, as it is only taught in school.

Anyway, for all students, normal or not, Language, History and Math are required subjects. I'm glad you asked :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Yeah, my character is probably going to fluke out of college really quick! Yay!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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Komamisa Retired Magical Girl

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Hello, everyone. Komamisa, aka Misa, reporting in. Life decided to throw me some flaming lemons, but that should be resolved now.

Impy, I'm back to working on our collab thing, since you might find it funny or ridiculous. I am starting to ease up on the idea of a per-existing acquaintance, but uh... depending on Ren's opinion, she may or may not be so keen on the idea.

Oh right, Hanged. In Classic societies right up until the Imperial Age, nations and/or city-states typically disliked the idea of people moving to and from their lands with the exception of the closest of allies and people from immediately neighboring lands. It all had to do with sometimes extremely varied cultures and/or religions, as the City-State/Kingdom was typically that self-contained. Anyway, the real question is: How does Lismos, and Aledine particularly, take to transfer students? Especially if they seem to be eerily familiar with both Athripholi, Lismosi and most Lismos customs?

On the topic of the Lismosi language, if it isn't any trouble, may we get an example of it?
I just realized that I'm unfamiliar with a whole host of the more obscure Western myths... Research time!
Major Edit:

Hanged mentioned that Demons are spirits that can't be seen by normal humans, correct? Fae had been mentioned as being in a category of their own, being the only Spirits that can manifest a physical form. What do lesser demonic creatures—ie vampires, the race of fomorians, succubi and the like—count as being? They're still "demons" in a loose sense, but the myths involving them are almost always ones where they are visible. For that matter, would issues with lesser demons even require the help of Ouramancers, or merely skilled Pythomancers?

Am I just confusing myself here, and Spirits can very much visually manifest themselves and affect the physical realm, but don't have physical forms that can be hurt by normal means?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 7 days ago

I edited my character, by the way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 7 mos ago

I hate to be a bother but, and maybe I missed this, Hanged could you have a look at my sheet? It may or may not need some work. ^-^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Morning all. So far, I've finished everything but the personality and bio. Currently jotting downs lines while listening to my friends in teamspeak. Sounds like they're getting wrecked in CS:GO.

Also, Hanged, quick question, does the Hall of Healers serve as a general hospital for the locals of the surrounding town(s}?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Komamisa said
Hello, everyone. Komamisa, aka Misa, reporting in. Life decided to throw me some flaming lemons, but that should be resolved now.Impy, I'm back to working on our collab thing, since you might find it funny or ridiculous. I starting to ease up on the idea of a per-existing acquaintance, but uh... depending on Ren's opinion, she may or may not be so keen on the idea.Oh right, Hanged. In Classic societies right up until the Imperial Age, nations and/or city-states typically disliked the idea of people moving to and from their lands with the exception of the closest of allies and people from immediately neighboring lands. It all had to do with sometimes extremely varied cultures and/or religions, as the City-State/Kingdom was typically that self-contained. Anyway, the real question is: How does Lismos, and Aledine particularly, take to transfer students? Especially if they seem to be eerily familiar with both Athripholi, Lismosi and most Lismos customs?On the topic of the Lismosi language, if it isn't any trouble, may we get an example of it?I just realized that I'm unfamiliar with a whole host of the more obscure Western myths... Research time!Hanged mentioned that Demons are spirits that can't be seen by normal humans, correct? Fae had been mentioned as being in a category of their own, being the Spirits that can manifest a physical form. What do lesser demonic creatures—ie vampires, the race of fomorians, succubi and the like—count as being? They're still "demons" in a loose sense, but the myths involving them are almost always ones where they are visible. For that matter, would issues with lesser demons even require the help of Ouramancers, or merely skilled Pythomancers? Am I just confusing myself here, and Spirits can very much visually manifest themselves and affect the physical realm, but don't have physical forms that can be hurt by normal means?

Nice to see you Misa. On the topic of immigrants, it all depends on where they came from; the Kingdoms neighboring Lismos where also part of Athripolas - a large empire that is now dead, by the way - so their culture is actually quite similar.

On the languages, it's rather difficult to give examples, seeing as of now Athripholi is a stand in for English, but, Lismosi has longer syllables for their words and sentences and sounds more formal overall. For now, when speaking Lismosi, use Ye Olde English as a stand in.

On the topic of Demons; vampires, succubi and their cousins don't fall under that category. They are more on the monster/demi-human side. When I say demon, it's with the Christian Satan Demon kind in mind. Pythomancer can't do anything against Demon, and yes, Spirits can visually manifest themselves, and only Ouramancers can deal with them.

Apokalipse said
I edited my character, by the way.

Read through it. Accepted, Apo (can I call you that?)

HylianRose said
I hate to be a bother but, and maybe I missed this, Hanged could you have a look at my sheet. It may or may not need some work. ^-^

Is this finished? It checks out okay. Unless you're going to edit anything else, it's accepted.
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