Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Digimon: The Rise of the Forsaken

"I say this to you... will you rise against the darkness that has taken over the Digital World... and become the light that will save us all?"

"Are you... the chosen ones?"

The Digital World is a peaceful, kind, caring, and loving place where Digimon interacted with and lived with one another in harmony. When the balance of things were about to be disrupted, eight young heroes were brought into the Digital World to save it. First, they were lost, but they gained allies of their own; Digimon who would become their partners through this strange new world. This group of sixteen would then make their way throughout the Digital World, solving problems of all Digimon, restoring the balance as they helped those in need. Eventually, they became known as the legendary saviors of the Digital World as they saved it from the brink of destruction from the beings known as the Dark Masters who only desired to enslave the Digital World and then make their way to the human world.

After a long tedious journey, they finished their long held journey. After a tearful farewell, the Digidestined parted ways with their partners, and returned to the human world as the link between the Digital and the Human worlds were sealed shut… or so they had thought.

Years passed, and then strange disappearances began to happen through the nights among those between the ages of 14 and 24 all over the world. It didn’t matter if they were rich or poor, smart or average, fit or not... all were treated equally in these kidnappings…

…just like you.

Oh? You thought you were safe while others your age weren’t you? You were sadly mistaken… we were watching you as well, chosen Digidestined. Just like all the others, we’ve taken you, and we’re going to make sure you don’t get a chance to get in our way as we take over the Digital World, and then make our way into your world. Don’t even think about finding a way to contact the original Digidestined…

…we’ve already disposed of them.
Hello! It's me, Gnar again, and while I'm already running one RP, and about to get another RP off of the ground as more and more players are entering it, I've decided to apply this RP in respect to the upcoming 15th anniversary of Digimon coming next year, and how much nostalgia I've been having, along with how much I've been craving to do a Digimon RP. So, today I bring you people a Digimon RP!

To sum things up, the original Digidestined are no longer around, and it is up to us to save the Digital World from the Forsaken- a group of Digimon who have banded together to take over both the Digital and Human worlds. I do plan for this RP to be slightly more edgy over normal Digimon RPs, so do prepare for some whack stuff to be coming our way!

Players will be playing both their Digimon and their Tamer, as to avoid confusion and having massive delays in things. So make a pair of characters that you know that you will undoubtedly enjoy to the fullest~!

  • Name
  • :
  • Age
  • :
  • Appearance
  • :
  • Personality
  • :
  • Partnered to
  • :
  • Backstory
  • :
  • Other
  • :

  • Name/Species
  • :
  • Appearance
  • :
  • Personality
  • :
  • Backstory
  • :
  • Evolution Line
  • :
  • Fresh

  • In-Training

  • Rookie

  • Champion

  • Ultimate

  • Mega

  • Powers/Abilities
  • :
  • Fresh

  • In-Training

  • Rookie

  • Champion

  • Ultimate

  • Mega

  • Other
  • :
    Hello there and welcome to the OOC thread of the Digimon: The Rise of the Forsaken RP! I hope you have a fun time, and enjoy your stay! If you have any questions, comments, or any of the sort, do feel free to throw them my way for I will be more than happy to do my best to answer them!
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by soren
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    Member Seen 22 days ago

    Woot Ready for this to get going! Tabasco sauce and chicken noddle soup gnar. That is what is getting me better right now.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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    Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

    Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

    Rather than repost my application I'll simply link to this. And of course I hope you'll feel better soon
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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    Member Seen 2 hrs ago


    Name: Carlos “Trip” Rodriguez
    Age: 16


    Some could say that Trip is modest, humble, and gentle. They are right about all of those things. His ideals are not large ones, but they are his own. People think that because he looks the way he does it means that he is rough around the edges and no compassion, but that’s quite the opposite. He’s full of love, compassion, and most of all, kindness. However, he’s very insecure about a lot of things, mainly about his physical appearance and how people assume a lot of things. Some could even say that Trip sometimes hides his true self in fear that people will take advantage of him, which sometimes they actually do that.

    In the company of his family and friends, Trip is reserved. He holds himself at bay for any type of conversation, and he’s not good meeting strangers. Easily frightened and often insecure about meeting new people. Again, that’s where the insecurity comes to play. He’s even shy around his family sometimes. He feels as if they don’t truly understand him. He often feels alone and frightened by change and anything that is related to change. His family notices it and they try to bring him out of his shell, but they fail almost every time.

    Despite all of this, Trip has a very gentle soul and he shows that when he’s around animals or when he’s doing things that he loves to do. For example, when he’s writing his poetry or listening to music, he doesn’t become loud and vocal. He’s as quiet as can be and makes sure he’s respectful. Like, seriously; his guy is so insecure about being around people, and drawing attention to himself. So, he’s not going to do something that would otherwise prompt people to notice him any more than they have to. He mainly listens to teen-angst punk music, sappy pop-punk, and instrumentals of his favorite anime.

    Partnered to: Liollmon

    Being born into the Spanish, Islamic, Greek, Canadian, Mexican, and Argentinean heritage, it’s no surprise that Trip has a big family. His mom, born of the name Ashley Gabrielle Montoya, has roots of Spanish, Canadian, and Greek within her blood. His dad, born of the name, Carlos Rex Shuki Rodriguez, has roots of Islamic, Mexican, and Argentinean within his blood. The combined effort had thus created Trip, who’s birth name is actually Carlos, but he chose the name Trip because he didn’t want to be just another kid in a Mexican country. It’s weird, but he finds pride that he is different.

    Along the years, he grew up in Mexico City, Mexico. Now, one can assume that it really wasn’t that good of a childhood with the Drug Cartel always causing murders here and murders there. Trip just ignored it like anybody should. He didn’t want to get involved so that’s why he just adapted the shy persona he became known for. Sadly, this is also what led to a lot of unhappy birthdays. Even though he put on a happy face, he was unhappy for a lot of days.

    Listening to music
    Reading Poetry
    Writing Poetry
    “Alone time”
    Spicy food(not too spicy, though)

    Meeting more than one person at a time
    Super salty food
    Flying in an airplanes

    Name/Species: Liollmon

    Appearance: see rookie form

    Liollmon is a curious, protective, and very stubborn digimon. He will explore till his little heart is past content and he will do so to every data of his being. He's a lion-like Digimon/cat, so the curious nature will take full charge, and because he is a lion-like digimon, his protective instincts are off the charts. He will always protect either what is his or those he cares about the most. He will never waver and the fighting spirit he has within himself will always lead him to protect his possessions. Of course, his fighting spirit might also make him come off as stubborn. Sometimes, that's not a bad thing, but it can be. Just cause he won't ever back down, this could mean in a variety of ways. If there's a point he's trying to get across, he won't back down. He will also never let anything go. That's how his stubbornness comes into play in a negative way.

    As he will evolve, his personality will alter just slightly. As Liamon, his protective instincts are more dominant, but he also becomes a little more aggressive. Don't think just cause he is aggressive that his judgment is clouded. He will defend his friends right down to every data within his being.He is more violent in his champion form, but that's cause he doesn't want anyone to harm his friends. Now, that's where his stubbornness comes into play. He will keep on going even if he is injured. Sometimes, that can obviously be a bad thing, but to him he sees it as being strong.

    As LoaderLeomon, not much really changes. He remains protective, stubborn, and just overall like a lion. The main difference is a sense of justice comes into his being. It's not dominant, but it's still there, and as is his unwavering fighting spirit.

    When in his mega form, BanchoLeomon, he is vastly different. Arrogance sometimes takes charge, but ALWAYS a righteous sense of justice takes residence and in the most dominant of ways. By the blade he weird, BanchoLeomon judges those who have done wrong and by his blade they will be judged. He will use this sense of justice either based on what digimon do or if they threaten his friends. He will protect them with his life and everything that he is will go into stopping any threats to them. This is how his stubbornness gets transformed into a righteous sense of justice and this time it's actually a good thing.

    Liollmon doesn't remember much before he became Friimon. He remembers leaving the Village of Beginnings, but that's about it. He has been wondering alone ever since. He has just been trying his best to survive for as long as he could in hopes he would find something or someone to fight for with all that he is.That's really all he wants. If he can somehow get that, Liollmon would truly be happy. Until then, however, Liollmon will just do what he must to survive, fending off other digimon from taking what he needs to survive or whatever it is they will try to come after. He will just do what he must and that's pretty much all there is to it.

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by soren
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    Member Seen 22 days ago

    So I have a friend that wants to join if that is cool. He is going to make a post here instead of the interest check.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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    Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    @Trip: Is very much so accepted!

    soren said
    So I have a friend that wants to join if that is cool. He is going to make a post here instead of the interest check.

    That's perfectly fine! Heck, in my other RPs I've been accepting apps in both threads ^_^
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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    Member Seen 2 hrs ago

    If I may add to Gnar, there also seems to be two of the eight digidestined spots to be open. Unless I am incorrect of that. If I am, then I forsake my entire statement.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by soren
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    Member Seen 22 days ago

    As soon as he is off work today I will ask him to post.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lunaire


    Member Offline since relaunch

    My character sheet can be found here.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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    Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

    Member Seen 5 yrs ago


    •Name| Fleur Del Lequor
    •Age| 16
    •Personality| Fleur is a shy boy who relies on the people around him for inner strength. He is very polite and is always on his best behaviour. At first he can be quite shy and not say a word, especially towards those he meets for the first time. But once he befreinds a person he will always put them before himself and see to it that they're never deppressed, unfortunetly he is not quite that good at comforting people... Thanks to his nervous and reserved nature, he is constantly weary of his actions and doubts himself alot. He secretly wishes to break free from his upbringings and become a more upbeat and happy person.
    •Partnered to Dracmon
    •Backstory| Fleur was born and raised in Paris, France. He was born in a well off family who had strong ties in the food and photography industry. His parents were almost never around and left him to be raised by the maids and butlers they had in the mansion. He was forcibly kept in the estate and constantly under pressure to become highly educated and an upstanding member of society. He's never actually been able to make freinds aside from the visitors that come to the estate, but they never stay long or visit again. At one point he had read about the fun act of a 'Woopie Cushion'. He placed it upon his fathers dinner chair and was severely punished for his 'neandorthalic' behaviour. It was clear there was never to be any fun in his life, so Fleur just accepted his boring life until his current age where his parents were arranging marridges for him so he could one day create a family and become the heir to the family fortune.
    •Other| Fleur only speaks French, and limited English. He can read multiple languages, and knows how to cook various French foods.

    •Name/Species| Dracmon, Virus, Undead
    •Personality| Dracmon is a prankster and bestfriend to Fleur. He's the strong support and and encouraging friend everybody wants. Although, sometimes he can take his pranks a little far he means well and is always looking out for his partner Fleur. Dracmon can be intelligent at times, but mostly is a quite dence, rather having fun than wasting time with information.
    •Backstory| Dracmon remembers his time very well in the Village of Begginings, always playing pranks on his fellow digimon and carers. At times, some people tried to destroy him as he was born a Kuramon, a digimon thought to only destroy and consume. But he was different, he only wanted to make freinds and have fun.

    I'll edit the digimon appearances in a sec. Its difficult via Iphone...
    Anyway, I hope this is sataisfactory.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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    Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    @Fleur Del Lequor: Very much so accepted! I do have to say that I'm extremely pleased that you picked one of my favorite Digimons as well~ ^_^

    Altered Tundra said
    If I may add to Gnar, there also seems to be two of the eight digidestined spots to be open. Unless I am incorrect of that. If I am, then I forsake my entire statement.

    I believe there is one last spot open now that I've accepted Fleur!

    After that, we can begin this much awaited RP! :D
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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    Member Seen 2 hrs ago

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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    Revans Exile

    Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

    Ignore this.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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    Member Seen 2 hrs ago

    ^I don't think Gnar is accepting anymore submissions. I could be wrong, though.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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    Revans Exile

    Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

    Gnar posted that he/she is accepting one more, then you posted a gif, then I posted.

    You know what never mind.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lunaire


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Just so people who find this roleplay aren't confused... the current roster:

    Annabeth - LaXnyd still with us? CS says WIP.
    ** last open spot **

    Looking good, everyone.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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    Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    I hope everything is okay since my short absence...

    Anyway, those who are still in this, please post some sort of roll call notice!

    Also, we literally still need one more player before we can get this bandwagon rolling... I'm currently asking a friend to see if he's interested and has time, but if he isn't, and if no one else hasn't placed an app, then I think we'll just go with the team we have here.

    How does that sound to everyone?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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    Member Seen 22 days ago

    sounds good to me. I am still in this. My buddy never posted and not sure if he wants to do it or not. So i guess we can count him out for now.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Oh, I'm still here. Annabeth is finished; I guess I should remove the part that says "WIP"
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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    Member Seen 2 hrs ago

    Yeah, I'm still here. :)
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