Dreamweavers OOC
Arc One: Sleeping Gods

Interest Check
You see a man before you. Tall, muscular, well-dressed in a black suit and matching hat. The only odd thing about him is his tie: dark blue with tiny moons and suns. The man leans down to look you in the eyes, placing his hat on top of your head, revealing a perfectly bald head. The man just stares for a moment, and then a wry smile breaks across his face. Never breaking eye contact, he begins to speak:
"Welcome, dreamweaver. I never thought I'd see the day, but it's true. You, child, are special. You don't experience dreams like other people do. Would you believe that there are people who go nights without dreaming? It's true. Some go their entire life without ever once having a single dream that they can recall. But not you. You dream every time you fall asleep, and you don't forget your dreams like most people do. No, not you, you remember a dream just the same as you remember what you had for breakfast yesterday, probably even clearer. And that's not all. A dreamweaver is the master of their slumbering mind. Most people are stuck following the whims of their subconscious mind in their dreams, but you can control yours. A dreamweaver shapes their dreams into whatever form pleases them. Until the morning sun forces open your eyes, you are a sleeping god. You are a dreamweaver, and this is your story."
The man pushes his hat down over your eyes, and when you pull it off, he is gone.
Taken from the Interest Check:
IVIasterJay said
This RP is based off a story I wrote a long time ago about a boy who escaped his bleak reality by finding asylum inside his dreams. I think the concept would scale well to having multiple characters, especially since the planned sequel to that story would have done just that.
So all of the players would be kids, teens at the oldest, who all go to the same school or to schools in the same close area. The characters would be completely normal kids during the day, going to school, dealing with family, hanging out with friends, all that jazz. The real fun, and the core of the story, is when they fall asleep. You would be playing as a child who experiences lucid dreaming, which means they are aware that they are dreaming. Beyond that, each is capable of controlling their dreams, essentially becoming an omnipotent god until they wake. Yes, you heard it right: Omnipotent. Anything you want, anything at all, you can create inside their dreamspace. Whip yourself up some futuristic starships or throw together your very own non-Euclidean Lovecraftian world; be a wizard like Hairy Pothead or swim in cold fire or blow bubbles into stars; emulate reality or shred the rule book and scatter the pieces.
The very beginning will most likely feature very little character interaction beyond seeing each other in school or if your characters are friends, allowing time to establish who your character is and what it is they do inside their dreams. What really marks the beginning of the story is the first contact: when one player enters into another's dreamspace.
Would they assume it just another part of the dream? Would they recognize a stranger tearing through their world? For that matter, would their dream appearance even match their waking one? Would they tell anyone else in the waking world about their dreams? And what would happen to the mind if two omnipotent gods battled it out inside one's head?
I'd leave everything after opening that Pandora's box up to you. Whether you end up killing each other to protect your clashing realities, or if you end up banding together to become the keepers of a whole knew reality is up to you. Every once in a while there may be an unforeseeable event thrown in to rattle the cages, but not often.
If you'd be interested in an RP were you change from an impotent child to an omnipotent god and back again with a turn of the moon, let me know. I'm very willing to take in any and all feedback and suggestions to make an RP that is fun for everyone.
1) God mode as much as you want. You're omnipotent, so if you want to blast someone's face off with your mind, you damn well can. Being killed in the dream will not wake you up because you can't be killed. Getting your faced reduced to atoms is only a minor inconvenience for you, so stop your crying and pull yourself back together! That said, if two characters are going to really go at it, please run everything by me first. I can't be responsible for everyone who reads the posts overdosing on excessive insanity.
2) No metagaming please and thank you. Omnipotent is not the same as omniscient.
3) This is casual, so you don't need to post novels. I'm happy with a small paragraph, and less is fine if you're [interacting with / talking to / kicking the crap out of] another character. Just don't post one liners, or I'll be forced to kill your character then and there, and possibly their family and any pets they may or may not have as well. That said, if you love posting many long paragraphs full of detail I'm also fine with that.
4) Try to post a minimum of twice a week, every three days would be good. If you can't hit that goal every one in a while, I'm okay with it. Just make sure to let me know if you're going to be absent for any length of time.
5) Time is very important in this RP. I know it's a pain, but please post a timestamp at the beginning and end of every post. This is to keep track of when things are occurring in the waking world. Time is relative in the dream world, so just estimate how long the character has been asleep in the waking world for the timestamps. If you've read this and are fine with it, please add a timestamp of when you post your finished CS (so when it's ready for me to look at) at the very bottom of your character sheet. I cannot consider your CS if you skip this step.
6) You can only have one character. NPCs are fine, make a billion if you need, but the dreamer is your character.
7) I'm looking for around five characters, so if there are more characters posted than open spots, I will choose the ones I like best. Feel free to post unfinished sheets and ask me for input as much as you want, just know that an unfinished sheet can't be accepted until it's complete.
8) Don't be Batman. No one killed your parents. Drama and dark tragedies are fine, but not in the backstory of a kid. Feel free to get however dark or silly as you want IC.
9) Keep the OOC informal. We're all friends here. Don't blame the player for the actions of the character and all that sentimental junk.
10) A RP is only there to be fun. If you ever want to leave this RP for any reason at all, just tell me.
11) Feel free to debate anything about the RP. Rules, characters, IC posts, plotlines, story arcs, or just plain random shit. If it exists, it's up for debate. It isn't too hard to convince me to change something so long as the other people involved in the RP are fine with it as well.
12) I dunno, whatever I add in the future I guess.
Powers that are off-limits (when another dreamer is present):
1) Mind reading - Only to prevent metagaming.
2) Time travel - No, you cannot go back to before they walked into your dream to lock them out.
3) "Poofing" another character out of existence - That's just no fun. Be creative with your omnipotence!
4) Anything else I decide to add - Should I see something used in a way that breaks the RP wide open, it'll probably get thrown on this list.
And the CS:
Name: No aliases please, this isn't a conspiracy murder RP.
Age: Keep it young, below 16 at least, preferably younger.
Gender: This one should be pretty easy.
Appearance: Pic or description, I don't really care what, so long as it gets the point across, I'm fine with it. Whichever you post, make sure to clarify how their appearance differs from waking world to dream world, if at all.
Personality: Try to keep it simple here. The personality should be formed organically in the IC, I just don't want two characters being exactly the same
History: Once again, keep it brief. They are just your average kids, remember. No ridiculous dramatic episodes please.
Dreams: What does your character like to do in their dreams? Do they have continuing dreams, or is it always different? Why are they creating the dreams that they are?
If you have any questions regarding the CS or anything else, just say so. I'll try to clarify anything that doesn't make sense.
Accepted Characters:
IVIasterJay - Aaron WalkerDragonydas - Risa MatsuoCryptiic - Everine SeptemberPrints Avoid - Lucas OchoaAliceZaru - Arianna Johns