Welcome to the world of Shadowrun, where massive Megacorporations control the world and fantasy has come to life in a futuristic age. Metahumans live alongside humans and wars take place in the streets daily between gangs and Corporations. The only thing standing in the way of complete chaos are the experts of the shady undworld known as Shadow Runners. You will take up the role of one of these Shadow Runners and embark on a journey of epic proportions as your contracts and your fellow team members take you different places.
This is a interest check for a Shadowrun Tabletop RP, we will be using 4th Edition rules and books. If you are interested please say so! If you don’t have the books hop on IRC or send me a PM and I can help you get rather easily at no cost to you! This will be a fun game with a pretty deep story, and a few good players have already given me their commitment to it.
We will be using Orokos.com for rolling dice, the campaign name (to put in the campaign slot when rolling) will be Shadowrun Tokyo. Everyone will start off with 400 Buy Points and everyone will have been in Tokyo for a good year or so and be established as a decent shadowrunner. You won’t be anything elite mind you, but you’ll be a good few steps ahead of a ganger.
Special GM Rules. I do a background flaw, there will be SIX of them just like there will only be SIX open slots for this RP, so if you show interest be damn sure you’re gonna stick around.
The Flaws will be as follows. Greed, Skeletons, Blast from The Past, Scoundrel, Narc, and The Used. I won’t give anymore information on them other than their names. To find out who gets what everyone will roll a 1d10 and from highest to lowest everyone will get to pick their flaw, and then I will tell you what it is in private.
(Please do not post your CS until the OOC is up and then post it in the OOC )