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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


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Vec said
Beach guy could be bought by Lucien to work in the household. Meets young daughter. Proceed to fall in love. Daughter gets kidnapped. Beach Guy steps up and offers to help the search.

We have a plot!

Question: Wealthy or Aristocratic?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Feigling said
We have a plot!Question: Wealthy or Aristocratic?

It is stated in Luciens lore that he and his daughter live a very comfortable life in Estermere so i guess wealthy?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

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I'm thinking Aristocratic, but he's shut himself away from all those kinds of people, so...
Well, I'm thinking my character and her uncle live a comfortable life. Which is pretty nice! Though his alcohol-addiction isn't really going to be much fun since it's going to bleed them dry somehow, I just know it.
It'll be interesting seeing where people fall on the spectrum.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Well, thats the point of alcohol addictions... its expensive and bad for families... lol

poor/modest for my character, anyway
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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My characters lifestyle sounds comfortable, as she has her own land with suitable brewing equipment
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

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I just finished Darryn's back-story, and he's a character with a lot of vengeance in his heart
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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Yog Sothoth said
I just finished Darryn's back-story, and he's a character with a lot of vengeance in his heart

Pretty damned depressing
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

MyCatGinger said
Well, I'm thinking my character and her uncle live a comfortable life. Which is pretty nice! Though his alcohol-addiction isn't really going to be much fun since it's going to bleed them dry somehow, I just know it.It'll be interesting seeing where people fall on the spectrum.

Should we make another CS for our 'bonus' characters, do you think? Like should your uncle get his own CS and my daughter?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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I like the idea of Rhone being bought by Lucien and falling for the daughter

The only thing I have to question is would it be strange for an elf with the age equivalent of a teenager and a human who is almost in his 30's to have a relationship?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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I might make very skimpy CS's for the "Side" characters that'll be featured with my character a lot...

and well, technically the elf equivalent of a teenager is at least a few decades older than Rhone... plus, elves are pretty creatures anyway
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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vietmyke said
I might make very skimpy CS's for the "Side" characters that'll be featured with my character a lot...and well, technically the elf equivalent of a teenager is at least a few decades older than Rhone... plus, elves are pretty creatures anyway

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Bloody hell, Bee. I can't even be mad...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

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Metronome said
Well you see the unfortunate thing about Rhone is that he doesn't trust white AKA "pale skinned" people. Because most of his masters had a paler complexion and were assholes. So that's like 90% of the characters in this RP that he automatically doesn't likethe little racist fuck =P

Darryn doesn't really like humans in general since humans of all skin tones invaded their lands hundreds of years ago, and humans also killed his family. So he will treat Rhone with contempt just like any other human.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChibiYuki


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I just found out we have a living spaces quality :O Wonder what everyone's status of life is (Unless you guys already mentioned them already then oh well xD)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

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ChibiYuki said
I just found out we have a living spaces quality :O Wonder what everyone's status of life is (Unless you guys already mentioned them already then oh well xD)

well Darryn has a good amount of money, but he lives a nomadic life and is almost always on the move. So it all depends on if life status is determined by money or how the person lives.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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Name: James Hawthorne

Race: Human

Race Description: Humans are pretty cool. They're generally hardier than elves, not as much as dwarves. They tend to be good with diplomacy, and adapt quickly.

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance: James is a tall man, athletically built man with wiry, corded muscle and an angular, serious looking face and surprisingly fair skin. His head is topped by a mess of black hair reaching down his neck, and his dark eyes are constantly narrowed. His face is locked into a natural scowl, and his chin is lined with a layer of coarse, long stubble, going days between shaves. His body bears a few small scars, telltale of his service in combat, and his posture is naturally tense.

Clothing/Armor: James' armor is a mixture of chainmail and plates, providing solid defense while still looking cool. Over that is a crimson surcoat, with the chest and back depicting a hound, his family crest. He carries a sallet around to wear on his head, though since he wanders more than battles, it's often not worn.

Weapons: James' primary weapon is a well-made longsword, passed down from his own father. Though it's neither enchanted nor gilded, it's well made and sturdy.
Additionally, he carries a warhammer, a lance, and a dagger. All weapons save the lance can be easily carried on his belt.

Skills/Abilities: James is a seasoned veteran of several military campaigns. As such, he's rather skilled at various facets of combat, and boasts a versatile arsenal. He has an at least passing familiarity with most weapons found on the battlefield (average medieval European weapons). The weapon he excels in, however, would be his longsword. If he relies on any singular weapon; it's that. He's an expert fencer, knowing how to use it against unarmored opponents, and anti-armor techniques.
James is also knowledgeable in horse riding, most tournament sports (which themselves are often simply fighting), and can read and write English to some extent. He only understands first aid well enough to stop bleeding and set fractures, as they're common battlefield wounds.

Magic: Men use steel.

Inventory: 14 silver
Trail rations - 12 days worth
a bar of soap
A horse, Calvin, and saddlebags.
Parchment and charcoal

Backstory: James was born to the Hawthornes, a knight family way out on the edge of civilization. This family in particular was known for getting into border disputes with its neighbors, and regularly skirmishing with orcs and goblins and other outsiders. Perhaps, then, it was only natural James grew up the way he did. Knights began training at a young age, but James’ father always demanded more, that James be better. His son, not knowing better, did his best to oblige, perhaps not understanding affection until he met Nora, a girl from a neighboring family. It was with both luck and tricky words he was able to secure their marriage later in life. After his father passed, James became head of the household, and around the same time, his daughter was born.
Two years ago, his wife passed in tragedy. Since then, the knight became more reclusive, leaving the house more rarely, and only accepting vital tasks from his allies. Indeed, James’ only concern for a while was trying to raise his child in privacy. That changed some time ago, when she contracted vampirism after the creatures blighted his lands. After exterminating the creatures, James took it upon himself to find her a cure. He now travels with his daughter across the lands, managing her appetite while searching for a cure to her affliction. Their journey has since taken them to the nation of Rostguard, to a rather unassuming town with a supposedly reputable mage guild.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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Name: Anya Hawthorne

Race: Vampire

Race Description: Vampires have many strengths, but also a myriad of weaknesses. Regarding strengths, vampires are very strong (vampstrong), very fast (vampfast), are able to transform into mist and summon familiars, regenerate quickly, and can turn others into vampires.

As for weaknesses, I’m going with the classic array. They are fried in sunlight, weak to holy items and magics, vulnerable to silver and attacks to the heart, are turned away by garlic, cannot cross running water, and must be invited inside houses to enter.

Age: 8

Gender: Female

Appearance: Anya is your average 8-year-old girl, if that girl was a Vampire. She is small, thin, and very very pale (Probably because of the vampirism). She has red eyes and long black hair, which she does not tie in any way.

Clothing/Armor: Anya tends to wear black clothes, as they go with her skin and hair tone. Their gothic style and coloring lend her a very elegant appearance for a child, though she herself is not incredibly prim. Her current wear is a long, black dress with white frills along the edges and a red bow on the bust. It has grown somewhat worn and torn of late, but it is still functional as a garment. She also possesses a thick, hooded cloak that allows her to go out during the day without being badly injured or killed.

Weapons: Hands, teeth.

Skills/Abilities: Anya has grown rather adept at using her vampire powers, but is a far way away from any ages-old supervamp. Her main abilities lie in playing dressup, asking piercing questions unknowingly, and being totally adorable.

Magic: Nothing other than those mentioned in the racial description.

Inventory: Clothes, cloak, a tiny purse, three copper in allowance.

Backstory: Anya has always been a very sweet and playful child, and loved her parents very much. Two years ago, however, her mama had to go away and her papa got really sad. Soon after, she was turned into a vampire by a group that attacked she and her father and the two began traveling together to get rid of the curse. Though she doesn't particularly enjoy vampirism, she’s very glad that she gets to travel with and be close to her papa all the time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Whilst I'm alright with the other powers, turning into mist is a big no-no for me. I wasn't allowed superior agility because it could be used to powergame - mist is even more OP, since you can't hit mist at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I was thinking that Darryn could join everyone if one of the characters had a ransom for a quest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Feigling While normally I would be inclined to agree, I believe I must emphasize the fact that I am playing as an eight-year-old child who doesn't want to be a vampire and would likely shy away from any form of combat unless absolutely necessary. In addition, given the large amount of vampiric weaknesses I have listed, I find that it is far more than fair. I have no illusions about a vampire's capabilities, and aim to play a classic vampire.

Even with the fog, if someone knew what she was and wanted to kill her, they could likely kill her. She's eight.
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