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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

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KatherinWinter said
Roxy smirked. Even with her powers gone she larked in the shadows. It was habit of hers. She didn't like people much. They annoyed her. However she had promised to try to interact. This seemed like as good of a time to do so as any. "You can call me Roxy."

"Pretty name." Alastair said keeping his eye on her, "So are there dorms that you could show me to or?" He asked curiously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"Well, that's nice. Now if only I can get my powers backs." Lucius mention as lunch was called. "Come on everyone, I want to catch up with one more person for our group." Lucius (hopefully) led the others to the cafeteria where he could find Perry. When he did he called out to her. "Hey Perry~ Want to hang out for lunch?"
Machina stood up with the others to head to lunch. She didn't need to eat as often as others would, if gods needed to eat at all, but she could store the energy she gets from food for later. She was ready to leave when one of the gods, Raze, asked her about the necessity of weapons. A challenge for her; she'd need to develop her own opinions instead of simply repeating what she's been told. She tried to think of this question logically and based her answer around that.

"Weapons are used to augment the combat potential and ability of it's wielders. Mortals created weapons as their bodies lacked the raw strength of the creatures they faced. They had no natural weapons like claws or tusks, and could not overpower their foes through force of their body. So they used weapons to give them an advantage, to the point that the physical ability of the user is irrelevant, as their weapons gave them the power to destroy any of their enemies. As gods, there is no reason why we should have to limit ourselves to merely our own power. Some perhaps would chose to go without as a statement of their own beliefs, however I personally see no logical reason why I should have to limit myself to merely my powers as a deity. If weapons would make me more powerful, than I will use weapons. If weapons do not, than I have no need for them. I cannot say for certain how weapons would be helpful for you. Perhaps you will find them to be helpful, or perhaps you may only find them to be cumbersome. Not everyone shares your strength or weaknesses. Everyone must find what works for them."

Feeling that she explained her part well enough, Machina quietly left the classroom and followed the others to the cafeteria.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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KindledBeast said
"Pretty name." Alastair said keeping his eye on her, "So are there dorms that you could show me to or?" He asked curiously.

Roxy rolled her eyes. She knew that there were gods who thought their charm and powers should entitle them to anything they wanted. They had no respect for those that had less power then then did. She couldn't stand gods like that. If Alastair was one of those he would do better trying it with someone else. "I suppose their is but we haven't been shown anything yet. Just told where to go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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"Hey Perry~ Want to hang out for lunch?" She heard Lucius call out.
Pausing she turns and smiles brightly saying
I suppose I could do worse for company
Perry giggles as her eyes flash with humor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Akiko did just follow Lucius seeing that right now he was the only person who seemed to acknowledge him. He was a bit disappointed that "Life Skills" just took away their powers and weapons and not say, teach them life skills. Honestly, Akiko had no problems losing his Naginata. He didn't even bring it with him. Lucius than met up with Perry, another goddess who showed to be rather more social than Akiko. Mustering his will to not be shy and awkward, Akiko made his presence known. "Hi! Nice to meet you Perry."

Isa wasn't too bothered by the lost of her weapons or powers either. Her knowledge was all she needed to be a good administrator for the dead, with powers there merely to force matters if need be. She shouldn't even need them unless something goes horribly wrong. Raze asked her about the importance of weapons and Isa simply shrugged. "Weapons are just tools for war. Makes things much easier than relying on your bare-hands and grit. As for why a god would need one, it's symbolism. Weapons have, or at least should have, a deeper meaning behind than than simply their purpose on the battlefield. Take a scythe for example. Nowadays people don't think of scythes as a farming tool so much as a weapon used to reap souls. As such, it's a signature weapon for Death Gods and psychpomps, even if Scythes are impractical in actual fights. Of course, if you're not the figurative sort, than I suppose specific weapons wouldn't matter. Because no matter how you pretty it up or what philosophy you put behind them, weapons kill. You don't save lives or create things with a sword. You simply chose who dies, and at best you create corpses from the living with a weapon. At least some weapons can be used for more than just killing, but generally a weapon's job is to kill first. Having meaning behind it just happens to be a happy side-effect."

Isa went to the cafeteria and headed strait to the lunch line. She got herself a simple meal consisting of a loaf of bread and some tea. A lot of the other gods and goddesses were acting like spoiled children, and Isa wanted no part in stroking their egos just because no one was worshiping them. Instead she began to try to figure out how she can earn her weapons and powers back. She'd imagine that the school intends to throw them into dangerous situations, or at least make them do their jobs as gods.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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Delta44 said
Mayuri makes her way to the lunch room, though naturally doesn't eat anything, considering she's such a high power."If I had my strength, I'd summon a portal to Hades and munch on done of the dark magic there, but unfortunately this school likes starving it's children..." She states with obvious irritation. "I hate schools... How on earth did my sister survive such torment? Then again, she went someplace else. Probably some divine shit-place for goody-two-shoes like her..." She continues to murmur to herself a little while longer, keeping to herself most mostly, though she suddenly seems to remember something. "I wonder where that death god guy went... He seemed interesting enough... Least he could do is tell me a little about where he lives and all..." Rising to her feet, she seeks out the all-too-friendly man who arrived the same time as she (Claw)...

He was waiting at the entrance of the cafeteria, he didn't seem to be interested in talking to anyone else from the cafiteria, he seemed to be thinking about something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Claw2k11 said
He was waiting at the entrance of the cafeteria, he didn't seem to be interested in talking to anyone else from the cafiteria, he seemed to be thinking about something.

"Oi! Guy!" Mayuri calls out to him, walking up to him in a strange mixture of stride and skip. Her heart was beating oddly fast...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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Delta44 said
"Oi! Guy!" Mayuri calls out to him, walking up to him in a strange mixture of stride and skip. Her heart was beating oddly fast...

"Hmm, yes?" Daniel asks. "What do you want?" he asks. "My name is Daniel by the way."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

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Claw2k11 said
"Hmm, yes?" Daniel asks. "What do you want?" he asks. "My name is Daniel by the way."

"Yeah, I temporarily forgot," she admits, leaning against the entrance beside him. "So," the way she said it made it sound like she was attempting small talk, "what's up?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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"I'm getting bored while the rest eat, the only things I can eat are souls, which I extract with my weapon, and you?" he asks smiling back at her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

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Claw2k11 said
"I'm getting bored while the rest eat, the only things I can eat are souls, which I extract with my weapon, and you?" he asks smiling back at her.

"I know how you feel. I can only eat chaos energy, and the only place I can get that is Hades, which is basically He'll where I come from." She replies, biting her lower lip from anxiety. "This might sound random, but what's it like where you're from? I mean, I'm from another universe entirely, sooooo you can see where I'm coming from...hopefully."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 2 days ago

Delta44 said
"I know how you feel. I can only eat chaos energy, and the only place I can get that is Hades, which is basically He'll where I come from." She replies, biting her lower lip from anxiety. "This might sound random, but what's it like where you're from? I mean, I'm from another universe entirely, sooooo you can see where I'm coming from...hopefully."

"My world is a lively... pardon me was a lively world untill my parents decided to wipe out every soul in it, but still leaving some so that we can feed on their despair and stuff, pretty grim, if you ask me." he says. "As for your world I have to assume it's a lively, but chaotic dimension, am I right?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

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Claw2k11 said
"My world is a lively... pardon me was a lively world untill my parents decided to wipe out every soul in it, but still leaving some so that we can feed on their despair and stuff, pretty grim, if you ask me." he says. "As for your world I have to assume it's a lively, but chaotic dimension, am I right?"

"I live in the chaotic part of the dimension if that's what you're asking." She replies with a sigh. She felt oddly insecure talking about her world like this, though it was reasonable to considering he basically summarized his in a nutshell. "My dimension is split up into a load of different places: Hades, Heaven, Oblivion, the mortal realm, just to name a few. It's quite varied. It's also quite a popular place because of my mother and her friends..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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Delta44 said
"I live in the chaotic part of the dimension if that's what you're asking." She replies with a sigh. She felt oddly insecure talking about her world like this, though it was reasonable to considering he basically summarized his in a nutshell. "My dimension is split up into a load of different places: Hades, Heaven, Oblivion, the mortal realm, just to name a few. It's quite varied. It's also quite a popular place because of my mother and her friends..."

"Wait, your name was Mayuri Azura, right?" he asks. "My father and mother met a Kreia Azura at a inter-dimensional crossway(The Tavern), her and a big orc, could she be your mother?" he asks her, actualy being showing curiousty about this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

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Claw2k11 said
"Wait, your name was Mayuri Azura, right?" he asks. "My father and mother met a Kreia Azura at a inter-dimensional crossway(The Tavern), her and a big orc, could she be your mother?" he asks her, actualy being showing curiousty about this.

"Yes, that's her. Knowing her she was probably on there for business reasons, though that wouldn't explain why Bronos was there, too... Oh well. I wish I could be surprised you know her, but unfortunately she's gained a bit of...popularity." Mayuri can't help but laugh at the statement. Popular wasn't quite the right term, but then again how do you describe someone who posed for a viral erotic human body photography magazine? Insane might be a better word....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 2 days ago

Delta44 said
"Yes, that's her. Knowing her she was probably on there for business reasons, though that wouldn't explain why Bronos was there, too... Oh well. I wish I could be surprised you know her, but unfortunately she's gained a bit of...popularity." Mayuri can't help but laugh at the statement. Popular wasn't quite the right term, but then again how do you describe someone who posed for a viral erotic human body photography magazine? Insane might be a better word....

"Right, from my mothers accurate description, she is deadly, and could probably defeat my father, but nowhere strong enough to equal her, I also got extra... erm physical details about her from my father, anyway, I would love to meet her, not for the obvious reasons you might think." he says slightly embaressed. "Anyway, I dug into your parents and their friends histories, and damn did they have a lot of adventures behind them, what became of the Watcher of Death?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

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Claw2k11 said
"Right, from my mothers accurate description, she is deadly, and could probably defeat my father, but nowhere strong enough to equal her, I also got extra... erm physical details about her from my father, anyway, I would love to meet her, not for the obvious reasons you might think." he says slightly embaressed. "Anyway, I dug into your parents and their friends histories, and damn did they have a lot of adventures behind them, what became of the Watcher of Death?"

"You mean my dad?" Asks Mayuri. She seems to zone out momentarily, staring at the floor as a lone tear rolls down her cheek. "Well...I don't know... He... He didn't come back after he and my mother had a big fight..." She explains without going into too much detail. Truth be told she didn't know much herself. Still, she loved her father, and one of the main reasons she wanted to become as strong as she could was so she could find him sometime.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 2 days ago

Delta44 said
"You mean my dad?" Asks Mayuri. She seems to zone out momentarily, staring at the floor as a lone tear rolls down her cheek. "Well...I don't know... He... He didn't come back after he and my mother had a big fight..." She explains without going into too much detail. Truth be told she didn't know much herself. Still, she loved her father, and one of the main reasons she wanted to become as strong as she could was so she could find him sometime.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know." he says feeling actualy sorry. "I didn't mean to bring up bad memories." he says. "Anyway, he's the the second one who can contend for my mother's deathly throne in the multiverse." he says trying to cheer her up
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

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was standing on the roof eating a slab of pork that he was cutting up with his sword, after he was done eating he started to swing his sword around practicing with his blade and using his fire abilities
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Claw2k11 said
"Oh, sorry, I didn't know." he says feeling actualy sorry. "I didn't mean to bring up bad memories." he says. "Anyway, he's the the second one who can contend for my mother's deathly throne in the multiverse." he says trying to cheer her up

"Yeah. He was a strong man. I remember how he taught me planet-wide demolition... Good times..." She gives a petty excuse of a laugh as she wipes the tear away, giving him a grin. "I'm all good. Sorry 'bout that. Just brought up memories is all." She explains with a newfound smile. "Soooooooooooo you've got any other relatives? Like, siblings? I've got a sister, who's an Archangel in Heaven, but that's about it."
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