Akiko did just follow Lucius seeing that right now he was the only person who seemed to acknowledge him. He was a bit disappointed that "Life Skills" just took away their powers and weapons and not say, teach them life skills. Honestly, Akiko had no problems losing his Naginata. He didn't even bring it with him. Lucius than met up with Perry, another goddess who showed to be rather more social than Akiko. Mustering his will to not be shy and awkward, Akiko made his presence known. "Hi! Nice to meet you Perry."
Isa wasn't too bothered by the lost of her weapons or powers either. Her knowledge was all she needed to be a good administrator for the dead, with powers there merely to force matters if need be. She shouldn't even need them unless something goes horribly wrong. Raze asked her about the importance of weapons and Isa simply shrugged. "Weapons are just tools for war. Makes things much easier than relying on your bare-hands and grit. As for why a god would need one, it's symbolism. Weapons have, or at least should have, a deeper meaning behind than than simply their purpose on the battlefield. Take a scythe for example. Nowadays people don't think of scythes as a farming tool so much as a weapon used to reap souls. As such, it's a signature weapon for Death Gods and psychpomps, even if Scythes are impractical in actual fights. Of course, if you're not the figurative sort, than I suppose specific weapons wouldn't matter. Because no matter how you pretty it up or what philosophy you put behind them, weapons kill. You don't save lives or create things with a sword. You simply chose who dies, and at best you create corpses from the living with a weapon. At least some weapons can be used for more than just killing, but generally a weapon's job is to kill first. Having meaning behind it just happens to be a happy side-effect."
Isa went to the cafeteria and headed strait to the lunch line. She got herself a simple meal consisting of a loaf of bread and some tea. A lot of the other gods and goddesses were acting like spoiled children, and Isa wanted no part in stroking their egos just because no one was worshiping them. Instead she began to try to figure out how she can earn her weapons and powers back. She'd imagine that the school intends to throw them into dangerous situations, or at least make them do their jobs as gods.