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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

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VerifyinTr1gIDs said
We can always make the houses fight for points...

We could. I just think some sort of problem would spice everything up.

Apollo said
Would I be able to reserve a spot? It's been a while since I RP'ed and I don't think I have RP'ed on this revamped version of the site. I get busy with school, but this RP idea seems really really fun and I would love to participate :)

Yes you could. I don't officially reserve until you post a reserved spot for your character. Just post "reserved" to take a spot, and then edit your character sheet in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollo
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


David Saint-Vincent









Magical Heritage:

Pure Blood



David was born and raised in Brittany, France, in the small port village of Auray in the quarter of St-Goustan. It is said that his family, the Saint-Vincents, were among the original founders of Auray and perhaps Brittany itself, and that they escorted Benjamin Franklin to his visit with Louis XVI when he landed at Port St-Goustan by accident, though the history books might officially tell another story. His upbringing in Auray was peaceful and picturesque, though this image was sometimes infringed upon by David's many experiments. Once, when he was only 5, he managed to get ahold of his parents potion ingredients and infused a raven with the gift of song, or rather, the gift of singing one particular song, The Striking Adventures of Lanny Flynn the Little Witch," which coincidentally was the title of his favorite book. The song itself is said to be one of the most annoying ballads in all of musical genealogy and some forlorn wizards have actually tried erasing it from existence through various unsuccessful magical endeavors. The singing Raven plagued the town for months until David's father was finally able to capture the wayward fowl and charm it into silence. Little David was aghast at the idea of getting rid of the bird and thus Singer became his permanent friend. Every now and then, the Raven starts to sing and must be silenced by placing ones hand on its beak.

The various experiments and eccentric plots continued throughout his childhood. His mother, a Ravenclaw, understood the eccentricities of her son. His father, a Gryffindor himself, didn't always understand his son, but loved him nonetheless. When David received his letter to Hogwarts and was sorted into Ravenclaw and not Gryffindor, his parents were neither surprised nor disappointed. His father would have liked for his son to be in Gryffindor like him, but he had fallen in love with a Ravenclaw and so Ravenclaw couldn't be a bad thing.

Throughout his first years at Hogwarts, David shunned potions, a sad affair since his professor recognized Davids aptitude for the craft, and instead focused on different types of magics. He liked runes, and learning magics that revealed truths and secrets. His ongoing project is to develop Fillius Flying Flees, he's still working on the name, which would be small magical constructs that could spread out in all directions, gather various tidbits of information such as what people were doing and, perhaps more importantly, what was going to be had for dinner. He feels that he is close to a break through, the latest Fillius Flying Flee construct lasted all of two whole seconds and let him know that it was cold outside. David mused that, while being told that it is cold outside when you are outside in said cold might not be very helpful, it was a very good indicator of his progress.

Because of his Ravenclaw nature of being eccentric and "odd," he can sometimes tend to persist as a recluse. Not anti-social per say, but preferring the comfort of his books and experiments to the constant upkeep required when indulging in such trifles as social conversation. He is mostly kind, though defensive when it comes to personal questions and can be very secretive. He has no qualms about refusing to speak to someone and often ignores people he doesn't like.


12 1/4 in, Cherry, Phoenix Feather Core, Slightly Yielding

Personal items and pets:

  • Wand

  • Raven

  • Broom

  • Charmed Magnifying Glass

  • Truth Decoder, Small - used for tiny messages - reveals what the writer truly meant

  • Brass Telescope

  • Striking Adventures of Lanny Flynn limited edition complete collection in one volume as well as the limited release Vinyl

Special Gifts and Abilities:

[indent] Possesses an affinity for truth and can usually tell when something is a lie. Has a knack for diesinking the key to unlocking secrets. Keen eye for detail. Good with potions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Roy Archer

Age: 15

Year: 5

Gender: Male

House: Ravenclaw

Magical Heritage: Half-blood



Roy was born to a witch mother and Muggle father. He was the fourth of five boys. While he felt his older brothers' accomplishments overshadowed him, they felt he was very spoiled and an attention hog. Both were somewhat true. It was around the time that he was seven that he managed to find something to make him stand out on his own. His talent for arts showed itself in his classes at his Muggle school. His father was so excited to have one of his sons be talented in something he could understand (as much as he did love the idea of Quidditch), he encouraged Roy to become the best artist he could be. His mother spurred him on by charming some of his better artwork into moving and talking, just like their photographs and paintings. Eventually, it came time to go to Hogwarts, and Roy couldn't be more excited to make his parents as proud as his brothers.

At his sorting, he was instantly put into Ravenclaw due to his active mind and vivid imagination. His classes were simple enough. Everything seemed relatively straightforward, though potions was some trouble. However, he excelled in Transfiguration. He made plenty of friends, though plenty of students were put off by his perceived arrogance. In third year he tried out for the Quidditch team, hoping to join his brother but failed spectacularly. He doesn't like to talk about it ("Football's more fun anyway"). He's put his energy elsewhere, his art and duelling. Though he is not exactly a top-tier duellist, his duels are entertaining if nothing else.

Roy's mind is always working. He likes to think in different ways, approaching ideas from several angles. He tends to comprehend and visualize more abstract concepts better than many people. Because of this he is a skilled artist as well as talented at Transfiguration. This also means that his mind tends to wander. Left alone with his own thoughts, he could ignore the rest of the world for hours. He generally has people around to bring him back down. When he's interacting with people, he's generally friendly. However he's used to drawing attention and can be pretty arrogant and boastful. Growing up with four brothers ensures he's made of some tougher stuff. He's never aggressive, but he knows how to take an insult and physically hold his own. That's good, because his tendency to flirt with whatever pretty girl he sees has put him in a few predicaments with angry boyfriends.

Wand: Hornbeam and Unicorn Hair, 12 1/4 inches

Personal items and pets: A small moleskin pouch. He and his brother share an owl. A black-banded owl named Fletch

Special Gifts and Abilities: He's got a good brain in his head and he knows how to use it. Transfiguration comes naturally to him, and with some extra study he's honed it with finesse and precision. He's a talented artist, in most mediums though he prefers drawing and painting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'm thinking about taking 12 PEOPLE and a maximum of 24 characters between the 12. That means you can make two characters if you wish, but you must keep up with them.

Right now, as it stands, there are 4 people in the RP that have reserved spots (8 spots left).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jester
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AnnaBeth, do you mind if I throw up my sheet from the other thread in here? If not, I can do something else, just a little disappointed that the other roleplay didn't work out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Just thought I should say I'm going to be a bit busy the next few days, so it might be a while before I can get my sheet up. My interest remains though so if I go quiet please don't think I lost interest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

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Jester said
AnnaBeth, do you mind if I throw up my sheet from the other thread in here? If not, I can do something else, just a little disappointed that the other roleplay didn't work out.

That will be fine, love.

Prints Avoid said
Just thought I should say I'm going to be a bit busy the next few days, so it might be a while before I can get my sheet up. My interest remains though so if I go quiet please don't think I lost interest.

I understand. Just keep in touch, when you can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollo
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I have a villain idea, or more of an enemy group idea. What if there is a specific group that is trying to get rid of all magic or something like that? Perhaps it formed after the destruction Voldemort caused and his gang caused. It could be a sophisticated group of Muggles using advanced Quantum technology that can neutralize magic and they are trying to find a way to make it work on a grander scale?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Apollo said
I have a villain idea, or more of an enemy group idea. What if there is a specific group that is trying to get rid of all magic or something like that? Perhaps it formed after the destruction Voldemort caused and his gang caused. It could be a sophisticated group of Muggles using advanced Quantum technology that can neutralize magic and they are trying to find a way to make it work on a grander scale?

I like this idea, but I don't want to get too into a concept that might be like a super hero vs villain storyline. After Voldemort, I think a lot of people within the Harry Potter fandom want to just relax and not have a villain LIKE Voldemort. Now...that being said, I like the idea of the Muggle world attempting to find and "take care of" the magic world because of the destruction and devastation of the Death Eaters. We could work on that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollo
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

AnnaBeth said
I like this idea, but I don't want to get too into a concept that might be like a super hero vs villain storyline. After Voldemort, I think a lot of people within the Harry Potter fandom want to just relax and not have a villain LIKE Voldemort. Now...that being said, I like the idea of the Muggle world attempting to find and "take care of" the magic world because of the destruction and devastation of the Death Eaters. We could work on that.

Yeah, I feel the same way. I feel like it being a group rather than an individual kind of mitigates it. Also, this group might not be that big, more like just an antagonist rather than a villain? I'm working on my character currently. Did you use Pottermore to come up with your House and Wand?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Apollo said
Yeah, I feel the same way. I feel like it being a group rather than an individual kind of mitigates it. Also, this group might not be that big, more like just an antagonist rather than a villain? I'm working on my character currently. Did you use Pottermore to come up with your House and Wand?

On my girl, yes. On my boy, I sort of made it up based off of the general outline of wands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

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Apollo said
I have a villain idea, or more of an enemy group idea. What if there is a specific group that is trying to get rid of all magic or something like that? Perhaps it formed after the destruction Voldemort caused and his gang caused. It could be a sophisticated group of Muggles using advanced Quantum technology that can neutralize magic and they are trying to find a way to make it work on a grander scale?

I also really like this idea, at least as some sort of subplot. Referencing the aftermath of the destruction is really cool!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'm about to leave for my trip. I will have my phone on me. So, feel free to keep posting and asking questions, and I'll get with you guys when I can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Prints Avoid said
Just thought I should say I'm going to be a bit busy the next few days, so it might be a while before I can get my sheet up. My interest remains though so if I go quiet please don't think I lost interest.

Yeah, forget I said that. Recycled and posted my character up above.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'd like a spot. I'll get a character sheet up on this post later for approval.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VerifyinTr1gIDs


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I personally don't like the villain idea. I just want a chill RP with Hogwarts students. It's hard enough just getting to class on time.

So, no offense to any of you, but if the villain idea gets accepted, either I'll quit or play as some background character with no connection to the "good vs evil" redundancy. If a more mild villain idea happens, I might be more prone to stay, and if there's no villain, I will definitely stay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I mean it's looking like it is pretty mild. Whatever this anti-magic thing is, Hogwarts is likely one of the last places it would affect. I mean yeah its definitely a target, but it'd be a while before anyone trying to do it harm could even find it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

VerifyinTr1gIDs said
I personally don't like the villain idea. I just want a chill RP with Hogwarts students. It's hard enough just getting to class on time. So, no offense to any of you, but if the villain idea gets accepted, either I'll quit or play as some background character with no connection to the "good vs evil" redundancy. If a more mild villain idea happens, I might be more prone to stay, and if there's no villain, I will definitely stay.

That's the big reason I'm saying that I want to do something that is more general. With magic there will always be two sides, whether we like it or not. Without some conflict, the RP gets boring and will eventually die, because of the same thing over and over...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VerifyinTr1gIDs


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

But conflict doesn't have to be some X-Men scenario where there's people with powers who hate people without powers, people without powers who hate people with powers, and the X-Men/Hogwarts stuck in the middle ... right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Eh. Not quite. It's more like, "These people killed x-number of civilians just because they were in the way of whatever was going on. Realistically, justice should be served."

I don't want xmen style. I want accountability. I don't feel like the muggle world would just shrug their shoulders and say "oh well" to everything.
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