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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

post when deadpixel says so
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The sun was high, the clouds were scarce, and a calm breeze rolled across the land.

Trees and bushes rustled, grass and flowers sway.

It was the day before classes began for the knights academy, and those who knew no better. Were quite calm and content with life.

The school grounds had opened, small stalls were temporarily open in the school courtyard, holding food and drink for those who were willing to pay the small sums asked.

The said school grounds were vast. A large courtyard with stone walkways, dirt fields, and grassy spots, all symmetrical and tidy. An arena stood to the far right side of the area, it had walls of it's own, and had many seats, for people to come and watch spars and other events. The building itself was impressive to say the least. It had high walls of strong stone that seemed they could never fall, it had towers and parapets and walkways, making intricate ways for guards and watchmen to keep a well paced lookout. The entire ground had a moat, filled with crystal blue water and varying kinds of fish. The place was old, yet the place was also sturdy. If someone did not know better, it could be taken for a fortress, or perhaps from far away the home of a lord.

Teachers were told to go and meet their students, students were invited to meet their teachers.

The usual pleasant exchange was held every year without fail. The headmistress seemed to enjoy it and most people did't usually question her opinions

The grounds had been open for mere minutes now. Most teachers were already present and it was time for the students to make their way here. It was likely that most of them had already set up their room within the housing area, but this was also a time for first years to find a home in the large building.

A new year beginning. Many things will be learned, many friends will be made, and though it was not yet known. Many lives were likely to be lost.

It was the first day, of the knights academy
A girl walked the school grounds, while she had a very young look to her she had a proper and mature air around her, and while she seemed a bit to young to be a student, she was here anyways. She was the headmistress, some older students had came about to call her "Old lady Ell" though most refereed to her as "Third" . She smiled as she stood nearby the gates, waiting to see new faces, and hoping to see old, her long scarf blew in the breeze, and she didn't seem to mind the heat. She looked like the kind of person one could easily trust, and more so, one could easily learn from. She was an old teacher, waiting in front of her school, for her pupils to file in and find some enjoyment.
She felt nothing was wrong with the world, or at least she didn't let on that she did. And it seemed she would rather be nowhere else but right there, right then.

In contrast, a tall man with broad shoulders stood not far off behind her, he had his arms crossed, and his face covered, he looked to old to be a student, and to standoffish to be a teacher, but he was here anyways. This was the teacher Azelf. he had an air about him that said "don't talk to me" and he seemed to be waiting for something to do, and he also seemed to be watching, though, not watching fro people to come, watching for a person to do something. He had his eyes on the headmistress, if one did not know better, one would mistake him for perhaps her father. if anyone got close to the girl, they would feel his gaze boring into his skull, and if they threatened her, they would likely feel something else of his boring into their skull. He was an old teacher, standing in front of his school, waiting for his pupils to file in and mess up. He felt annoyed and likely bored with the world, something he definitely showed. And it seemed he would rather be anywhere else but right there, right then.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Jargon landed with a crash in front on the gates to the school, landing nearly on his knees. His wings folded neatly against his back and he let out a hard breath, smoke coming out from his nostrils. He wore his full armor, his dragon shaped helmet on his head. His bag was hanging on the front of his body, to prevent it from getting in the way. He now adjusted his backpack to his back, and removed his helmet. His breath was slightly fast yet steady. He flew a long distance to get here. He walked up to the gate, his large sword hanging from his hip. He removed his helmet, holding it underneath his arm. He looked at Third and said," my apologies, Third." His voice was rough and deep sounding, as you might imagine a dragon's voice might sound. Even over the breif period, he seemed to have gotten stronger, with more muscle. He nodded to Azlef, his scales creating a slight bang sound. His scales were as hard if not harder then the metal for his armor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Leon adjusted his glasses as he looked over the milling crowd with indifference. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. He remembered his first day was nothing special. everyone was so happy. excited or determined that his lack of enthusiasm instantly put him in a party of one. But it turned out that it was better that way. at least half the students were bumbling idiots rushing to get their heads cut off, in his opinion. The other half, the half with half decent talent, were just annoying. one day he would remember why he was in this den of fools....one day
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isaac thrust his hands into his pockets as he walked down the road that led to the school, he had seen Jargon crash land ahead of him, and he was fine with that, the Academy had been his home away from home for about four years now, and he knew that it would still be there in approximately half an hour when he arrived. As he walked, his pace quick but not hurried, he could feel the wind race through his long blond hair and against his shirt, the warm, summery forest air warming up his otherwise bare arms. He smiled to himself as he thought of the classes, of the bruises, and of the friends, all of which he had experienced at the Academy in the past three years and wondered, as he did every year, how the adventure that was the Knight Academy would change this year from the ones preceding it, he hoped to see old friends, although he knew that some would be gone, having graduated the previous year.

Isaac neared the Academy gates and smiled to himself, feeling a rush of childhood abandon he broke into a run, feeling the cool breeze rush against his face, the ground beneath his feet began to move faster as he approached the towering gates, the ones that had always intimidated him before now, they seemed almost like old friends now, among the few who had seen him first enter through their holy archway. He entered the colossal guardians to the academy he felt a surge of energy, of calm, and of control enter him, he was FINALLY a fourth year, the king of the school, sure maybe fourth years had a reputation as being affected by senior syndrome, but not him, he would make sure to be one of the memorable good one, because that's what this year was all about, legacy.

It was at that moment that Isaac remembered that he had entered the Academy through the back gate, on the opposite side of where all the festivities would be taking place at around now. Isaac made his way around to the front of the Academy and, upon seeing the headmistress, looked around for Azelf, winked at him, and walked up to the headmistress and said "Hey Old Lady Ell!" Isaac called to the head of the school, using a name that was more popular among the previously graduated class than anybody else. Upon making his way to in front of the young-looking Headmistress, Isaac was so full of Joy that he gave the woman a large hug and picked her up, an uncommon occurrence for a myriad of reasons. After putting her down Isaac bowed low and said "I apologize Headmistress, I meant no disrespect" His voice was gentle and filled with respect.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ellise saw a familiar figure descend quite quickly from the sky, it landed with quite an audible noise and surprised quite a few of the newcomers, but the headmistress didn't move an inch, and her smile grew a tad wider, an old face, Jargon.

The boy came walking to her and she simply waited for him to reach her, she seemed content with her spot.

"I don't mind at Jargon, it's good to see you again"

she said reassuringly when he tried to apologize for seemingly nothing in her eyes, she gave a little nod as she said this, and made sure each word held the meaning that it was meant to carry. She was genuinely glad to see one of her students coming back.

After this small exchange, one that actually caught her off-guard presented itself, an even more familiar voice came from some way off behind the girl, she turned to see another returning student, this time, a fourth year, in no time he was upon her, and before she could even say a proper hello she was grabbed and lifted from the ground.

"It's...nice to see you too Isaac" she said without any tone of annoyance, and more so some surprise.

"And I know you meant nothing by it..." she looked towards Azelf, who had made his way to right behind the fourth year.

"And I hope he does too..." She said trying to ward off any threat coming from the teacher.

The headmistress looked to Jargon then to Isaac, "Jargon, Isaac, have you two met?" she said moving out from between the two, she seemed to be trying to be looking over towards the gates, she was trying to make sure people got acquainted, and that newcomers felt welcome, she didn't want to be taken away from anyone who had questions or simply wished to say hello. She stayed with the two, as she didn't want to push them away, but she definitely but a tiny bit of distance between her and the small group.

Once she found her new spot she turned to Azelf, shooing him a way with a quick gesture, he made a sort of low growling noise and gave Isaac a look, after what could have been seconds or minutes, he walked back to his original position, as if he had never moved.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isaac eyed Azelf as the large man was shooed away by the Headmistress, and then, turning back to the conversation at hand Isaac looked at the strange boy, almost evaluating him. Isaac noticed the large muscles and the black, almost chitin-like, but more scale-like, things that took up his entire forearms, and what seemed most peculiar, is that the boy had horns, Isaac smiled as he suddenly recognized the boy vaguely from the year before, they had seen each other but to Isaac's knowledge they had never actually met.

"you look vaguely familiar, perhaps I've run into you in the hallways, Jargon was it?" Isaac said, keeping up the semi-formal tone, all the while keeping one eye trained on Azelf, Isaac had a feeling that he wasn't out of the danger zone just yet. but before a lapse could be noticed in his speech pattern he added "I'm Isaac Racham, good to meetchya"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Vladimir was walking down one of the many halls of the Academy making his way to the front courtyard as to greet the many new students and reunite with those who have chosen to return. He had spent most of the morning in his office and training ring making sure everything was in order, but now he needed to make an appearance to the crowds. He really didn't want to have to come and do this but it was only customary and made the new students more comfortable.

As he emerged from the keep into the courtyard he coyld see that many people were already there and socializing. He made his way through the yard and found a good patch of grass to stand in, and pulled out his sword placing it on the ground and resting his hands on the hilt. 'Lord may this year pass like the others, relatively easy.' He said his quick prayer then looked around and waited.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Guy thrust his spear into the air and spun it smashing his invisible foe and ending with another stab. He stopped, he didn't realize but he was sweating, "must have been the sun" he smiled as he gazed on at the court yard he had planted himself at the far end of. He sighted and he put down his spear and clenched his fist putting them into a tight boxer stance and constantly shifting his weight and springing around like a frog, giving a good hook or straight punch here or there, maybe a round house or front kick in there. Guy smiled "ten minutes here and I'm already practicing, I can't wait for this" he thought to him self as he upper cut a tree and fell back looking at his hand "As long as I can Keep myself from getting distracted"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jargon chuckled," hard to forget a person like me, am I right?" He tail remained close around his feet, in an effort not to trip anyone. He then continued," you would be right, it is Jargon." Switching his helmet to his other arm he held out his right hand for a handshake. If Isaac took his hand, it would be a solid mass, the scales pressing into his palms and claws near enough to cut the Isaac's skin. Also, Jargon would have said nice to meet you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Leon wasnt happy when he was asked to help first years not only find their living quarters but help them move their crap in as well. he wasn't in a position to straight up refuse so he suffered in silence. thankfully the person he was helping wasnt a chatter box, a bit ungrateful but not too chatty. in fact aside from asking for assistance he never said a word. but neither did Leon. He didnt offer any advice, or academy secrets. didnt ask where the student was from, or if he was a sword, shield, magic type. barely a word spoken and it actually unsettled Leon. its always the quiet ones you have to watch out for. so as soon as he was done Leon got as far away from him as possible. crossing the entire academy even though he didnt know why
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KradKazumi
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KradKazumi Ancient

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Beaux had been running for a while, his scarf flying behind him. The cold air passes through him, which would have been colder for him if he hasn't worn his scarf. For some reason, he feels the coldness of things more than other people. The academy was in sight soon enough. People looked at him and some yelped in surprise due to his speed. Being too fast, he had a hard time stopping his feet as he neared the gates "Whew..." he felt a bit tired, what with the distance of his home and the academy. However, he's more relieved now that he was here, he thought he had lost his way moments ago. Making his scarf loose, he walked towards the huge gates "Oh... This is one marvelous gate..." he was quite amazed at it. "I can't wait to start!" Quickly, he went past the gate and looked around. The most eye-catching thing for him was that, the races varied in this place. Elves, dwarfs, many races gathered, making it seem like every kind was in one place. Then suddenly, a crashing sound was heard behind him, which surprised Beaux.

Before the gates was a dragon, though it was quite different. It looked like a human with features of a dragon "Oh...! It's a dragoid!" he exclaimed. Dragoids were said to be very rare. Seeing one here must have been quite amazing for him. He watched the dragoid walk towards a female student. Then he talked, apologizing to the student "Third?" Was it a nickname or something? Suddenly, someone hugged and carried the girl while calling her 'Old Lady Ell', which was odd. Old lady? "I don't understand." he just sighed and left them behind. Going to the courtyard, he went around and bought plenty of food "These are amazing!" he said before eating at a bench. Truth is, he hadn't eaten anything yet, he was too excited to care. After finishing his meal, he continued to look around.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kumori Master
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Kumori Master The Fool

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

To be a knight huh? So, this is what I've always wanted. Right here in front of me. Rhea thought to herself while marching towards the towering academy, training ground of knights. She could hardly contain her excitement. She stopped at the gate and simply stood. Looking up at the grand academy, she smiled. She was about to enter the place, where she could in fact, be proven a knight.

Rhea finally couldn't contain herself any longer, she bolted for the front gate. In her impatience to enter the academy, she rushed straight through the gate. However, moments after entering, she tripped and bashed straight into someone. "Ow! Curse my own confounded clumsiness." She said, cursing her habit of being incredibly clumsy all of the time. Something she wished to work on while she was there. She quickly got up off of the student and bowed. "M-my sincerest apologies dear sir!" She said, looking up at the young scarf clad man (Beaux). "My name's Rhea Silversturn! A-and what might yours be?" She asked in a quick attempt to sway the conversation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KradKazumi
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KradKazumi Ancient

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Standing near the entrance, Beaux had been watching the school building for a while now, wondering what it would be like to become a knight. It has been a dream of his to be useful to someone, more so to protect people and those dear to him. "Tomorrow! I will do my best!" he promised himself. Just as he was about to leave, a great force of impact hit him, "Ow! W-What?" he managed to stay up and not fall to the ground. Looking for his bumper, he found a girl sitting on the ground. "Are yo-" then she quickly stood up and apologized "N-No need! I'm fine! It's my fault for blocking the path!" he assured her, but she looked too nervous or something. Introducing herself as Rhea Silversturn, she asked his name right away "O-Oh. Nice to meet you... My name's Beaux Stratonfol." he answered. "More importantly. Are you alright?" then he got an idea "Oh. I know. Just to make it up to you, I'll go treat you to one of those stalls over there!" he pointed at the courtyard. "Let's go!" he said with a grin and prompted her to come. Beaux felt quite happy, he already found someone that could be his friend.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alexjits


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ar'kar walks towards the school slowly looking around at all the kids already in the yard with a small smile on his face "Hm...Good to see a few kids already" Ar'Kar walked into the school as he looks around seeing he is actually the only orc "Well...This will be awkward for a teacher since I am the only Orc seen, I guess thats why I am to teach Strength class" Ar'kar walked through the yard prepared to talk to anyone
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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James carefully placed the spike, twisting it into place. It pierced the bone, holding it in place, as he put down his tongues. Delicately, he picked up a needle and thread, as he brought it down on the wound, stitching it closed. In and out, in and out, a simple rythm. James was already preparing. Soon, there would be new students. And many, he knew from experienced, would attempt to prove themselves by joining his class. He had been running short, so it was a good thing. He'd had an Eruka, one of the assistants at the school clear out the Meat Lockers. He'd have fresh samples soon enough.
Placing down the needle, James replaced the bandage around his arm. He'd prepared numerous potions, poisons, traps and training areas over the last couple of weeks, and he intended to use them all. His class was quite Darwinian, although James would not have known who Darwin was. The strong were forged stronger, gaining the hardiness and edge that only a narrow brush with death can bring. The weak became food. Although this tactic had not made James a popular man, that had never been his aim. He forged the toughest warriors he could, and anyone who couldn't make it through his class was better off as food anyway.
Putting on his customary cloak, James stood up from his stool. The ceremony would be going on above, he knew, and he had to show his face at least once. Thus was custom. He was pretty sure if he didn't, one of his students would have the nerve to try and kill him. That wouldn't be good. That could cause disciplinary issues. And James would have to quell those. Which would be great for his rations, but would wreack havoc on his chances of staying at this school.
Opening the trapdoor, James walked into the sunlight. He had no need to shield his eyes, as his pupils were dead. He'd gotten used to the burning pain of direct sunlight. It no longer bothered him. He walked into the crowd, rumors spreading. That was one advantage of being feared. People tended to leave you alone.
James stood in the corner. He had no need to eat. All that as required here was his presence. A certain number of young fools would hear the rumors, and wish to join his class. Some of them would die. And then he'd have supper. It was quite a simple system, thought James, as his mind began to wander.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


A new place, a new start. And it's alive with the beating of young hearts.

Several thoughts flowed into each other as gentle as a bubbling brook through the mind of a certain elven woman. They would have been rushing, but she was much more in control of her mental abilities and thought processes, however even as in-control as she was, they still left her the tiniest bit lightheaded as new experiences always do. She ran a pale hand through her chocolate waves and let it fall down to, somewhat nervously, tug at the skirt of the flowing lavender gown she wore. Her first year teaching, Freija looked around to try and paint small mental pictures of all the students she would have on board this year (anyone seen to be the mind-over-matter type, or just anyone openly practising their magic) or all the teachers she might have to spend time with. The thought that a decent number of her students would be older than her made her smirk a little to herself, or that hardly anyone would take her for a teacher. Though she wasn't the best, her gifted abilities with magic coupled with intensive study of the art brought her where she was today. Standing in the courtyard of a massive academy on orientation day. She could only hope her parents would see her, and be proud of the hard work they definitely put into raising her. Being a teacher at 20 was a feat.

There was an introduction period earlier that morning where she'd gotten to meet most the teachers, even if just briefly, so that didn't bother her. "Why not make myself more sociable?" she smiled to herself. She was the very image of gliding effortlessly to the front gates from where she previously stood, in the shade of the huge building. She meant to congratulate the headmistress once again on such a beautiful, thriving little community, and get a look for the new faces coming in. "My lady, it's beautiful. And may the fates bring more years of prosperity to a place like this, and the heart that runs it." she smiled warmly, even at the man in red who loomed close by, and was much bigger than the slight frames of both her and the headmistress. After brief interaction with him as well, she chose to take her leave. As a heightened magic user, his aura was consuming to her, to say the least.
Making a brief stop at a stall to buy herself some fruit that was quickly finished, she caught herself staring at a couple, a boy with an exceptionally long scarf and a girl, making their way to the stalls as well, and an emotion welled up inside her. Was it longing? Being homeschooled, she never did experience school like these children did. She'd only hope to give them the best, most focused teaching experience she could. Though she couldn't do that in a state of even the slightest envy, so she made her way on. She'd noticed lots of things on her way which she chose to involve herself with minimally. Nodding her head politely as she passed two boys who, from her point of view, seemed to be meeting for the first time, as she'd guessed by introductions and names given. She picked up "Jargon" but that was about it, and she labelled the boy with the scales as one. She was intrigued ever so slightly. She'd only studied about those types of people, never met one in person, but she kept her distance for now. Passing some teachers, she waved coyly to an Orc man, and to a man uttering a prayer, Though what caught her eye most was a man leaning against a far wall. It wasn't what he had that caught her attention from so far away, but his lack thereof. She sensed strong energy from him, but a weightless, non-existant sense of being. He was auraless for sure. She was definitely intrigued as she made her way to where he was, navigating as easily as if she was wearing her glasses, though neatly stashed away in a satchel under the layers of the trail of her dress.
She neared him with a sense of caution, and uttered a soft word before she ran a quick scan of this man. Nothing. That's what she saw in him magically. Not that he wasn't a good user, but there was literally nothing there. She meant to ask him how, or why, he could mask an aura like that. It would be a powerful tactic on the battlefield, and it would sate her ever-growing curiosity. But she stuck to a few short sentences for now, hoping to get his attention: She even had to puff her chest out to hope he'd even see her, as short as she was.
"Hello there. I believe you're a teacher at this school, yes?" He seemed too old to be a student, but she found herself regretting the assumption almost immediately. "I just wanted to say hi. It's my first year teaching here. Freija Kiraiian, generalist in magic mastery. And your name, sir? And, if you don't mind me being so blunt, I was curious about how you had no sense of existence. How...or what, are you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Essence


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Reina came to the courtyard from the opposite direction as everyone else, walking daintily around the side of the castle and approaching from behind the line of teachers. She tapped Ar'kar on the shoulder and slipped in the opposite direction just to see him glance around, then winked as he realized what had happened. As she made her way to the crowd of third-years -- small as it was -- she strained to pick Issac out of the even-smaller crowd of fourth-years. He was talking to a fairly monstrous fellow, and Rain decided it was best to leave them be. She did listen in enough to catch the spiky man's name -- Jargon -- and idly wondered if he could finally be the one to properly challenge her at arm-wrestling.

As she took her place, she sneered at the third-years to either side of her. A peon to her left and a weakling to her right. Who honestly thought illusions were the path to success on the battlefield? Whatever. Her armor and weapons were stored properly, she had already set up her hammock amongst the trees, and the day was almost as glorious as her hair. This was going to be a good year.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alexjits


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ar'Kar turned around as the tap on his shoulder he grunted holding up his war-cleaver thinking it was an enemy, He was so used to the battlefield he would hit a child if he had to though seeing it was only Reina. After a while he sighed turning back around to wave towards Freija with a small smile. He decided in case of new students to approach them and talk to them, As he went to walk he saw two students run into eachother, He couldn't help but laugh but stopped as he walked over. "Is everything okay here?" Ar'Kar peered at Rhea and Beaux stroking his beard
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