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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago


<kzzz.... kzz...... System failure detected, rebooting harddrive........>
<system rebooted, calculating stasis time>
<Error, stasis has exceeded normal bounds, scanning Autobot's live systems>
<scan completed, Autobots live systems normal, activating emergency Awakening protocol>

"ugh.. what happened" Optimus asked as he looked around.
He was the first to wake up and looked around to see his fellow bots all unconscious and scattered on the ground.
He focused on the computer in front of him.
"Teletran-1, give me an update on what happened"

<checking data>
<upon entering the space bridge both Decepticon and Autobot ships soon entered an unknown planets atmosphere, Shortly after both ships entered an large magnetic storm, disabling ships syestems, forcing the ship to crash land, data end there, new data started 5 cycles ago, crew has been found in stasis, all live systems normal>

"how long have we been in stasis" Optimus asked while a few of his Autobots started to wake up.

<Unable to answer, systems have been down for more then internal clock can calculate>

"that long, and the decepticons?"

<No decepticon life signals detected on the Ark, no decepticon life signals detected in scanning range>

"well thats a good thing, no deceptipunks around, so where are we?" Jazz asked when he heard that.
"That is unknown Jazz, but dont let your guard down, just because the Decepticons cant be found in or around the Ark will not mean they are not on this planet"
"you sure Optimus?" Asked an other Autobot, Cliffjumper
"I am positive CliffJumper, If the Decepticons entered the same storm we have entered, then they too could have crashed on this planet and have been in stasis for millions of years"
"then lets look for them and BLAST them before they wake up" Warpath mentioned, he only just woke up and heard just that sentence, but he liked the sound of it.
"I fear we cannot do that, for one we do not know where they are, but we also do not know where we are our self, I think it would be better if we first take a look around, see what we can learn of this planet, perhaps we can find some things that could work in our advantage if the Decepticons were to find us first"
"If we dont look for them first then off course they find us first" Ironhide commented.
"Patience Ironhide, Optimus has yet to steer us wrong, he did get us off Cybertron and made it possible for us to live till now, besides we dont even know why Teletran-1 woke up now, but that was what woke us up, and seeing they dont have a AI" Ratchet mentioned.
"Although your right on that, we should not underestimate Megatron, I fear he might have already awoken due to his ties with Dark energon"
Bumblebee entered the conversation, making bleeping sounds.
"what is means Bumblebee, the war is not over"

From here on the autobots started on repairing stuff that seemed important while Optimus asked Espionage, Tech, Acree and Ratchet if they could help him use Teletran-1 to learn about this planet.
After a while some important stuff became clear enough to report.

"My fellow Autobots, this planet we have crashed on seems to possess intelligent live called humans, It would be best if we changed out vehicle modes to their vehicles in order to disguise our self from them, and possibly any decepticons that have awoken in our scouting time"
"Will do boss" Jazz said as he went in first.
Drake Pure

"Damn, the trail is getting cold, why the heck would they build such fast ships if they dont even want to leave Terratron in the first place, DAMMIT"
"Ah crap, add that to this mess, nearly out of energon"
A metallic finger tapped the energon fuel meter.
"Well lets hope that is my lucky break, if I am out, they should be as well"

After a while the engines fully gave in and pushed the ship into a fast drift though space.
Right before however Drake noticed how their trail suddenly stopped at the exact same spot his engines gave, it was the proof he needed that that ship was out of fuel as well so they both would be going towards the same location, though he had no idea where...
This entire sector of space had never been visited by them before, it made him wonder why she went all the way here in the first place...

After about a day however he noticed something ahead, a blue planet and he was headed straight for it.
"Seras, Fume Here is come" he said with a smirk sound in his voice, however once he got close he feared he might have spoken too soon.
The planets atmosphere and gravity level started to pull the ship from its already quite fast drift down to the ground.
He tried to start up the engines just a little but with no luck, tried to at least get the ship in a horizontal crash but without energon it was unable to position the thing, even the escape pod was failing to work.

This is the end, my end, I'll never get to see her again, damn....
"I LOVE YOU SERAS" he yelled as the ground closed in on him while he closed his eyes.
yet what happened was not what he expected, the ship did not seem to crash on the ground, there was a shock to the ship as if it hit something and after that it felt as if the ship suddenly slowed down its decent, all he could hear was the hull cracking under some weight or pressure.
As he opened his Optics he noticed a blue darkness and fish?
strangest still, these fish seemed to lack any robotic features?
Still he had to get out of his ship, he had no idea how long it would withstand the water or the pressure or if anything was damaged the moment it hit the water in the first place, besides he had no idea how deep this water was, if it went to deep he would have problems himself.
slamming his clawed fist to the window he hoped it would break, but the pressure was strong enough to keep it together.
"guess I got no choice"
From under the dragons head on his chest he pulled out a sniper and put its barrel to the glass, with one shot the window shattered, knocking the sniper from his hands.
Still he had to ignore it and move quickly as he tried his best to swim, eventually deciding he made a better chance to get out on a different way.
Just as he thought the words, normally he would say it but he was unable this time, he started to transform, the head on his chest moved up and the neck started to extend, from his rear a tail extended, his hands pulled back in his arms and the claws extended to shape real claws he can use to grab with, his legs armor flipped at a few bits and his feet pulled into his lower legs as his dragon feet extended his calfs, but the reason why he changed came last, with some difficulty due to the water's weightlessness the sheets he hold his sword in shifted and folded out into 2 large wings.
These wings would technically be able to push the water under him, propelling him upwards while he used his tail to switch his balance between a horizontal and a vertical position so he wont push himself down when he moved his wings back.

it took him quite some time but he managed to get to least to the surface of the water.
however he was not fast enough, the moment his ship hit the bottom of the lake something went wrong and the ship exploded, forcing the water upwards and propelling him out of the water only to slam down on the ground hard while debris rained down on top of him.
"agh,damn, great they better be here, cause I am stuck now"
He tried to get up but failed.
"damn system lock, computer status"
<system lock>
"knew that much, can I transform?"
"great, fine, since I cant move or transform, redirect all systems aside live support to ability program, force it to work in beast mode until I can transform again"
<warning, doing this will prevent you from moving, fighting and transforming>
"I already cant do any of those, so do it"
<warning, doing this will>
<warning, d>
<all systems have been redirected to ability program, Auto-healing is now active in beast mode, do you wish to select a waypoint for returning systems to normal?>
"ugh... dumb piece of.... set waypoint to transformation systems"
<waypoint selected, all systems shall be returned to normal once transformation system have been restored>
"Finally, well since I am stuck here, might as well take a nap, its been....."
With that he fall asleep for the first time since he left terratron...

<Warning, unknown object has crashed 2000 clicks south in area G1>
(and so it begins)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

The Decepticons has awoken three days ago. After verbally & physically assaulting the computer for not giving the information Megatron demanded he ordered the computer to activate every one except Starscream, he didn't have the time to listen to the traitorous wretch bitch and moan about whatever little problem the simpleton had. He also had the computer focus on activating those capable of repair the ship first. Followed by the Seekers who weren't Starscream. Then everyone else.

As everyone was working to repair the ship Megatron had the Seekers scout the planet. The Seekers reported that they encountered & destroyed hostile forces. Megatron ordered them to adopt alternate modes identical to the hostile forces so they could scout without interference. He also ordered Soundwave to send out all of his Minicons and for them to adapt any form necessary to avoid interferrence.

On the same day that the Autobots woke up Megatron was reviewing all the intelligence collected by the Seekers & Soundwave's Minicons. "Organic lifeforms are the native inhabitants of this planet, whose technology level grossly inferior to Cybertron in it's earliest days, easily conquered. We will have this planet clensed of all life in no time. As soon as this ship is completely repaired I want plans made to cyberform this planet into a new Cybertron."

As he was planning his future as emperor of a new Cybertron the comptuer reported a crash. Megatron hailed the Seekers. "Get your skidplates to grid Omicron Sector Alpha Seven. Secure the location at all costs. If they are Autobots destroy them even if they appear dead, leave nothing big enough to be seen. I will join you shortly." Megatron transformed into his spaceship form and flew towards the location.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stella
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"Sir, I'm reading life signs in this stasis pod. They're weak, but stable."

"Thank Primus, one made it out intact. Quickly, open up the pod, we might not have much time."

The soft, muffled voices continued to speak frantically back and forth as each of Optica's systems came back online, and her awareness of her surroundings slowly increased. Her first realization was that she was confined within a darkened, suffocatingly-tight space with no memory of how she ended up there. In fact, she found that she could not recollect anything at all, except for one word that softly echoed in her mind... "Optica."

A word? No, there was no meaning attached to the word. A name? Perhaps, there was some distinctive importance to it. Was it her name?

Concluding that "Optica" was indeed her name, Optica refocused her mind on her present situation. Was she a captive, trapped within a tiny cell of some sort? Did those voices outside belong to her captors? With feelings of uneasiness threatening to overtake her thoughts, Optica's survival instincts immediately took over. Reflexively, her hands reached to her sides to retrieve a pair of plasma pistols as her "captors" began prying open the cover that confined her to this tiny space. As soon her optics sensed light, Optica sprang into action to defend herself.

"Woah, what the - "

"Who are you and where the hell am I?! You have five seconds to give me a fully satisfactory answer, or I will pull these triggers!" Optica angrily demanded as the barrels of her pistols pointed unwavering at the two unknown robots standing before her.

"Easy, easy there! Friendlies! Put those weapons down." One of the robots exclaimed in shock, with one hand raised in surrender, while the other simply stood rigidly still in fear.

"Three seconds. Speak quickly." Optica calmly spoke, although her patience was wearing thin. Not that she had much of it to begin with.

"Ratchet, Chief Medical Officer. You're on board the Ark. You sustained heavy injuries on Cybertron and were placed in emergency stasis to save your life. Now please, put those weapons down before someone ends up as a slag heap."

"Medical officer? What's a medic doing with a gun?" Optica retorted as she eyed the robot's right hand tentatively hovering above the weapon at his hip. Although she showed no hint of hesitation at Ratchet's hurried explanation and her weapons remained raised, Optica struggled to sift through the haze in her mind that clouded her memories.

"A necessary evil in times of war... and a precaution." Ratchet replied, slowly moving his right hand away from his weapon while keeping his other hand raised.

"Sir! What are you doing? What if she's a Decepticon?" The other robot next to Ratchet exclaimed, caught off-guard by his superior's actions.

"Calm down, can't you see the insignia on her shoulder? She's an Autobot, one of us. Her systems didn't take too kindly to extended stasis, it seems."

Her optics quickly darted to her right shoulder, and sure enough as Ratchet explained, there was a distinctive red insigna printed on her upper arm. The same symbol was imprinted on the other two robots' chassis.

"Autobots? Decepticons? Cybertron...? Damn it all... looks like I'm out of the loop on a few things." Optica replied with a sigh of relief as she finally put down her plasma pistols. The absence of her memories remained unsettling, but with the earlier confusion solved, she was finally able to somewhat relax. The other robot took this opportunity to scamper away into a nearby corridor, leaving behind his superior.

Ratchet chuckled at Optica's understatement of the century. "Kid, you picked one hell of a day to wake up from stasis."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

((First post! Primarily just to administer presence so I can hold onto me cards))

The line of two Humvees went down a dirt road, each carrying three men with the one trailing behind having a rifleman on a 50. cal HMG. Their leader, Konrad was in the front car sitting in his designated seat, the passenger seat while they scanned ahead in the wooded area they were driving through. It wasn't the desert he was used to, but it was something that kept him on edge despite the laid back mood the others were in.

"Exactly why are we the ones having to pull out of our blockade to check this out?" The driver of Konrad's vehicle complained, his eyes glancing over at the sergeant a couple times to show the expression of boredom and irritation he was feeling. All he got in return was a shrug and a statement.

"Like I said..." the sergeant began, his eyes still glued to the terrain ahead, "While we were doing a run there was some sort of disruption in our zone. I dunno, Colbert said it was a boom or something. We just gotta go scan the area then get home. Should be a simple run." That was his highest hopes, but being all the way out here the smallest conflict will have no aid. The Russians would have to invade in order to get some sort of help. Eventually the line came to a halt and the sergeant reached over to the back seats to grab the clip board that had a map and a couple red circles, peering down at the map before he nodded to the right, off the road. "Head off road until we can't go any further. After that we hike it." and like that, the vehicles took their turn and started into the vegetation. "As soon as we reach the spot I'll go ahead and call it in, then we get to work to find out what ever went down."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Banshee pressed the button for the intercom. "This is your captain, we are approaching a desolate mudball. All sensors indicate nothing but pathetic organics as the dominate lifeforms. We will be forced to land here. Normandy is running low on fuel, so are we." As they got closer alarms started across the ship. "We have robotic lifeforms on this planet that match energy signatures of Cybertronians." Normandy began an extremely fast spiral descent.

Normandy landed near a volcano. "Wraith & Crucio begin converting the magma into Energon cubes. Faster we are off this mudball the better." Banshee began patrolling the skies looking for anything that might be Cybertronian.

Normandy spent most of the time in a dormant state to conserve energy and because he gave up on life. When something was worth living for he would eventually awaken, until then he was nothing more than a ship being crewed by three Minicons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

While the other Autobots woke up unbeknownst to them the one bot that was unlike any of them laid motionless covered in some derbies of a few broken nick knacks and wires. He had been sitting there motionless with nothing but his own mind to keep him company for however long they had been on that mudball of a planet.

As bots began to awake none seemed to notice him though they were probably just trying to figure out what had happened all those years ago. Finally he was noticed by the Autobot Ratchet who at first thought there was something strange about the pile of rubble with legs. As he began excavating the bot from out of the rubble he noticed no insignia to show wether he's an Autobot or Decepticon. Ratchet didn't seem all to certain if he should make an attempt to revive the fallen bot but considering he had no insignia it was possible he was an innocent cybertronian whom had nothing to do with the war so he figured he'd might as well try some basic procedures.

After about two minutes the Bot came back online able to once more see, move, hear and feel. Sklog as the bot called himself rubbed his head which had been patched up with some amount of care "Where is Sklog?" Sklog asked to which Ratchet asked who Sklog was "I Sklog" was the response of Sklog. Ratchet explained that the ship had crashed but didn't give much other info as for all he knew Sklog was a Decepticon. That was good enough for Sklog as the memories of the crash and parts of Guasus-5 came flooding back to him although there were a few gaps. Ratchet left Sklog on the ground as he went over with the others once more to simply figure out what had happened while Sklog sat and tried to remember the holes in his past.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago


Things looked grim
A lot of the Ark's machines have been badly damaged, many of our fellow autobots share the same problem.
it was luck that not one seemed to be as bad as the Ark's machines and not one was spark threatening

"Ratchet, how are things with our comrades?"
"mostly its all good, nothing serious and our main members seem to be fine, I've managed to pull Optica out of stasis but I fear she lost all her memory"
"at least she is alive"
"yes, and about being alive, I've found something, an unknown Cybertronium without an Autobot or decepticon insignia, he seems to be called Sklog and is not to bright"
"If he lacks an insignia then he might be from a colony or a cybertronium from before the war"
"but how did he get on the ark?"

<Warning, unknown object has crashed 2000 clicks south in area G1>

"that ratchet will have to wait, for now keep him in a save room, we shall ask him about where he came later"
"yes Optimus"

With that Ratchet left Optimus and asked Ironhide and Wheeljack if they could help him carry Sklog into the same room where Optica was resting, those 3 would stay with the both of them and together sort things out about Sklog while trying to help Optica.

"Cliffjumper, Bumblebee and Tech, I want you 3 to go towards this Object and see what it is, Firestorm I need you to keep an eye out on them from the air in case the decepticons are awoke as well"
Optimus then looked at Espionage "Espionage, can you help Ratchet with finding intel on Sklog, see on what side he belongs, do not harm him as we do not know if he is decepticon or autobot"

The Optimus looked around to the rest of the bots "for the rest of you, try and salvage as much of the ark as possible, if nothing can be found then scout the area, remain in vehicle mode we are not alone on this planet so we best not pull attention to ourselfs, I will remain here and try to learn more about the planet using Teletran-1, if anyone needs me call me though its audio-transmitter"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Megatron was on his way to the crash site at grid Omicron Sector Alpha Seven. When he noticed something odd, everything on this mudball was odd in his opinion but it was odd for this planet. "Soundwave send anyone available to grid Omicron Sector Alpha Seven, I have to investigate something. Also wake up that idiot Starscream, but before you do put an explosive device inside his chest next to that traiorous spark. Then inform him that Thundercracker is now the Air Commander. If he gives you any problem with the demotion then do whatever you want to him." Megatron proceeded to slowly approach the odd thing he wanted to investigate.

Banshee noticed Megatron coming, she warned Crucio & Wraith. Crucio & Wraith proceeded to load up as much of the Energon as possible but leaving enough time to start up the defense systems. Banshee sent out a hail on all known Cybertronian frequencies. "This is Captain Bashee of the Cybertronian ship Normandy. Any aggression will be seen as an act of war. The M.A.D. Alliance will retaliate in full force." Banshee wasn't lying about the M.A.D. Alliance, the truth was the alliance didn't give a damn about the trio, they were outspoken detractors of Modus Prime the leader of the Minicons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

As Sklog laid there trying to recall what had happened in the gaps of his memories but he was interrupted from these thoughts when two cybertronians, Ironhide and Wheeljack, came over and told him they were going to take him somewhere that wasn't the floor. As they went to attempt to pick Sklog up he got up himself albeit shakily which required him to lean on the other bots for support. They eventually lead him into a room where they sat him down on a table to rest for a bit before they would start questioning him. Sklog continued to sit there until the bots came forward and finally began asking him question on where he came from. Sklog was a bit hesitant at first about telling them about his colony and such but decided that he might as well tell them incase they knew something about the gaps in his history. He told them all about Guasus-5 and how he was a gladiator that never used his alt mode for a reason that Sklog couldn't recall and told them about his days floating in space and finally coming in contact with the ship they currently inhabited. Most of the information Sklog had given the bots likely went right over their head as Sklog's speech skills weren't the best but they got the basics of what he said so thus they left to tell Optimus what they had found out and left Sklog to his thoughts once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stella
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Having just woken up minutes earlier, Optica sat upright on the side of an examination table as a number of Autobot medical staff shuffled about around her. The last of the needed repairs to Optica's injuries were just completed. Optica carefully and slowly flexed each of her limbs, feeling good as new. The most peculiar of her limbs was her tail appendage which she hadn't noticed since she first emerged from her stasis pod. The metallic-looking tail felt sturdy and powerful, yet light and flexible, as she tested its full range of movements with a series of quick sweeps. The tail's independent targeting systems granted Optica vision of her surroundings in addition to her main optics as she swiped around with her tail blade, something she knew would take some getting used to.

"Well, looks like you're up and about." Ratchet's voice called to her as he entered the medical bay. Taken off-guard, Optica looked up, quickly returning her tail to its resting position behind her as soon as she realized she was too immersed with examining the features of her tail appendage.

"So, what's the situation up there? Sitting around here and listening to the giant bot's stories was boring me out of my processors." Optica asked the medical chief as she casually jabbed a thumb towards the large Autobot sitting peacefully nearby. His name was Sklog, as she remembered him calling himself. The Autobot didn't strike her as particularly bright, and she had wondered if his dim personality was due to past injuries or if that was his simply his normal self. Still, the bot seemed physically impressive and able to handle himself in heavy combat situations.

"Optimus is still working with Teletran-1 to get an idea of our current situation. We've just detected an unknown object crash-landing nearby. Optimus also believes the Decepticons may have crash-landed on this planet with us, and if they've woken up before we have, we may have a serious situation on our hands if we don't act quickly."

Immediately, Optica stood up straight, her tail blade lightly waving behind her with anticipation.

"Why wasn't I contacted about this? I'm on my way now." Optica snapped impatiently, immediately breaking into a brisk march towards the exit, although her path was promptly blocked by Ratchet as he moved himself in front.

"Woah. Where do you think you're going, kid? With your memory loss, you're in no shape to be going anywhere, besides, Bumblebee and the others can take care of themselves just fine out there."

"Look, you know as well as I do that my memories aren't coming back. You and your medical team haven't been able to retrieve a single scrap of information out of my memory banks since I woke up here. We don't know what's going on out there, and for all we know, the Decepticons could be mounting an assault on this location as we speak. I might not have my memories but I still have my skills. I can take care of myself, so move yourself out of my way or I will get past you regardless." Optica's thin supply of patience was long gone, having been stuck in the ship's medical bay from the moment she woke up from stasis lock.

Ratchet sighed, knowing that it would be hopeless to reason with Optica's stubborness. It was a miracle that he and the other medics were able to successfully revive Optica from her stasis lock and help her recover from her injuries, but this Autobot seemed too eager to risk away all her good luck.

"There's no use convincing you otherwise is there? Alright kid, if you move quickly, you may be able to catch up with Bumblebee and the others. They're heading to a location about 2000 clicks south of here. Though before you head off, it may be a good idea for you to update your vehicle mode to avoid any unnecessary attention from the planet's indigenous species." With that said, Ratchet shook his head in resignation again and moved away to tend to the other Autobots requiring his attention.

"Thanks, and don't you worry about me. I'll be back." Optica said in farewell, not bothering to turn to look behind her as she took off out of the medical bay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Megatron transformed into robot mode and hovered just a few feet from Banshee. Megatron laughed at Banshee's declaration. "Let your little Alliance retaliate in full force all they want, I crushed the Autobots, sent those left alive scattering to the four corners of the universe. When I rip the Matrix of Leadership from Optimus Prime's cold dead chasis, there will be absolutely nothing anyone could do to stop my conquest. You do have bearings of chrome steal for a Minicon. You have two options at the moment. I can blow your diode out of the sky or you can join me, you clearly are in need of Energon, my ship landed where acquiring Energon is easy but slow, but it looks like you know how to convert natural planetary sources into Energon already. Local indigenous meatbags refer to the location as Mount St. Helens. So what will it be?" Megatron charged up his Fusion Cannon and pointed it at Banshee.

Crucio fired a warning shot that just barely missed Megatron's head. "I'm not alone, threaten me again and they will destroy you. If we join you there must be one promise made, we must be granted the right to exact vengeance upon Starscream. He must be made to feel what he and the rest of the Seekers did to my kind. He may not survive." Megatron smiled. "Make him suffer a thousand fold for all I care, he no longer has any value than as cannon fodder."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Espionage had other plans than what Optimus asked. "Optimus, I think we'll need to understand our area better. I'm going to go and see about looking into what we're dealing with here." He slinks off to the ship's exit area, and leaves through a smaller hatch. He crawls around the canyon, and almost immiediately comes face to face with a tourist that wandered off.
John Willard was a good natured man. He didn't expect to meet a giant robot sliding around the canyon floor when he went on his honeymoon. But the robot looks at him, tilts his head, and says simply "Identify yourself, intelligent being." John almost snickered. Intelligent being. "Look, if this is some kind of joke, it's not very funny." Espionage rolls his eyes and leans closer to John, and then puts a finger in front of his lips. He then shushes John before he can say anything, then metal starts to fold and unfold as he slowly morphs to look just like john in size and all. John, just seeing a robot change to look just like him, feints and falls over. Espionage walks off, still making sure not to meet anyone yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

((Was rushed without much revision. Sorry!))

Eventually the vehicles came to a halt when they came across a knocked over tree that blocked the majority of their path, the engines that were roaring returning to a purr and an occasional growl. The sergeant who was surveying the area seemed to be a bit disappointed but he knew it was bound to happen, and within minutes he finally collected himself then got out of the vehicle, muttering the order to disembark over his radio. As soon as the order went across the frequency, every man under his wing climbed out of their seats and began sorting their gear, the squad leader himself stepping over the log and moving forward so to get a better survey of the area, the silence and the sound of nature returning after the Humvees were shut off.

"Right, simple routine." Konrad said after his brief survey before turning to his men and waving them over, beginning the long hike towards the crash site that was reported to be in their area. "Lets get a move on guys! We can probably get there before lunch time and get home before dusk!" That was enough to add haste to the younger soldier's speed, and with that they were off to investigate the scene that was about a mile away.

The hike was rather peaceful, serene and... Bored for the small group of infantrymen. Over time the team became more relaxed and less aware of their surroundings as the column moved on, a rookie's mistake, but the sergeant seemed to be the only one not in that bandwagon, and it would benefit him greatly before they reached the clearing. There was a *clank* that was made from a boot making contact with a piece of metal debris, and immediately the squad leader looked down at what he had kicked, kneeling down moments later to inspect the piece of metal he had just discovered. It wasn't a hands on thing, but it was enough to be on edge; mother nature didn't make metal in a wooded area, after all. Upon realizing what he had found, the soldier straightened up and looked over his shoulder at the men who lagged behind.

"Hey! Don't bunch up spread out!" Konrad shouted, the order interrupting the relaxed state of the men and immediately making the situation more tense and on edge. The line quickly transitioned into a scatter of men who were still organized into a wedge formation but with their leader in front of the team instead of behind. Konrad was that type of reckless man. The movement slowed down, but the group continued their advance with their fingers on the trigger guards for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Megatron's smile to Banshee looked like the smile a Cybercat has as it sizes up a Glitch Mouse, Zap-mouse, or a Frizz-rat. It was unnerving, to say the least. If Normandy was concious they could take on Megatron and survive but with Normandy shutting himself off from everything and being used as nothing more than a ship the reaction times were horrible. "Once I return to my ship we will follow you to your base." Megatron shook his finger. "Not so fast, first we have a crash site to investigate. Plus you don't get to visit the base until you prove your allegiance."

Banshee returns to the Normandy, she was prepared for the backlash for accepting Megatron's deal. Crucio was so angry that he refused to talk. Wraith was hard to pinpoint as to what he was feeling. Normandy took off and followed Megatron to the crash site.

The Seekers were circling over head. Unsure what to make of the thing. Demolisher was also there.

Megatron transformed to robot mode and landed by the strange object. "Looks like it came from a former colony of Cybertron's. Also appears to be dead. Megatron had the thing hooked up to Demolisher. "Seekers follow Demolisher and make sure that thing gets back to base and into Soundwave's lab."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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