Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago

We had no choice, Cybertron had fallen due to Megatron corrupting the core with Dark Energon. So after a heavy struggle and with the help of Metroplex and Grimlock we were able to leave Cybertron in the Ark. However during our flight Megatron decided to pay us a last visit, something we both ended regretting. I dont remember what happened in the end, both ships went though the portal and crashed on a unidentified planet. This is where we stayed in a deep stasis lock for I don't know how long before waking up. There was no sight of Megatron's army or ship but I fear they are on this planet as well. All I know is..

The war is not over.

Welcome to our Transformers RP. This RP will be a new universe made so that even those with no knowledge or little knowledge of the Transformer world can join, if anyone has questions they can ask one of the 3 GM's:

  • Drake Baku (myself) is founding GM.

  • Navy_Vet and Revans Exile

The story

The story will be simple at first: we all start as Autobots, waking from the stasis and soon after Teletran-1 (the ship's AI) will warn the bots of a ship that just crashed (where I will make my character's entrance). We will likely begin a little slow so we can build up characters and get to know each other and get into the main events.

Once we got enough members to get a decent amount of Autobots we can start working for those interested in playing as a Decepticon as well.
just as with ,many Transformer series we will be at war between the 2 sides over the Energon (basically the fuel for Transformers) of the planet Earth.

But there will be some twists and added plots, such as the introduction of Terratron (will come back to this later on)
The story for those that know of it will hold a few small connections with existing bits, but nothing too extreme, it will play after the games: War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron for some background story, but its not needed to have played them, it will only help but there are ways to get around not knowing anything at all in this RP (will come back to this further on)
Also for some ancient past I will use some history of the Prime series, but only that of Primus (becoming Cybertron's core) and the original Primes defeating Unicron.
Also not needed to know of these as even in the Prime show It seemed like not all Autobots knew of this past/ legend.


You can play as an existing bot, trough please try and stay as much in character of that one as possible if you do.
BUT you can also make your own.
if you have limited or no knowledge of the games you can just say you were in statis during or have been a simple soldier meaning you fought but were not in any way important for the plot, so you wont have to know anything about it (actually you dont have to say anything about this as you can just never talk about it)
If you have limited or no knowledge of the Series all together, you can say you are from a outer colony or were in stasis/ never was started before and play as a blank slate as far as the background and other go, meaning that your char can ask questions you have IRL as your char might not even know of it as well (otherwise said, your char and you have the same knwledge level about it all, giving a logical reason and easy way to play if you dont know something)
You are allowed to play multiple characters as long as you can handle it, though I would advice to keep it low at the beginning, like 1 or 2 if your interested in making a char for the other fractions as well as they become available.

  • Autobots shall be the only thing playable at first.

  • Decepticons will be unlocked as we gain more people to support both sides.

  • Dinobots do exist already -- but there can only be so many. The amount of dinobots grows with the autobots numbers, so contact a GM first.

  • Insecticons will have similar rules like the Dinobots -- please ask before making one.

The Universe

In this Universe I will include a self made Transformer planet called Terratron. This planet is founded after Cybertron resulting that No Autobot or Decepticon know of its existence. The inhabitance are the Venoloid (who will be on the Decepticon's side) and the Dracotron's (who will be on the Autobot side). I hate to say it but due to having to build up the Autobots first and for story plot reasons using either will be locked. However there are 2 points where a option to play as a Terratronium can be added.

One is a single pre-made character of Dracotron (this is optional as I can also play as her, but if someone would find it interesting... see can be given to that player but sadly it will be after a few smaller events that this can be done). The second is when the entire Terratronium line gets opened to be used in public, this is a plot I have planned so this will take some time, sorry.

The Plot

[indent]For the Plot: there will be some smaller plots but as the name shows, the Autobots aim will be to find a way to save cybertron and the Decepticons to simply rule over all they can find and destroy the Autobots (what is kinda ironic since if they had let the Autobots leave Cybertron and not followed them, they would have had Cybertron all for them self for Megatron to rule and make what it was supposed to be (in his vision), but nooo, he had his pride forced him to follow the Autobots, prevent them from leaving just so he can try and kill Optimus, resulting that no one had Cybertron and both crash on Earth to follow up with the war... which is something I can see in this RP happening all over again, following the Autobots wherever they go...)

From these aim's a lot of plot settings can happen, meaning then even if we finish one plot story there are more on the horizon to follow.
People that want to suggest plots are free to do so (though PM), I will try and include all of them (though it kinda depends on the plot itself as I fear not all of them can be used, but I will try)
Finally here, the CS:

Missing anything, say something so i can improve the CS.

newer Intel:
I wont make a fuss about the Vehicles, some people might say autobots are generally this and decepticons that, but I say your free to use any vehicle you want, I guess it will even the odds a little on both sides once we get that far.
I will give a little data on each side for reference material that can be used if you want to use it though, but no one is bound by it.

Sorry I know its a lot, but i cant add a hider in a hider...

Important to know
-if you want to play with a dino bot or insecticon, there need to be enough members of the fitted side to open 1 slot, meaning only once we have enough autobots can I open 1 slot for dinobots, I currently think 1 for every 5, BUT this can be changed depending on.
-Dino bots are not all that smart but strong, insecticons have the same issue but both are less, meaning they are a little smarter then dinobots but also miss some of the fitted strength, also DInobots are rare and insecticons are vast numbers BUT only a few are actually sentient, for this both have the slot requirement
-wanting to play with an either first you need to ask premission in order to prevent multiple people from sending in a CS while there is just 1 slot, first comes first serves unless there comes a reason to decline.
-Autobots and decepticons can also have tripple changers but these are said to be elite members and pretty rare, for this reason you have to ask first if you can have a tripple changer (only the terratroniums are free tripple changers but will be unlocked later)
-tripple changers can be of all cybertronium types, even dinobots or insecticons, the second shape for those 2 can be both a vehicle or an other animal of the same grouping (a bug or dino for the insecticon and dinobot receptively), autobots and decepticons can have any vehicle or other type, I can see an animal change though the fingers if first asked and granting it a good back ground for it to have an animal one, but in general they shoud be able to change into a other vehicle, with the other type I mean stuff like guns, machines and so
--when taking an other, though its not like you have to but I do ask if the other class can be reflected or is reflected from the type and also limit its elite class depending on its uses.
--all elite class would have an ability

if I missed anything or you want to add something, feel free to say so I am always open for suggestions and tips ^^

Autobots Roll In![/indent]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago



Player who want to play with an NPC character can say so, if I feel that a sub class gets to big some NPC's might end up dead for balance reasons (though the groups can only grow due to players to story adding NPC
All those marked with an (*) are posted for a second time or more as they are members of 2 groups at the same time based on the mission, they can be found higher up the list for their first time, each * marks the number they have been added.
All Tape-NPC's can only transform into a tape to be stored inside Soundwave and are living decpeticons as any other but are part of Soundwaves ability.
Other/ special section
-2 human soldier side characters

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago

-Name: Drake Pure
-Fraction: Dracotron
-Age: N/A
-Type/ Position: Warrior-Leader candidate
-Alternate mode: A Golder Dragon: Lightning breath, flight
-Alternate mode2: A Golden Speed type car, possess some spikes (that are the dragons claws and horns) that deal a little skin type damage when ramming)
-Appearance: As with both alternate shapes he is golden mostly, his dragon head is on his chest and the tail is fully retracted, his hands come out from the arms and the claws end like a small katar blades above his hands, the dragons neck has fully retracted into his chest (from which the heads folds on his chest) to reveal his head, the dragons wings have folded up and transformed into 2 sword sheaths that crosses each other on his back, his emblem is on his shoulders and knee's, as that his dragons head is made to resemble the emblem.
-Personality: He is normally calm and always tries to think ahead, he has good sense of responsibility and is quick to gain bonds with others, causing him to often act out of others best interest and takes risks himself, if something would go wrong under his nose what would case others to get wounded he would blame himself, it wont be weird for him to go out alone so others will be safe.
Currently he is also on a mission, one that is personal and would risk to consume his mind at times, but he is able to set it aside at times if he knows he wont get anywhere further, there will be times where he will think about his own mission above all else if he were to find a lead or find a way that increases his chance to complete it.
-Weapon types: 2 katana like swords but longer then normal, his claws can be used as an small attack when fist fighting but also can be retracted so he can fire a 2 in rapid succession shots for mid range, he also is trained with sniper rifle but currently has lost his (what he normally hides in his chest under the dragons head.
-special ability: Auto-repair: a rare ability that when he is resting will automatically repair wounds and such, this ability will not work when he is actively moving (aka in a fight), he has to sit or lay down for it to start working.
-History: Drake has been build after the start of the Terratronium war to replace a lost member of the Prime lines, though he has to gain his status as any other Pure, he knows of the history of the planet and the war and though he took his duty's serious, he still had the time to fall in love not just once but twice, however he has his doubts on his feelings of the first time as it was a venoloid girl who was pretty good with mind tricks, or at least she knew how to play him and made him think she was a Dracotron so she could use him as the spy she was, once he mentally became strong enough to realize this he ended it, the Girl went back to the Loids and became a pretty high class General.
The Second one he fell in love with was the real deal, But their happiness ended short once the first, Fume learned of this, she kidnapped Drake's new love Seras and with it was the first Venoloid to actually leave Terratron.
For the first time Drake actually broke away from his responsibility and chased after then, their ship was faster though and he had to follow the energy trail what eventually ended near Earth.
Both ships ended up with the same problem at the same point, the energon was empty so they both had crashed, though the time between these events is at least 2 weeks but likely 1 month apart....
this is when the story starts on his end.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
Avatar of Drake Baku

Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago

I have some drawings of him somewhere in the house, I just need to find it and then you guys can see his appearance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Navy_Vet
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Navy_Vet A Salty Sea dog, Shellbacked Sailor

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As a Co-GM here is my self approved CS...

Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime's Origin

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

-Name: Espionage
-Faction: Freelance, but sticks with the autobots (Cybertronian)
-Age: 223
-Type/ Position: Rogue
-Alternate mode: While he can turn into any cybertronian he has met, his personal vehicle form is that of a sleek black motorbike.

-Appearance: Espionage is a small cybertronian, with a very (VERY) feminine frame. His body is black and has glowing blue lines on his chest and around his face, which is hidden by a black visor most of the time. His voice is distorted and has a tendency to go off into static while his visor is on. He is ten feet tall, so like i said a small cybertronian. His face is very akin to that of most humans as well, thin and as before, very feminine.
-Personality: Cool and relaxed, almost emotionless and very analytic.
-Weapon types: Has a blade that comes out of his wrist to wield like a dagger, and basic blasters on each hand. Has little lock pick tools in his fingertips, which have proven their ability to pick all locks he has encountered. He has a multipurpose gun that his hands can turn into, smg, assault rifle, grenade launcher, sniper rifle, the like. However, this weapon is heavy for him and can only be used effectively if he is mimicking someone.
-special ability: He can mimic any sentient being he has seen, and disguise his vital signs as those of that creature. This includes cybertronians and humans. This ability, with imagination, can also be used as a shapeshift, but is highly unstable for this use.
-History: Espionage has been alive for a long time, and was born during the war. He was part of a initiative to create the perfect infiltration unit using technology that allowed perfect replication of any sentient being, and even a few that were not. The replication would grant them the strength and size of whoever they were disguised as. They were going to work on shapeshift capability, but were cut short by a need for more soldiers. But him and his fellow rogues were not built for open combat. Espionage deserted his post and hid away on a outward colony, but after a while he decided to go back disguised as one of his fallen comrades, claiming that he lived through his mortal wound. Once the autobots fell to earth, however, he felt no need to hide who he was as there was no military left to answer to, just a ragtag team of autobots.
Looks like he would have a second chance to prove himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

I'm gonna make an app! I love transformers (especially the video games) but don't know a whole lot about the lore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stella
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Optica
Faction: Autobots
Type: Spec-Ops (Sabotage)
Alternate mode:


Personality: Cold, calculating, and ruthlessly efficient. Tends to work well with similarly-minded individuals.
Weapon types:

Small, but essentially handheld cannons. Well suited for melting through heavy armor and the vulnerable underlying parts.

Twin grappling hooks that can be fired from either of Optica's palms, attached through thick reinforced cables that can withstand extreme weights. Each hook can also be fired with enough power to act as kinetic energy penetrator weapons.

A multi-function appendage accessible in Optica's robot form. It is equipped with an independent targeting system for its powerful mounted plasma cannon, allowing Optica to potentially engage up to 3 targets at once. It is an extension of her robotic frame's spine and is extremely durable. The tail appendage is also armed with a monoatomic edge for maximum cutting power in close-quarters combat.

Special Ability: Grappling Hooks - Besides being deadly weapons, the grappling hooks are also useful for closing - or increasing - the distance between Optica and her enemies.

History: Optica was a participant of the Cybertronian war. Having sustained severe battle damage to point where she was barely functional, Optica was rescued by the other Autobots and placed into emergency stasis as they escaped their home planet. The Autobot medics were able to repair Optica's heavily damaged body, but due to severe injuries she had sustained, more than 90 percent of her memory systems were corrupted and forever lost, leaving little intact besides her personality, skills, and ability to communicate. Robbed of her memories, Optica finds herself with friends she no longer remembers and caught in a war she doesn't understand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jonxlattheliom: yours pose 3 things.
-your a freelancer, how would you fit that in with the origon of espionage. Cause if he is born durinf the war. Then he is build by one of the sides as there is no none type group.
-you basically have 2 abilities (mimic looks. Copy weapon) and the copy weapon tends to be OP on the long run.

I know of 3 options for that.
-only take the mimic that can also makes a weapon look like the one he mimics weapons (though act the same as his normal weapon)
-only take the copy but it needs some limit (example: a memory slot that needs to over write one when taking on a new copy, a limit on how many times it can change during a day, it can take any but no heavy class weapons like rockets and super weapons and such)
also it cant take on any build in weapons like Drake his rapid 3shot weapon that is part of his arms)
-final one is something I guess you will rather want, yoi keep the mimic ability and instead of the copy you can have a weapon with multiple built in modes, like a shot gun. Assault rifle. hand gun. Grenade launcher. More can be added in time.
it limits yoir copy but lets you keep both in general sight
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm here
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago

Stella. Once the bots emd up on earth. Unless she was damaged thay she cant take up a earth disguise. She will need a earth vehicle as well (as that it makes entering certain areas on earth better. A cybertronium vehicle stands out. What will be the problem with terratroniums as well... so the broken vehicle scanner can be allowed if you really want to)
Yoi can keep that added as well though for cases where we leave earth for something.

beyond that. She is accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Could one retain a cybertronian form because of pride in their race? Why take a lowly earth vehicle disguise?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago

I know the decepticons can

as I said to stella in general the autobots will take a earth guise unless having a good reason
but you can send in your cs. There might be a few more things that can count that I might not have realized at the point
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Firestorm
Fraction: Autobot (Aerialbot)
Age: Came online early in the Great War
Type/ Position: Aerial scout/warrior
Alternate mode: F-35B
Weapon types: Nucleon Charge Rifle (Image), Thermo Rocket Cannon (Image), Rockets & Gatling guns (vehicle only)
Special ability: Engine blast (a powerful shock wave caused by a sudden activation of his vehicle form’s engine directed at his enemies)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago

Either you changed it a little or I missed something
but he has 2 abilities
What is 1 to many.

you need to remove one sorry
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago

Either you changed it a little or I missed something
but he has 2 abilities
What is 1 to many.

you need to remove one sorry
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Okidoke done
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago

Fully accepted now ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stella
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Stella was always online

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Drake I originally planned to find an earth vehicle form during the RP but I will make the changes later today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago

Oh no that is fine as well
you shpuld have said so in the beginning ^^

Then she is fully accepted ^^
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