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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 6 mos ago


“Allen. Flash. Your dad’s a real charm, that cutie.


You’ll be seeing me.”

With a lustful wink, and a blow-kiss, she shone as bright as headlights, a flash as powerful as headlights in a concert that temporarily blinded the son of Flash. She flashed Flash!


She returned to physical form, and stood in place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Kijani was reading her Art of War book while eating a second roast beef sandwich. She grinned at Connor and waved at him cheerfully. "There's my favorite nerd!" She gave him a one armed hug. "How are you, my dear? You look happy."
Devika watched from the grass as a blur of rainbow light shot by her. She got the briefest sense of unease, and then it was gone. A second blur went by, and that had a sense of energy and anticipation. She sighed, and tightened her jacket around herself, making sure her gloves were set.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Anthony rolls backward as he's punched, lessening the force of the blow, and crouches while waiting for another attack. Sure enough, he's blinded soon after, but then hears rapidly fading footsteps, informing him that Gretchen had left to seek other entertainment. "She truly has the attention span of an infant orangutan, although she makes a good point. Regardless, I'll have to kill her eventually. Perhaps in seven years," he thinks while standing up. Although blinded, Anthony still has the mental map of the grounds' layout he had memorized on the first day, which served him well. His eyes remain closed until he has made his way to Mimic's class, where he begins thinking about the physics required to build a localized movement cancelling aura emitter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Something felt odd about some random girl calling his father a cutie or a charmer. He was just Dad...

He had no idea what to expect. He tried to cover his eyes but that had failed miserably. He was blinded for a moment till it wore off. "So light based powers? Explains the speed. Not often I get to run with someone who can match my speed. Sort of nice. " He said with a shrug. "So you new here? "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor shrugged and smiled, "good. Finally tracked Ryan down to get him to help me test my updated tracker. You seem better, did you manage to sleep and relax last night?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 6 mos ago


“So you can think! Alright, let’s exercise that:

You have the Speed Force, and I’m essentially Light itself. We’re practically living Gods but you don’t seem to think that way.
Why is that? How have you not taken over this place yet?”

”A formidable opponent, but not impossible to eliminate. You can work for me, you thing,” she thought, analyzing him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

The night after Sue's graduation


It almost all came too much, all at once, what had happened to her. Her graduation turned a new page in life for her, challenging her capabilities as an independent adult and superhero. With great power came great responsibility, a word of advice "With Freedom, Came Control" from the Dark Knight himself, his choice of words still floating around her mind.

What not many people did not realize after Sue's departure of the Academy, she was actually called to, from Professor X. A debriefing was needed, a short almost-introduction of how the game of superhero works. Sure, the Academy taught you how to be a superhero, and though Sue was exceptional for having the heart, mind and power of one, she was still out of the loop when it came to what you needed to do. Police scanners, daily patrols, building relations, alliances, betrayals, and ultimately, the willing to do what is right, for the people, with great consideration of all risks and minimizing losses. Sure, Sue had the heart to do it, but whether she was willing to make sacrifices and losses were something you could never learn in the Academy. That included, putting it in a harsh sense, "removing loose ends." In a positive side, to Sue, it meant protecting your loved ones by not having them involved. She didn't have that many people close with her; her father was a superhero already and he kicked ass, the mother ceased to exist long ago...

All that left... was Anthony...

She loved him... Her man, a Luthor, was still vulnerable, and she could never live with herself if anything ever happened to him... but she knew what she had to do to make sure he was safe.


Though Anthony had inferred from various clues that Sue was graduating, it didn't feel real until everyone's favourite redhead mounted the stage to give her graduation speech. Then, it hit him. A wave of emotions, breaking through the mental walls he usually had built up, robbing him of all logic. The emotions? First, indignation, that the staff had deemed anyone more worthy of an early graduation than himself. Secondly, curiosity as he wondered exactly why Sue was graduating so much sooner than the other students near her age. Then, anger as he realizes that Sue would most likely be leaving him to pursue her career as a hero. The last emotion he felt was the one that disappointed him the most. Sadness, as he realizes that Sue would most likely be leaving him to pursue her career as a hero. From early on in his childhood, Anthony had been taught that emotional bonds were dangerous and make you vulnerable. Now, the one time he ignored that rule and listened to his heart, he was being abandoned by the one person he had ever loved, and the pain it caused him was beyond description. To protect himself from the soul-tearing despair, his subconscious causes him to begin producing the emotion cancelling pheromones, but instead of injecting them into the air around him, they simply course through his bloodstream.

What seems to be mere moments later, Sue has disappeared and Anthony is rapidly approaching his home. Just as he pulls into his driveway, Anthony hears a sonic boom. Paranoia takes hold of him, forcing him to rapidly exit his car and turn his eyes to the sky, wondering which of his enemies had finally grown the balls to launch an aerial attack against his home. Instead of an enemy aircraft, however, he is greeted by the familiar form of Sue flying through the air. The pheromones, which had made their way out of his bloodstream, soon return in full force as Echo lands in front of him. A one word, monotone greeting exits Anthony's lips without permission as he looks down at Sue, "Hello."


God he was beautiful. She could never forget the one night they’d spent together under the moonlight having their picnic. She’d slept with him, and only that. It was all they did, and yet it had then been the first sign of what was going to be the greatest thing the two could ever forge; a relationship so formidable in loyalty and interdependence, that nothing in the world could destroy it.

It hurt to have this place as quite potentially the last place they’d ever be “normal” ever again, that they’d ever quite see each other ever again, that they’d be “alright” from now on.

The light lit his features so well, that handsome face that she’d harassed and had the privilege of having close to her face, to her lips, to her heart and soul, a kiss symbolic of the greatest feeling in the world nothing could ever replicate.

She raised her hands, preparing her speech before her signing began:

”Hello, Luthorboy. I know you’re… emotional… and I’m sorry that I caused it.

Please understand where I am! This is what we all wanted to be, to save the world and its people. Come to think of it, even if you had graduated with me, surely this…

Our love…

We cannot risk it. We’re not indestructible or immortal. Our love may be, but our bodies are not. I can’t live with myself knowing that while I am out there saving the world, villains will be going after you as my weak point.

I’m not tying up loose ends, my dear… I..

I’m going to leave you, because I love you.”

She started to tear up, her eyes pouring with tears, but she refused to cave in for a sublime comfort. No, she had to be strong. She was a hero now, and she had to show the world she could do it. She was doing this for him.


Anthony looks at Sue, his gaze as cold as void of space itself, as he replies in a deathly quiet voice, "I'm your weak point? Sue, my dear, If you think I've no enemies, you're gravely mistaken. I have survived no less than seven attempts on my life in less than twenty-two years, yet you call me a weak link? I've seen and done darker, harder things than some people will in their entire, miserable existences. I am far from weak, my love, and though you're right in saying we're neither immortal nor invulnerable, I've no doubt that I can achieve both. Lastly, you don't abandon someone you love. You stick with them for better or for worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death rips you apart. I love you Sue Cassidy, and although it's obvious my feelings aren't reciprocated, I won't hold that against you. I wish you luck and leave with you a small bit of advice."

Anthony steps forward, cutting off the restricting pheromones, and kisses Sue's forehead. He looks her in the eyes, his gaze pronouncing his love for her more than his words ever could, then whispers, "Don't force me to think of you as an enemy." With that ominous farewell lingering in the air, Anthony turns and walks into his home, leaving Sue behind.


Just before the clasping of her hands which would propel her to the skies in return to her duties, a quick text message:

”I’ll never be your enemy.

You’ll always be Luthorboy to me”

With no reply message, she flew off, the night sky as cold as ice, but the warmth of his kiss lingered on forever.

(The Collaborated Work of Knight125 and Dioxide)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryan looked at her shocked for a second.

"Yes we are close to gods. However I respect my friends enough to not try and rule them. Most of them could not touch me but I come from a long line of hero speedsters. It's what I do. That and I could never hurt my girlfriend." He said saying the last part to drive a point home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

KatherinWinter said
"I agree. Zack and I work well together because we can cover each others weakness. Between us there isn't much that we can not do. But Zack is right I need to know how to interact better. There are times when he can not be with me." Griffin explained.

"I highly doubt there is anyway he can not be with you. You literally inhabit the same body." Flood responded as he saw Gretchen and Ryan rush by in a rainbow trail. "God I hate her." He said out loud as he looked at Griffin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"While that is true. We have a way to limit each others access to the outside world. There are things that each if us can not handle." Griffin explains watching the girl that flood said he didn't like. "Zack is not with me for hunting or Mimic's. Why do you hate her?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Caits said
Connor shrugged and smiled, "good. Finally tracked Ryan down to get him to help me test my updated tracker. You seem better, did you manage to sleep and relax last night?"

"I did, yes." After a long and lengthy test of her powers- she'd had to put back all the books in her bookcase, after all. "So I feel good."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jack left the weight room with a layer of sweat. He figured that had been enough. He wandered back into the cafeteria and sat down. He was not great at meeting new people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

KatherinWinter said
"While that is true. We have a way to limit each others access to the outside world. There are things that each if us can not handle." Griffin explains watching the girl that flood said he didn't like. "Zack is not with me for hunting or Mimic's. Why do you hate her?"

"Simple. She underestimated me. Which means she thinks she's better than me. I hate being thought less of. I'm going to kill her in day. Simple." Flood finished as he looked at his phone. "When does next class start?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

floodtalon said
"Simple. She underestimated me. Which means she thinks she's better than me. I hate being thought less of. I'm going to kill her in day. Simple." Flood finished as he looked at his phone. "When does next class start?"

"I thought being underestimated was a good thing. It allows you to take your enemies by surprise." Griffin said. "Next class should be soon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mistress Dizzy said
"I did, yes." After a long and lengthy test of her powers- she'd had to put back all the books in her bookcase, after all. "So I feel good."

"Great" Connor said, starting to eat, and gave her a smile, "You're energetic. Or just can't sit still" He noted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Caits said
"Great" Connor said, starting to eat, and gave her a smile, "You're energetic. Or just can't sit still" He noted

"Well, yes." She flipped a grape into her mouth. "I feel like myself again. It's wonderful." She knew she couldn't tell him that she had her powers back- even though she wanted to. There would be questions, and even in the unlikely event that he believed the lie she would feed him about overcoming Professor Xavier's block, he'd probably tell someone. So it had to stay a secret for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 6 mos ago


“I’m surprised. You must think everyone is super, ssssuuuppeerrr slow. Even me, the genius with light on her side, I must be slow to you. How is it that your line has had the folly of having to work alongside people when you could defeat anyone!?”

”Girlfriend, huh? Weakness,” a mental note kept for herself to exploit this fool.

“Alright you’re boring me. Why don’t you go, I don’t know, hit yourself against a wall?”

A laugh filled with snorts so painful it made her laugh even more.

“Oh, and I can touch you alright. I can touch you in ways your girlfriend possibly couldn’t!”

She laughed even more.

She sped off, looking for Anthony, whom was not hard to find considering how much of an idiot he looked walking around with his eyes closed.

This is class?




Let’s go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor smiled, "good" He said, pleased at that, "you'll have your powers back soon, and then we can see how the paper works, if it doesn't burn or go soggy with water" He said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Klyix
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Klyix Cyber Dolce Vita

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As always the brief break always ended too soon and Kat once again had to return to the insufferable Mimic and his class. Walking the corridors her attention was focused on the book in her hands, tracing the path from the monotonous rut this school seemed to force with students clearing the way before she walked into them.

When she entered the class she closed the book and it vanished from her hands as she found a seat. Shaking out her hair she then as a sign of boredom began inspecting her nails.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryan watched the weird girl run off. Wow she was freaky. He was not letting that strange chick touch him. Ever. He had to get to Mimic's class. He flash ran to the classroom and sat down. Who knew what Mimic had planned for today. Mortal Combat maybe? Never knew with him.

Jack ran into the classroom and sat down. He was a little worried about today. Maybe more fighting? It seemed to be all they did.
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