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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Katherin made her way to Mimic's class. She wondered what crazy thing they would be doing today. She was surprised when received a piece of paper with questions on it. An essay in power development? What did these questions have to do with developing their powers? Oh well Katherin figured. It made as much sense as anything else they had done in Mimic's class.
Griffin headed to Mimic's class. He was eager to see what they would be doing today. With Mimic you could never be sure what was happening. Griffin was confused when he was given a paper to write an essay on. Zack I think you have to help me today. Writing is not something I do a lot of. Zack nodded and stood at Griffin's shoulder. Usually he kept busy during Mimic's class but today Griffin was going to need his help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Phoebe shrugged when the girl didn't answer her, just another reason why she shouldn't try to approach others anymore. She sighed, looking down at the ground as she walked, putting her hands in her pockets against the cool air.

She knew she would keep on trying though, because that was just how she was. Even if it hurt, she'd still try and interact with others.

Sometimes for a flower to grow, it had to experience pain and suffering.

She slipped into Mimic's class, into her usual seat.
Kalinda finished her food, wiped her hands on her pants as she'd forgotten napkins and couldn't be bothered getting some, slung her guitar over her back, and headed to class. Once there, she sat in the back, like with most of her classes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

(Sorry guys, I want to move this along)

Once all of his students had arrived, Mimic announces, "Alright kids, we're going to have an easy day. I want all of you to write an essay. In the essay, tell me which five of your classmates you would choose if you were forming a team. Also, tells who you think would be the most effective leader of the team you assembled. Lastly, tell me which three of your classmates you think are the most dangerous. Remember to include reasons for every one of you answers, and when you're done, come to the front of the class and rea your paper."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

knight125 said
(Sorry guys, I want to move this along)Once all of his students had arrived, Mimic announces, "Alright kids, we're going to have an easy day. I want all of you to write an essay. In the essay, tell me which five of your classmates you would choose if you were forming a team. Also, tells who you think would be the most effective leader of the team you assembled. Lastly, tell me which three of your classmates you think are the most dangerous. Remember to include reasons for every one of you answers, and when you're done, come to the front of the class and rea your paper."

'Interesting. Alright.' Flood put down Connor because he has the brains to make smart desicions and would be a force to be reckoned with when he learned how to use an Iron Man suit, Anthony because he's a good negotiator, Zack\Griffin because he was a good fighter and provided a moral center, John because he would be the healer of the group , and Devika because weather control is always a good crowd control device. His most dangerous list was Gretchen because she was uncontrolled and chaotic, Ben because he was an unknown factor, and Kalinda because the power to control the darkness is very dangerous for any stealth specialist. His preffered leader would be no one in the class as everyone has some flaw or another. Zack/Griffin would never make up their minds in a important decision, Anthony has his own agenda which could get in the way of missions, Connor might over think things too much, Devika because she's too emotional ironically, John doesn't seem to want to lead, and Flood is just insane. He finished his paper and began to look at everyone else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

It was a sad thing when you couldn't think of 5 students you trusted enough to be on a team with. Katherin thought as she studied the paper in front of her. She had been here since the beginning of school and still couldn't name 5 people she would choice to be on her team because she trusted them. But there were other reasons to choose people. Katherin wrote:
The first person I would choose is my best friend Phoebe because I know she would have my back. Her ability to control plants would be useful in situations that my ice abilities don't work as well. The second person I would choose is Jack. I would choose him because I know that hw will give his all in any battle we are in. The third person I would choose is Connor. While I don't know him well his intelligence would be helpful in many situtuations. The fourth person I would choose is Ben. From what I have seen he is a good fighter and would give his all to any battle we are in. The fifth person I would choose would be Austin. I don't know him well be his heightened senses would be beneficial in may sitiuations. I would probably choose Connor to be the leader of the team I have picked because he is the smartest and most likely to have a solid plan. I think every student here is dangerous but my top three for most dangerous would be Kat because nothing seems to effect her. You have to be afraid of a person who seems to be undamagable. The second person I would pick is Anthony. The dude is scary smart and not the nicest guy in the school. The third person I would pick for most dangerous is Devika. You have to be cautious of a person that can control your emotions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

As Ben listens to the assignment, he glances around the room, wondering how he should answer. After a few minutes, he's made his decisions and is rapidly writing them down in a notebook. Once he's finished, Ben walks to the front of the room and says, "I guess I might as well get us started. The five people I'd pick to be on my team would be Jack, Kalinda, Anthony, Katherine, Phoebe, and Ryan. Jack, because there's no one I'd rather have watching my back than my little bro; Kalinda, because I prefer to fight in the shadows, so her powers and my fighting style would complement each other; Katherine because ice can be really destructive when used cleverly; Phoebe, because seeing plants appear out of nowhere and start attacking you would scare just about any enemy; and Ryan, because enemies can't hit someone that's moving too quickly for them to see. I'd make Anthony the leader because he's proven that he can lead in the Battle Simulations. I think the three most dangerous are John, because he can heal from most injuries, is freaky strong, and just looks super creepy when he's powered up; Kat, because she's an Asgardian and they're all badasses; and finally, Kijani. We're in a school, which means she's never without a weapon because of all the paper, and she's also pretty smart." Once Ben finishes speaking, he looks at his teacher expectantly.

Mimic nods, "Congratulations, you finished first. What do you want, a cookie? Go sit down." After Ben sits at his desk once again, Mimic says, "Next one come up whenever you're done. We don't have all day."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Phoebe sighed, writing out her answers, before rising starting

“Which five students in the class i would choose to be on a team with , and why”

Phoebe had to stop and think about this for a few minutes. “Ryan”, she said first “For his speed, reflexes, fighting abilities, and quick thinking. For his general good nature. Because he believes in me”

She smiled, before continuing “Katherine, because of her inner strength, that not even she seems to know she has. Because of her ability to step up when things seem tough. Because she likes the cold"

She smiled, glancing over at Katherin. She looked over the rest of her classmates, thinking.

“Ben. Because....there's a sense to him that he knows what needs to be done, and does it. Because he's serious. Because he's loyal. And just a little scary”.

She sighed, because she knew which name she wanted to put on there, but Sue wasn't a student any more. She thought for a few long minutes, before saying, “Anthony. Because he seems like a bad guy, when he might just be good. Or at least...wanting the best for the world. We aren't our parents.” As much as she disliked Anthony, she couldn't deny that he would be a valuable asset to any team, if only he could work out his superiority complex “Maybe when he stops being a arse.” She added.

Finally, the last name she chose was “Kijani. Because she's a serious fighter. Because she created a paper aeroplane. Because she is bright, creative, serious and strong. “ That seemed it. She thought over her choices, and satisfied, moved on.

“Who I think should be the leader of said team, and why”

Phoebe thought on that for a while. Definitely not Anthony. He would simply assume he was the most power, and intelligent and just dismiss them.

Not Ben either, because despite choosing him for a team member, she didn't think he would make a good leader, he seemed content to do things on his own.

Not Kijani either, because she also seemed to want to do things on her own.

No, a good leader to Phoebe was someone who was open, approachable, kind, determined, and motivating. Ryan or Katherin then.

She thought long and hard. Finally...

“Katherin” She said, “Because she's probably the only one who wouldn't expect it. Because there's that hidden strength to her. Because she listens to her team mates. Because she knows what's important in life. Because she is open, approachable and kind. “

“ Finality Which three students in the class do I think are the most dangerous, and why”

Again, Phoebe thought long and hard at this.

She sighed, and said “Anthony. Because he sees us as just sacks of meat, like cows in a market, measuring us for the best price, and looking for who can best help himself. Because he doesn't think he needs anyone, yet he doesn't see that he does. Because he might just one day rule the world.”

Phoebe sighed again “And Because his Ego's bigger then his fortune. “

She figured she may as well be honest.

“Connor. Because...because he's the classic good guy, and yet...his inner strength is just amazing. He never gives up, the simulations have shown that. Because he has all the intelligence, the tech, the money of his father, and yet he doesn't flaunt it. He doesn't expect to be followed, doesn't expect to be listened to, doesn't expect anything other than to save everyone. “

She pondered this for a moment, nodded, and moved on.

“Devika. Because she made you cry with just a touch.” She said to Mimic.. Phoebe hadn't been there for that, but she had heard the story of that. Ryan had told her that, and that seemed serious over powered, to be able to make the person who could copy their powers cry. “Because she acts like this misunderstood girl, almost expecting people to judge her, when she has a fiery nature to her. Which she doesn't see. “

She shrugged, finished and sat down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Zack studied the pictures over Griffin's shoulder. They hadn't been expecting questions like this. Of course it made since for them to ask these questions. The problem was they didn't know how to answer any of them. They hadn't interacted with that many people. After much consideration they wrote:
The five students we would pick for our team would include Kalinda because she is loyal and understands us. Ben because he is a good hunter. Austin because he has heightened reflexes. Connor because he is super smart. And Flood because he is crazy and sometimes you need crazy. We would pick Ben to lead because he is the most skilled hunter and would have a plan to accomplish the mission. We agree that the most dangerous students in this school are Ben because he is a good hunter and if he is hunting you you are screwed. Kat because she exploded our light ropes. And John because he has a good fighter.

Which three students in the class do they think are the most dangerous, and why
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Nacelle looked up at Mimic from where she sat, she nodded politely and took out a couple of sheets of fresh paper. This would be easy for her, she knew who she wanted and she had viable reasons. Now she just needed to write them out. Taking a pen she breathed deeply and started.

Once finished she shrugged and stepped up to face the class, smiling at Phoebe as she goes back to his seat. "I have compiled all my opinions and some fact in the team I have chosen. It of course is not the perfect selection but I know it is what is true to me."

Clearing her throat Nacelle stands pridefully with the voice of a queen accompanying her words. "First of all, I believe in a team of great power, but I also believe in a team that stands by the gracious term of brains over brawn, with that I can assure the smarts of my team in a situation, and know that they will not simply charge. As an American idol known as Elvis once said; 'fools rush in'."

"Another quality is of course, the ability to work as a team. From studying the men and women in the lunchroom, I understand it is very stalker-like. But as a matter of fact it was simply for research means."

"Anyways, it is of course now time to of course announce my picks. In my top five list stands; Katherine, she is most likely my favorite pick. Though her powers aren't fairly advanced all in all she is a lethal girl. Just as deadly as Killer Frost. But as gentle as snowfall, I know that she would be a good and level headed part of the group." She paused for a second to look at Katherin, giving her a curt nod and a dangerous smile.

"A fairly necessary addition is Conner, his smarts and of course, the fact that he is not power reliant makes him stand out among others. The idea of suits are favored for me, they will protect you from unnecessary harm for a long while and in the end are modified to the point of being weapons by themselves." With a queenly elegance she directed attention to the son of Tony Stark.

"Next up is a girl only known as Kalinda, she is a very important role in the group. Mental abilities, and being able to fight in shadows, makes her near impossible to defeat. It is a necessity to have someone I can trust as well. She is one of those people." A spark of lightning and slight wonder flashed through her eye as she mentioned Kalinda.

"Now we are at my fourth teammate; Eldkatla. She is as far as whispers go, an Asgardian. which makes her powerful. Though I don't know who her parents are I perceive they are from a higher family.. no matter the role of these parents. I also know that she will be a fighter." Nacelle gestured towards her, a smile suggesting knowledge and still, curiosity.

"And last, but not least. Ben Parker. He is one of the most peculiar of my group. I would propose he is more of a loner but in a team, he could be great. My reasoning for choosing him is not only his powers but his likability. He is one that I feel I can rely on the most. It is true that my opinion of him is like that of a scale, continuously tipping at every point." Nacelle nodded towards him officially, her smile registered into a small. innocent smirk.

"Now we move onto who I would choose as a leader of this grateful team. My first pick, would be to just choose a muscle man, or someone that is a friend as everyone else has. But, no, I want someone that is not my personal friend, that is more then a muscular man or woman that may or may not lead well in one, simulated battle. This is where factual options come into play. I would suggest that our leader would be one who was reliable, calm, simple. But all in all, what they have to have, is the ability to choose life or death. To not be vengeful just because and to not be merciful because it is right. That is why I would choose, Eldkatla. She has the factors I search for, as far as my watching go." Then she looked around and a playful expression lights her up.

"Now onto my favorite section. Who I think to be most dangerous. First and foremost, John. But, though he is tough and has a healing factor, he is not smart. And like Juggernaut, can be taken down with a quick series of moves." Nacelle sighed and gave John a small wave.

"My second choice would be Kyra, simply because of her abilities." Nacelle smiled at Kyra, she was somewhere in the crowd.

"Third, and lastly. Would be Phoebe. The ability to emit pheromones and manipulate plants makes her dangerous no matter where she is. Plus if her toxins will be as powerful as her mothers, she is going to be very dangerous to be around. Good or bad." She smiled at Phoebe knowingly. It seemed the girl would have a hard life, one possibly meant for crime.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Flood stood up and began to read from his paper. "Connor because he has the brains to make smart desicions and would be a force to be reckoned with when he learned how to use an Iron Man suit, Anthony because he's a good negotiator, Zack\Griffin because he was a good fighter and provides a moral center, John because he would be the healer of the group , and Devika because weather control is always a good crowd control device.

My most dangerous list is Gretchen because she is uncontrolled and chaotic, Ben because he is an unknown factor, and Kalinda because the power to control the darkness is very dangerous for any stealth specialist.

My preffered leader would be no one in the class as everyone has some flaw or another. Zack/Griffin would never make up their minds in a important decision, Anthony has his own agenda which could get in the way of missions, Connor might over think things too much, Devika because she's too emotional ironically, John doesn't seem to want to lead, and I'm just insane. I would propose a democracy like system for making group decisions. I'm also glad to see I'm so popular in this class." Flood sarcastically ended as he sat back down to listen to everyone else's opinions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Mimic sighs, "Flood, you're an idiot that obviously doesn't know how to follow directions. I told you to choose a leader, and you couldn't even do that. Go sit down."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

knight125 said
Mimic sighs, "Flood, you're an idiot that obviously doesn't know how to follow directions. I told you to choose a leader, and you couldn't even do that. Go sit down."

"Why does there need to be a leader? Look at the Justice League and how famous they are. Do they have a leader? No they have a council. Quite honestly I feel that most groups fall apart rather quickly when their leader is taken down." Flood replied as he looked quite bored. Inside he was seething though. 'Nobody ever listens to me! All they see is the shadow of my idiot father, the temporary insanity bouts, the freak! Nobody ever gets to know me, nobody wants to admit that I could be a genius! This is why I try to kill people so often!' Flood mentally raged as he observed everyone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Mimic chuckles, "While the JL may not have someone that's been declared as the leader, I think it's pretty obvious that the chain of command is Batman, Superman, then the Martian Manhunter."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Kalinda had to think a long time as she wrote her answers. As others spoke, she realised something.

When she rose to speak, she looked around at the class, her nervousness rising. She almost sat back down again, and then her eyes landed on Ben. And she smiled.

She remembered when he said if she ever wanted to perform live somewhere with her guitar, he'd be there to take her emotions, to make her feel better.

So she took a deep breath, pushed down her Nervousness, and spoke. "I know I haven't been here long" She said "I don't know all of you, and I don't expect all of you to know me. But what I have observed, what I have felt is just...well, you all have these different views and opinions, but when you get right down to it, you're all family. I don't think you can spend six months with each other and not have that sort of...kinship. So I look at all of you, and I think I would have you all on my team. Even though some of you may become heroes, villains, vigilantes and whatever else. But you asked for five, so..."

She shrugged and began "Ben because he listened to my complaints. Because he's corny, brave, a little scary, but he seems to know how to do things. Because I believe he'd make a good team member" She smiled and shrugged, moving on

"John because he is strong, cocky, thinks he's gods gift to women, because he calls me shorty, and yet helped me to become stronger." She said, "For the record, I may be short, but I'm perfect" she said

"Anthony because... because I'm curious about the potentially deadliness of his shove me on my arse power. Because he's logical, and because he's...calculating" She shrugged

"Griffin/Zack, because he was my first friend, because they are kind, caring, serious, and they have standards." Kalinda smiled, "And because they still wore jeans to gym." She chuckled

"Finally...Nacella" She said, "Because she ran up the stairs in some weird style and didn't fall. Because she was nice to me. Because she has a lot of potential"

The trouble was, Kalinda didn't really know that many people, so she couldn't really state who she'd wanted easily enough. She shook her head, and moved on.

"Who I think should be the leader" She said, appearing thoughtful, "John because I think he'd make a good leader. Because I don't think he would be bad at it. Because somehow, he seems to inspire people as much as he ticks them off"

"Finally, which three students do I think are the most dangerous" Kalinda said "Anthony Because how can I fight something that just seems to strengthen my empathetic power? Gretchen because she's frigging crazy. " She sighed, unable to think of someone else. Then, "Griffin and Zack. Because they have the potential to be a deadly opponent for me"

She swallowed, shrugged, and said, "That's it" And sat back down in her seat, looking down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Klyix
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Klyix Cyber Dolce Vita

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She looked in bemusement at the paper in front of her; this was definitely a change from the usual pace. Theory didn't really strike her as Mimic's style but in this instance she wasn't going to complain, even if the task wasn't relevant to her it was easy enough to complete. Especially as - if they were to read it out - she didn't have to worry about writing in English. So she quietly began to write out her answer, the strange language filling the page.

She also listened as others began to read their lists out. She wasn't surprised to hear herself labelled as a danger; even though she knew she hadn't acted in anyway inherently worrying a reputation could do a hel of a lot of work. It was a little less expected to hear her listed as part of the team, but looking up she realized it was Nacelle speaking, she hadn't been here long so that would explain it. But when she went on to place her as the leader that was something Kat definitely hadn't expected. She wondered how quickly she'd change that when she found out who her father actually was.

Seeing a lull she stood up and walked to the front, no hint of anxiety of shyness in her movements. "Hello all. If I was to have to create a team from what I have on offer here, I would most likely choose John, Katherin, Nacelle, Ryan and Kijani. John because, despite him being an ass, he's undeniably useful in both fighting and healing. I like the cold, hence Katherin. Ice can be used for both attack and defence, flexibility is useful. Nacelle because you can't escape the weather and I know the power of a littler thunder. Ryan is an obvious choice for his speed, valuable in attack and scouting. Finally, Kijani. Not a common power and it's always good to surprise an enemy, stop them from getting comfortable.

"If I had to designate a leader, I too would choose John. I have known him longer than anyone here, so if I had to trust someone enough to lead a team, it would be him.

"And finally, the most dangerous." She sighed before turning to Mimic. "This is such a vague question, by the way. A danger to me? A danger to themselves? A danger to the world?" She didn't wait for any sort of reply however and turned back to the class. "I chose Anthony, Devika and Kalinda, and all for the same reason. Our emotions are what keep us barely functional, you begin playing with them and the consequences aren't always pretty." With that she walked back down to her seat, running her hand through her hair and taking a quick glance at the clock.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin sat in the class, tapping his pencil against his desk as he looked at his paper. He then began to write, frowning, a concentrated expression on his face. He finished after several minutes where he stood at the front of the class and took a deep breath.

"For my choices for a team, I would choose Connor, Kijani, Kalinda, Kyra, and Ryan. I would choose Connor because I know he would never betray the team, and he would constantly have our back. He would be able to provide needed support for the team, in many different aspects. I would choose Kijani, due to her diversity in her abilities. The reach is nearly endless in what she can do. Kalinda, for the variety of her powers as well. It allows for a variety of attacking styles, and would be able to provide air and ground support, and immobilize her enemies. Kyra, because I know she would stand by her friends through thick and thin, will be there to protect and aid. Her abilities in her powers would make her to be useful even in the most dangerous of situations. And finally Ryan. He would provide great ground support, and be able to inflict danger within a second without causing much of a disruption."

He took a deep, calming breath before continuing.

"I would choose Connor as the leader, and not just for his brains." He grinned slightly at Connor then continued," while that is a big factor. He keeps the well being of the team in his mind, and his suit allows him to spot the areas of trouble, and the fastest track to do the things he needed."

He frowned, looking at his paper for the last part. He said," as for the most dangerous. My first would be Anthony. His ability to manipulate people with a thought makes him a dangerous person, as well as his mind set of the people that he deals with. He has no loyalty but to himself, making him dangerous to work with. Second, combined due to the power I'm highlighting, would be Devika for her ability with emotions, able to greatly effect the people around them with a thought. The last would be... Flood, due to his unpredictability and likelihood of him to snap and turn on his team, making him a danger to the team, the general population, and himself." He then went to sit down, walking around Flood without looking at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Flood simply smiled and waved at Austin. 'Glad to see someone sees me as a threat.' He thought to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jack honestly hated something like this. Essays were never his thing and these reeked of something to come. Like they were being groomed into a team or something. At the moment only two people had said they wanted to be on a team with him. On the bright side none of them had said he was dangerous. Even with all that happened. The second fight with John sprang to mind. That and Mimic or whoever had final say. He already knew a few people he wanted. Ben and Katherin of course. Then who else? He had no idea who else. He wrote down the last three and then who he thought was dangerous. Once it was free he stood up.

"Well I chose my brother Ben first. We work well together and watch each other's backs. Then Katherin since her powers are strong and I trust her. Then I would choose Connor since his suit and brains would be useful. Then I would choose Kat since having a Demi-god is always a smart investment. My last choice is sort of odd. This person was going to be on my dangerous list but I decided not to place this person there. My last choice would be John since he has come into his own with his powers. Sure the guy is unstable but his powers make him useful. " Jack read off figuring the last one would be odd.

"I would choose Ben as team leader. He always has a plan and is far more calm than I am. For dangerous I would choose Flood, Devika, and Phoebe. Flood since he is chaotic at times. Devika since her powers are far too dangerous. Phoebe since she could turn against us. " Jack said sitting back down in his seat.
Ryan had figured his choices out easily. After Jack was done Ryan ran up and read his off. "First I would choose Phoebe. Her powers would be great for a team and I trust her. Then I would choose Anthony since he is intelligent and his powers could help us out big time. Then I would choose Devika since her powers would be useful against an enemy. Austin since his strength would be useful. Finally I would choose Flood since a bit of madness is always useful if you can control it. " Ryan read off quickly.

"I would nominate Anthony as team leader for the reason I stated before. For most dangerous I would have to say John, Katherin, and Kat. John seems unstable. Ice and I do not get along all that well so no to Katherin. Any kind of god like entity scares me so no to Kat." He said speeding back and sitting next to Phoebe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Flood was going to have to revise his list. The people who put him on their list would obviously need to be interacted with if he ever did create a team. They could be good friends too. He looked over at Ryan and smiled. He began writing on a piece of paper writing down 'It's good to see that not everyone in this school takes a person at face value.' He finished as he folded it into a airplane and threw it to Ryan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


“Which five students in the class they would choose to be on a team with , and why Austin. Because he never gives up. Because he's loyal, protective. Because he doesn't judge others. Because he's strong”No matter what, Connor would always choose Austin on his team. He moved onto the next one. John. Because he seems like an arrogant Jerk, but there's a side to him he probably doesn't want people to see”He saw, again, John carrying Austin to the nurses office, saying 'pussycat'. He continued “even without his powers, he's strong.”

Connor moved onto “Kijani, because she's tough, yet kind. Because she's strong even if she doesn't think so. Because she's brave.”How hard could it be to describe why he would have Kijani on his team. “Because she's independent, yet knows when to have help.”

He sighed, and moved on.

“Kalinda, because she isn't afraid to get hurt for her team. Because she could probably destroy half the school with the pent up emotions of the students. Because she seems amazed that people like her. Griffin, Zack and whoever else might be in their head, their body, however it works.”He had had very slight interaction with the boys, but he had heard them say many times that one or the other couldn't do something as well as the other. “Because they know their strengths and weaknesses. Because they don't want to hurt people. Because they are who I want on my team.”

“Who they think should be the leader of said team, and why Kalinda she wouldn't expect it, I don't think. Because she could probably tell when someone was lying. Because she just wants to fit in.”

Connor didn't know if that would make a good leader, but he had thought long on that. So he moved on.

Which three students in the class do they think are the most dangerous, and why Phoebe because she's kind and caring and looks for the best in people, and yet she still shows tremendous power.John because you have to be wary of someone who can essentially heal from anything.”

He pondered the last person, and let out a sigh.”Flood, because insanity seems to suit him, and you can never tell what he is thinking.”

Connor had had to think long and hard at this. He had wanted to write down Ben, but how could he write 'because I think he might be the nutjob running around the city killing other nutjobs, without exposing him? Connor wasn't 100 perfect sure, although he was sure that Ben had chosen Thanatos as an alias.
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