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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


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floodtalon said
Flood was going to have to revise his list. The people who put him on their list would obviously need to be interacted with if he ever did create a team. They could be good friends too. He looked over at Ryan and smiled. He began writing on a piece of paper writing down 'It's good to see that not everyone in this school takes a person at face value.' He finished as he folded it into a airplane and threw it to Ryan.

Ryan caught the airplane and read the note quickly. He grabbed a pen and as quickly as he had grabbed it there was now a note on Flood's desk. Ryan it appeared had not moved. That was not true. He had written the note and then ran to Flood's desk and back to his own seat. Being a speedster was great. The note said 'Not all of us judge people cause they are different. Everybody is a crazy. They just don't know it. ' He figured being nice to Flood was a good idea. Everyone seemed down on him for some reason.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood lightly chuckled to himself as he felt a gust of wind and the note was back on his desk. He read it and smiled a little. 'My philosophy exactly.' He thought to himself simply as he pondered if he should hang out with Ryan after class.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

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When it was her turn, Kijani calmly took her place at the front of the class. She'd already memorized what she'd written down. She could tell that some of the other students had completely missed the point of creating an effective team. You couldn't be ruled by your heart. Just because people were friendly toward you, didn't mean they would balance out well.

"My team is as follows. John: his physical prowess mixed with his healing abilities make him a valuable asset, as well his ability to take instruction. Connor: his intelligence and his mechanical prowess make him formidable, even without his suit. Kyra: she can control the elements, and that will work well against non-technical foes. Kat: beyond being the daughter of a godlike being, she can provide the magical power. Finally, Anthony: Even if he had no special power at all, he has intelligence. Beyond that, he has something that many overlook. Connection and influence. That alone could stop a fight before it even starts." She paused before starting again. "As far as the best leader, I would have to go with Kyra. She seems the most balanced out of everyone, and the least likely to be deterred by influence or morals in any particular direction." She cleared her throat. "The most dangerous are as follows. Anthony, for the same reasons I chose him for the team. Zack and Griffin, because aside from those two, there may be other personalities within that shared mind. Too many unknowns. Finally, Devika. Even though she doesn't seem to have a great deal of training, or confidence, I still remember what she did to Mimic, with little more than a touch. I would either avoid her or recruit her before she gets better and becomes a major threat." She nodded, and took her seat again.


Devika was surprised that she'd made so many people's lists. Didn't they know she didn't have much to offer? She took her place in the front of the room and cleared her throat. "I'll keep this brief. Team members: Connor for his intelligence and power. Katherin, for her ever increasing ice ability, because little can survive in extreme cold. John, for physical strength and healing, not to mention moral support. Flood, for his ability to be unpredictable. It will be hard for an enemy to counteract someone who can think on the fly. Kijani, because she could fight with materials that not many would expect could be a weapon." She made sure to make eye contact with each member. "The team leader would be Connor. A capable leader needs to be both intelligent and charasmatic, to be the type people want to follow without question, into hell and back." Smiling a bit in Connor's direction, she finished up. "As for those who are dangerous: Anthony- he is intelligent and ruthless, and isn't afraid to go after what he wants. His father's legacy keeps him from being too far from the public eye, which may possibly keep him somewhat in check. If his last name wasn't Luthor, he'd probably be even more of a threat, because he would be completely unknown and people would not know what to expect. Kat, because of her literal inhumanity. She likely thinks on a level that others can't comprehend. Finally, Connor. Due to society's reliance on technology, Connor is likely capable of creating something with the ability to cripple the majority of the world's resources."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


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Once given the assignment, Anthony leans back and closes his eyes while thinking, "Just how honest should I be? Also, thankfully our 'teacher' left the questions open to interpretation." His mind races as he goes through literally every possible combination of answers before he rapidly writes down the ones he had chosen. Not caring whether or not anyone was getting ready to go, Anthony strides confidently to the front of the room and says, "Before I begin, I don't want any of you to be overly flattered if I mention you. Most likely, you're simply the lesser of two evils. For my team, I would choose Ben, Eldkatla, Ms. Rayne, Kalinda, and Austin. Ben is not only a skilled fighter, but is also capable of following orders. He's a soldier, which is something every team requires if it is to be successful. As the daughter of Loki, Eldkatla seems to have many magical powers that would serve to disorient and confuse my enemies even more effectively than technology that I could invent. She also possesses near invulnerability and vast strength of the Asgardian race. Between her magic, strength, and durability, she is a force to be reckoned with. Ms. Rayne's most valuable asset, as far as I'm concerned, is her cunning. If anything were to happen to me, God forbid, my team would be left in a desperate situation. They would need Kijani's cleverness to get them out alive. Kalinda is not only powerful on her own, she also strengthens my powers, and could help Ben by manipulating shadows to bolster his stealthiness. Austin is another soldier in my eyes because he follows orders, although they're usually Connor's orders, and I can also sense a fire burning in his chest. He is persistent, loyal, and brave. I would naturally choose my self as leader, for obvious reasons, but Kijani would become leader if anything happened to me.

As Eldkatla pointed out, asking who we think are the most dangerous is a very general question, so I'll explain which three of my classmates will be the most dangerous to each other, but only after they've reached their full potential. Ryan is my first choice, simply because he will one day be capable of travel to the past, if he takes after his predecessors. It's awfully difficult to defeat someone who can simply travel to a time before you considered them a threat. John will be the second most dangerous if he ever develops the same powers as his mother. At the moment, he can lift and throw objects that weigh dozens of tons, is just as flexible and quick as Spider-Man, heal wounds at a tremendous rate, lacks the weaknesses of his father, and retains his sanity while powered up. If he develops the ability to steal powers, skills, knowledge, and life energy, he will be as unstoppable as the infamous Dr. Banner. Lastly, Ms. Rayne. While she may not match my intelligence, I'm sure she is nearly as determined as I am to succeed, and she'll stop at nothing to do so. There is no one she won't betray, no one she won't ally herself with, and no one she won't fight." Anthony nods his head, as if bowing, and returns to his seat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

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This is Power Development class? Mimic, the one dude that can copy your powers, gives you an essay every day to write stuff down? Boring!

However, the questions did point out Gretchen’s lacking awareness of her classmates and the people around her. Perhaps this would be a good time to absorb everything as much as possible. She made sure to go last, memorizing the others’ answers and breaking them apart.

”Kyra – Elemental control. Seems completely useless and uncoordinated, but still dangerous. Fighting from a distance is probably best. Better explore what more I can do.

Devika – Empath… Not too bad. She’d probably die just trying to run! Hahaha!

Kijani – Paper manipulation. Seems ruthless, determined, volatile, not too difficult if blinded.

Jack – Spiderman copy. Fast, Agile, Strong, but I’m faster, more agile, and stronger. I’d still have to explore more.

Ryan – Flash copy. Fast. Stupidly fast. Now he’s dangerous. How fun! Muwahahah!

Katherin – Iceman. Hm… Formidable, but not impossible. A foe of close range and long range. Nothing but speed to beat her.

Zack – Wait. What exactly is he? Eh. Whatever. Probably nothing.

Phoebe – Poison Ivy. Do her plants get empowered with my light? Meh. Hopefully her defense can match her potentially amazing offense, or else she’d never see again.

Connor – Ironman has a son!? Meh. Normal. Probably smarter than him anyway. I mean, come on, a suit!?

Kalinda – Emo girl! If she can go where I go, that’s scary. But I’m probably too faster for her to keep up. Empathy too!? HAHAHAH!!! SERIOUSLY!? HAHAHAHAHAH!

Austin – Kitty cat, huh? I know what you’re like. You’re more susceptible to my light. You useless thing.

Eldkatia – Nordic name. A god! Now that’s scary. Definitely an exciting opponent!

Nacelle – Weather manipulation and kitty cat. What the hell kind of combination is that? Could be tricky, this one.

Flood – Gun dude! I want him on my team. Regeneration as fast as Deadpool’s is an asset invaluable to any cause.

Ben – ANOTHER SPIDERMAN! See Jack, footnote! Hahaha!

John – Jesus what a mountain of a man. Healing and basically Venom! NOW THAT’S FUN. I LIKE THAT.

Finally, Anthony – Emotion manipulation … pheromones? He and I are stalemated. But I have the obvious upper-hand. He’s mine.”

Processing data… Writing it down…

Got it.

Gretchen finished up writing and walked up to the front of the class, eyes tracing and trying to bring her down. She stood in the front, sizing everyone up one more time. Look at those silly faces.

“Alright, you silly ducklings! I’m Gretchen, public menace, genius, beauty queen, fantastic wielder of magnificent handwriting!

Anyway, Mr. Rankin, if I wanted a team, it’d be Trigger-Happy Flood, Nipple-Freezing Katherin, Mountain-Eating John over there, Fellow Speedster Ryan, and finally Sex-Appeal Anthony.

Flood, ‘cause he’s Flood! Who wouldn’t want a regenerating gunslinger!?

Katherin for absolute Area-of-Effect damage! Imagine all the lovely children ice-skating all year round!

John with his washboard abs can heal us all he wants and still probably have time to punch out a hole in Hulk’s face!

Ryan because come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, Speed Force hahah!

Anthony because he’s cute.”

Each mention of the name she giggled, eyeing them and winking once per each.

“Leader? Me. I’ve totally got the face for it, hahah!

And as for most dangerous.


Only 3!?

My team’s probably the one that scares me the most! Anthony to Ryan to Katherin!

We’d totally kick all of your asses! Not before I get to, of course.”

A kiddy bow, she slammed her sheet on the teacher’s desk, and walked back to the farthest part of the class, sitting down, legs up on the table.

”If this is her class… imagine the entire school! What limitless power we have!” a thought so malevolent and malicious, she grinned in excitement.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Flood seemed somewhat surprised by Gretchen's choices, but at this point he needs to begin to expect the unexpected from her. She's more unpredictable than he is! 'At least when I have my mind set on something I can focus on it, but she's too unpredictable. I thought she hated me and now she wants me on her team! This is too much for even me.' He thought trying to process the madness that was happening.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Mimic looks between his class with a sigh, glad that at least some students were able to finish the report correctly. "With that, class is dismissed. But first I must announce James Kelly, our newest recruit. Jack, you will be tasked today with showing him around and helping him when needed. Come out now, James." He relayed, looking between his students and the door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by illbebach


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James puts his hand on the door handle. "Okay, you can do this"
He opens the door and steps into the room nervously.
"Um, hi?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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"I give him three days until he cracks." Flood said out loud the moment he saw how nervous this guy was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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"Introduce yourself." Mimic mutterers with a heavy sigh as he pushes James to the front of the class carefully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Phoebe sat down in her chair, pondering what her fellow students had said. [i[Phoebe, because seeing plants appear out of nowhere and start attacking you would scare just about any enemy[/i] She smiled, because she supposed that was true.

She blinked when Nacelle looked at her, having doubted she had had much interaction with the girl The ability to emit pheromones and manipulate plants makes her dangerous no matter where she is. Plus if her toxins will be as powerful as her mothers, she is going to be very dangerous to be around. Good or bad From that, it was clear that Nacelle thought Phoebe was meant for a life of crime. Well, with her mother, she supposed that was an easy assumption to make, and it wasn't like she had gone around sprouting that Bruce Wayne was her father. Still, Phoebe had tried desperately to show she wasn't like her mother, but part of her wondered if she was. She stared at her hands, because she knew her mother had a dream of making the world safe for plants, and Phoebe couldn't hate that. She sighed.

She winced at what Jack said, Phoebe since she could turn against us is that how her classmates saw her, truly? As someone who could turn against them? She dropped her head into her hands, her mood darkening further then what it was.

She let out a relieved breath when class was over, glancing up at the new student. .
Kalinda rolled her eyes at Flood's comment, "Just cause you cracked doesn't mean everyone else should" She said with amusement to him, looking up at the new student
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by illbebach


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He sighs, this really wasn't going well. "My name is James, I'm 19 and I'm good with technology, that's about it really, well at least as far as things that are relevant here go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"What about the irrelevant things?" Katherin teased. She was in a weird mood. Maybe it was her new look or maybe it was the strange assignment. Whatever it is was she was feeling more outspoken then usual. "How do we go about discovering that information James?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Nacelle tilted her head as she studied the man, a small smile appeared on her lips, as she gave him a small wave she looked over at Katherin. She was strange, acting it, and looking it. That wasn't exactly the Katherin she had picked for her team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jack looked back at Flood. "You seemed to survive here Flood. Proves that theory wrong. " He said laughing a bit. The new guy clearly was not good at this. Having someone good with gadgets would be useful. That and the guy's needed a friend. "Nice to meet you James. I'm Jack Parker. As Mimic said I'm gonna be showing you around. " He told the guy with a wave and a smile. It was what he did. He looked over. He was not doing well with the third degree here. "So should we go?" He asked giving the guy the option to get out.
Ryan was not stupid. He was happy people had wanted him on their teams for his powers. Except he noticed Phoebe looking down in the dumps. After all they had said she was dangerous. "Hey. Don't listen to them. I know the real you and she is amazing. You aren't dangerous like they say. I'm more dangerous that you are. " He said trying to raise her mood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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"Actually I never cracked, I was always like this. So ha!" Flood replied quickly as he motioned to a seat next to him for James to sit in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda laughed, "I'm sure you were a cute, sane little baby at one point. If only for five minutes" She said,

Phoebe shrugged, "But I am dangerous" She said softly, "I just choose not to be" she sighed, "I'm okay" She said, "I just...don't understand" She shrugged again.

Connor watched James, curious, wondering how good he was with technology. Maybe he'd have to ask, it might be good to interact with someone else who was a technology enthusiast
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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"5 minutes? That seems like an overestimation." Flood replied as he looked at the clock. "So what now?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by illbebach


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James looked at Katherin "Well if you really want to know I could just tell you, for example there was the time Some of my friends got an industrial strength laser, an eggplant and a cricket bat then-"
He realized Jack was talking to him but doesn't respond until he suggested leaving. "Oh sure let's go."
He began to walk towards the door, leaving his story unfinished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Connor chuckled, rising as well. "Hold on, I'll go with you two" He said, "Mainly because that story sounds awesome" He said, slinging his pack on
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