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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Ben, now selecting the silenced pistol, ammo, and throwing knives, looks down at his phone and is surprised to see Kijani calling. "That's weird, she never calls me." He answers the phone, listens to her, then chuckles, "His name is Anthony, Kijani. No need to be so formal. Just meet me in the student parking lot, I'll be there soon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Kijani chuckled. "Very well. I'll be there." She hung up, and as a final act, she sent a quick text to Connor. "Not feeling well. I'll be in my room sleeping, so don't call me. See you tomorrow."

With her excuse set, she headed to the student parking lot, making sure to keep from being seen by anyone she knew.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Once Ben finishes gathering his tools of the trade, he begins climbing the stairs leading to the roof of the main building. As he reaches the roof, his suit appears with holsters and sheaths in place for his weapons. Ben takes a calming breath at the top of the stairs, sprints across the roof, then takes a flying leap over the side of the six-story building. As Ben plummets to the ground, he spreads his arms, allowing the web-like cape on his back to expand and catch the air, acting like a hang glider. He zooms through the air toward his car, his flight, though at first steady, quickly devolves into a wavering, zigzagging arc toward the ground. With both his car and the parking lot rapidly approaching his face, Ben brings his arms to his chest, retracting the cape, then flips midair and lands lightly beside his car. He notices Kijani a few yards away and calls to her, "Come on then, let's go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Flood looked over at Connor and smiled. "If you insist." He said simply as he put away his sword and immediately rushed into hand to hand range. The style he used was vaguely reminiscent of Krav Maga, but not quite as jerky and fast. He quickly went for a knife strike to the throat and would follow up with a headbutt, knee to the side combo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, but his eyes were on Flood. What the hell had he gotten himself into? Flood was crazy. Still, people often underestimate Connor. Flood probably thought Connor would go down easily, but if Flood thought that going for an attack to Connor's throat would take him down, the boy obviously didn't realise that Connor was nearly a foot taller than him.

So Connor stopped Floods blow with his arm, shifting to the side to avoid the other blows, and kicked out himself towards Flood, maintaining his balance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

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SomeoneSomewere said
Austin looked at Kyra and said," hey, how are you?" He stood up, managing a small smile. He was obviously confused about something, but he was trying to keep it hidden as to not bug Kyra about it. She seemed out of it a bit lately, so he just wanted to focus on her.

"Hi.....I'm good..." Kyra said, sitting next to him. "How about you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Flood was unimpressed by the blocks and grabbed Connor's leg as it kicked out towards him. He then quickly behind Connor still holding onto his leg and pulled hoping to flip Connor on the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor didn't let himself be flipped to the ground, considering it was pretty much impossible to flip someone using their own leg unless you were super strong. Even then, you wouldn't pull, you'd push up. It was like Flood had learned nothing. Plus, it just didn't make sense, at least not with the laws of physic's. So Connor brought his foot down, getting out of floods grip, and turned to face Flood again.

How could you fight someone who was crazy enough to try and flip you when it was impossible? You couldn't predict what he was going to do. It made Connor feel frustrated, but he guessed if he ever did become a hero, there would be lots of crazy people to fight.

So you looked for a weakness.

Or...you teamed up.

He glanced to Jack, then smiled, "Jack! What do you say we take them down together? Or at least take flood down and get our butts kicked by Bane?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jack was focusing on not getting beat up by Bane to focus on Flood and Connor. He did however figure stopping Flood was a good idea. Jack nodded and fired a few webs at Flood to trip him up at least.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Flood smiled as his hand left Connor's foot. "Boom." He said simply as he jumped away and activated the shock device he had attached to his foot. He then looked at Jack and saw the webs heading towards him. A couple hit his arm and threw Flood off somewhat. He shook his arm a bit to try and get the webs off but it failed. 'Did I really try to shake webs off my arm?' He asked himself silently then shook his head and took out Blizzard with one hand and activated the freezing feature. He held it to the webs and they shattered from the cold. "No more holding back." He said as he dashed forward at Jack and began attacking with his Katana.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connpr rolled his eyes as Flood put a device on him, flinching at the shock, but quickly deactivated it and removed it. Trying to shock him? Hoping that would take him down? Electricty always tried to make its way to the ground, in the quickest way possible. so putting it on a foot when it would just go straight down to the ground didn't make sense. All it did was cause pain in his leg.

Connor shook his head amused. "You don't understand basic science, do you?" He said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

knight125 said
Once Ben finishes gathering his tools of the trade, he begins climbing the stairs leading to the roof of the main building. As he reaches the roof, his suit appears with holsters and sheaths in place for his weapons. Ben takes a calming breath at the top of the stairs, sprints across the roof, then takes a flying leap over the side of the six-story building. As Ben plummets to the ground, he spreads his arms, allowing the web-like cape on his back to expand and catch the air, acting like a hang glider. He zooms through the air toward his car, his flight, though at first steady, quickly devolves into a wavering, zigzagging arc toward the ground. With both his car and the parking lot rapidly approaching his face, Ben brings his arms to his chest, retracting the cape, then flips midair and lands lightly beside his car. He notices Kijani a few yards away and calls to her, "Come on then, let's go."

Kijani waited in the parking lot, reading the miniature copy of The Art of War that she had inside her jacket pocket. She was dressed in a conservative looking suit. Wine colored jacket with a white shirt beneath, pants, and flat shoes. Her hair was held back in a simple bun, with two slim, laquered chopsticks through it. She carried a portfolio in front of her, filled with various papers. For all intents and purposes, she could be going into a job interview rather than a fight. The only thing that was at all threatening was her jian in it's scabbard, slung across her back.

Appearances were everything.

Beneath her white shirt, Kijani had carefully constructed layers of thin, flexible tissue paper. It made no noise as she moved, and with a brush of will, she could make it bulletproof. The chopsticks in her hair had tiny hidden blades- she wasn't going to cut off anyone's hand with them, but she could easily take out someone's eyes, or ears, even give them a very vicious tracheostomy. The portfolio, of course, was filled with paper she could weaponize in seconds. She was ready, but she felt better when other people didn't know it.

She watched Ben make his entrance, gliding in gracefully through the shadows. Once he touched down, she smiled. "A flying spider." She approached his car and started to get in. "That's a serious nightmare for arachnophobes everywhere."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Caits said
Connpr rolled his eyes as Flood put a device on him, flinching at the shock, but quickly deactivated it and removed it. Trying to shock him? Hoping that would take him down? Electricty always tried to make its way to the ground, in the quickest way possible. so putting it on a foot when it would just go straight down to the ground didn't make sense. All it did was cause pain in his leg. Connor shook his head amused. "You don't understand basic science, do you?" He said

"I do, I just don't care. Do you really think I have time for science in a fight? It caused pain, that's all that matters. You're going to be a bit more sensitive in that leg now, which sets up for more complicated procedures." He said really fast in one breath as he continued swinging at literally everyone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

(Sorry, I'm eager to post. If you want to skip the drive, feel free to ignore his question and just initiate a small time skip)

Ben chuckles, "Flying spiders are actually pretty common. If a spider is small enough, it can climb to the top of something really tall, stand on its hind legs, and shoot a few strands of web. They somehow automatically from a triangular, parachute looking thing, that then enables the spider to glide for several miles under the right conditions." He opens the door to his car for Kijani, then slides into the driver's side once Kijani is in the car. As they leave the Academy, Ben asks, "So Kijani, you're a female. Have any of our classmates told you they're interested in me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

knight125 said
(Sorry, I'm eager to post. If you want to skip the drive, feel free to ignore his question and just initiate a small time skip)Ben chuckles, "Flying spiders are actually pretty common. If a spider is small enough, it can climb to the top of something really tall, stand on its hind legs, and shoot a few strands of web. They somehow automatically from a triangular, parachute looking thing, that then enables the spider to glide for several miles under the right conditions." He opens the door to his car for Kijani, then slides into the driver's side once Kijani is in the car. As they leave the Academy, Ben asks, "So Kijani, you're a female. Have any of our classmates told you they're interested in me?"

Kijani raised her eyebrows, a faint smile tugging at her lips. "I don't have a lot of time to girl-talk with the others, unfortunately." She wondered if she needed to remedy that. Alliances needed continuous upkeep, after all. Her gaze looked over Ben studiously, before she nodded. "If I wasn't with Connor, I'd probably be looking in your direction. If it's any consolation, anyway." She shrugged a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Ben grins,glad that he has the mask on to hide the blush he knew was creeping onto his cheeks. "Thanks Kijani." He pauses for a moment, wondering whether or not he should mention what they were going to be doing soon, but decides against it. Instead, he asks, "Speaking of Connor, how have you two been? Regarding your relationship, I mean."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

knight125 said
Ben grins,glad that he has the mask on to hide the blush he knew was creeping onto his cheeks. "Thanks Kijani." He pauses for a moment, wondering whether or not he should mention what they were going to be doing soon, but decides against it. Instead, he asks, "Speaking of Connor, how have you two been? Regarding your relationship, I mean."

Kijani gave him a curious look. It wasn't really any of his business, was it? Then again, there wasn't anything to actually hide. "We're doing great. Even though we've both been busy. I plan to take him into the city and introduce him to real Italian food." She giggled softly behind her hand. "I care for him deeply, but his idea of a good meal is a can of Chef Boyardee."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

"Hey, don't knock it until ya try it," Ben says with a laugh. Then, he sighs as he says, "Honestly, I'm a bit jealous of all the couples that formed in our little group. It's never something that I've really gotten to experience. I mean, I've dated girls before, but nothing ever stuck for more than a month or so."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Gosh, what an amazing day as the Sun set, concluding what was her prime condition for that day. Quite frankly there are many sources of light that should be able to empower her, and not just the most abundant thermal source that only lasted for most of the day.

To an extent, she’s felt empowerment from simply being in urban life and being around LED bulbs but it wasn’t as rich as how she’d describe it. Light, in its different wavelengths, have different… flavours almost, different sensations of how they interact with her light-sensitive body. Even without sunlight, she felt good with just the slight radiation emission from body temperature.

So many sources of light! Astronomical throughout the entire day! Lightning! Aurorae! Bioluminescence! Incandescence! Even as artificial as delicious Neon, a gas-discharged light source, and sonoluminescence so rare but not impossible!

Oh god, was she salivating? Hahaha!

She had to know what else she could do! If light was abundant all the time, she could practically be unstoppable forever.

Especially knowing that her schoolmates were so potent, that she needed to make sure she could keep up.

What was that?


So Devika did change something in her…

Was Paranoia good? Coupling her mensa-high IQ, her analytical and deduction skills of logic, and her mentality of insatiable thirst for excitement and thrill, was this a good thing?

Perhaps that is what she needs.

People are always trying to screw around with her and make sure that she never gets her fun. Perhaps it was because she never thought them through and just went with it, complacent of the beings around her.


Now she understands.

She will learn.

She will adapt.

She will continue to grow stronger with her abilities.

She will have fun.

That’s enough for today. Even poor old Gretchen needs her rest. She didn’t feel hungry for some reason, so she light-ran back to her room and went straight on to her laptop, it hidden in a table drawer which will now serve as her work station.

She clicked on Random Article on Wikipedia, and read away!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Kijani nodded. "If someone had told me when I started school that I'd have a boyfriend by the middle of the semester, I would have called them crazy. Connor sort of... snuck up on me, to be honest. I wasn't looking, and then..." She shrugged, half smiling. "Romantic surprise attack. I can't say I regret it, but it does make certain things stickier." Her glance focused out of the windshield, for a moment. "You'll find a girl who complements you. Go for someone tough, who doesn't take a lot of bullshit."
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