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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor chuckled, and followed him, "seriously? How can you beat up bane?" He asked curiously, then shrugged "I'm fine, how are you?" He asked, keeping his hands in his pockets,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jack laughed a bit. "Oh no he beats the heck out of me every time I go. It's about getting stronger. I'm beating John eventually. " Jack said hopefully. "I'm good. Just bored. what's new with you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin stared after her, confusion evident on his furry face. He frowned, looking around. What on earth just happened? He looked around again and let out a sign. First he gets insulted for who he is, annoying by the way, then this exchange of emotions and other things and now he is left here, standing in a empty hallway. He ran his hand over his fur, leaning back against the wall. "Bloody hell..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor shrugged again, thinking. "Nothing new really. Just messing about with my suit really, adding upgrades and such" he said then sighed "I need to work on other skills besides my suit. I've pretty much mastered that"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jack nodded. "I could help you with those skills. Like fighting with out the suit for example. In case it gets taken down. I learned to fight in case my powers failed for some reason. It might help. I'm free whenever. " Jack offered politely. He always wanted to help whenever he could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

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SomeoneSomewere said
Austin stared after her, confusion evident on his furry face. He frowned, looking around. What on earth just happened? He looked around again and let out a sign. First he gets insulted for who he is, annoying by the way, then this exchange of emotions and other things and now he is left here, standing in a empty hallway. He ran his hand over his fur, leaning back against the wall. "Bloody hell..."

Kyra xame walking down the hall quietly. She spotted Austin and smiled, walking over to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor have Jack a smile "that would be great. My dad never forced me to learn to fight, but now I wished he had" he said "if there's anything I can do for you in return, I'll do it"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin looked at Kyra and said," hey, how are you?" He stood up, managing a small smile. He was obviously confused about something, but he was trying to keep it hidden as to not bug Kyra about it. She seemed out of it a bit lately, so he just wanted to focus on her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Katherin left her last class of the day. The day had been a strange one. Still it was done. Now she could move on to other things. She looked around to see who was about.
When Zack finished his last class he headed towards the cafeteria. Some students gather there after class. Maybe he would find someone to talk to there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Caits said
Connor have Jack a smile "that would be great. My dad never forced me to learn to fight, but now I wished he had" he said "if there's anything I can do for you in return, I'll do it"

Jack could think of a favor from Connor. A gadget or two would help. "Well I need your tech help. A gadget or two is all I need in payment. I'll gladly teach you. It'll be easy. " Jack said reaching Bane's arena. "You could join me for this session. It's not that hard. " He offered figuring it would be a good measurement.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I can do that, if you tell me what type of gadget" Connor said, always happy to help in the tech department. He looked about, than shrugged "maybe I'll just watch" he said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As they walked into Bane's arena they would see Flood practicing his Katana forms and completely concentrating. He pulled off a particularly complex maneuver and then continued practicing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

After classes, Kijani headed straight home. She took a quick shower to clear her mind, and started preparing her weapons. Her sword was shined and ready to go. She'd spent free time in the past testing various types and weights of paper, and unpacked the different strengths that she may need. These were tucked neatly into a tidy looking portfolio, full of what looked like reports and research. Once she was done with all of that, she called Anthony.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jack walked into the arena. He had no idea what heck Flood was doing. Little odd for him to just be standing there doing his moves. Bane seemed just as confused. "Suit yourself. " Jack said making a bad pun. He shrugged and entered the arena. Jack slung in as well. "Uhh Flood. I'm trying to have a session here. Unless you are here for that. " He said politely. Bane however just charged the two of them. Focusing on Jack and trying to punch him. When that failed he kept going. Flood could join the fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Upon arriving home, Anthony spends the next few hours with his tigers. They were growing too large to keep on this property, so he was trying to spend as much time with them as possible before they were moved to his island. While sitting among them, Anthony feels his phone vibrating in his pocket, so he pulls it out and glances at the caller ID. "Hello Ms. Rayne. Please find Ben and tell him that I said he was to drive you to my home. Thank you." After that brief answer, Anthony returns to playing with his pets.

Ben, once he had finished up in Nightwing's class, headed over to Deadpool's class. As soon as it was cleared of students, he'd enter and choose the weapons for the night's mission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor blinked, wondering if that was meant to be a joke. He shook his head, moving to the side to observe. He didn't really want to go against Bane-training with Jack would be good, but not with just one of the teachers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Flood narrowed his eyes and dodge rolled out of Bane's way. He then watched Jack begin fighting and smiled. "Go for the tubes!" He called out as he watched the battle, waiting to jump in at a good moment. He was going to make this a battle royale. He saw such a moment and dashed into battle. He made a couple of swings at both of them as he activated the blades electric flow. It was low powered so it wouldn't kill, but it would hurt like a mother.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jack was trying to fight off Bane till he noticed Flood attacking both of them. Great. His spidey sense helped him dodge the swing but Bane was not so lucky. He roared in pain but kept focus on Jack. Flood would need to do more to get his attention. "Really Flood? Come on now. " Jack said firing a web at Flood as he kept on the defensive. This was oddly helpful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor let out a sigh, before joining the arena. "Flood!" He called, feeling like this was the stupidest thing he had ever done. He nevertheless planted his feet and waited
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Kijani dialed up Ben's number, calmly folding up a paper star while it rang. Once he picked up, she spoke. "Evening. Mr. Luthor requests that you give me a ride to the event tonight." She touched the tip of the star with her finger, making sure it was sharp. "Where can I meet you?"
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