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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by illbebach


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"Alright, thanks for the help guys."
He walks up to one of the computers and begins to look through the classes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Devika blinked as a guy who looked like a tiger walked up. She strengthened her emotional barriers and shook his hand, thankful that she'd worn her thick gloves today. "Hey. Nice to meet you." She smiled slightly. "That was an interesting assignment. There are a lot of people who think I'm dangerous, for some reason."

(Just letting you know, animals tend to not like Devika... dunno what you wanna do with that.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Connor nodded, and went to his next class, going for Dr Connors now since he went to Captain America's earlier. He sat down in his usual seat, but his mind was else were, and he was glad when the lesson was over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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( Alright )

Austin felt a shiver run down his spine, his fur along his spine prickling a little, his more instinctive side wary. He shoved it down however, shaking her hand. He then shrugged," well, it makes sense to me, seeing how I was one of the people that said you were dangerous. I mean, you can effect emotions of people, and everyone has them. You could send people into a fetal position with one touch. Your power is incredible."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cap eventually ended his class. Sure it was what they had heard before but he did not mind. It would be important later.

Jack looked at James. "You ready yet? I can help if you need it. "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

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SomeoneSomewere said
( Alright )Austin felt a shiver run down his spine, his fur along his spine prickling a little, his more instinctive side wary. He shoved it down however, shaking her hand. He then shrugged," well, it makes sense to me, seeing how I was one of the people that said you were dangerous. I mean, you can effect emotions of people, and everyone has them. You could send people into a fetal position with one touch. Your power is incredible."

Devika chuckled weakly. She could feel his tension, and figured it had everything to do with his animal nature. Hurriedly she withdrew her hand. "I suppose, but... I would have to get close enough to touch them. My power may be incredible, but I'm not." She looked him over with curiosity. "But you seem capable."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Flood looked over his shoulder at the computer. "I would suggest Captain America's class if you're worried about your hand to hand combat abilities. Not only that but yours truly is the TA there." Flood suggested as he walked off to who knows where.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin shrugged," that takes practice, to become that capable. You gotta work on it. The affect of surprise would always be a good affect." He looked at his hands when she said he was capable, drawing out his claws then retracting them and dropping his hands and said," I guess so, but I've had more practice then most people here, and even then I'm not the best at fighting. I was born this way in this physical aspect, everything I do is based off of this form, my human form is the one that I have to actually shift into. My human form always feels so strange and abnormal." He shrugged yet again," and most people here rely on long range abilities, which makes it difficult for me to actually get close enough to cause any damage. If we were fighting each other at some point, you would win, because I would be forced to touch you at some point to even get closer to winning."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


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Once Mimic dismisses the class, Anthony exits the room with a smug grin on his face. For once, the imbeciles were right about something! The majority of them either wanted him on the team they'd create, or thought that he was one of the most dangerous students. His pets' brief moment of intelligence nearly brought a tear to Anthony's eye. However, the realization that he was going to confront his father within four hours quickly forced Anthony to ignore the joy he was feeling and focus on the task at hand. While walking down the hallway, he decides to forgo the final class of the day, in favor of going straight home to prepare for the night.

Ben exits Mimic's class with a grin on his face. Although he hadn't made many friends, a handful of people thought he was skilled enough to be included on their teams. "I'm more of a lone wolf, but it's still cool that they'd want me by their sides," he thinks while walking to Nightwing's class. "Might as well get some extra practice in with my weapon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Devika considered his words, nodding a bit once he was done. "I suppose that's true, but I can't really fight at all. I am going to be working on that, though. So many people look at me, and just see a fat girl with wild clothes. I've never... wanted to be more before." She shrugged and grinned a bit. "I guess you have it made, being a hero's kid and all. You already know what's expected of you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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He let out a small grin," well, that's when you surprise them with what you can do and use their underestimating to your advantage. " He then let out a small laugh we she said he had it made. "I guess so, but it's that thing of living up to the expectations. That's what a lot of people have to face at this school . I suppose I'm even more lucky that my dad is pretty unknown, seeing as my dad didn't do much of the hero stuff. My grandmother is more well known."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

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Classes ended!? Already!? What was the point of that!?

Well she did know the point. BUT NOTHING ELSE!?

Oh, a new student? Pale, brown hair, around her height, lean.

”James Kelly - Good with technology? Like a normal human being? The hell does that even mean?” a thought so provoking in its own right, something so simple that it should be boring, yet struck her with a good bit of curiosity.

Well, now what?

Time to harass some more people!

Oh look! It’s Austin and Devika!


She ran over to them in light-speed, a quick lap just around them, before stopping right in between them.

She pressed Austin’s cheeks together so hard, and starting making meowing noises to tease him.

She turned around and pressed Devika’s cheeks together.

She was fully aware of how she was empathy, but how exactly? By touch! Who else would wear gloves that thick!?

“Let’s see how those powers work!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

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Devika didn't have time to react before Gretchen touched her face. The contact was too much- especially because she was already having a sensitive day.

Her emotions began to flood Gretchen's mind, though her fingertips. Devika began to absorb hers in return, and couldn't will her overtaxed mind to make her body move away. The prolonged contact made things much more intense, much faster than they'd ever been before.

The first was a subtle, constant feeling that she was lesser than everyone in this school. They had been born to privilege, and so they were steps ahead of her in ways she couldn't even fathom.


The next was a deep sadness, that so many people thought she was dangerous. She didn't want to be dangerous! She wanted people to like her. She wanted someone to care. Unfortunately, she was a nobody. She could go days without speaking to anyone, and no one would even notice.


Finally, there was a horrible sense of not knowing where she was going. That her destiny, whatever it may be, so far off in the distance that it was impossible to tell if she was going toward it, or away from it. Who was she, and what was she doing with her life?


In return, Devika began to draw in Gretchen's emotions. Suddenly, she was confident, beautiful, assured. She was better than Gretchen- than the whole school! They thought she was dangerous, and they were right! Just because she was husky, didn't mean she wasn't damn beautiful. Men liked curves, and she had them to spare! Her mind worked in ways most of these born-supers couldn't even dream of. She'd grown up living a normal kid life with average parents- she'd worked for what she had, while they'd just had their destinies handed to them. Why was she worried? She could make her way, and god help anyone who wanted to stop her.

Who was this skinny blonde bitch touching her?

Devika reeled back, formed a fist, and slammed it right into Gretchen's crimson painted mouth. "Excuse me, but you don't know me like that. Step aside, twiggy." She shoved Gretchen away, putting her weight into it. "Touch me again, and I'll make you so sad you'll wish your mother had aborted you." She nodded to Austin, and started walking away with her generous hips swaying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

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God what is this!? The more Gretchen held on, the more depressed and horrible she felt about herself, something that was so foreign to her that it actually scared her in such reveling confusion.

She felt like complete shit.

Then a fist, right at her mouth, smudging the lipstick upwards, and a shove knocking her back, as she fell to the ground hard.

She felt like utter crap, powerless and alone, and looked up to Devika in culling and fear for her. She wanted to do something about it, but she was sooo afraid…

But hey, who’s the genius here?

She was fearful, trembling for her life as she stood and ran in light-form behind the sauntering, bodacious empath. It took all of her willpower to know that this was the right thing to do.

A slap so hard to her entire right side of Devika’s face, and the emotions surged through so quickly, her falling to the ground hard.

A smile so sinister and so proud grew on Gretchen’s face, and her maleficent glare returned. Was it a return of her emotions? Did she counteract what had been a transfer? Or did her natural in-born mind, built to handle only pride, prejudice and power kick in, removing what was a fleeting moment of alien emotion?

“Thanks for the adrenaline-rush, Devika! I’ll be sure to come for my next appointment soon! Hahaha!”

Was she ever going to be the same ever again? Whatever!

She seemed fine, and that’s all that matters, right!? Gretchen Williams!

She ran in light-form back to the apex of the Academy, absorbing the light that she can, almost orgasmic in ravishment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda listened throughout the class, but was just happy that it was over. She tied her guitar to her back, and happily walked out the classroom. Having nothing else to do, Kalinda made her way to the top of one of the buildings, walking up the stairs instead of using her flight ability.

Today had so far been a weird day. Yet it was enjoyable. Some people thought she was dangerous, and that amused her. What puzzled and confused her, was the fact that people wanted her on their team. She didn't now why.

Well, she supposed she had shown off her powers a bit, at least her shadow manipulation, mainly by hiding in them all the time. She supposed people would like that. Mostly, she just used it to win the games set in gym.

Still, it puzzled her. She shrugged, and took off her guitar as she sat on the end of the girls dorms roof. She tuned her guitar and began to play, singing along with the song.

"Little bird, little bird,
Fly through my window,
Little bird, little bird,
Fly through my window,
Little bird, little bird
Fly through my window,
And find molasses candy.

Through my window,
My sugar lump,
Fly through my window,
My sugar lump,
And find molasses candy."

She went through the different variations of the versus. She vaguely remembered her mother singing her the song when she was a toddler, perhaps the only thing she remembered her mother being caring about. Her voice was soft, musical.

She smiled to herself, and just began to play random tunes. Music was her outlet. Right now though, she simply wanted to play, because she didn't have anything better to

For once, Kalinda was happy. Just simply happy.
Connor shoved his hands in his pockets, pondering what to do. He thought about what his suit contained, a self-contained environment, which thankfully protected him from things like Anthony's, or Phoebe's pheramones, had an assortment of weapons, gave him enhanced stregnth, flight of course, communications abilities, and senses, like the radar, sonar and tracking abilities.

But those that said he was dangerous, or had wanted them on their team, said so because of his suit really, and that frustrated him, because he knew he couldn't fight well without it, but he had other qualities.

He sighed, and decided to go find Austin.
Phoebe left Captain America's classroom when it was over, walking through the gardens towards the girls dorms to change. She still felt down, annoyed, angry, she didn't know. She was soon ready for Ryan, but knew there was hours left till 6. So she went back out into the gardens

She ran her hands over a few trees and plants, making their leaves and flowers regain their colour, which caused her to feel slightly better. She smiled slightly, and sat down, playing with a lily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin growled angrily and was just about to punch the girl in front of him when she switched people. He took a quick step back as he watched the exchange, not daring to touch either of them. When they had finally separated, he immediately knew something had changed about both of them. He watched this new Devika, and the new Gretchen, and then when Gretchen ran at her, he ran after, much slower but able to get there soon enough to stop Devika from falling, careful to not touch any skin, his body tense just from this contact. He then growled," I hate that girl. So childish."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Devika didn't know what had happened. For several wonderful moments, she'd felt... amazing. More herself than any other time in the world. And then she'd been hit in the face, and then Austin was holding her. "Mmmgh..." She rubbed the cheek that was throbbing with increasing pain, and quickly extracted herself from Austin. "I'm sorry." Her eyes started to fill with tears, and she removed her glasses to wipe at them. "...I'll just.. ah... be going. I can tell my power's messing with you." A wobbly smile appeared on her face. "I'd give you a hug to thank you for catching me, but I'm pretty sure you'd pop out of your fur. So... thanks from a distance." Without waiting for a response, she rushed off.

The outdoors was there before she knew it, and she slumped into the cool grass, covering her hurt face with a hand. It was easy to see why Gretchen was so damn happy all the time. Easy to smile when literally had no care for anyone besides yourself. It had been beautiful, the confidence, the strength... and it had been gone that fast, a breath of perfume on a stagnant day.

She wanted to be stronger and more confident, but... that wasn't what she wanted to become. Her parents had raised her to look out for those who needed help, and that's what she was going to do. Her way. But still... that dose of confidence still buzzed in her brain, like a drug. She wanted that feeling again, and she knew immediately that the need in itself wasn't like her.

"Crap... If this bitch turns me into some sort of addict, I'm going to have my parents sue the school."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

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Kyra wandered around quietly, looking for her friends.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor headed back to the computers, to see if James had finished signing up, or if Kack was still there. It was better than just wandering around, he thought, hands in his pockets because he had once again forgotten his gloves.

He made his way to the computers, seeing Jack and James.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jack sat there waiting. James was taking so long. He then decided to just give the guy directions to the dorms and walked off nearly into Connor. "Oh hey Connor. James knows where to go. What to walk we with me? I have to go get beat up by Bane. " He joked motioning to the door for Connor to follow him. He walked out and turned his head to Connor. "How are you Connor?"
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