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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin rolled his eyes and said, with a small smile," meh." He reacted his claw, looking at her. He couldn't think of a decent come back for what she said, so he didn't even try to make a stupid one up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

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Kyra laughed. "I'm just saying..." she said, smiling. She stretched. "I reeeaaaally don't wanna be here... I just want to go back to my dorm and sleep.." she sighed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Mistress Dizzy said
Kijani tried to smile at him. Her grandmother's words echoed through her head, and she flinched instead. Everyone else in her life had betrayed her or simply not cared. How could Connor be any different? Evidence didn't lie... "Well, at least you're... sticking to your story." She tried to reassemble her hair into something acceptable. "...We'll be late for class. I can wait outside if you want to wash."

Connor sighed. He gathered his things, "I guess I'll just have to do whatever I can, to make you see that I'm not just sticking to a story" a determined edge creeped into his voice, and he said, "I'll shower after gym. Dr Connors won't mind if I'm late to class" he opened the dorm room door, holding it open for Kijani.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

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Kijani nodded and grabbed her back. She headed to the door, and nearing Connor, her hand stretched out as if to stroke his face. She stopped partway there, wincing and shaking her head slightly. Then she waited, until he was out so she could lock up. "...have a good day, Connor." Without another word, she ran off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OG Pterodactyl

OG Pterodactyl

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Tashi had just received his class schedule and was heading towards the gym. He could notice some of the strange looks the other students were giving him. He didn't really mind, he kind of liked to stand out. He made his way into the gym with a lost look, hoping he could find someone to show him around. Tashi sighed, he was lost in a place he didn't want to be in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Nicholas Crane was holding his books in his hand walking around the grounds of the school heading to the cafeteria form his bio class that he found amazing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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OG Pterodactyl said
Tashi had just received his class schedule and was heading towards the gym. He could notice some of the strange looks the other students were giving him. He didn't really mind, he kind of liked to stand out. He made his way into the gym with a lost look, hoping he could find someone to show him around. Tashi sighed, he was lost in a place he didn't want to be in.

"Can we help you?" Zack asked as he landed next to a boy who seemed lost. He remember his first day at the academy. It could be a very confusing and overwhelming place. Helping this new student gave him a chance to make a new friend.
Eviledd1984 said
Nicholas Crane was holding his books in his hand walking around the grounds of the school heading to the cafeteria form his bio class that he found amazing.

"Your going the wrong way." Katherin called. "Gym is the first class of the day. I'd be happy to show you the way."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OG Pterodactyl

OG Pterodactyl

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KatherinWinter said
"Can we help you?" Zack asked as he landed next to a boy who seemed lost. He remember his first day at the academy. It could be a very confusing and overwhelming place. Helping this new student gave him a chance to make a new friend.

Tashi turned to a sudden voice next to him. He jumped back slightly, but recovered quickly. "Uh.. Yes. I'm just looking for the gym class." He said, turning to the boy. "And if you could point out where the dorm rooms are, that would be great." He added.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Phoebe was just reaching the gym. She quickly changed, and slipped into the gym, sitting on the bleachers, waiting for class to start. She was absently playing with some vines, causing them to twist and turn, as she thought. A habit of hers she just hadn't ever been able to shake.
Connor sighed. He stood there for a minute, wondering what he could do. Eventually, he started off to gym, hoping that was where she was going. He ran a hand through his hair as if to brush it, but just messed it up. He sighed again, heading into the gym
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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OG Pterodactyl said
Tashi turned to a sudden voice next to him. He jumped back slightly, but recovered quickly. "Uh.. Yes. I'm just looking for the gym class." He said, turning to the boy. "And if you could point out where the dorm rooms are, that would be great." He added.

"Of course. We would be glad to show you the way. I'm afraid there isn't time to take you to the boys dorm right now. We will have to show you after gym. If you will follow us we will show you the way to the gym. We were on our way there ourselves" Zack told him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OG Pterodactyl

OG Pterodactyl

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KatherinWinter said
"Of course. We would be glad to show you the way. I'm afraid there isn't time to take you to the boys dorm right now. We will have to show you after gym. If you will follow us we will show you the way to the gym. We were on our way there ourselves" Zack told him.

"Thank you. It's greatly appreciated." Tashi says, bowing slightly. "I'm Tashi, by the way." He says after straightening up from his bow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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OG Pterodactyl said
"Thank you. It's greatly appreciated." Tashi says, bowing slightly. "I'm Tashi, by the way." He says after straightening up from his bow.

"My name is Zack. You will met my brother Griffin later." Zack tells the boy. "The academy is a wonderful place. You will like it here. Many of the students are friendly."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OG Pterodactyl

OG Pterodactyl

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Tashi follows Zack on his way to the gym. "So, this place doesn't just train heroes? From what I heard before coming here they train villains as well? Is this true?" Tashi asked, a bit confused on why an Academy that housed heroes would create villains as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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KatherinWinter said
"Your going the wrong way." Katherin called. "Gym is the first class of the day. I'd be happy to show you the way."

"No i had another class which was Bio and now i am going to the cafe for something to eat before i go to my next class..." Nicholas said in a clam sounding voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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OG Pterodactyl said
Tashi follows Zack on his way to the gym. "So, this place doesn't just train heroes? From what I heard before coming here they train villains as well? Is this true?" Tashi asked, a bit confused on why an Academy that housed heroes would create villains as well.

"You heard correctly. The academy trains both heroes and villains. Have you choose a side yet? If not it is ok. We havent made up our mind yet. I am trying to convince Griffin to be a hero but he isn't sure that he wants to." Zack told him.
Eviledd1984 said
"No i had another class which was Bio and now i am going to the cafe for something to eat before i go to my next class..." Nicholas said in a clam sounding voice.

"Did you get your schedule wrong? Breakfast just ended. We have gym next. Then individule claas. Lunch around noon. The power development followed by another individual class." Katherin explained tucking a strained of hair behind her ear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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KatherinWinter said
"Did you get your schedule wrong? Breakfast just ended. We have gym next. Then individual class. Lunch around noon. The power development followed by another individual class." Katherin explained tucking a strained of hair behind her ear.

"Then tell Dr.Young about it because i was in her class...but fine if you insist even though Gym is a waste of time and energy...." Nicholas rolled his eyes walking pasted the annoying teacher.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OG Pterodactyl

OG Pterodactyl

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KatherinWinter said
"You heard correctly. The academy trains both heroes and villains. Have you choose a side yet? If not it is ok. We havent made up our mind yet. I am trying to convince Griffin to be a hero but he isn't sure that he wants to." Zack told him.

"I don't really understand the point of training villains and heroes in the same place. Couldn't that cause some problems when people decide what they want to be?" Tashi asked, scratching his head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 1 hr ago

OG Pterodactyl said
"I don't really understand the point of training villains and heroes in the same place. Couldn't that cause some problems when people decide what they want to be?" Tashi asked, scratching his head.

"As far as we have seen it hasn't caused any problems. Closer to graduation it might." Zack told him with a shrug. "We have decided that the reason for training them together is to make sure that both sides recieve the same education. That was both sides are equally represented."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OG Pterodactyl

OG Pterodactyl

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KatherinWinter said
"As far as we have seen it hasn't caused any problems. Closer to graduation it might." Zack told him with a shrug. "We have decided that the reason for training them together is to make sure that both sides recieve the same education. That was both sides are equally represented."

"Ah. Well if it hasn't caused problems yet then I guess I cannot criticize it." Tashi shrugged, looking around at his surroundings as they made their way to Gym.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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OG Pterodactyl said
"Ah. Well if it hasn't caused problems yet then I guess I cannot criticize it." Tashi shrugged, looking around at his surroundings as they made their way to Gym.

Nicholas walked into the gym quietly sitting down on the bleachers with a annoyed look on his face,He couldn't wait for this class to be done so he could do something more productive like making chemicals like his father Jonathan Crane.
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