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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 21 min ago

Kijani came to the gym after Connor, as she'd stopped in the bathroom to try and adjust her clothing once again. She looked over the gym as she set her things down. A gymnastics course. No problem. She could do that in her sleep.

Kijani kicked off her shoes and headed toward the balance beam. She went over that easy, taking it at a run. The vault was simple, and she soared into a spinning leap. Then she hit the uneven bars, gaining momentum as she went from one to another.


Her grandmother's voice whispered in her head, as she was leaping for the low bar. Her fingertips grazed it but never got to grip, and the miss sent her hurtling toward the ground. Landing hard on her side, she let out a whoosh of air, and then couldn't even inhale enough to scream. She lay there, writhing in pain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Mistress Dizzy said
Kijani came to the gym after Connor, as she'd stopped in the bathroom to try and adjust her clothing once again. She looked over the gym as she set her things down. A gymnastics course. No problem. She could do that in her sleep. Kijani kicked off her shoes and headed toward the balance beam. She went over that easy, taking it at a run. The vault was simple, and she soared into a spinning leap. Then she hit the uneven bars, gaining momentum as she went from one to another.Her grandmother's voice whispered in her head, as she was leaping for the low bar. Her fingertips grazed it but never got to grip, and the miss sent her hurtling toward the ground. Landing hard on her side, she let out a whoosh of air, and then couldn't even inhale enough to scream. She lay there, writhing in pain.

Flood widened his eyes when he saw Kijani land on the ground and rushed over to her. "Crap! We need the nurse, now!" Flood yelled as he reached into a jacket pocket for something to help her. He pulled out a minor anaesthetic and hesitated. He kneeled down near her face. "I have an anaesthetic, are you in enough pain to need this? Just nod if you do." Flood asked in his best calm voice. "Get the God damn nurse already!" He called yelled at someone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor flinched as he heard the crash, looking about. He was over to her, and since Flood got there first, Flood. In all the time at the academy, Connor had never seen Kijani even make one mistake in this sort of thing.

He should have tried harder to get her to talk to him. But he hadn't, because he didn't want to push her.

He knelt, but did't interfer with Flood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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"What the hell happened to her Connor? And if you say I don't know, I will rip your kidneys out and feed them to you!" Flood demanded to know angrily. Kijani never messed up in acrobatics. Whatever happened to her when Connor brought her back seriously broke her. "I saw you carry her to her room last night. What happened last night?" Flood asked calming down slightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor glared at Flood, "Don't you think I know that? Don't you think I want to help? You don't have the right to ask, not here, not now, and not to me. I don't know what happened. That's the truth. All I know is, I brought her out of a place that is a nightmare to her. That's all I know." His voice, which had started off warningly towards Flood, softened, and his voice almost broke with emotion. "We're not going to take her to a nurse. The nurse can come here, but I don't think it would be helpful to take her to the nurse's bay" He said, remembering the chemical smell to the facility.

"She landed heavily on her side. Maybe broken ribs?" He didn't want to move Kijani, fearful of hurting her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

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SomeoneSomewere said
He said," I'll probably try the vault or high bar first, most likely vault, with my speed it should help." He looked at her, flexing his claws. He probably would be better without using them, due to the possibility of getting stuck inside a mat. He said to her," I'm gonna go try the vault. Don't laugh if I land on my butt." He grinned at her then walked up to the vault, shaking out his arms, then crouching and rising to stretch out his legs again. He ignored what was going on around him, but with senses as good as his that was difficult. He went to the start, staring it down, deciding what to do. He then took a step back, then sprinted forward. About five feet away from the spring, he jumped, feet landing firmly and launching into the air, his hands impacting the board with a thwack, launching even higher into the air and preforming a backflip, tucking his legs in, and also a 180 degree turn. He landed on his right foot first, then immediately afterwards his left, before falling backwards on to his butt. He let out a small grunt and stood up, standing up and moving off of the mat. It wasn't too difficult, for him the hardest part was the landing.

Kyra couldn't help but giggle a little and she made her way over to him. She sat on the ground idian style next to the vault. "Try using your left foot first. That way, when you land, if you start to fall, your right foot will balance you out... Don't ask me how it's different, cuz I don't know.. I just know it works... Most times..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 21 min ago

floodtalon said
Flood widened his eyes when he saw Kijani land on the ground and rushed over to her. "Crap! We need the nurse, now!" Flood yelled as he reached into a jacket pocket for something to help her. He pulled out a minor anaesthetic and hesitated. He kneeled down near her face. "I have an anaesthetic, are you in enough pain to need this? Just nod if you do." Flood asked in his best calm voice. "Get the God damn nurse already!" He called yelled at someone.

Caits said
Connor glared at Flood, "Don't you think I know that? Don't you think I want to help? You don't have the right to ask, not here, not now, and not to me. I don't know what happened. That's the truth. All I know is, I brought her out of a place that is a nightmare to her. That's all I know." His voice, which had started off warningly towards Flood, softened, and his voice almost broke with emotion. "We're not going to take her to a nurse. The nurse can come here, but I don't think it would be helpful to take her to the nurse's bay" He said, remembering the chemical smell to the facility. "She landed heavily on her side. Maybe broken ribs?" He didn't want to move Kijani, fearful of hurting her.

Kijani whimpered near silently, in pain. Her whole arm hurt like hell, and she tried to speak, to tell Connor and Flood what was wrong. But when she saw the anasthetic in Flood's hand, when she saw the needle...

"No..." Her voice was low, almost too low to hear. But the rest of her reaction was clear. She could barely move, and yet, she was trying to get away. She wasn't looking at Flood, or Connor... but at the needle. "No-nono- No more..." The fear in her eyes was palpable, and she let out a weak noise as she curled into herself the best she could.
Devika watched the others take the course, sighing faintly. They all were so good at it, it was scary. But then... what was her name, Kijani, fell hard. She caused two boys to go running for her, and she definitely heard someone calling for a nurse. Finally, something she could do. "I got it!" She stood up from the bleachers and headed down. "Uh... don't move her, I guess?" That was really all she knew about injuries, try not to move so much. She headed out of the gym and started jogging for the nurses' office.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin looked at Kyra, and was in the process of answering her when a thwack reached his ears. His head snapped to face the noise, spotting Kijani laying on the ground in pain, with Connor and Flood above her. He dashed over, crouching next to Connor. He heard what he said about the ribs and nodded," possibly. Also the risk of concussion, and broken wrists if she tried to catch herself." He took a deep breath in," I don't smell any blood her." He looked at her as she spoke and looked at the needle, frowningz he then said," but that damn thing away flood, your scareing her."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Got it." Flood put away the needle and backed off slightly. Flood took a couple of deep breaths and sighed. "Sorry. I just know what it's like to be broken. I empathized with her and I got angry." Flood's eyes flashed with raw fear but just as quickly went back to normal. " Just try not to move her I guess. We need to calm her down. She's going to start hyperventilating if she doesn't."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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SomeoneSomewere said
Austin looked at Kyra, and was in the process of answering her when a thwack reached his ears. His head snapped to face the noise, spotting Kijani laying on the ground in pain, with Connor and Flood above her. He dashed over, crouching next to Connor. He heard what he said about the ribs and nodded," possibly. Also the risk of concussion, and broken wrists if she tried to catch herself." He took a deep breath in," I don't smell any blood her." He looked at her as she spoke and looked at the needle, frowningz he then said," but that damn thing away flood, your scareing her."

Francis then turned his gaze to Austin,Kyra and the others with a gaze that could melt ice,He was making a mental note to himself one being if he wants to go talk to them but that seemed redundant to him since they would probably reject his offer of friendship."Like i care...friends only get in the way..." He muttered in a short scoff crossing his leg over the other.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Klyix
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Klyix Cyber Dolce Vita

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hearing someone call out to her, Kat turned to see it was the new face she had seen earlier. That was brave, it wasn't often people so openly introduced themselves to her, then again it was likely his first day so he would have had no opportunity to find out who she was first. When he told her his name she smiled as if it was a joke only she was aware of, before introducing herself. "I'm Kat, it's a pleasure." When he asked what she normally did, she stood up and laughed. "Whatever I want." And with that she walked away to the circuit, though with no real intention to use it; what use is a horse that you cannot ride?

Her amused watching (not necessarily for the right reasons) was disturbed by the striking thud as Kijani hit the ground. Her usual composure was broken for the shortest moment as Kat whirled to see what had happened, a slight shimmering around her fingertips. But seeing Kijani on the floor she relaxed and took a minute to assess the situation. She saw no reason to rush over, they were not the best of friends and a crowd never helped the situation. If she was needed, Kat supposed she would help, but she was no master healer so for now she kept her distance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 5 days ago

Kyra sat and watched. She didn't know what to do. So she just stood and walked over to the bleachers. She sat down and looked around. It wasn't like she didn't care, she did, but she couldn't do anything about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I don't think she even tried to catch herself." Connor said to Austin

Connor grimaced, because he should have thought of the needle, he looked up as deivka said not to move her, and the ran off, "no, wait de-" but she was already gone. Devika could have told them what was hurting, Connor was sure.

"Shocks going to cause the most trouble" Connor said softly, wishing he had his jacket, but he had absolutely no idea where it had disappeared too. "We need a blanket or something. "
Kalinda heard the fall, stopping in her explanation. She looked about, an expressionless mask falling over her face as she slammed her blocks down, seeing what was going on. She stayed where she was, near Kaiden. It wasn't that she didn't have any empathy for what was going on, she just didn't want to go nearer, to feel what was going on. She didn't need to feel like she was placed in a blender and put on 'chop'. Not this earlier in the morning. But she sighed, "shoulder" she called to those around the fallen figure that being the only thing she picked up, beyond the...scared and helpless emotions, before cutting herself off
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaiden


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Kaiden smiled to Kat after their formal greeting and watched her take off to the circuit. His sharp blue eyes had great vision and he examined carefully how she maneuvered the course. Much like Kalinda her movement was on point and he examined her hand placement and coordination. After watching a few people now take to the course he had enough confidence to try for himself. Kalinda graciously offered to show him some of her tricks. He followed her astutely throughout the course as she explained each section like a patient teacher and offered a physical example for himself to try.

As he and Kalinda ended at the uneven bars once more he turned to face them as Kalinda urged him to try for himself. Kaiden jumped up on the lowest uneven bar and began to swing forward and back then forward, gaining more motion and power until he felt he gained enough height to try and leap to the next bar. Because of his strength he ungraciously was able to grab the next bar but ended hanging flat and still, his motion and swing lost in the transfer from the first bar.

Suddenly Kaiden felt a wave of painful emotions flow through him, settling deep in his chest. He lost his breathe and grip on the bar and fell down on the mat to his knees. He heard a commotion to his side and saw a girl had fallen and several students, many he recognized, running towards her. Kaiden glanced up at Kalinda then quickly got to his feet, brushing off what he just felt. "Let's go see what happened." He reached out and grabbed Kalinda by the hand and began to rush forward towards the commotion.

He stopped right outside the circle of people surrounding the girl. He felt another wave of intense emotion flow through him. Like a circuit of electricity he could feel the emotions rushing through his veins all throughout his body. His hands were balled in to fists at his sides and were shaking slightly. He stared intently at the girl on the floor, or what he could see through Flood and the others, and waited to see if she any sort of sign of her being alright.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Katherin stood on the side of the room uncertain what to do. She couldn't do anything to help Kijani so she didn't want to approach the crowd. It would be weird for her to just take her turn. So she just stood there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Touch had always been Kalinda down fall, and lately, she hadn't been wearing her gloves. She wished she was, as Kaiden grabbed her by the hand, taking her closer, shattering her blocks. The emotions seemed intensified, and she flinched, letting out a gasped breath. "Please, stop" She whispered, trying to break free, but Kaiden had too strong a grip on her, almost seeming like he didn't even remember that he was holding her hand as he stopped outside the group of people. If he paid attention, he'd fell her shaking.
Phoebe wanted to go help, to see if there was anything she could do, but failed to think of anything. What could she do, anyone? Except she rose her voice over all the commotion "You shouldn't crowd!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Flood took off his jacket and lay it down on her as a makeshift blanket. Underneath his jacket was a plain black t-shirt. "Shoulder huh. It could be dislocated. In which case all we would have to do is pop it back in. But we should probably wait for the nurse, just in case. Who's the nurse here again?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Nacelle watched in silence as everyone started panicking, she frowned slightly, not worried about the girl. They had medical doctors here, and so she would be fine, but Nacelle started to realize these buffoons were too busy trying-and failing to help. "Call for a nurse!" She shouted at last, then with a rough breath she gleefully realized they had. At least some people were capable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaiden


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Kaiden was aware of how much his hands were shaking and looked down at them. At that point, when he thought it was just his hands shaking at his sides, he realized his right hand was still grasping Kalinda, his knuckles white from how intense of a grip he had unknowingly placed on her. He immedeitly let go and looked at her, quickly uttering "I'm sorry Kalinda, I didn't realize....are you ok?" As he focused back on her and away from the fallen girl he felt a wave of calmness take over him. Despite the strict emotions beginning to subside within him he could visibly see Kalinda shaking next to him. He didn't know what Kalinda's powers were but he thought his grip alone had rendered her in to such a state. "Kalinda I'm so sorry, I didn't realized I still had your hand, and then I felt these emotions and got so distracted..." he was rambling, trying to get her to say it was ok, or that she was fine and she was only scared for the girl. Without waiting for an answer Kaiden reached out to take her hand once more, this time cupping it gently in one of his, placing his other hand on top as if to soothe her hand from the vice grip he held. He felt a warmth surge inside of him as he drew close to her, his face very close to hers. He gazed at her intently, waiting for a reply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda would have laughed if she could have brushed passed the emotions surgining in her now. He thought he had hurt her, but his tight grip. "I'm an Empath. Shattered my blocks. I'll be okay" She managed to get out, trying to take in deep breaths, to gain control of herself, to push away all the emotions, the pain, the frustration, the helplessness, the worry and fear. The wave of calm that came from him when he took her hand, gently this time, allowed her to breathe evenly, and she focused on that.

She let out a slow breath, and realised that he had drawn her close, and she blinked, somewhat shocked. "um. Hi" She said lamely. "I'm okay now" She tried to smile, "thank you" She continued to focus on the calm he seemed to radiate now, and slowly she relaxed. She was able to reconstruct her blocks, and complete relief flowed through her, as she was just left with her own emotions.

Which might not have been a good thing.
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