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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaiden


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As Kalinda met Kaiden's eyes with a weak smile and confirmed she was ok, he met her smile with an even bigger one and let go of her hand. "Good." He glanced to the group then back to Kalinda, taking a step back. "An Empath, huh? You must be feeling pretty intense from all of this commotion. I hope the girl is ok." He paused thoughtfully. "You know I felt something right when that girl fell down. It was strange. I lost my breathe for a moment and I felt these intense emotions of pain. My emotions have always been hard to control, sometimes they get out of hand. But it almost seemed like I was feeling what the girl was feeling." He glanced up at the clock. He figured gym class would be over soon but he wasn't sure seeing as his dad had yet to return to him with his schedule. Kaiden looked back to Kalinda. "Did you take a specific class to learn to control yourself?" He felt very comfortable next to her, a feeling that seemed to wash everything else away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda shook her head "I can block most emotions, but touch has always been an issue with me. I thought I had it under control, obviously not. So it seems I'll be wearing my gloves for the rest if my life" she shrugged and shook her head when he asked if she went to a specific class "no, I learned most of my control hiding in my room away from people and not going outside the house for a year. I learned fast here how to keep myself from losing it, but I'm still shaky on the control. There's probably a class, or a teacher that would help with control I guess. Maybe professor Xeviar" she shrugged again, stepping away from the group. "I have flight powers as well, telekenisis, and control over shadows as well." She frowned "and some healing abilities" she looked over at the group, at Kojani then shook her head "i would probably do more damage then help"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Kijani was trying to hold back tears of pain and shame. People were surrounding her, and her ears were ringing. She knew, just knew that this would ruin her. Even though she couldn't hear the laughing, the taunts, she knew they were there in the eyes and the minds of the students. They hated her. They hated her...

And it was all her fault.

Slowly, tears started to course down her face. She couldn't trust herself to speak.
Devika returned with two nurses. It turned out the school had a pretty decently sized medical staff. Considering the likely injuries that could happen with a bunch of people learning superpowers, it made sense. The male nurse in blue scrubs was led by a short redhead in a lab coat, who quickly got to where everyone was gathered. Once they seemed to have the situation under control, Devika stepped outside the gym. Emotions were high, and she didn't want to feel anything.

"Back up. Give her room." The lab coated nurse had a soft voice, but the bearing of a drill sergeant, used to being immediately obeyed. "Whose jacket is this? Smart thinking." She crouched to Kijani. "We're going to move you. Just try to relax, girl. Jackson?"

The male nurse stepped in, and slowly rolled Kijani. The woman clucked her tongue. "Dislocated shoulder. Perhaps bruised ribs or hairline fracture..." She looked around the assembled students.

"Who can tell me what happened?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin stepped back, mentally wincing as they moved her. He watched, listening as they talked. He said when the question was asked, shaking his head slightly," I can only guess she fell, I heard the thwack of when she landed, but I didn't actually see what happened."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Connor stepped back for the healers, but didn't move too far. He gave them enough room to work, but didn't take his eyes off Kijani.He sighed when they asked what had happened, and he said, "She missed the bar, and fell heavily on her side" He glanced to the healers, wishing he could help. "Please don't take her to the office, if you can help it" He requested softly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Flood stepped up. "Mine. What happened was Kijani was she was doing the gymnastics course and missed a bar. She landed badly and we came to help her." Flood explained the situation calmly, omitting the parts where he tried to administer pain killers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaiden


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Caits said
Kalinda shook her head "I can block most emotions, but touch has always been an issue with me. I thought I had it under control, obviously not. So it seems I'll be wearing my gloves for the rest if my life" she shrugged and shook her head when he asked if she went to a specific class "no, I learned most of my control hiding in my room away from people and not going outside the house for a year. I learned fast here how to keep myself from losing it, but I'm still shaky on the control. There's probably a class, or a teacher that would help with control I guess. Maybe professor Xeviar" she shrugged again, stepping away from the group. "I have flight powers as well, telekenisis, and control over shadows as well." She frowned "and some healing abilities" she looked over at the group, at Kojani then shook her head "i would probably do more damage then help"

"I see." Kaiden responded to Kalinda, glancing at her ungloved hands. He hoped he didn't develop anything as extreme as what she seemed to had. He didn't see how it was helpful in any way and could only be a burden on ones life constantly trying to keep it under control. As Kalinda stepped further from the group he followed suite. He watched the nurses come through and begin helping the girl, Kijani, as he learned of her name. It felt good that a medical staff was on site and swift in reaction. "Well the medical staff is here so that's good. I'm sure she'll be ok."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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The lab coated nurse frowned, getting the story from all three boys. But she nodded approvingly at Flood, and then refocused on Connor. "She needs an X-ray and a sling, not to mention painkillers. Why should we not take her to the office?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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"because it smells like a lab, a hospital, chemical" Connor said after a few moments thought, deciding that it was probably best to be as truthful as possible. "And that isn't going to do Kijani any good. But if you must take her, then I'm going with"
Kalinda shrugged, "I imagine with so many students here, that there has to be a good team. Maybe that's what I should be when I graduate. A doctor. I could heal patients, take away there pain..." it was something she had never contemplated before. She could really help people like that, and she found that was a comforting thought. She looked to the clock, then at McCoy, "We could probably leave. I know I need to"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaiden


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Kaiden nodded his head in agreement with Kalinda. "I think that's a great idea. If you have healing powers you would be very helpful in the medical field. You're patient, kind, and well, I always feel really good around you." He smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, let's get out of here. Mind if I tag along with you?" He bent down and grabbed his backpack and slipped his hooded jacket back on once more, flicking the hood over his head and wiping away his hair from his face as it tends to fall over his brown and in to his eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

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The two nurses looked at each other for a moment, then the short woman looked at Connor. "Then you are going. There is no way around her needing an X-ray with proper equipment. Perhaps if you are there to help her with... this phobia, then she can manage."

The male muttered a few words, and a hole seemed to appear out of thin air. He pulled a stretcher from it, and it started to float. "Alright, miss. Don't move too much." Slowly, he leaned down and lifted Kijani very very carefully.

Even so, Kijani flinched in pain, gritting her teeth so hard she felt her jaw would break.

"Easy. Easy now..." He set her down very gently, and then started to push the stretcher out of the gym. The red haired woman nodded, then pointed to Connor. "You. Follow." Then she turned to the rest of the group. "The rest of you! Show's over. McCoy- do something about the peanut gallery."

She turned and followed the man with the stretcher.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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"I think that nurse forgot to eat her cheerio's this morning" Kalinda said, watching as they took Kijani away. She waited until they were gone, until heading out. "A good feeling around me? Most people have actively tried to avoid me most of my life. Which hasn't happened since coming here" She frowned at that, then shrugged. "What sort of good feeling?" She asked after a minute, looking back at him as she walked, smiling as he brushed his hair from his eyes. "I generally go to Bane's class now, or Kraven's. I chop and change between them all"
Connor found he didn't like the woman's tone, but he sighed, and followed, slinging his pack over his shoulder. I would have thought in a school of supers, with powers that could be deadly, healing staff would be able to heal as a ability he thought to himself, as he jogged to reach the male nurse, and Kijani."it's gonna be okay" he said to her
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaiden


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Kaiden laughed at Kalinda's comment about the nurse. He watched them take Kijani away and exhaled deeply, an emotion of relief passing through him. He turned to Kalinda, following her gait. He was surprised to hear her say people try to avoid her. "I can understand if they know your powers and might be afraid. My dad, I think you know is Nightcrawler if you didn't see him earlier, has told me all about people who don't understand mutants or superbeings and react with fear or anger. Once they understand they accept and calm down. Like my mom for example. My dad met her and she was just a human. He saved her from killing herself. She was so frightened at first, he said, but once she understood him and his intentions she was ok, and then they fell in love." He beamed proudly. His smile faltered slightly as he added. "She died when giving birth to me. I never met her." He paused for a moment, looking away. When Kalinda asked him about the feeling he looked to her with a smile. "I don't know how to describe it. I feel angry a lot, or tense and frustrated. I don't know if it's something you're giving off or if, well, if it's just you, but I feel really calm around you. I love being able to feel relaxed. I don't know, it's a comforting feeling I just can't describe without sounding like an idiot."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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"I was always a little weird. I always stood a little apart from everyone, something I picked up from my mother. She never could put aside the "Raven" alias, really. She did the best she could, but I think she was afraid of it being known how much she cared for me. I don't now' She shrugged, "I never knew my father. I don't know if my mother loved him.. I'm sorry you didn't get to meet your mother" She thought on what he said, about how he described why he seemed to have a good feeling around her. She didn't know how to reply, but she smiled.

"Whatever the reason, I guess. I'm happy to help. Even if i don't know how I do it" She said, absently walking in the direction of the girls dorms, so she could get her gloves, knowing that there was some time before the next class.
Phoebe gathered her things, changing in the girls locker room, heading off to Dr Connors class, after saying "See you later" To Katherine, giving her a smile, and making her way to the chemistry lab. She wanted to finish looking over the composition of her chlorofiends, and investigate her abilities somewhat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaiden


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Kaiden smiled back at her. He kept walking with her even as she moved to the girls locker room. He kept talking with her, sharing how he found out he could teleport only a year ago and how his dad felt it was a good time now at 16 to begin learning all his abilities and controlling them, which he thought was complete bull shit. But he spoke of how he has been enjoying himself so far and has liked getting to know some of the people there, especially her. They walked in to the girls dorms and Kaiden still hadn't noticed, very much transfixed on Kalinda.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Flood walked out of the gym after retrieving his jacket from the floor and putting it on. He began walking toward Weapons 101 A.K.A. Deadpool's class. He walked in and punched him in the face. "Screw you!" He yelled as he walked to his TA desk.
"Love you too son." Deadpool replied rubbing his jaw slightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda smiled, listening as Kaiden talked to her, as he told her everything leading up to how he came here. "its a good place" She said. "I had to fight tooth and Nail to get my mother to let me come here. I developed my abilities about a year ago...it wasn't a fine experience, and I'm pretty sure that the guys who were on the receiving end of my empathic abilities didn't enjoy it either" She said, as she went into the girls dorms, and into her room.

Her room might have been small, but she had clearly made it her own. There were books, her TV, with its movies around it by one wall, her desk on the opposite wall, and her bed in one corner. She had her guitar laying on her bed, and while there wasn't stuff all over the floor, it was clearly lived in. It was messy neat. There was a space in her room where she had moved everything to one side. She went over to her desk, taking her black leather gloves off it, and putting them on.

"I've enjoyed my time here" She said, as she put them on. "What class were you thinking of going to, now?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaiden


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"I can imagine." Kaiden replied as he listened to Kalinda speak of her empathic abilities. When they entered her room he realized where they were and looked around. He figured this would be a similar room to his once he received his lodgings. By now his dad was probably looking for him, talking to old friends a long the way. He looked around her room, noticed the guitar and smiled, then looked at her as she took off her gloves. "You know you don't have to keep those on around me. I won't touch you again, I promise. I know you don't like wearing them."

Kaiden hadn't thought about what class he would take next. He paused thoughtfully, not even sure of all his options. He remembered hearing in the gym that the second class was a chosen class. The only two things he could think of was following Kalinda, which he thought she might be getting sick of by now, or finding a class on teleporting. "I'm not sure yet. I'm still deciding." He said, taking a seat on the edge of her bed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda shrugged, looking down at her gloved hands. "It isn't that I don't like wearing them. It's just that i guess I've gotten use to not wearing them. I don't mind wearing them. My blocks are fragile enough today anyway, so why push it?" She picked up her pack again, slinging it over one shoulder. "You don't have to decide right away. The only classes you have to go to is gym first up, and then power development after lunch. Mimic can be a pain, but he's a good teacher overall" she said.

She shy ought for a few minutes, tying up her hair as she did so. "Well, I'm going to Kravens class now, if you want to tag along. I mostly go for the amusement the class offers, but I have learned some things"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Mistress Dizzy said
The two nurses looked at each other for a moment, then the short woman looked at Connor. "Then you are going. There is no way around her needing an X-ray with proper equipment. Perhaps if you are there to help her with... this phobia, then she can manage."The male muttered a few words, and a hole seemed to appear out of thin air. He pulled a stretcher from it, and it started to float. "Alright, miss. Don't move too much." Slowly, he leaned down and lifted Kijani very very carefully. Even so, Kijani flinched in pain, gritting her teeth so hard she felt her jaw would break."Easy. Easy now..." He set her down very gently, and then started to push the stretcher out of the gym. The red haired woman nodded, then pointed to Connor. "You. Follow." Then she turned to the rest of the group. "The rest of you! Show's over. McCoy- do something about the peanut gallery."She turned and followed the man with the stretcher.

Once they were in the nurses station out of the site of others Liz had her partner set the girl down. Liz hated working in from if a crowd. She gentle put her hand on the girls shoulder. Definetly broken she thought. She closed her eyes and sent her healing energies flow lying through the girl. The girl would feel warmth filling her whole body. Liz took her time making sure that everything was back in it's proper place. When she was done Liz stepped back and clasped. Fortunately her partner was there to catch her.
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