Hmm, trying to give Heidi and Tony something to do by thinking up a Villian. I'm trying to think up a villian for Heidi.
It needs to be her opposite. Her enemy. So for the most obvious thing, it would be a mutant who believes that they have a right to take what they want, but that's only the start. There is no 'brotherhoodness' with this one. they are under no pretense that what he is doing is the right thing, and even other mutants that are unable to stop them are inferior. That's the mindset. Now for everything else.
She must also be a mutant, and a woman, and intelligent to a degree, to give them some similarities. Maybe in stark contrast to Heidi's logical approach to life but in parallel to her losing control right now, her nemesis is also mad.
A strong Hero would be well matched with a smart enemy, and smart heroes are often matched with strong enemies. This nemesis would have to be strong, as well as fast.
And finally, Villian's have a past with the hero that ether makes the hero angry or guilty.
Name: Natalie Edwin
Age: 18
Alias: Divinity
Race: Mutant
Powers: Super speed, strength and resilience.
Personality: Natalie has lost her mind. She's crazy and unpredictable. This, combined with her powers, make her the kind of girl you don't want to have a prolonged conversation with. She likes to see the funny side of situations. Getting her to laugh is a good way to make her like you, though it doesn't guarantee she will like you. She believes herself to be above anyone who cannot stop her, mutant or non-mutant.
Short Bio: Natalie grew up a mutant, shunned for what she was, even though it was just apparent to her that she was simply better than others. There was no difference between them besides her obvious superiority. When she was 14, that's when she first saw Prodigy. A female mutant superhero wasn't something that was very common at that point. It gave her hope. She adored over Prodigy. Looking up to her in so many ways, but as the anti-mutant attitude rose, so did her superiority complex. When Prodigy became an Avenger, and started showing her support to Pro-Reg, Natalie broke. Neither of them needed to follow their rules. They could be partners, taking what they want from life! She approached Heidi herself with this notion, and Heidi, not only turned her down, but gave her a warning. Natalie's hero, her last crutch, had fallen, She started descending into madness after that. She procured a costume of modern armor and called herself Divinity, as she was divine amongst these mortals, and started to take what she wanted for the whole world was hers. And if Prodigy ever got in her way, she'd kill her. Their feud was personal.