Name: Constantine Ramiel King
Alias(s): Insert
Age: 30, but looks 22.
Affiliations: Heroes
Powers: ((
Old Power, Edited Out: Constantine's power is basically the power to insert himself into new situations and organizations via a specialized form of Mind Control and Illusion, which he has made stronger by attaching 'mental conditions' for said power to activate. Said conditions are that 1.) he must write up a convincing 'story' or 'alibi' on a piece of paper, basically a 'self-insert' story, and 2.) there must be an available 'opening' for him in the situation and organization that he is inserting himself into. For example, if he wants to insert himself into a Corporate Project as an executive or secretary, there must be an executive or secretary job open. If he wants to enter a story about romance, there must be a slot open for the narrative 'roles' of the best friend or alternative love interest.))
((The perks of this power are immense; with the right alibi and opening, Constantine can basically place himself into any situation or important organization, and leave them just as easily. Not merely that, but due to the fact that his power is boosted by his self-imposed conditions, he is undetectable by powers and technology that pierce mind control and illusions. However, there is a super-drawback to this power as well; this undetectability applies only to the people 'within' the story; people outside it, such as people from another project, or newcomers to said project, or, in the case of the romance story, just passing bystanders, would be immune to the mind control and illusions, and be able to catch Constantine in the act; this means that Constantine is good mostly for temporary insertions.))
Also Retconned Out: Constantine's power is to walk into people's dreams, either for the purpose of reading his destination's memories, or to talk to them without danger of surveillance, or, most potently, reshape their dreams to nightmares. However, there are two limitations to this power: 1.) Constantine has to be asleep when using this power, and 2.) all of his targets gain the power of Lucid Dreaming, allowing
them to control the contents of their dreams as well as Constantine can, perhaps even better. Which is why turning dreams to nightmares is only a last-ditch option in the man's arsenal.))
Constantine's power is to control the ability of people and electronic eyes to process images, basically, an illusion that doesn't rely on holograms, but on mind manipulation. Or, in other words, he can control what a person sees. However, this power has limits in that it cannot affect the other senses, such as smell, touch, hearing, or even taste. As for electronic equipment, he can mess with the process by which cameras and such form pictures, allowing him to deceive them, too. However, stuff such as pressure sensors, electronic listening bugs, or infrared beams aren't covered by this power.
And, finally, while he can deceive the eyes of animals like dogs, he cannot deceive their sense of smell.
Skills: Constantine is a trained spy who is skilled in subterfuge, with training in weapons, faking and hiding evidence (for when his powers are not enough), and a basic knowlege in History, Literature, Tactics, and a smattering of Science and Technology. He also knows the basics of Economics and Management, so as to further infiltrate companies. However, his main weakness is that his body is as frail as a normal human, especially to Metas.
Equipment: Guns, Surveillance Equipment, Knives, Recording Equipment, a Notebook and a Pen for his self-insertion stories.
Ranking: C - A, depending on the level of self-insertion that Constantine indulges in.
Brief History: Constantine Ramiel King was an ordinary Chicago boy whose parents ran a small a district where fights between the local heroes and villains were common. Despite this, he and his parents lived a relatively happy life until, one day, a fight between metahumans set fire to their bookstore and Constantine's parents were killed, with Cosntantine himself surviving because of his small size. Furthermore, the one who killed the boy's parents was one of the
heroes...who promptly adopted Constantine in a fit of remorse. As you can expect, relations between Constantine and his new 'father' were not the best for a long while, but eventually, they reconciled, and it was at that time that Constantine's Metahuman powers surfaced.
For some time, Constantine was a normal Metahuman with the ability to use Mind Control and Illusions, but, as he grew older, he realized the fact that attaching 'conditions', mental requirements for him to use his powers, made them more powerful, enabling him to overstep his normal limits. At the same time, he also became involved in the Metahuman Rights Movement, and he saw the injustices facing the Metahuman community from both the Government and the Corporations. He also realized that while he alone cannot fix the world, he can make things a little better, seeking out isolated injustices and rectifying them, and fighting for better conditions for both Government and Corporate Metas; if they cannot have the same rights as a 'true citizen', then he would at least make their lives a little better...