It's deadpool, don't expect me to break character and make him think responsibly.
It's not breaking character at all. In fact, in order to make your plan at all logical, you'll have to make him spontaneously decide to check out the OOC, see that someone plans on reviving Chaos, decide to do it himself anyway, and then figure out the exact location of Chaos. All while he's currently
supposed to be distracted by any number of things he's decided to start doing.
Be reasonable. Understand that nobody wants you to revive Chaos in this boring, stagnant way. Understand that you aren't being controlled by Deadpool. Understand that you're flailing to find
some flimsy justification for spiting Zerohex. This "Oh, but
I'm not making these decisions, it's just what Deadpool would do!" bullshit isn't fooling anyone.