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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Draconilian Call me Kali

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After Steven stepped off the platform, a handful of other faculty members came up to give their spiel, not many paid attention, it was primarily just brief coverage of their subjects. All the students were ushered out of the presentation hall and received their schedules and dorming assignments, as well as keys and an All-In-One Pokedex, containing all known information on every known pokemon, that also served as their pass for all the facilities.

Terry hovered over the Pokedex, taking care to read all the information on his Pokemon, "All these moves we've never heard of, like Swords Dance, Power-up Punch, and when you evolve, Night Slash!" He excitedly told the Grovyle on his shoulder. Who just nodded in agreement to his Trainer's enthusiasm. The pair headed off to their dorm, to put things in order first, classes would not start until that afternoon.
"Samuel, are you sure you want to start off the first day of class with that kind of challenge?"

"But of course old friend, if a prospective student can beat me on the first day, of course they deserve to pass the class. There is no way anybody will overcome our advantage ability wise, much less strategically" The instructor told to his partner out loud in the back room. The Lucario was leaning on the wall with his arms folded, but with a sly look in his eye.

"Then of course you will lead with me?" The anubis-like Pokemon asked

"Naturally, you're the only one I can trust to not leave any challenger's entire team out cold for the rest of the week, or alive, in Garchomp's case." The teacher responded with a slight chuckle. His Lucario raised an eyebrow.

"What if a student has one of those Shadow Pokemon Steven warned us about? The scanner isn't installed yet, we won't know until it hits us."

"You will do fine, even against that. I doubt we will even have to use your Mega. Come on, we should get ready for that first class." Samuel grabbed his coffee off the break room desk and left, Lucario in tow, to his assigned room, 108 in the Main instructional building.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Blaze received the schedule, along with a Pokedex, which he was not fond of. He was not too fond of technology, since he could not afford anything flashy or high tech before. He had trouble exploring all the functions of the Pokedex, even with the manual that was provided. He decided to keep it simple and use it only for seeing the data of the Pokemon he encountered. He took a glimpse of his Pokemon data and even hoped that he could find some useful information about how to come on better terms with his Poliwhirl, but personality is something that varies from Pokemon to Pokemon, so there was not much he could find.

Easily one of the less experienced Trainers around, Blaze decided that it would be wise to avoid anyone who seemed eager for a fight. Hurting his Pokemon on his first day at the Uni didn't seem like a good idea and it actually wasn't. The place was packed with Trainers, for all he knew. Most of them could probably beat him an easy one, the way he was now.

Deciding to give his Pokemon the luxury of adjusting to their new environment, he took Charmander and Sandshrew out of their Pokeballs. The two Pokemon got along well, after Blaze took the role of the mediator between the two. Charmander didn't like Blaze having other Pokemon at first, but he was later convinced that his owner needed a strong team to achieve his goal, reassured that no matter how many Pokemon joined his party, his love for him wouldn't be much less.

Gathering his group around him, he said:

"Guys, this will be our new home for the time being. We are going to stay here for quite a while, so make yourselves at home. By the way, the President of the place here is the former Champion of the Hoenn Region! He is one of the strongest Trainers around, but, one day, we will be stronger than him!", his last phrase was full of excitement.

The two Pokemon responded to his excitement with happy nods. After some small talk between them, Blaze decided to give their Pokemon the freedom to meet others, so they could blend in with some Trainers and make some friends.

"I don't want you two to cause trouble now. When we are done with what we have to do, I will take you to the beach, so we can play and Sandshrew can dig as much as she wants! But now, let's try to be friendly! Especially you, Charmander!"

With that, he walked around the University with his Pokemon, who were curious about their new surroundings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Claire took the Pokedex she was offered with a confident smile and a brief thank you. She expertly flipped through a few of the pages, quickly familiarizing herself with the features. Lucine, on the other hand took the schedule and keys to her room and read over them herself. First, she flipped to Lucine's page. She was a Kirlia, and would evolve into a Gardevoir. A psychic/fairy type. She already knew that, however what she didn't know were the types of moves she had been capable of pulling off. True, Kirlia wasn't much of a physical attacker, but who needed that when she could practically just flay them with her mind? The thought brought a somewhat dark, amused smile to her face.

"Well, this is going to be fun, isn't it, Lucy?" She gave the Kirlia a friendly pat on the head, on which it gave a cry of pleasure before giving a little twirl as Claire pocketed the pokedex and took the Class schedule and dorm Keys from her. "Hah~" She sighed, giving a stretch of her arms. "That assembly tired me out. Lets go check out the dorm, so Aiden and Chev can have a bit of freedom before classes start." With another happy nod, Lucy twirled off after Claire as she made her way to the dorm that had been assigned to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Rainer sat on the bed in his new room, rummaging through his backpack, his Pokedex and three occupied Pokeballs next to him. An open suitcase sat at the foot of his bed. Finally finding the map he had been sent he pulled it out once more. He wanted to go check out the training gym before class, so he could get a feel for it before it got crowded later in the day. It'd be good to find a library or a computer lab too. He glanced at his shiny new Pokedex. While it was a convenient resource, he knew it was a bad idea to assume it would always work when he needed it to. He'd have to use his other resources for now. After all, between Rainer and Flux,the Pokedex probably had a few weeks left max.

He glanced a the pokeballs sitting there, so quiet, so peaceful. With smirk, he grabbed each one in turn and released the Pokemon within. Flux immediately zoomed to the door and back, floating along as its side units rotated excitedly. It quickly examined its new surroundings from the closet's top shelf, to the space underneath the empty bed across the room. The Magnemite's behavior was in direct contrast to Swoops, who climbed onto Rainer's bed and made himself comfortable on the pillow, and Zen who sure enough... just stood there.

"Well boys, we made it. Get a good look, this is where we'll be living," he gestured making a quick seeping motion around the room. "We're not here to vacation or anything. I expect the three of you to work hard, harder than we did travelling Sinnoh even. We're headed for greatness, and each of you will play your part to earn it. Got it?" He poked Swoops playfully, as the Gligar pretended to not have heard a word. Flux had stopped zipping around the room to listen to Rainer and now floated more steadily, the speed of its magnets making clear its excitement for the coming year. The Slowpoke meanwhile seemed to just have realized it had come out of its ball.

Rainer still wasn't sure to make of Zen. He hadn't had him long, but he seemed to train hard and they'd been in two battles. The first one had been spectacular, Zen seeming to be in sync with Rainer's thoughts. The second had been a disaster though, as Zen had not acted at all. Apparently, the Dopey Pokemon wasn't quite used to his new trainer just yet.

"All right, team. So let's go check out the training gym. It'll give you a chance to stretch and get around. We can get to know it together, since we're hitting it hard whenever classes are done. We've been taking it easy and it shows. I mean just look at all that extra fat Flux put on."

"Gliiiiiii" the irritated groan of the Gligar could barely be heard over the sound of Rainer's laughter at his own dumb idea of a joke. A small spark or two suggested Flux had found it at least mildly amusing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Claire made her way to her dorm at a leisurely pace, taking in the sights of the campus. She had to admit, she was less than impressed at the scenery and accommodations so far. Of course since she lived in Kalos, which was to her the best region ever, her opinion was a bit skewed. So far, the Orre region was utterly dull to her. She hoped the trainers here were a bit more entertaining than the region itself. She hoped her roommate was more entertaining more than anything. Hopefully it would be someone with a sense of humor.

It didn't take Claire or Kirlia long to reach her dorm, Kirlia twirling all over the place behind her as she followed. She opened the door, swiftly, almost slamming it open to gain the attention of anyone in the room. Why? Well, she had to make an entrance worthy of herself. After all, she was the most important person in this building right now as far as she was concerned, and her roommate would need to know that. Lucine twirled around Claires' legs, giving a small show of her abilities in the process in an attempt to dazzle anyone in the room. Unfortunately for the both of them, the room looked to be empty for now. Lucine gave a small cry of annoyance that no one had seen her skills, and Claire was similarly annoyed.

"Well that was anti-climactic." She sighed, looking around the empty dorm, before a small smile overcame her face. "Hmm~ More fun for us then." With that she grabbed the two pokeballs that were in her purse, letting out the two pokemon in them. A Fletchinder named Aiden, and a Pawniard named Cheval. Two Kalos native pokemon, and the two she had caught by herself. Well, mostly by herself. Aiden quickly landed on Claires shoulder, settling itself down for a nap, only briefly giving her an acknowledging, affectionate nuzzle before returning to its previous nap, receiving a chuckled and a pat on the head. "Aiden, mon ami, enjoy your naps. They'll be few and far between starting to day." This only elicited a grumpy sounding chirp form the bird pokemon before it settled down and continued its nap.

The Pawniard, on the other hand simply looked up at its trainer, giving her a quizzical look as though he didn't understand why he had been called if there wasn't a battle. "Bonjour to you too, Cheval." She gave a small chuckle as she knelt down and gave the bladed pokemon a pat on the head. "There's more to life than battling you know." She said to him, pulling the small pokemon close to her. "Like a certain little Kirlia I know you like..." At that comment, Chevals eyes seemed to grow three times their size, before quickly shaking its head and letting out a somewhat stressful sounding cry. Claire simply laughed at this along with a small giggle from Lucine, before giving the pokemon a comforting pat on the head. "Ah Cheval dear, much you're too easy to bother." With that, Claire stood, moving onto more important matters. Like the dire straits of the dorm.

"Ah this place...is so...dull" She groaned. "I hope they'll let us customize our rooms...If not, too bad. I'm doing it anyways. First...those walls. Who painted them that atrocious color?" The list of changes began to pile up as she investigated more about the room, her pokemon began doing their own thing as well. Aiden now moving to one of the beds, making a small nest out of the covers. Krilia simply danced in the middle of the floor, and Cheval took it upon himself to guard the door against intruders.

~~Class Room~~

In one of the classrooms, one of the teachers was sitting at his desk, leisurely leaning back in his chair and propping his feet up on the desk itself and folding his arms on his chest. A Sylveon was curled up in a ball on his lap, snoring somewhat cutely as she slept. The man, looked to be almost the complete opposite of someone who looked liked he would use a Sylveon. He was a larger man that had a somewhat rough looking appearance to him. His hair appeared to be somewhat rough, and messy, and while he was dressed the part of a teacher, the clothing simply seemed to feel a bit...out of place on him.

The teacher had decided that once he had said his small piece at the assembly, he'd retire here until classes started. It wold have been easy for anyone to tell he would have fallen under the category of 'Half baked comedic kind of authority'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jean felt just the right combination of tired and energetic. That is, just the right combination to be annoying to deal with. Tired because he had to sit through a really long morning of speeches and energetic because he slept through most of it. When he was finally ushered out and given his kit, he didn't even care. The first thing he did was summon Fluffles, his Eevee, go outside and lay on the grass. Why? When you're both tired and energetic, you have to deal with one or the other to deal with both. That meant either using the energy or resting to get rid of the tiredness. Jean found this out through years of experience lazing around but has never actually tried to exercise the excess energy out. So Jean did what he always did, he lay down and lazed around.

The breeze was quite nice, bringing a fresh grassy scent. The sun didn't shine too intensely and the balance between cool and warmth was excellent. The warmth from Fluffles napping on his chest was also quite pleasant and he was in a good position for a nap.
God I'm bored. Jean thought.
Slacking off when he had something to do was one thing, but slacking off for no reason was an entirely different thing. Jean sat up, sending the sleeping form of Fluffles tumbing into his lap for a shaky awakening as he rifled through his pocket for his pokedex, also taking the one he was given. Jean began sifting through the differences while Fluffles readjusted his position and continued sleeping. The one he was given was a newer version than his and had more pokemon in it than his own pokedex. He'd have to transfer over his data to the new one. But he couldn't really be bothered right now. He started scrolling through the list of pokemon and thought about being in this university.

He was sure he could do well by putting in minimal effort but it this was probably the kind of thing that'd screw him over if he didn't take it seriously. Regardless of whether he put effort into it or not, one thing he needed was more pokemon. While he didn't actually have any plans to continue being a gym leader in the future, he also didn't have any plans for the future so he may as well pass, first of all. And for that, he needed more pokemon. He made notes about noteworthy pokemon in the list but realized he had a bigger problem. He had no pokeballs. Well, he had that ultra-ball, but he was going to save that for something special. Reluctantly, Jean picked Fluffles up, put him on his head and got up. He began walking to where the campus map said the pokemart was while still flicking through his pokedex while walking. He assumed he would run into people, but he also assumed he was good enough not to actually run into said people.

As Jean walked to the pokemart, he walked through a list of criteria for more pokemon. He had a pretty good set up for his team, but it was lacking in firepower. Literal FIRE power. Fluffles and Oswald, his Cubone, were his main sources of damage (Greed’s damage was basically negligable) but they were more physical attackers and he needed special attacks. The cornerstone of every good trainer’s team was enough elements to deal with any pokemon of any element, and while he had diversity, he needed more.

Oswald was ground and could be quite potent against rock, electric and metal when he learned earthquake. Dig was a good move but had limited PP and damage and often took too long for his liking. Next, Greed, his Sableye. His good point was that he had no weaknesses besides fairy types, but his damage was lacking. That said, his dark attacks would be useful for ghosts who couldn’t be hit by the rest of his pokemon. Then there was fluffles, who, in hindsight, had more weaknesses than strengths, but his evolution potential was something to be considered. Which evolution should he go for? They all had separate strengths and weaknesses even disregarding their elemental weaknesses. For example, Flareon had high physical attack overall, Jolteon had high special attack, Vaporeon also had high special attack, Umbreon had high defence, and so on. Jean’s musings temporarily stopped when he arrived at the pokemart.

A few minutes later, he was out of the pokemart walking towards his dorm, with a few pokeballs and a great ball he just bought. He’d also bought some full heals, full restores and potions. An expensive trip but he’d likely not need to go again anytime soon. Why was he heading to his dorm? Because he had nothing better to do, really. Jean continued to sift through the pokedex looking at his options. The thing he needed for his pokemon team right now was elemental diversity, namely the elements he didn’t already have. That meant pretty much everything except for ground, ghost, dark and normal. So he had plenty of options. At first glance, a good choice would seem to be metal pokemon because of their high amount of resistances, but they had certain drawbacks. For example, most metal pokemon, due to their high physical defence had naturally low special defence, and their weaknesses mostly use special attack so assuming metal pokemon could actually be fairly easy to counter assuming you had their counters. And what he really needed was special attack, which narrowed the list to Electric, Fire, Water, maybe grass, psychic, some dark pokemon and fairy pokemon. He could potentially attain electric, fire, water or grass without needing another pokemon because of Fluffles, but it was good to have separate pokemon anyway. With fairy pokemon, they tend to make good support pokemon so one of those could be useful. They could deal with healing and the recoil damage from Fluffle’s favourite double edge, but they tended to be fairly weak by themselves. Jean considered getting a chansey, because of its high defence. He made a mental note and moved on, just as he reached his dorm room.

Jean opened the door and found that there wasn’t anyone there yet, which suited him fine. He went over to his luggage to unpack, but there wasn’t much. Which was good, because he was still thinking. He unpacked his spare clothes and stored them away as he thought about his team. Chansey was all well and good, but he had enough defence as it was (especially if Greed got a Sablenite). He needed more attack. In that respect, electric was a good choice. It had high special attack power and many electric pokemon had high speed, which was also what his team needed. Fluffles, as an Eevee, also had high speed, but would lose out to other Eevee because he was slower than other Eevees (which resulted in a slight boost to physical stats). So he needed a fast, high damage special attacker. Such pokemon would likely be in trouble against anyone that can hit them but Jean could deal with that. If that was what he wanted, maybe an electric pokemon like Manectric or Minun and Plusle. Jean made a note to watch out for a fast, highly damaging electric pokemon but he couldn’t be picky. He needed more pokemon early on so he could build trust with them and train them to be just right. He still had 3 blank spots in his team to be filled and beggars can’t be choosers. He also didn’t know what every pokemon was like so he might find a hidden gem.

Jean finished his unpacking and flopped onto the bed. Fluffles tumbled off his head and onto a pillow, still sleepy. He was instantly overcome with a feeling of laziness and decided not to get up for a while. Pokemon could wait for the next day, he couldn’t be bothered dealing with it now. Jean picked Fluffles up and put him on his chest as his eyes drooped. Hopefully he would wake up before dinner. Jean yawned with tiredness and went to sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 8 days ago

Blair | GLU Outdoor Cafe

"Nothing less to expect from the Devon corporation... This is a marvellous piece of engineering", he said to himself. Blair was certainly no stranger to technology, in fact he still has the Pokedex he was given in Hoenn roughly two years ago. He was at the out door cafe in the university, which was surprisingly quite stylish. The tea here seemed to suit his taste. Seated beside him in another chair was Empress, who seemed to be enjoying her meal... Enjoying may not be the right word, it was more like sampling it. She knew she was going to be here for quite some time and wanted to figure out if she was going to like the food here or not.

"Standard Pokedex functions, and... Oh, it's connected to a network made for the University", unfortunately, he couldn't access it, he kept getting a message about maintenance. He wasn't sure what this network was going to be for, likely for announcements, and a BBS for sharing information. There were a few other personal functions too, as fitting for a Pokedex created for the purpose of a studying institution. A notepad, video recorder and even a camera. There seemed to be the ability to call others as well though, but it didn't look like it was working. There was a message saying it was still being fine-tuned. That made sense, when he went to Devon a few months ago he saw a glimpse of this, and was told it was still being worked on, but successes have been made, so it won't take long to be put to use by all trainers.

After going through it a bit, he closed it and pocketed it again. Empress seems to have finished her meal, and he was also out of tea.

"Right, let's go take a look at where we'll be staying shall we? And then maybe see if there's anything entertaining around here. Like a movie theatre or something", he said. Empress seemed to be okay with this and followed her trainer out of the cafe after he paid the bill.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DimCarcosa


Member Offline since relaunch

Rosalyn paced around the sidewalk of the GLU, her eyes focused half on the path ahead of her and half on the blue holographic screen of her Holo Caster. She scrolled through her schedule for the day, the student rosters, appointments with other faculty members, missed calls... Images flashed through the display faster than the average person could read as Rosalyn tried to absorb the information to the best of her abilities.

The first class wasn't set to start until that afternoon, but she still felt the pressure slowly crawling through her spine. There was a smidgen of doubt about her abilities lurking somewhere in the back of her head that had been impossible to dismiss for the last week or so. She wished that she had brought a pack of smokes with her, but she was forbidden from taking them outside her home- something about not wanting to give the students a negative influence. Not like the drinking and smoking age in Orre is 16. She didn't need the cigarettes, but they'd help her relax at the very least. With a sigh, she shut the Caster off and spoke into it. "Set reminder at 2 PM," She paused to give the Caster time to process her words. "Lunch, possibly with co-workers. Ends 2:30 PM." With that, she tucked the Holo Caster back into her armband and continued down the path leading to the Main Instructional Building.

Not twenty minutes later, she had already settled down in her classroom. Room 124, sitting somewhere in the back of the building. At her feet laid a large padded mat with a generic stadium design on it, clearly designed to practice physical activities on. It was somewhat out of place in the middle of a classroom, surrounded by three stacked rows of tables, each row elevated slightly above the one in front of it, but the class she was to teach would certainly involve quite a lot of physical interaction. She looked around the room and smiled contently at its current state. No needless frills, no useless decorations, no flyers clogging up the notice board, spotless, and it smelled like clean. Her regular Pokemon had already gotten used to the room and her schedule, and were informed of her plans for the first day. Belle had been told to stay behind at her apartment to guard it for the day, Laine was still in his Pokeball and strapped securely to her belt, and Straid was hovering near the corner of the room. It was somewhat unsettling to most people, being watched by an unblinking psychedelic "bird", but Rosalyn was used to it. Made her feel more secure.

Rosalyn sat down at her desk and glanced at the clock. There was still a fair amount of time until her class started. She leaned back on her rolling chair and relaxed, maybe her worries weren't warranted. Maybe she was just being stressed out for the sake of being stressed out, her small assembly speech had gone well after all. She figured that she might as well see if anyone would be willing to go for a late lunch. As she flipped through her Holo Caster's virtual rolodex, her eyes fell on one certain Gray Curtis, a fellow teacher. She'd seen him around a few times, never actually interacted with him. Seemed a bit sloppy, maybe too laid back. She didn't even know what class he was teaching at that time, but figured that it should end around the same time as hers. Never a bad time to make new alliances, she thought. With a quick gesture, she brought up Gray's contact data and dialed his number. As she waited for him to pick up she set the Holo Caster down on the table with the 3D camera facing towards her. She didn't expect him to have a Caster, but it wouldn't hurt to take appropriate precautions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
Avatar of Rune_Alchemist

Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Suddenly, a ringing noise could be heard in the classroom, much to the sleeping mans dismay. Or would have been, if he actually heard it. The Sylveon sleeping next to him though, definitely heard it. She opened one eye and gave the man an annoyed look as the ringing continued. Giving an annoyed grunt, the Sylveon stood up, stretched its legs and gave a yawn before walking up Gray's chest. Without warning, she took her claws and swiped at Grays face. Gray gave a small yelp of surprise and shot straight up in his chair. Unfortunately, the movement caused the chair to fall over, bringing Gray to the floor. Sylveon simply leaped off of him as he fell, taking a calm sitting position on the floor, just a few inches from his head.

"Owwww...." He groaned, rubbing his head. "Syl, if you wanted me to wake up, you could have just asked you know." The Sylveon didn't reply, only gave a small huff of annoyance before leaping up onto the table, as though she was trying to bring his attention to something. He then heard the ringing of his Holo Caster. Yes, he did in fact have one. You just didn't spend about five years in Kalos and not have one. Still had his old PokeGear too. He gave a look of surprise, briefly wondering who could be calling him right now. Not that it mattered, really. Especially if said caller was a cute girl. At least he knew what had annoyed Syl. "Oh...you were trying to wake me up so I didn't miss the call." He replied with a friendly smile. "Thanks, Syl." He said, giving the Sylveon a small scratch behind her ears. Syl, simply rolled her eyes in response, laying down as she went back to her napping.

He answered the call, placed the 3D camera on his desk as he picked up the chair that had fallen over. "Huh...Rosalyn. Did I ever date a Rosalyn? I don't remember ever...maybe I accidentally stood her up?...Eh, just play it cool and you'll do fine."

"Yo, Gray here." He answered simply, slightly hoping the claw marks from his Sylveon didn't show up on this thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draexzhan
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Draexzhan Undertale Trash

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Grant sat on a bench on the lawn in front of the main building of GLU, fiddling with the features on his new pokedex while his Breloom and Amaura chased each other around the bench. Keith the Numel lay right beside Grant as it lazily napped in the sunlight. Scrolling through the Pokemon data on the Pokedex with his thumb, Grant adjusted the brim of his black cap. The weather had been nice all day, which made Grant rather disappointed that Mr. Stone's speech took place indoors. The auditorium had been stuffy and smelled too strongly of fresh carpet. Why, if he had been in charge of the whole-

His train of thought made an unexpected halt as he felt the entire bench vibrate. He looked to his right to see Lucille, his Breloom, stumbling backward clumsily as she made a shocked chirp. Alice the Amaura had turned around and headbutted her before she could react. The Amaura let out a note of content at her successful move and ran forward again, gently nipping Lucille's left leg. The Breloom fell over backward with the Amaura on top of her and they began wrestling with each other on the freshly cut lawn, dew and grass shavings quickly covering both of them. Grant smiled at the fun they were having, and decided to lie down on the bench and stare up at the sky. He used his Numel's back as a pillow of sorts, as he had discovered a while ago that Keith didn't mind it at all. The Pokemon's body heat brought a very soothing warmth to Grant's neck, and before long, Grant decided to close his eyes and take a little nap. His first class wasn't for a few hours, and he knew he wouldn't be asleep for more than 30 minutes, so he really had nothing to fear. He lay there, listening to the rhythm of Keith's breathing, the gentle breeze wafting through the air, and the grunts and chirps of Alice and Lucille as they played in the grass nearby.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After walking around the Academy with his Pokemon, Blaze eventually retreated to his room. It was pretty comfortable, compared to the small room he had back in Fuchsia. It had everything a Trainer would need. There was also a PC available, so that Trainers could change Pokemon from their party with Pokemon stored in the PC, a fact that Blaze didn't know yet. He never had more than 3 pokemon, let alone a full party and Pokemon to store and he had practically no knowledge on Pokemon Training yet. Even the fact that he defeated Janine back then was still unclear to him, considering he had no battle experience and only one Pokemon. He wondered what would the result be if Koga was still the Gym Leader, or if he never moved from Cinnabar Islands and fought Blaine, or if he started his journey from Viridian City and challenged Blue. Hell, Blue would slaughter Blaze. It was the rival of that Trainer after all.

His Pokemon made themselves comfortable on his bed, while he was arranging his stuff in the room. He had to put his clothes in the wardrobes, place all his stuff to their respective places and whatever else he needed to do to finish unpacking. After the tiring procedure came to a close, Blaze felt the need to eat. Calling his Pokemon back, he decided to move to the Cafeteria to get something to eat. He remembered what he used to say to his brother, "be it a beggar, Trainer or King, it means nothing on an empty stomach".

The Cafeteria was packing with students, but everyone was busy in their own way. Blaze wasn't the one to draw the attention of others, anyway. No special features, no something that could be considered outstanding or out of the ordinary. His looks were alright, but, other than that, he was just your everyday guy. And one of the weakest Trainers in the room, to add. Without paying attention to such trivial matters, Blaze proceeded to grab something to eat. A plain sandwich would suffice, so he just took one and a cola. He also took two empty plates. He found his way to an isolated table and called his Charmander and Sandshrew out once again. He filled the empty plates with different food and gave it to the two Pokemon, who returned the gesture with an affectionate smile.

"You guys must be hungry. Once we get out of here, I will also feed Poliwhirl. Right now, it wouldn't be a good idea. So, eat up! We are going to need the energy from now on!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hibiki No Echo

Hibiki No Echo Yo.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Where was this? Oh right, his new school.

It already sucked. He had barely listened to the pretty boy champion speak on the podium, instead he was looking at his PokeEtch, checking to see if he got any new messages from Kasai. Not yet for now, he really should get back to his dorm. Where ever that is. He looked at the pamphlet in his hand, reading over the details of the place. He gave up staring at map and just went to go to his dorm. His little Glaceon following along, giving a small chill in the air as he walked by everyone, it's hairs becoming like needles and sharpening. Hum? Was something around him? He looked down at his poor feline and titled his head. It seemed on edge, but for the most part was okay. He shrugged casually and walked off to his dorm, checking his Poketch to see what dorm was he in. "Frosty, let's go. If you keep that up you'll get wrinkles. Ahaha!" The Pokemon let out an affirmative growl and started to prance along with her trainer.

"Ah, so I'm in the mixed dorms." He spoke as he walked up the stairs and onto the dimly lit hallway. Geez, they could at least get some lights around here. Ah, there it was his dorm... room? There was a Pokemon in front of him, one that he hasn't seen before. Was it guarding the door? He scanned the Pokemon, before realizing it was a Unovian Pokemon. Pawniard huh? "E-Excuse me. I this is my dorm room as well..." He gently stammered in a submissive manner before opening the door. Lord and behold, someone was already making themselves at home. A Kirlia... and Fletchling. "P-pardon the intrusion..." He tried to speak up, before Frostbite nudged him, knowing fully well that her trainer would probably be one of the best actors at PokeStar Studios.

He pulled down in his white shirt, adjusted his little oscar tie a little before resting his hands on the dark blue fabric on his legs. "Um.. Ah... I-I'm Kiku Kunazumi... It's... really, I mean... Um... I'm glad to... meet you..." He averted his gaze, looking off to the side and blushed very lightly. He lowered his head as well, creating the illusion that this evil sadistic mastermind was actually a very pure, very adorable, untainted and untouched young boy who didn't know the horrors of the world. Frostbite rolled her eyes and let out a puff of cool condensation. Right now, Kiku was the most cutest thing on earth. Who was also made out of purity and sweetness.

Yeah right.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 19 days ago

Alexander let out a heavy sigh of boredom after the albeit quite brief explanation was finished. He was given his pokedex by one of the staff. It fascinated him mostly but it bored Casanova. whom he had shown it to as soon as they had left the assembly hall. Alexander let out a heavy sigh, "okay Casanova what do you want to do? Get some more teammates or go rest for a bit at the dorms" Alexander asked his partner. Casanova looked at him with a annoyed face "oh you want the 3rd option fighting?" Alexander questioned. Casanova nodded approvingly at the question of fighting. "Can we at least look around first" Alexander asked, this time it was Casanovas turn to sigh but alias the kirlia agreed.

So that's how Alexander ended up wondering around GLU. Looking casually at all the facility's with Casanova growing increasingly bored as they continued to explore. Before the first class of the day... Hopefully they would meet someone or something interesting but until then it was just stalling till first period.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bigg Slamm
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Bigg Slamm The Biggest Fish in the Sea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shoto was one of the few students he could notice that was actully disappointed when the faculty finished introducing themselves. He wanted to hear more about them, but he remembered he had the rest of his time at GLU to get to know everyone teachers and students alike. So when the students had been dismissed they were given Pokedexs, their schedule, and dorm assignments. Shoto immediately grew more excited at the idea of having a Pokedex of his own now that it was in his hand. He read about them in school, but never thought he would have one. Since he never visited Professor Juniper back in Unova for his official first pokemon he never received a Pokedex. As he flipped through it he was beside himself at all the possible Pokemon he could meet.

Once he had collected himself he looked over his schedule. First bell was not until later in the afternoon that day so he had time to unpack and get to know his roommate. Possibly make some new friends along the way. It was then he realized he had yet to introduce his Pokemon to their new home. He pulled out their Pokeballs from his jacket and called them out, "DJ, Crawler, Osiris, time to rise and shine!" Shoto's Pokemon appeared with a flash of red light. DJ the Palpitoad let out a cry of joy and excitement ready to take on the day. Crawler the Whirlipede was not as inthused has the Vibration Pokemon letting her trainer know with a roll of the eyes and a yawn. "Oh come off it Crawler. You and I both know you are happy to see me." Osiris the Yamask did not expect to be greeted by such a scene as a campus filled with people. So as Yamask are prone to do, Osiris began to tear up. The sudden exposure of it all seemed to be too much for him to take. "Oh I'm sorry bud I guess I should have waited untill we got to the dorm room to bring you out. Well I suppose this would be good practice for you seeing as most people would be minding their own business trying make themselves at home."

With that Shoto and company made their way to the dorms to unpack. As they walked though the dorm building Shoto could see other trainers meeting and greeting for the first time. Most of the time it seemed quite civil, some not so much, and others were rather just indifferent. A handful still had not met their roommates yet and as it were Shoto was one of them. Once at his room he opened the door to a pair of beds and two small piles of belongings. Turning on the light he found his pile and stepped inside, "I guess I get first pick on what bed. Now guys this is home from now on," He said now talking to his pokemon, "Do not touch anything that does not belong to us." He finished by picking up his clothes, opening their bag on the bed closest to the window, and procceding to put them away in the dresser at the foot of his newly claimed bed. Whisling all the while he worked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cheval, was not at all pleased with the intrusion by this new boy, who had the audacity to simply walk past him. The nerve of the smelly human! He would pay dearly for this infraction! The Pawniard ran into the room after Kiku, making sure to keep his eye on him. As the boy introduced himself, Cheval took the opportunity to size up this human. The pokemon stood in front of him, sharpening its bladed hands against one another as if to say "just try taking another step." Claire, who had been in the middle of deciding what color she would paint the walls, just now seemed to notice Kiku.

"Oh? About time you showed up." She said, briefly lowering her sunglasses to get a good look at her roommate. "It's rather boring when no one is in the room to be awestruck by my entrance." She pouted with a slight whine in her voice. Lucine by now had twirled over to Claire and the new guy, taking an interest in Frostbite as she poked her head out from behind Claire's leg, appearing to be shy to the other pokemon. Aiden, simply half-opened one of his eyes and promptly went back to sleep. "Ah well. I guess I'll introduce myself." With that, she walked right up to Kiku, getting what most would be considered uncomfortably close. She bent over slightly, putting her face level with his.

"The name's Claire Fontaine. I hope we can...get along, little Kiku." She gave him a soft pat on the cheek with a smirk and a wink, before pulling away, turning around, putting her back towards Kiku. Lucine had kept her distance from Kiku and Frostbite. In reality, Claire knew she wasn't shy. She was probably just trying to think of the best way to mess with her new roommates. Something she herself was also doing. Even if he seemed a bit timid, that didn't mean he was getting off the hook. For now though, introduce everyone."The lazy little bird over there is Aiden. Kirlia here, is Lucine. Don't mind her she's a bit shy around new people." Lucine let out a small, quiet cry as if to reaffirm Claires statement. "And the one who doesn't know how to have fun, is Cheval." She said, turning back around towards Kiku. The Pawniard simply gave Claire a somewhat annoyed look. "Oh come on, leave him alone Chev. He just got here, don't mess with him too much for now. We all just had to sit through that stupidly long assembly." With one last look up at Kiku, Cheval walked away, hopping up onto the bed and taking a seat next to Aiden.
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