"First, I want you to go to the Jedi Temple. We will catch them off balance. Do what must be done, Lord Vader. Do not hesitate; show no mercy."
―Darth Sidious
A Dark Shadow fell over the Jedi Temple, as a Venator Star Destroyer cruised over head. A recent sight as of late however what was odd was that it held position above the temple. Unmoving from its position, many of the Jedi including younglings moved towards viewports trying to figure out what was wrong, in the Temple Library Jocasta Nu sensed the disturbance and sent her Padawan deep into the bowels of the city. Not everyone would be so lucky.
Clone troopers began scaling the stairway up to the front of the temple, led by a cloaked figure who radiated off anger and hatred. However what truly surprised those watching as when gatemaster Jurokk moved to intercept the dark figure there was a spark of recognition before a lightsaber flashed out from underneath the forms robes and sliced gatemaster Jurrock in half, before the body had even fallen to the ground the temple began to shake as it came under fire, the Jedi Temple. Home to the Jedi for thousands of years was under attack.
By the very Republic they swore to protect.
Basically this will be an RP based around a group of Jedi vying to escape Operation Knightfall. I won't be having any Clone Deserters, at least not anytime soon as the deserters were largely in the ARC or Commando forces. These Clones will just be general grunts and be winning purely by sheer numbers and the fact they caught the Jedi off balance.
What kinda RP will it be? It will flit between very action orientated with calmer periods of being on the run and the Jedi trying to figure out what to do now that they are being hunted by the Republic (It isn't the Empire quite yet) and if we survive long enough we'll probably become a Rebel Faction.
We'll have one Master, Four Jedi Knights and can have an unlimited number of Padawans/Initiates available.
Any questions? Feel free to post them here.