So, uh, how many Naga survived? Because if that was almost all of them I don't think there's enough land Naga to maintain a viable gene-pool anymore.
Freeshooter92 said
So, uh, how many Naga survived? Because if that was almost all of them I don't think there's enough land Naga to maintain a viable gene-pool anymore.
Freeshooter92 said
Oh, okay. A lot of people don't understand that the 'let's repopulate' scenario doesn't work, and I was just making sure you didn't unintentionally doom the race to extinction.
Freeshooter92 said
Freeshooter92 said
Blorg.Nothing like divine intervention, huh?Also, quick question. If Alaira asked Mar how exactly to kill a Naga, would she tell her? Alaira definitely does not want a repeat of the previous fight. Besides, logic would only assume Xyden isn't the only one with a similar mindset.
Fallenreaper said
Possible, depends on how she asked it would determined how much info she would get. Naga tend to make their points short and to the point, using as little detail as possible since they believe on day to day, too much chatter is wasteful for energy. I think Alaira, to be honest, would have better luck asking Mar to spare. Namely cause that would be a smoother way to lead into the topic and also gain experience in fighting Naga for what works and what doesn't. Not to mention learn the range and develop a friendship, or at least get a sense of Mar's body language which is something that can be taught though fighting.
Fallenreaper said
Cross, I'll give Lucius until the weekend's end to pick Locus up then I'll have Lidda spot him. Peachy?
Freeshooter92 said
*Reads post*...Okay, now I'm kinda glad Alaira didn't help. She would have killed it...Anyhow, are Mar or Athalus awake right now?