Any response to the issues I raised?
Lost Cause said
Any response to the issues I raised?
Renny said
The Gokaigers probably had some of the same things going on, they just hid them or simply didn't talk about them.
Lost Cause said
You do realise we're talking about a show aimed at children here?
Renny said
Honestly, is it so serious that she needs to change up her CS? It is a show aimed at children in America, but Hydra didn't call it Super Megaforce or whatever, its called Gokaiger; albeit with some odd mixture of English translation and Japanese originality lol. I don't think its that big of a deal, most of our characters are old enough for it.
Renny said
Honestly, is it so serious that she needs to change up her CS? It is a show aimed at children America, but Hydra didn't call it Super Megaforce or whatever, its called Gokaiger; albeit with some odd mixture of English translation and Japanese originality lol. I don't think its that big of a deal, most of our characters are old enough for it.
Lost Cause said
It's a show aimed at children in Japan too. It aired as part of the Bandai-sponsored " / Sunday Morning Kids Time" block, alongside shows like . So yes, while there are mature things in it, and on Japanese TV you can get away with having death in a kids show, I think having a character being a former sex slave is more than a little bit too heavy for something based on a thing that is, at heart, a TV show aimed at selling toys to children.
clanjos said
Did you seriously just say a show where people in brightly coloured costumes beat up people in rubber monster suits using plastic weapons is meant to be some super serious and gritty thing for adults?
Jerkchicken said
Also the CHARijuana crack thing while hilarious is dumb and very much doesn't match the tone of the show and our characters
Jerkchicken said
There's a time and place for things. But a silly spandex show that's an anniversary celebration for being on air for decades is not one of those things
Renny said
None of us have the right to bag or question another's creativity, it seems to me like he/she was just adding a bit of reality to the show. Hydra had no problem with it so I see no reason for the rest of us to. In the grand scheme of things its up to the Pirate King, so lets all get ready to enjoy this wonderful and magical RP ^^. I can't wait to Gokai Change! by the way.
Lost Cause said
Because when I think of a show that has giant robots, aliens, space pirates and the like in it, the first thing I think is "this needs GRIMDARK realism".
Renny said
Will all think differently my friend. Embrace the creativity, don't push it away :)
Lost Cause said
Because taking characters from and changing the names a bit is creativity?