Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

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### (( ACCEPTED CHARACTERS ONLY ON THIS PAGE - Still working on how to make things centered... ;;>.> )) ![](http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Fotor121719475_zpsbc3d7278.jpg "enter image title here") **Name:** Odette Swan. **Real Name:** Odette; Queen of Swans (The Swan Princess/ Swan Lake). **Age:** 16. **Occupation:** N/A; Held captive under a curse by the evil sorcerer Rothbart. **Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Three):** ![](http://www.lovethispic.com/uploaded_images/31015-Little-Princess.jpg "enter image title here") **Appearance - Today (Age Sixteen):** ![](http://bridalmusings.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Escape-to-Oz-Kerry-Ann-Duffy-Photography-Bridal-Musings-Wedding-Blog-181.jpg "enter image title here") **Appearance - Cursed (Swan):** ![](http://s3.favim.com/orig/41/beautiful-lake-nature-swan-vintage-Favim.com-341311.jpg "enter image title here") **Personality Traits:** A very kind and gentle old soul, Odette is sweet to all those she meets showering those who are lucky enough to form a close relationship to her with love and care. Warm-hearted and modest she carries herself with grace and dignity through the hardship thrown her way by the evil sorcerer that holds her captive within her own kingdom. Extremely brave and courageous when she finds herself in dangerous situations the young princess is unafraid to speak her mind quick to hide her vulnerable side and highly guarded heart. **Skills:** Due to being cursed by the evil sorcerer, Rothbart when the villains overthrew the royal families, Odette is unfortunate enough to spend her days as a beautiful swan unless on the rare occasion she is needed. However, on any normal occasion, if she wishes to return to her human form she must return to the lake outside her families castle where the moonlight will return her to her natural state. Odette is also able to communicate with animals thanks to her curse changing her into one. **Biography (Before Earth):** Born to an aging King named William as the only heir to his throne, Odette was quickly pulled into the life of a royal being cherished and welcomed by all within both her father's and the neighboring kingdoms. Wishing for peace and unity throughout their lands, King William and the widowed Queen of a neighboring kingdom set their plan into action bringing the young princess and prince together each summer allowing them to get acquainted in hopes that in the future the two would fall in love and join the kingdoms together through marriage. Not happy with how things were the evil sorcerer, Rothbart sought to use the dark forces to overthrow the King and take over the kingdom though on the fateful day of his attack the Kings men managed to get the upper hand banishing the enchanter from the kingdom and putting no stock into his threats towards the King and his beloved daughter. As evil began to spread throughout the lands though King William quickly fled hoping to reach the Queens kingdom in time so that together Odette and the prince would have a chance at surviving the horrors that were coming their way; unable to get away Rothbart struck down the King stealing away the young princess before placing a curse over the girl causing her to transform into a beautiful white swan throughout the day. Thirteen years later and now wishing to make his rule permanent and proper, Rothbart seeks out the young princess offering to break the curse keeping her tied to the kingdom in exchange for her hand in marriage. **Biography (Life On Earth):** Odette never made it to earth due to her father being killed before he had the chance to send her away with the young Prince she had been betrothed to. **Other:** Odette wears one of two [necklaces](http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d8/36/f8/d836f853e822517f463c1d771979d3f5.jpg) that were made and given to both her and the prince she was betrothed to as children. --- ![](http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Fotor121717582_zps537acae1.jpg "enter image title here") **Name:** Eliza Brie. **Real Name:** Elsa; Princess of Arendelle, Snow Princess/Queen (Frozen). **Age:** 19. **Occupation:** Rising Pro-Snowboarder; works as an instructor at her dads ski lodge. **Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Six):** ![](http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/elsa-young_zps96779572.png "enter image title here") **Appearance - Today (Age Nineteen):** ![](http://creu.ru/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/winter-is-coming_creu-ru-08.jpg?abc66e "enter image title here") **Personality Traits:** Sweet, charming and extremely graceful, Elsa is a very loving and kind hearted girl who cares for those who she grows close to creating strong bonds that are hard to break. With a close eye and a sense of responsibility she is very protective of her younger sister, the two of them sharing a strong close bond with one other leaving others questioning the secret to their parents success in creating a harmonious family environment. Quietly confident and calm, Elsa sometimes tends to pull away from company becoming very reserved and quiet; the young girl usually found out on the slopes with her snowboard or sitting on the stairs of the porch watching the snow gently fall around her. With a fierce intelligence, the rare ability to make people laugh, and a warm glow about her; she tries her best at everything she does even if it doesn't always go to plan. **Skills:** A natural when it comes to all things winter, the young girl seems to have a control over the snow like no other seen before. **Biography (Before Earth):** At a young age, Elsa realized that she holds an ancient ability over ice and snow, and often used her abilities to play with her younger sister; sharing a close bond with the free-spirited child, the two were best friends until a tragic accident caused her to pull away and shut herself into the isolated solitude of her room. Hiding away from the world she tried her hardest to gain control over her powers keeping them out of sight and out of mind so as not to cause fear within her parents Kingdom. Trying to get through everyday without an incident she is often found hauled up in her room, though when on her own and feeling more at peace with who she is she lets herself go having fun and testing her powers before the fear of what their capable of weighs back down upon her shoulders; however the fear of her powers and becoming a monster have grown strong and now she believes that no one, not even her sister, can help her. Fearing the evil that had began to hunt down the royals, their parents sent the two away praying that one day they would be able to return and once again become a loving family. **Biography (Life On Earth):** Having been found with her sister huddled together in the snow, the two were taken in by the owner of the local ski-resort; neither having any recollection of anything before that faithful night. Now nineteen years old and feeling at home in the snow and cold, Eliza has used her upbringing on the slopes to her advantage, the young snowboarder working hard to push past her limits and be the best that she can be; competing in competitions and training for the biggest opportunity of her life, becoming a pro-snowboarder. When not training for her chance at the life she dreams of she helps out in her fathers lodge, teaching beginner classes and organizing activities and parties for those at the lodge; both staff and members. **Other:** Elsa has a unique [snowflake](http://marfapublicradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/snowflake.jpg) shaped birthmark on the back of her right thigh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: Rapunzel Real Name: Rapunzel - Lost Princess of Corona Age: 18 Occupation: Hair dresser. Previous to Earth she was hidden away in a tower. Appearance ThirteenYears Ago - Age 5 ![http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/2e/1c/5c/2e1c5ce5e4e536dda90eeae93abda253.jpg](http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/2e/1c/5c/2e1c5ce5e4e536dda90eeae93abda253.jpg "enter image title here") Appearance Today - Age 18 ![[img]http://s8.favim.com/orig/72/beautiful-girl-blue-eyes-girlyphoto-long-blonde-straight-hair-Favim.com-701101.jpg[/img]](http://s8.favim.com/orig/72/beautiful-girl-blue-eyes-girlyphoto-long-blonde-straight-hair-Favim.com-701101.jpg "enter image title here") Personality Traits: Leticia is a strange sort. She is adventurous and cautious. Outgoing and meek and a little, well, vague. She doesn't struggle to make friends though. People seem to be drawn to her hopeful outlook on the world and playful attitude. She is almost always happy and wishes to do wrong to none. Skills: Painting, cooking, ventriloquy, dance, chess, pottery, guitar, knitting, sewing, climbing, candle making, brushing hair.... After spending 18 years in the tower she can do a lot... Biography (Before Earth): Shortly after she was born to the King and Queen of Corona she was stolen away by a witch. She was hidden away in a tower with no door and only one window. Most days, Rapunzel spent humouring herself with hobbies and activities. However, this all changed after the Witch had a bit of a spat with Maleficent. The Evil Fairy took her vengeance upon the crone by going after her 'daughter'. Rapunzel was stolen away from her tower at the age of seventeen and taken to Earth by Markus Juniper, a servant to Maleficent. Biography (Life On Earth): Due to being separated from her parents far before the dark Queen's plan and the exhile of the children, For the last year, she has spent her time working. Her hair intrigued a local hairdresser who took her in upon the girl's comment that she was lost but sure she was far from home. Rapunzel was scared and amazed by this new world all at once. Although, as she spent her time in it, she realized the length of her hair was far more inconvenient than it was when she was in the tower. With the help of the hair dresser who took her in, the cut it to a considerably shorter length. Her golden locks still lower passed her knees as she was not willing to go any shorter. In her time at the salon with her new friend she started to learn the ins and outs of hairdressing and has started to work alongside those she had been living with for the last year. The woman who took her in continues to call her Rapunzel but believes it to be a nickname. Memories of her home and past have started to fade. Other:
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Name: Annelise Brie Real Name: Anna Second Princess of Arendelle Age: 18 Occupation: Works, and helps run her father's ski lodge Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age 5): ![enter image description here](http://www.mayophotographer.ie/uploads/5/0/6/4/5064307/7563477_orig.jpg "enter image title here") Appearance - Today (Age 18): ![enter image description here](http://slodive.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/blonde-and-red-hairstyles/dustland-fairytale.jpg "enter image title here") Personality Traits: Anna is a very sweet, she has a very bubbly kind of personality though she can be very naïve at times. Anna can also be very stubborn when it comes to doing whatever she is doing or doing any goals that she sets herself to and usually never takes no for an answer. And when it comes to very cute or attractive boys, she will always go over and talk to them or she will simply just drool over a cute boy and start to think of what it would be like to date the person. Anna is very close to her sister Elsa and would usually be seen by her side or on the slopes with her, though not as good as Elisa she has no intention of going pro. Skills: Cooking, managing, running a ski lodge, snowboarding and singing. Biography (Before Earth): As a young girl Anna was always very close to her sister Elsa the two of them were very inseparable at a young age, the two of them would play together by using Elsa's ice powers to make snow and play around in it. While they were playing Elsa accidentally hurt Anna with her powers, when their mother and father found out they took Anna to the trolls near their kingdom who healed her though if she were to have been hit in the heart she would have died. The only lasting effect of that event caused some of Anna's hair to turn white and complete memory loss of the whole event of it ever happening. When their parents started to hear of the growing evil of the Dark Queen rising their parents sent Anna and Elsa to Earth. Biography (Life On Earth): Having been found on the slopes of the local ski resort in Lake Tahoe, California the owner of the ski lodge found Annelise and Eliza huddled close together having no memory at all of how they got there. Growing up in the ski lodge Annelise can usually be seen in the ski lodge either running the check in counter or in the middle of the lodge serving out warm drinks and food to their customers. Annelise also likes to host karaoke night in the lodge every Saturday night, when Annelise is not running the lodge she can usually be seen on the slopes either skiing or snowboarding with her sister.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

### [Rumpelstiltskin Theme](http://youtu.be/7qWX8ZGYJ-Y) **Name:** Rumpelstiltskin –The Dark One – **Real Name:** Rumpelstiltskin **Age:** 46 (Physically still 33) **Occupation:** Deal-maker / Dark Sorcerer **Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age 33):** ![**Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age 33 ):**](http://24.media.tumblr.com/928581cd5a330bd49030092970468b3f/tumblr_mo39rc9jsc1r9sokeo2_250.png "The Spinner") **Appearance - Today (Age 46 [Physically still 33]):** ![**Appearance - Today (Age 46 [Physically still 33]):**](http://i.imgur.com/D1DWk2z.pnghttp:// "The Dark One") **Personality Traits:** Being the best person to understand that all magic comes with a price, there isn’t anything he can’t or won’t do to remain superior against other magic users. Arguably being the most powerful sorcerer in all the realms, Rumpelstiltskin uses the fear of his reputation against those who come to him for aid. He’s quick witted and cunning, often times leaving others feeling very unsettled in his presence and when he’s in an especially good mood, he’ll taunt those with a child-like voice to [i]really[/i] make others uncomfortable. **Skills:** There is very little that Rumpelstiltskin *can’t* do, but like any other sorcerer, he is unable to transport himself to other realms without use of a magical artifact, cannot bring back the dead or force someone to fall in love. He can, however, use his magic to spin straw into gold, materialize objects with the flick of a wrist, transport himself across the land, and has connections almost everywhere that can get him what he wants. ![Rumpelstiltskin Giggle](https://31.media.tumblr.com/14737617fd6567979f6de5e2f39d7920/tumblr_n7likmVEUD1t26bygo1_r2_250.gif "Rumpelstiltskin Giggle")![A Little Bit Of Magic](https://38.media.tumblr.com/fedfbb00a1bb830a04bc5d9ce8fb8d6e/tumblr_n7likmVEUD1t26bygo3_r2_250.gif "A Little Bit Of Magic")![Not A Monster](https://33.media.tumblr.com/5ac945131aa2b100f6dcecdae3f2d10d/tumblr_n7likmVEUD1t26bygo2_r1_250.gif "Not A Monster") **Biography (Before Earth):** Rumpelstiltskin was a nobody, a common man with nothing extraordinary or special about him. He grew up poor, and remained poor even until the day he married. His wife, Milah, he loved very much, and though she loved him in return she never passed up an opportunity to let Rumpelstiltskin know that she wanted a better life, and was miserable. Something changed in her, though, when Rumpelstiltskin was called to the front in the Ogre’s War, to fight and actually become someone. Milah was overjoyed in the knowledge that when he returned (if he returned) that they would have status to their name, and money, and she could finally have that better life she always wanted. He left shortly after for the Ogres War, going through many months of training in the process and spent another few months in the battlefield waiting to strike when the time was right. The night before they were to ride into battle, Rumpelstiltskin came across a Seer who the army planned on using as a weapon to help favor their strategy. The Seer told Rumpelstiltskin that his wife was with child, but his actions would leave the child fatherless. Afraid that the Seer meant he would die in battle, Rumpelstiltskin took a sledge hammer to his leg and shattered his own shin bone so that he might be sent home and be reunited with his wife and newborn child. What he didn’t know, was that the Seer had seen the future regarding The Evil Queen’s threat. It was two sides of the same coin. Had he stayed to fight in the Ogres War, he would have died anyway. When Rumpelstiltskin returned home, their child had already been born but Milah was less than happy that Rumpelstiltskin had injured himself to return home. Ashamed to now be, as she described, ‘lashed to the village coward’ their marriage became a downward spiral, the only thing keeping them together was their son, Baelfire. It was a rocky marriage; Milah was oftentimes at the bar or fooling around with other men, leaving Rumpelstiltskin to care for their son a great majority of the time. When Baelfire was close to turning ten, the age draft for conscripting children to the front was lowered from fourteen to ten, putting Rumpelstiltskin into a frenzied panic. In just a few months’ time the soldiers would be taking his boy away from him, a sure death sentence as the Ogre’s were not merciful. An old beggar recognized the desperation in Rumpelstiltskin, and told him of a way that he could keep his family safe. It was a fool’s errand, but Rumpelstiltskin would do anything to ensure the safety of his child, and so, Rumpelstiltskin sought out to kill The Dark One and take his powers for his own. Having to leave Baelfire home with Milah, Rumpelstiltskin began his journey to seek out the dagger Of The Dark One, which the beggar had told him about. Short of a month later, he located the magical dagger, summoned The Dark One with it and plunged it into his chest. The transformation was almost instant. His skin turned a sickly green with golden flecks, resembling scales. His teeth began to rot and his eyes dilated to almost twice the size. In appearance he was a monster, but that was nothing compared to the demon who now controlled his mind and body, the demon of The Dark One who thrived on dark magic and chaos. By the time Rumpelstiltskin returned home, he was too late. The village had been completely destroyed, not a soul left behind as to tell him what had happened. He spent months searching for his family but he had only been able to learn about The Evil Queen’s up rise in power. It was because of her that his village was destroyed; it was because of her that his family was lost. Perfecting his use of magic over the next month, Rumpelstiltskin was able to use a locator spell to find Milah, a pile of bones picked clean by the crows by the time he reached her. There was no sign of his son, Baelfire, and even after thirteen more years of searching, he has yet to find him. He can only hope that he was one of the children who had been sent through to this other realm he knew nothing about, but he still searches with hope. **Biography (Life On Earth):** Rumpelstiltskin has never been to Earth, but has spent thirteen years learning about it so that if he was ever able to, he could travel there to find his son. **Other:** Rumor has it that there is an ancient artifact that can control The Dark One completely, and this same artifact can be used to kill The Dark One at the price of taking on his curse… and powers. Still considered a villain by the common people, Rumpelstiltskin is one of the few who refused to join The Evil Queen and instead, plots against her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

### [Baelfire/Baeden Theme](http://youtu.be/pC8YwtTwVw8) **Name:** Baeden Cassidy **Real Name:** Baelfire **Age:** 22 **Occupation:** Construction **Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age 9 ):** ![Young Baelfire](http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130115235028/storywikmaine/images/6/6f/Baelfire_108.png "Young Baelfire") **Appearance - Today (Age 22):** ![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/kypyqzK.jpg "enter image title here") **Personality Traits:** Baeden is a kind, loyal soul with the best interest of others in his heart. He’s not very social (by choice) and prefers to do most things alone but he’s not against having company if the invitation is put out there. He’s smart, independent and is perfectly content with living life as ‘the middle class.’ **Skills:** Baeden is very fit, therefore the more rigorous tasks of day-to-day life come fairly easy to him. He’s also quick on his feet as well as quick-minded. He’s also an adept thief and although he hardly uses these skills anymore, breaking into a house or car is not at all beyond his abilities. ![Baelfire](https://38.media.tumblr.com/7bb038efb8181a483fc03f79ccd02edb/tumblr_neph6ht6AZ1r72sqpo1_250.gif "Baelfire")![Baelfire](https://33.media.tumblr.com/a4da104dc65ea3f34ee1e28ccee0e0cd/tumblr_neph6ht6AZ1r72sqpo4_250.gif "Baelfire")![Baelfire](https://33.media.tumblr.com/83b504019162acbc06f584ce939f3255/tumblr_neph6ht6AZ1r72sqpo5_250.gif "Baelfire") **Biography (Before Earth):** Baelfire was born in a small village on the outskirts of the kingdom while his father, Rumpelstiltskin, was enlisted in The Ogre’s War. His father returned shortly after his birth and the two became nearly inseparable. Growing up, he hardly knew his mother as she was always busy with other things, as his father would often tell him. All in all, Baelfire never really knew what it was like to have a mother. Even though his was there, it was his father who tucked him in at night, read him stories, played with him, taught him how to work and so on. When Baelfire was nearly ten years old, the age limit to be drafted into The Ogre’s War was dropped down to ten years old and within a few months, he would be drafted. His father became fearful of what would happen to him, and set off on a journey with promises to return and keep Baelfire out of being drafted. Baelfire never saw his father again. Nearly two weeks after his father’s departure, the village was under attack. Baelfire ran from home and eventually found his mother, Milah, and the two managed to slip out of the village without any notice. Mother and son were then cast into their own journey, braving the wilds until reaching the next village over where Milah learned about the portals that would be opened up to be able to send their children through for safety. Putting in their lot with them, Baelfire and his mother journeyed with the others to gain access to the portals despite Baelfire’s pleas to go and find his father first. The Queen’s soldiers were upon them quickly, but Baelfire managed to slip through the portal before it closed, the last thing he saw being a sword slipping between his mother’s ribs and falling to the ground lifeless. **Biography (Life On Earth):** Baelfire spent his birthday living on the streets that first year. Having learned how to fend for himself at an early age, living on the streets in this strange new land wasn’t a difficult task. Two years later while raiding through a house on the richer side of town, Baelfire was caught by the owner’s daughter, a few years older than himself. She was understanding towards Baelfire’s situation and though he didn’t go into his past or where he came from, she accepted him and did what she could to help him. He was kept in a hidden room in the nursery where the girl would sneak him food as often as she could and while the parents were out, he was allowed to come out and play. It only lasted a few weeks before the parents found out and Baelfire was taken to an orphanage immediately. When asked his name, Baelfire simply responded with 'Bae' since thats what his father preferred to call him, and his mother always defaulted to 'boy.' He was adopted rather quickly into a home that reminded Baelfire very much of his own and his name was quickly changed to Baeden. It was a trashy place, the father always gone and the mother always coked up on some kind of drug. He was quickly put to work in what Baelfire quickly realized wasn’t a family, but a job. He was forced to do the mundane tasks of a ‘gopher’ in the world of the drug trade, and hated every minute of it. He was beaten often, and fed very little. By the time Baelfire turned sixteen he had enough, and left without a word. He has been living on his own ever since, working in construction since he left home and slowly climbing the ladder over the years and finally reaching a place in his life where he feels content. **Other:** Baelfire has a bit of a drinking problem and could be considered a bit of a ladies man when he has the time on the weekends to hit up a bar. His birthday is also coming up very soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: Daria Belikov Real Name: Jasmine of Agrabah Age: 18 Occupation (If Any): Ha! Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age 5): ![enter image description here](http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l498/wolflover114/tyf1SF3_.jpg "enter image title here") Appearance - Today (Age 18): ![enter image description here](https://s3.amazonaws.com/next-management-production/assets/images/108140/medium_portrait.jpg?1373377164 "enter image title here") Personality Traits: Jasmine is independent and strong. She has no fear in speaking mind when it is something she believes strongly about. However, when her mind is set it is sometimes very difficult to change it as she is as stubborn as an ox. She is incredibly compassionate and caring to those she deems deserving of that care. She doesn't always look or act her age either, sometimes trying to act older than she really is. She can be a snob from time to time but you can't really blame her, she has been pampered her entire life! Skills: Jasmine is quite intuitive, and she has described herself as a fast learner. She is also surprisingly good at hand to hand combat after studying multiple different forms over the years. She isn't all beauty. Biography (Before Earth): Born to a Sultan, Jasmine is part of one of the many royal families in Agrabah. She lived an extravagant and simple life. She never needed to lift a finger and was fawned over by vast amounts of servants. Things were good for the first five years of her life... However, when the threats from the Dark Queen started to arise, her father had to act. It was difficult for him to send her away but after thinking of every way that she could stay, he realized this was the only way to keep her safe. He explained to what was happening and promised he would see her one day. He gave her a gold necklace before she was taken away. Biography (Life On Earth): Jasmine lucked out when she came to earth though. She was found in the backyard of a wealthy couple who could not have children of their own. They tried to find her family asking her as much as they could about them. However, Jasmine gave them answers about how she could not return, how she was from a different world, she wouldn't even give them her name. They took is as ramblings from a young girl who was traumatized and scared and had a bit of a wild imagination. After months of searching, to no avail, they told her how they had been thinking of adopting and that this must be a sign, that she was to be their daughter. Jasmine soon forgot of her home back in Agrabah and her real name. She became more than happy with the family she has found. Life isn't that different, there are still servants who still fawn over her, she still never has to lift a finger. She is still treated like a princess. Other: ![enter image description here](http://thumbs3.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mCcVcHQc3w7_mWZHInrp09A.jpg "enter image title here")
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