The Enchanted Forest - Tremaine ManorHe was beginning to lose his patience. For hours now he had been keeping to the shadows, learning everything he could about the Tremaine family to further determine what angle was needed to get that flea of a fairy to show up. He learned a lot, despite the content being rather dull; but it was necessary. Lady Tremaine, two children on her own and the three of them couldn't have been more rotten to the core. There was a marriage, then a funeral, then a child left behind for Lady Tremaine to care for... the details were all there, he just found that he really could have cared less. But there was just one minor thing keeping him there. Cinderella. The step-child that the three spoiled rotten women took upon themselves to convert into a maid for their convenience. Watching the girl go about her daily duties in cleaning the rather large estate, he realized that she would be the key to bringing the fairy godmother to him. There was a ball that evening, the very one Lady Tremaine was bold enough to remind him of, and Cinderella had been told that she could go if she got all her chores done. Now... this certainly wouldn't do. The hatred for the step-child was there, he just had to bring it out.
It was for that very reason that Drizella, one of the step-sisters, found half of a dead mouse in her morning tea. It was also why the cat's supper had been replaced with melted soap and why Cinderella's gown had 'mysteriously' taken on personal belongings of the two step-sisters and step-mother. All day Cinderella was left confused as to why all these things were happening, she had nothing to do with any of it and she was sure that it was just her step-mother playing a vicious prank on her to keep her from being able to attend the ball like she had promised she could. But the dress had been the last straw.
Rumpelstiltskin watched with a twisted grin on his face as the women ripped the gown into shreds, leaving Cinderella nothing to wear in time for the ball and leaving her home to cry out her sorrows for reasons she didn't quite understand. Finally, after hours and hours of waiting and watching Cinderella sweep the same spot on the terrace over and over again, she came.
She flew in from around the corner, no larger than the rats that he occasionally found running through his castle. Rat wasn't that far of a stretch either as he looked upon the fairy. Enamored in a gold dress, a tinkling sound each time she flapped her shimmering wings... it made him all entirely sick.
"Do not despair my dear. you will attend that ball." The fairy tinkled, getting Cinderella's attention almost immediately.
"Who are you?" Cinderella asked, wide-eyed and unbelieving of the anomaly she was seeing flying right in front of her nose. A sparkling shimmer ran over the small fairies body as she suddenly went through a transformation, putting herself at life size and doing away with her wings so that she may converse with Cinderella on a more proper level.
"I'm your fairy god mother, and I'm here to change your life, Cinderella." She said with a soft smile.
"But... my step-mother told me that I couldn't go. She forbade me to leave." Cinderella explained. The last thing she wanted was for her step-mother and step-sisters to have any more reason to hate her and bring her life down. Even if she wasn't responsible for all those horrid things that happened today.
"Your step-mother doesn't have this." The fairy god mother said procuring a magic wand and showing it off to Cinderella.
BingoA twisted smile came across Rumpelstiltskin's ruined teeth and in a blink of an eye, he disappeared from the tree branch he had been sitting on and reappeared with his feet planted firmly on the ground on the very terrace that Cinderella and her fairy god mother were conversing, though had somehow gone unnoticed by the two women thus far.
"This wand has the power to take you to your ball, to your prince, and to your-"
He had heard enough, he really wasn't sure just how much more of the rat's blabbering of 'happy endings' and 'true love' he could take so he stopped her right there. Feeling the magic within the fairy's body, he manipulated her own magic with his until a sudden pressure started building up and within a matter of seconds, she exploded into a light rain of sparks and fairy dust, leaving nothing behind that would even remotely alert someone that a person was once standing there aside from the wand she had been previously holding that clattered down to the ground, unharmed.
Crying in surprise, Cinderella jerked herself a few steps backwards, grateful she had the wooden broom handle in her grasp to keep her upright from the shock. It was then that Rumpelstiltskin stepped forward into the light, bending down to pick up the magic wand, feeling the girl's impenetrable gaze on him as he did so.
"What? What did you do?" She tried to sound demanding, but fear was taking over her bravado.
"Now, now..." He consoled, holding up the wand to the light for her to see. "I got what I wanted. There's no need to be frightened." He kept his smile and eased himself back into standing up.
"No need? You just killed my fairy god mother! She was trying to help me!"
"Was she? Do you know what this is?" He asked, sing-songing the question and waving the wand back and forth in front of her.
"Pure magic?"
"Pure evil. Trust me. I've done you a favor. All magic comes with a price. Go on back to your life, and thank your lucky stars you still get something to go back to."
Cinderella shook her head no, a stubbornness coming over her face that he hadn't been expecting.
"My life... is wretched."
"Then change it. You can't handle this." He snapped, highly annoyed the girl wouldn't just let go. He turned his back to her and started walking away, already thinking of the exact spot in his dining hall where he would be putting the wand on display.
"Wait please wait!" Cinderella called, running to catch up with him. "I
can handle it! Please, I will do anything to get out of here,
This stopped Rumpelstiltskin in his tracks, the prospect of making a deal just too tempting to pass up.
"Anything?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow; the gears in his head already grinding into what he would be asking for in return.
"Do you know how to use that wand, Mr...?"
"R-R-R-Rumpelstiltskin!" He introduced himself and gave Cinderella a deep, theatrical bow, only to raise his head to look at her and add, "And yes, of course I do." He said sounding slightly insulted at the question.
"Then help me!" She pleaded as he came out of his bow slowly and put his hands together, letting his fingers play with the tip of the wand.
"Well if I do... and you can indeed... shoulder the uh,
consequences... then you'll owe me a favor..." He said taking a few steps towards her before starting to circle her like a vulture waiting for it's prey to drop dead.
"Name it, what do you want?" Cinderella asked, turning on her heel to try to keep her eyes on him. He stopped his circle and bent his neck forward, keeping his eyes on her as he invaded that small area of personal space before speaking,
"Something... precious!"
"I have nothing..."
He pulled back and started walking again.
"Oh but you will! With this wish will come riches moooore than you know!"
"I care nothing for riches. I'll give you anything you want just get me out of here!" Cinderella pleaded, earning what she assumed was a genuine smile on Rumpelstiltskin's face the first time upon their meeting.
"Now we're talking." He said, wiggling his eyebrows and keeping his smile.
"How does it work?" Cinderella asked, looking from his strange face to the wand he held in his hand.
"Fear not! My needs... are small... and all you have to do, is sign on the dotted line!" With a lazy flourish of his hand, a contract suddenly appeared in his hand, a couple feet long and nearly touching the ground at his feet with a quill perched between his fingers that held onto the contract. Cinderella took a small step backwards at such the casual use of magic, but she was more driven by the prospect of finally having a happy life that she didn't move any more than that. "Do we have a deal?" Rumpelstiltskin then asked, his voice child-like in the fact that he was only too eager to get this finished.
"Yes! Yes thank you!" Cinderella stepped forward and grabbed the quill from his hand. Rumpelstiltskin stood up straight and brought the contract around so that it was laying behind him on his back, acting as a hard surface for her to sign her name at the bottom which she did quickly, not bothering to read any of the contract he had drummed up. When she finished, he gave the contract a quick look over, mumbling a quiet "Hmmm" as he confirmed that everything was legit.
With the hand that held fast to the wand, he flicked his wrist and immediately Cinderella was encased in a thick fog of crimson smoke. When the smoke cleared, gone were her rags and in it's place a beautiful blue dress worthy of nothing less than royalty took it's place. Her hair was done up and her makeup pristine and everything about her was just as perfect as it could be. She couldn't help but to flash Rumpelstiltskin a brilliant white smile in her happiness, and Rumpelstiltskin just giggled in reply, clearly pleased in his handy work. It was then that Cinderella looked down at her feet and spotted two glass slippers, just waiting to be put on.
"Glass?" She asked, clearly confused.
"Every story needs a mem-or-able de-tail! Let's see how they fit shall we?" He pointed out and watched as she slipped her small feet into the glass shoes. "Now you have a good time, but be sure to watch the clock!"
Cinderella gave him one last smile before hurrying off to make her own happily ever after.
After she had gone, he had transported himself from The Tremaine household and back to his castle. He was just settling the magic wand down in a metal holder kept up on a pedestal in at the side of the room. Finally, his collection was complete, there was hardly anything he couldn't do now... of course portal jumping was out of the question, but he'd find a way.
The Dark Sorcerer closed his eyes, hearing his name being called leagues away. For those few who knew that they could simply summon him by name, it always seemed to be at the most inopportune of times. Still, it was less annoying than letters.
Rumpelstiltskin let out a deep breath of annoyance. This was a call he couldn't put off. Abandoning the magic wand he had every intention of stripping it's magic of, he summoned a cloud of crimson smoke to cover him entirely and he was gone from his castle. Whatever it is Rothbart needed had very well better be worth his time, or he would be adding a new snail to his gardens later that evening.