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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 14 days ago

Somewhere out in the darkness, where rarely a soul has ever tried, there exist more, and more, always spreading out, always closing in, dying and being born again. Mortal minds which cannot perceive of infinity would do well to stay away from the endless dark surface, for they'd be driven loonier than a bunch of toons, in its presence. There, in the void filled to the brim, silence reigns with a cacophony of every sound imaginable, and even more which could ever be conceived. There in a world, of worlds, a nexus of dimensions, a universe of gates and locks, the stillness is broken. In a far off corner, of an endless rolling ocean of night, something stirs from beneath the surface, breaking through the flat plains like an aquatic mammal coming up for air. It's a tiny ripple, at first, but then latter comes along, and with it, the ripples grows until there's a massive surge of darkness speeding along, gathering up the stillness, adding it to its mass, like a snowball going down a mountain side.
As massive as the sight would be, could anyone see it, things go on through all the tiny little realms known to worlds to the being living on them as normal, and hardly an eye blinks as the surge pulls their lands in with them. Not everyone is this fortunate, of course, or what kind of story would we have. Some people, for reasons unknown, are blessed, or cursed, depending on how you'd look at one being pulled away from their loving, or crappy, regular lives, into something far grander, without the safety nets that come from standing in a place you, and all the generations before you, have always thought to be the only thing that was.
Its hard to explain the sensation of being pulled into the waters like a child being yanked off the edge of a beach by a wave, and even harder to describe what its like to have your soul and body, pinched together like an oreo cookie with its filling and yanked through a thin membrane that's both hot and cold, with a texture like Jello. There's a feeling of distortion as the world falls away from your feet, and the air around you just goes poof, and there's no air for desperate lungs to draw in. Wonders go on around you, stars, and plains shoot by your eyes like comets, filling your vision with light. It doesn't matter though, none of the wonders, because the air is the only thing on your mind. A man with a big check and nice suit could walk up and tell you everything will be easier now because your rich, and all you need to do is sign on the dotted line, and the only thing you'd do in return is open your mouth and try to draw in whatever it was he was breathing.
It doesn't go on forever though, the tumbling sensations, and brighter than the sun images. It couldn't. YOu wouldn't last, and what good is sensory experiences without a mind to understand something was being experienced. No, it comes to a stop. You stop. Not where you were when you started, but there's air there, and for the moment nothing else matters.
Jynmi gasped as everything around him suddenly became relevant, and he sucked down air like a vacuumed sucked up dirt. There wasn't time to notice things though, because before he could, he found that he was falling, and panic was in order, or would've been if not for the sudden ice cold water that surrounded him.
"Holy Jeez." He gasped as his head broke the surface of a small pond, surrounded by green trees. "God, that's cold." With a frantic gulp, he looked around, and headed towards the nearest beach. "Its cold. Its cold." Muttering it over and over again until he reached the dry earth, and dropped on it like a sack filled with anything but helium. "I'm going to get sick. I just know it. So much for a budget. I'm starting to really regret not getting insurance."
Awwooba. Something called from the trees. Awwoowwoba, something responding, and it was that sound that drove home the fact that Jynmi wasn't home anymore. Hell, looking at the trees, and noting the strange shades of yellow and blue along the edges of some of the leaves, he was certain he wasn't anywhere near home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

There's a sudden crashing through the trees as something falls through them, a series of painful cracks as something tumbles through every single branch on it's way to the ground. The greenery is silent for a moment, before a empty headed looking man stumbles out of the treeline in a daze, clutching in one hand a tourists guide to New York's beautiful Central Park. He wobbles over to the edge of the lake and numbly brings the book up to his face. After reading a bit, he puts the book down and looks over his surroundings with a bewildered expression. He brings the guidebook back up and turns a few pages, then puts it down again to have another look round. During this round his eyes finally fall upon Jynmi. "Oh, hello." He says vacantly. "Is this the duck pond?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

A loud scream could be heard as a young man fell out of the sky, desperately gasping for breath and fearing for his life. The screaming turned into an abrupt groan of pain as said young boy's bottom hits the ground. "Ow, shit. At least this isn't the first time my ass's been sore." He whisper-shouted while rubbing the injured area in an attempt to alleviate the pain. He suddenly noticed the two other dudes there, as well as the unfamiliar-ness of the pond and forest surrounding it. He first looked over the brown haired fellow, who seemed to regard this in a dream like state. "Duck pond? Dude, what the hell are you- nevermind, actually, that doesn't even need my input to be funny." He said, getting up and kind of giving off that condescending 'your an idiot/what the hell are you thinking' vibe in his stare. He then looked at the other guy who had recently pulled himself out of the lake by the looks of things. "You know where we are man? And better question, you want my coat? You and hypothermia are about to have sloppy makeouts from how much you're shaking." He asked, taking off his brown hoodie and gesturing for Jynmi to take it. "I'm Matt, by the way. Nice to meet you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"We're in central park." he replies slowly, still in his dazed state. He remembered tripping, he definitely tripped, and then things had happened, and then he wound up falling onto a tree. The top of a tree. Which, he guessed, could only mean he had missed the ground the first go 'round. He knew he heard about that happening from some science guide somewhere, falling and missing the ground. But when that happened you didn't end up somewhere else. You couldn't trip in England and end up in Hong Kong, because that didn't make any sense.

He looked around again, at a loss, to the woods around them and listens to the strange calls that emanated from within. Calls he had never haired from any sort of bird he knew of, which was strange because he quite liked birds. "Maybe near the Zoo?" He said. "Have you ever been?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 1 day ago

A short distance from the group, Rachel gasped for air as she appeared behind some nearby trees. She fell a short distance to the ground, wincing as her rear connected with the soft earth below. The brunette slowly got to her feet, and dusted off her jeans before glancing around the area to try and get some idea of where she was. The strange trees just made her feel even more lost though. She couldn't help but overhear the group's conversation, and peeked out from behind a tree, trying to remain inconspicuous. Better to be safe than sorry, after all. The attempt at stealth was cut off after a few moments when she stepped on a fallen twig, creating a loud snapping sound. Rachel froze in place, hoping the group wouldn't notice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyler's head swings around to to the source of the sound, curiously. The sound had seemed to jump through the daze that this whole strange situation had put him in, like a warning bell ringing out to remind him to get his priorities in order. For example, if Stella found out that he'd gotten lost in something as small as park she'd never let him live it down. She barely trusted him to navigate big cities. But maybe if he'd been dosed with something by locals and carried off somewhere as part of some prank he would at least have an excuse. "Excuse me," he called out, "Is someone playing games out there? Am I on a TV program?"

He scanned the treeline for cameras.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 14 days ago

Jynmi blinked at the jacket, and down at his soaking clothes. A make out session would be good, at least that's what he's heard about them, but somehow he doubted that he'd like it if was sloppy. Of course, there was a lack of experience on his part. "Ah yeah." He mumbled, finally realizing the man with the jacket was still standing over him. "That'll help. Thanks. I mean it, really." Honestly, he did. Sometimes people claimed he had a habit of sounding sarcastic, especially when he was being sincere. Generally, that's why he did his best to steer away from sincerity, but with the way things were going, not in the general direction he'd been used to, he settled on doing things differently, if only incase the world knew him, and set up plans based on him following the norm. "Please don't think I'm being sarcastic." He winced from how bad that must've sounded, and readied something else, which would have undoubtibly been worst, but luckily he was cat off by the young woman's stepping on a tree branch, and hoping(he could see it in her face,) that nobody saw her, and the guy asking about being on TV.

"I don't think we're on Tv" Jynmi said, getting to his feet, and putting on the jacket. "I don't think we're anywhere. I mean, yes, we're somewhere, but the where isn't somewhere to us.' He paused, and shook his head, hoping the ideas would be better arranged after a nice tumbling about. "Ugh. Just look at the leaves on those trees." He pointed up. "Where have you ever seen trees with blue leaves?" He squinted up, thinking there was some movement that couldn't have been caused by a combination of swaying leaves and sunlight. "Anyways." He looked around. "I don't know. I guess, I'm trying to say I don't know. That's, yeah. That's it. I just don't know. Wow, I could have saved some breath with that. I'll stop mumbling now, if nobody minds."

Nobody did mind his silence, but a few individuals apparently were not very happy with them intruding on their forest floor. BKaah Bkaah. Something shouted from above them. There was a loud crash, and a dozen forms fell to the Earth, or wherever it was they where, in perfect circle that encompassed the entire group, including the lady who hadn't wished to be seen. The things, not men, or at least most of them weren't men, or human, varied in size, shape, color, and by the looks of the different teeth, diets. Some had on clothes, others didn't. Some had weapons, others didn't. A few glowed with strange lights, and some didn't. Others surged with electrical power, and others didn't.

Jynmi's face wen't pale as he quickly looked around at all the faces and forms that had encircled them. "Wait a minute?" He muttered, as he tried to stop himself completely, and fought against the dizziness's urge to pull him down to the ground. "You might be right about us being on television." Nervously, he chewed his lip, and leaned a little closer, trying to get a better look at one of the figures that stood about twenty feet to his left, just behind the guy who lent him a jacket. "I mean, now I'm sure your probably right, because that's the only way I could be seeing what I'm seeing." His arm raised, and finger extended. "Come on, it has to be. How else would that be standing there, or am I just imagining a Rhyperior?" He nodded. "It would make sense if I was." God he hoped he was. "But just to make sure, does anyone else see something like a small Rhino, on its hind legs, covered in grey and orange stone armor, because if not, great, if so, reality might be broken, or I'm in a coma like that Ash Ketchum guy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Knew we were near the zoo." Tyler said as he slowly got down on one knee before the encirclement of strange animals. They must have escaped from the zoo. He'd never been the the central park zoo, he didn't know what they had. Sure most of these things looked pretty strange, but he hadn't seen every animal. There were animals out in the rainforest that no one had ever seen. There was bigfoot and his like. There were giant birds. That must have been what had happened, in fact. A giant bird had picked him up and dropped him somewhere near the zoo. Probably got these guys as well, explaining why they were so confused.

He reached out his arms and touched the guys next to him to get their attention and nodded his head downwards at the ground. "Play dead. Animals don't hurt ya' if you're playing dead." He went lower, slowly laying himself on the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Matt's head swung around as he heard something snap, about the time after the pond guy was explaining his tone. Matt had no need for the explanation, he had dealt with people like that before, but that was neither here nor there. Back to the important things, a girl trying to be sneaky, keyword trying, had stepped on a branch like a moron and alerted everyone of her presence. Pond guy said something, but Matt was to busy giving his patented "you're an idiot" stare at forest lady to listen in. Suddenly, weird and strange creatures surround all of them.

"Yeah, that about sums up one of the thingies I'm seeing." Matt said to Pond guy, taking a glance at his pale face before looking at the monsters again. Then the Brown haired dude said something stupid again, before lying down and attempting to avoid the conflict entirely. "Dude, this is clearly just a lucid dream! Look, I'm gonna get us outta here." Matt said as he thought of a gun. It's shape, it's size, and how it was right in his pocket. He had done this trick before, it was easy. Matt reached in his pocket and pulled out... a phone.

"Uhh... maybe I did it wrong?" He said, before trying it again, this time with his left pocket. "C'mon... c'mon." he whispered as he visualized the gun. Out of his pocket came... a book. It was tiny, only one page, with a lightning bolt on the front. He opened up the book. The language was not English, yet still, he could understand it. He read it aloud, ignoring brown hair again.

"Yogldjjih rllagei S'smnrorouh." He read from the book, and a bolt of electricity came down from the sky and hit that rhino thing. "Shit!" Matt yelled, throwing his hands up in defense of the obvious onslaught of the creatures he provoked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Okay, okay. So she had just picked up what could only be described as Cure Heart's Lovely Commune. That was weird but it could have been a toy or something, right? But now she was in this forest and there were people beyond the trees and then there were... those looked liked Pokemon why were there Pokemon. Anno couldn't help but just try and stay still behind the tree. She wasn't the most confident person at the best of times and when there was a situation like this there was really no question of her being far too nervous to even start approaching. That and the Pokemon looked kind of irritable, especially when one got hit by a... a bolt of lightning. Anno covered her ears and just did her best to try and move to a different, better piece of cover that was different then the other pieces of cover or... or something. She was scared and really didn't know what to do.

... There was some other girl too, who looked really just as freaked out as Anno felt and appeared to have accidentally stepped on a twig or something like that since there was a snap and all... Oh god what was even going on? It was just too freaky and Anno had no clue of what she would even do. Clutching the Lovely Commune tightly, she found herself simply rooted to the spot and unable to move from where she stood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Make your wish among the stars." A strange, feminine voice said to Dan.

Dan awoke in a cold sweat as he found himself in a forest. "What the..." Dan muttered as he looked around. Suddenly, thunder. Dan ran off in fear of what's going on. Where was he? Is he far from his home? Will he ever see his friends again? He tripped and that's when he let go of something. Dan went over to pick it up. It was a strange device with a bright red button. Dan knew better than to just press the button. He was named Dan, not Deedee. He could hear people talking. He scurried about until he came across a frightened girl with brown hair, glasses, pale skin, blue eyes, and red skirt. He wasn't sure whether she knows where he was or if she could help him. From the looks of things, she seems just as scared as she was. She seemed to be with another girl.

He also noticed a device she held. It wasn't a simple button though. It looked more like a phone. He looked at her. One wrong move and he feared she'd scream in terror and attract the people over. After a moment of looking away from her, he spoke up.

"I assume you don't know where we are, right?" Dan said to the two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago



Rin moaned, rubbing her backside as she surveyed her new surroundings. All she remembered was a sudden falling sensation, then landing on... Something in the middle of a weird forest. Which was strange because she was sure she was in her kitchen just a moment ago. Getting to her feet, she took a look at what she had been sitting on, and...

"...Huh, that looks familiar..." Stooping down for a moment, she picked up the familiar looking... Toys. They had to be toys. "Heh, a Sengoku Driver... And an Orange Lockseed... They look just like they did on the show, eheheh~"

It didn't take long for her to notice she wasn't alone, though. A couple of girls (cute ones, she noted) had rushed in her direction, but hadn't seemed to have noticed her yet, and a boy had followed soon after them... And they all seemed to be rather confused and panicky right now. Maybe they too had been suddenly pulled here... But it might also have to do with the giant floating venus flytrap closing in on them. Well, in times like this there was only one thing a true hero of justice could do, right?

"STAND BACK, FAIR MAIDENS! And, um, that guy too I guess." As dramatically as she possibly could, Rin rushed in front of the trio, standing between them and the Carnivine. "THIS IS MY STAGE NOW!" And even more dramatically, she slapped the Driver onto her waist, and...

...And in a flash of light, a yellow belt materialized around her, and an insignia suddenly appeared on the left-hand panel of the Driver.

"...Uh, wait, I was just trying to look cool, um... You're not telling me this thing's real, right? Waaah, so cool!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Oh good. Now there were a bunch of monsters here too. This was just getting bet- Wait, was that a Rhyperior? And did one of the weirdos just shoot lightning at it? This...this was a bad dream, right? Either way, the best option here was clearly just hiding out and hoping they'd focus their attention on the group that had just attacked them and then move on. Unfortunately, something other than the group of people had noticed the noise she'd made earlier. A large venus flytrap-like monster seemed to be moving in her direction. Swallowing hard, Rachel did the first thing that came to mind in this situation: Run away from the Carnivine.

The fact that she seemed to be running towards some other people was purely unintentional, especially given that her head was down up until the moment she heard someone shouting about fair maidens and...Was that Gaim's catchphrase? Looking up, Rachel saw the blonde woman don a Sengoku Driver, which seemed to be the real deal.

Well, with someone that could actually fight on their side, now was as good of a time as any to catch her breath and investigate something that had bugged her while she was running. Reaching into her pockets, she pulled out an item which resembled a closed gate, as well as a pair of rings. She looked up at the Sengoku Driver-wearing woman, then back to the things in her hands. If that was real then was this..? Taking a deep breath, Rachel placed the Driver against her waist.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The invocation caught Tyler's attention, as well as the sudden lighting that split the air. He looked up from the ground as the thunder echoed away into the forest. His eyes went to the rhino thing, which seemed none the worse for wear, to that guy Matt, to the book in that guy Matt's hands, back to the rhino thing, back to Matt, back to the book ect. ect. until finally he put it all together in his head.

Wizard. It was the only logical explanation.

He saw the Matt the Wizard brace for impact and jumped up back to his feet. This wizard was probably planning to wipe his memory if they survived this, but first they had to survive this. "Hey, what are you doing?" He said urgently. "Cast another one. Cast a flying spell, or a invisible spell, or a castle spell. Come on, don't just stand there do something!"

He heard shouting from the woods at that point, something unquestionable heroic. Probably a knight. Knights were always saving maidens, and the Wizard was here. Knights followed from wizards, but she sounded occupied right at the moment. "You're the only one that can save us!" He pleaded. "At least buy a little time for that knight to get here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Anno could only weakly shake her head when the boy asked her if she knew where they were. She was bad with new people at the best of times, and this was undeniably far, far from the best of times to say the least. All she could really do was stand stock still and stare out from her piece of cover, not even looking at the boy who had spoken to her, and tightly clutch the Lovely Commune in both hands. She almost didn't notice, until the other girl pointed it out, that there was a plant monster approaching them and oh god there was a plant monster approaching them!

Somewhere inside, she started to realize that the thing she was looking at was another pokemon, though at the moment it didn't really click what its name was. She was more worried that it had huge teeth and looked like a giant venus flytrap and was approaching them way too quickly and all she had was a toy to defend herself and she had no idea where she could run and there were other people in danger too what was she ever going to do it was way too close...

... And then a taller blonde girl seemed to jump in out of no-where, declaring that it was her stage now. Wait, that was definitely Gaim's catchphrase, there was no mistaking that. And did she have a Sengoku Driver? Anno didn't know what to do, especially when the driver actually appeared to activate! Even the girl who had jumped out seemed surprised by it. Somehow she seemed familiar too... but that hardly mattered after all... all this!

"... W-wha... I..." Slowly, she looked down at the Lovely Commune. If the Sengoku Driver was real, did that mean...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Upon seeing the carnivorous fly-trap, Dan's legs buckled. However, someone stepped in, shouting with all her might. She slapped on a device on her waist... Wait, waist-worn devices? Can it be? Dan only watched a bit of it during his Saturday Mornings, and even then, his moving to America caused him to miss out on a lot of it, but... Was she becoming a Kamen Rider? Another girl put the driver on her waist. He felt something stir inside him. A strong, emotional feeling. The feeling of fighting along with his idols. Heroism.

He stepped forward, Switch in hand.

"This isn't just your stage!" Dan said as he held out the Switch in front of the Carnivine, thumb ready to press the right red button. "I'll fight with you too!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 14 days ago

The Lightning struck the large stone and ground pokemon with deadly accuracy, or what should've been deadly. The aim was right on, but the effect wasn't right, or at least what would be preferred by the group. The creature's massive frame was pushed back a few feet by the force of the impact, and it staggered a little bit afterwards, but aside from that, and a sudden tensing of its body many would see as a shift from aggressively curious to just plain aggressive. The creature's eyes narrowed on the spellcaster, and it took on a deep breath, the massive rock chest puffing outwards with the pressure of the air building inside it, and let out roar that caused birds, and some of the more skilled flying fish, from miles around, to burst from their tree tops and head off in the wild blue yonder. Then it narrowed its head, grunted, and started running straight for the young man, but it wasn't as quickly as you'd think. Rhyperiors, were slow. The other creature's took the big gray pokemon's cue, and starting rushing forward. All of them swept towards the group like a wave in an ocean where no two droplets were the same colors. "Uh Hey." Jynmi gulped hard something that was stuck in his throat. He was pretty sure it was the last remaining bit of his courage. "I don't think you guys should've done that." He stopped, thought about it, and nodded to himself. "No, scratch that. I'm sure you guys shouldn't have done that. The things mad now." He raised an arm and pointed towards the oncoming, potential, onslaught. He turned his attention from the horde to the guy with the book. "I'm leaning more towards you did it wrong. Unless your trying to get us killed. Are you? It would be nice to know if at least one of us, the normal ones, managed to do something they meant to." A flash of light caught his eye and he turned towards the girl that was dressed differently from the last time he looked at her. "That is, if she didn't mean to do that." He opened his mouth to say something else, but a stone sailed from the fingers of a small ape like creature, and winged him on the forehead. It wasn't enough to knock him out, but it made the world spin. Several other stones followed quickly, thrown by a small ferret looking creature, and something that looked like a clown. "Oh dear." A Young man said, from somewhere up in the trees. His form was hidden by shadows, but dully glowing blue eyes could be seen. "Now they've done it." With a sigh, the eyes closed, and the form vanished from the shadows like an unattended buffet in Las Vegas. The flytrap creature, most things thought of it as Paul, apparently had taken off more than he could chew, or at least he'd mistaken some prey that would just cower and take with something that would actually stand up and try to knock his teeth out. Most things didn't care about Paul, but the group was supposed to be there for a reason. so a few of the others, a Hitmonchan, A kangaskhan, and a haunter decided to aid their brother in arms(as far as grassy vines could be considered arms,) and broke off from the rest of the group, the one racing towards the guy with the lightning and the one who expected the guy with the lightning to do something, towards the people currently transforming into shinier versions of themselves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Matt was freaking out a little. Sure he feared social things more than actual danger, but this shit was still pretty scary man. He was being attacked by a... Is that a freaking pokemon? So that monster he attacked must've been a rock type, so that meant... Matt quickly scanned the other creatures for a water type while one man begged, pleaded, and gave praise to him while the other berated and snarked at him. Being a leader was tough sometimes. Brownhair had asked for another spell, and Matt quickly looked back down at the book. "I've only got the one, Brownhair, so we're gonna make it work!" Suddenly, stones started being hailed at them. "Shit, shit, okay uh, there's a knife in my jacket pocket, someone use it!" He said as he looked at the... Mankey, was it? and shouted his spell, sending a lightning bolt at it. He quickly turned to the other stone throwers, and brought down his righteous thunder upon them. They had to hold out for the Knight, right? Why not get her attention? "Hey! Hey, you, with the fair maidens! Get your ass over here and help me kill these pokemon!" He shouted, before attempting to strike down another pokemon with his spell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"What's a knife gonna do? Some wizard you are." Tyler says as the rhino beast was upon them. He jumped back as the beast charged forward with reckless momentum, knowing that if that thing got in their midst it would surly kill them. That's when something strange occurred. From behind him something shot toward the creature, something he could barely see. Seemingly in slow motion it zipped up to the charging beast and gripped it by its drill like horn, pulling with all its momentum. The creatures balance was thrown off, its head tipping to far forward for its weight to handle, and it lost its footing. The charge became a flying tumble, sending it headlong into the lake behind them. Before Tyler could even get his thoughts together he spied from the corner of his eyes a fist sized stone sailing direly for his head. He brought his arms up to cover his face, but when he heard a meaty impact he didn't feel the corresponding pain. As he looked out from between his palms, he saw it. A hand. A human hand, the size of his own floating, nearly translucent, in the air. In its palm it cradled the huge rock, which it let slide to the ground. Then it turned, palm first to him, as though awaiting orders. "What're you then, a ghost?" He asked, perplexed, before remembering that this thing at least was not currently trying to kill him. Maybe it could make some use of the knife, seeing it could fly and all. As if reading his mind the phantom fist zipped over to Matt and wrenched the knife out of his jacket pocket, turing instatly to swing into the oncoming hoard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 1 day ago

A black belt appeared out of the Driver, looping around Rachel's waist. It actually worked! Quickly, she glanced at the two rings she had. The first looked similar to the gate on the Driver, with a large keyhole in the middle. Not really necessary, since the Driver seemed to already be active. The second was the Bea- That wasn't the Beast Ring, it looked more like...Rachel sighed, given the alternative seemed to involve being eaten by a pokemon, she had to at least give this a try. She slipped the ring on and inserted it into a slot on the Driver. "SET, OPEN!" The belt announced. For a moment, Rachel seemed to stare off into space, as the Ogre phantom entered her mind to explain the contract she'd be making. Although having heard it in Wizard, she mostly just nodded along and spent the time trying to work out what the hell was happening, a name for her Rider form and other such important questions. Afterwards, a grin appeared on her face. "It's morphin' time!" She declared. "O-G-R-E! OGRE!" The driver called, projecting an purple magic circle. The magical symbol proceeded to pass over Rachel, leaving an armoured figure in its wake. Rachel gave her suit a quick look over, trying to avoid laughing maniacally, squeeing or any other such response that might come from finding that you've become a superhero from something you previously thought was fictional. "Now then..." She placed a hand against the Driver, seemingly pulling a sword out of the device before pointing it at the approaching quartet of monsters. "Which one of you will offer up your life to the glorious Ogre?!"
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