Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

------Mysterious Tower------

Merlin sat in the chair next to a bed with a man named Leo laying in it. It seemed that his spell had affected the young keybearer when he put his whole world in a state of ageless sleep. There was no telling how long it would be when Leo woke up or if he would until things returned to normal and this new darkness was pushed back, but was it even darkness that was causing the memory gaps? People disappearing, never to be remembered by others close to them? Nobodies had this power but not to make whole worlds sink into nothingness. No this had to be a new enemy whether it was based of an old one something new was afoot. Merlin had taken Leo to the Mysterious Tower where he sought the help of Master Yen-Sid. He was the most powerful wizard known to Merlin and he was still unable to help and unable to to see through the veil what this threat was. It was all very disheartening. But there was a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Leo had been able to do one thing. He was a keybearer on his home world of Avalon for a short time but time none the less. He had the heart of a Keybearer and Yen-Sid knew how to track others down with either the potential or ones that were about to become Keybearers all their own. He knew this because he was once a wielder and a master of a keyblade himself, until he gave up the mantel and the keyblade. He then began grabbing people from their worlds and bringing them to his world. He did this to stop the coming threat. They were his chosen and would not be able to forget. Merlin looked up as the cloak hit the stroke of midnight. Leo's birthday had finally come around. "Happy Birthday my boy..." Merlin sad with a tear that dripped from his cheek to his robes. "I guess it is time to address the new recruits and place The Spell on them. Then we all need to relocate to the world that comes in the time of need, because soon this world will be nothing but darkness." Merlin said as he stood up and moved the covers over the boy some more. "I will return shortly to make sure you are carried with us to safety. Until then rest well." Merlin talked to the boy often and liked to think his words reached him but he couldn't be for sure that they did unless he entered the world of sleep with Leo in which he could not with such a weighted task ahead. He took his wand out of his pocket that he rarely used and sent a message to each room that was occupied. "To all that have been brought here by Yen-Sid, This is Merlin. Yen-Sid and I need to speak with all of you in the meeting quarters where you were brought in. Please follow the portal to the room and wait there. We will be with you shortly." Merlin ended the transmission and exited into the hall. He then opened another door in which sat a man talking in a mirror to a mouse with a crown on his head. With a chuckle the mirror shut off and the old man in the chair grabbed his hat and put it on. "I guess it is time then." He said as he got up and turned around heading out the door with Merlin.

------The Grid --> Radiant Garden------

Codex ran for her life as an enemy chased her down. She wasn't sure who it was nor was she sure how he/she/it had made it past the firewall. "Damn! How the hell!?" She looked over her shoulder and bolted down the bridge faster. The enemy behind her shouted "Stop now little girl and I shall have mercy on your soul!!" The voice sounded male but grab-baled. She looked over he shoulder again as the enemy summoned his weapon. A long curved blade extended out from a long staff, this was a scythe like no other. It radiated power. Codex couldn't explain it but it felt like she would never exist again if that thing touched her. She again picked up speed and busted through the teleporter room door. Inside a column of white light seemed to be growing ever more narrow. "Not today!" She screamed as she summoned her keyblade instinctively and fired a light into the column. Dispersing it the column pulsed. The enemy was on her heels as she ran up the stairs. He was about to bring his blade in contact with her upper body as she jumped spun around in the portal and disappeared with a smile to her attacker. The teleporter shut down in a flash and the blade made a whooshing sounds as the man brought his blade across the air. "Nooooooo!!! DAMN YOU!!!" He then activated a wrist computer. "Sir one of the chosen got away...The girl sir." A sigh was heard through the computer screen as the man began to fade to nothingness.

Computers began to whirl and lights flicked on in the old dusty room below the castle of radiant garden. Well it wasn't so radiant these days. Darkness was spreading across every world and this one was no exception. Changes where happening and memories were disappearing and the castle was reverting back into Maleficent's creation. Luckily this room hadn't been hit yet. Suddenly a beam of light fired in the center of the floor and started to reconstruct a girl. There she stood, as the beam stop, proud and in control. She then collapsed on the floor weak and out of energy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Raiden Saito
----Mysterious Tower----

Rai had been trying to get some sleep. Since he'd been pulled here he couldn't likely do much and he was clueless as to what was really going on. And even if he tried to rest it was to no avail Even now, he awoke and shot up with a fright. "Wha... Where..." He was out of it. His mind in disarray and his vision blurred. He could barely finish his questions let alone grasp the situation. He was on a bed... In a strange room. Where was he? As his vision cleared up and his panic began to subside he stood up from his bed. He looked around, a hand on his head. He had a little headache. What happened? He couldn't... Wait... "Mom and dad!" He looked around quickly. They weren't there. He didn't know why he'd expected them to be. It was the same whenever he opened or closed his eyes. They just weren't there. "Dammit..." He grit his teeth and clenched his fist slamming it into the nearest wall.

Pulling it back Rai sighed. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked down. He had a necklace on. He never wore a necklace, but this one was an exception. It was his mother's. A gift to her from his father on their first anniversary. It wasn't much, but she treasured it. And since she gave it to him, now he did so. A momento from the two people he cared about more than anything. Of course, when she'd given it to him, she and his father made him promise to go. If anything he could get out right? There was something else though. What was it? "That thing!" What was it? It had appeared in his hands when he lost his bat. He looked at his hand and opened it up. And suddenly it appeared. "Woah..." All he'd done is think about it and now it was here. He was speechless. Soon he was lost in his thoughts about the item. There was a lot he wanted to know. "When did life get so complicated?" He questioned the emptiness of the room around him.

As Rai's thoughts wandered he heard a voice. There was nobody around though! He shuffled through the room and even looked out the door. Nothing! Nobody! Was it magic? It must have been. The guys who brought him here were supposed to be wizards or something right? "Maybe I can get some answers." He said as he reopened the door. He wasn't about to pass this up. It wasn't like he had much of a choice in the matter anyway though right? And his previous thought still rang true. Perhaps he really could get some real answers. He didn't even feel the need to further question himself or hesitate on his thoughts. It wasn't much like him anyway. And with that, he made his way to the portal. When he arrived in the meeting room he felt a bit weird. Travelling like that wasn't something he'd been used to. He wasn't even sure he could get used to it. Still he couldn't hesitate. It was best to remain calm in the current situation and not overreact or lash out unnecessarily. So he took a breath and took a seat to wait for others and the two old men who'd summoned the somewhat motley crew.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Damian Strath
---Mysterious Tower---

Damian snored loudly as he slept, dreaming about the times before the darkness had come and forced him to fight or flee. Before people forgot about his parents or who they were and said that he was the only Strath they'd ever known for the entirety of their lives. As he dreamed, he snorted slightly in response to a bug landing on his nose and sleepily swiped at it, most likely at least chasing it off and allowing him more sleep for the time being. Or, at least it would have if he hadn't been woken up by the voice resounding all around his room.

"Whoa!" Falling out of it, he does his best to extricate himself from the tangled mess of sheets and blankets as he stumbles over to the door and flings it open. "What?! What did I miss?!" He was still rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he yelled this and when he stopped, he realized there was no one at the door. "Oh, s-sorry. Then who....oh right. 'Wizards'." Damian closed the door and got the bed as fixed as he could before going to the main room, stepping through the portal after giving it quizzical looks for a moment. As he emerged in the main room, he took note of the other only other person in the room, noting that his very different appearance from Damian's own further proved the multiple worlds theory he'd been told. Taking a seat away from the othersbut where he could see him if he turned his head, he waited for Yen-Sid and the other person to arrive. As he waited, he thought back on how things could be back home, remembering that there were people still fighting for their lives against whatever the strange monsters were that had attacked him first. Stay safe guys...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Mysterious Tower

Dee slept, softly snoring into her pillow and drooling just a tad. As soon as she hit the sheets a little while ago she just zonked out. The beds were surprisingly soft, much better the the couch in Big's (Her mentor) apartment. She was dreaming of her life back home in the arcade. Life was so simple back then, just fighting matches until closing, and then she could hangout with Big and Jen.

Her dreaming was rudely interrupted by someone speaking, and she groggily raised her head. So they needed her at the meeting room? "Bluh." she mumbled, her face slamming into a pillow. She really wanted to sleep more, that rush to get out of Witlak's arcade was incredibly tiring, but the wizards here had allowed her a bed so she felt at least partially in debt to them. She swiped the drool off the corner of her mouth and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before placing her glasses back on. She rarely ever willingly let others see her true eyes, she just didn't like them.

She shook her head to regain her composure. She was getting off track, there was still the fact that there were going to be people who she had absolutely no idea about. That was giving her a lot of anxiety. She would have no idea what to say if they started a conversation! She fidgeted idly around her room for a few moments before gaining the resolve to just go out there and ignore everyone and maybe they wouldn't talk to her.

With as much strength as she could gather, Dee stepped through the portal to the meeting room. Some people had already made there, but after a quick glance Dee decided averting her gaze would be the best decision. As Dee sat down in an untaken chair, she opened her palm and idly fiddled with her keyblade.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alyss Tasker

Mysterious Tower

Alyss sat on her bed, looking out the window into the colorful space like void that surrounded the tower. She hadn't been able to sleep that night, She kept thinking about Magi. This had been the longest time she had ever spent away from her sister, and even when they were separated before, Alyss was at least sure of her well being. But after those things...the heartless, took her, Alyss wasn't to sure if she was even alive at this point. All she had was hope that she was.

Alyss sighed and looked down at her hand, summoning her keyblade. Why was she given this, or at least, why hadn't her sister not gotten one was well? Magi was a better fighter then Alyss. Alyss had never even made it to the finals of a struggle tournament on her own While Magi had a championship under her belt and made it to the finals a couple of times...Wouldn't it have been better for Magi to get the best weapon to fight the darkness, rather then Alyss? It didn't make sense to her, but Alyss knew that is she wanted the chance to see her sister safe and sound, she was going to have to do more then just be a support.

Alyss looked up when she heard the voice of Merlin calling her and the other teens to the meeting quarters. Alyss got up and started walking to the portal that would take her to the room. She hadn't talked to any of the others during her short time here. She had seen a couple of them though. She wondered if they had similar stories to hers, of having people they cared about lost...Maybe this wasn't a good thought but it would be kind of comforting to Alyss if they had lost someone to. But Alyss wouldn't go asking around for that kind of info, she didn't even really want to talk about Magi at the moment.

Alyss walked through the portal and made it to the meeting room and saw that there were already a few others there. It was odd to see people like this. Sure they looked human like her, but they came from different worlds then her and their clothing showed it. It was then that Alyss realized that she to would probably be going to different worlds as well, maybe even to the worlds that these people were from. She wondered what traveling to the other worlds would be like. Because surely the worlds weren't all connected by a magical trolley (like the one she took to get to the tower) that no one else could see right ? Alyss decided to think about that later, and took a seat next to the only girl there so far and waited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

---Destiny Islands-->Mysterious Tower--- Flippy had just arrived at the small island and pulled his raft far onto the shore just so the water can't reach it and pull it out to sea. He did the same thing he always does walk the shore line to pass time to hopes if he waitslong enough that maybe his friends will show up, but they usually never do show up at least not anymore. Flippy after waiting walks around the shore trying to find anything special that might have washed up onto land, sometimes he finds sometimes he finds nothing. After a while Flippy started to make his way to the tallest point of the island which was a platform that lead inside one of the biggest and bushiest tree on the island. When he started walking up the stairs that lead to the platform Flippy saw some rain clouds rolling in it didn't bother him as much as when he turned around to look back down his shadow started to move. Flippy thought it was nothing but his shadow grew to a weird shape and it popped out of the ground into a 3d object it was in the shape of some weird creature with yellow eyes. He didn't mind it so he continued his way but the further he got up Flippy was starting to see more shadows than usual he started panicking quickly because all the shadows he was seeing were turning into the first one that he saw. By the time Flippy reached the top he was surrounded by the shadow like creatures. His back was against a railing and was close to falling over, and also the rain clouds had finally hit the island and rain was coming down hard. Flippy shouted "Go away whatever you are!" but course nothing happened they just kept coming towards him when all of sudden there was a small flash of light coming from his right hand and some sort of object was there when the light faded away. Flippy was so startled by what happened he fell to over the railing he was against. As Flippy was falling time seemed to slow he knew this was the end,but he didn't want it to end he didn't even know what happened to his friends he didn't even know what those things were. Flippy closed his eyes hoping it wouldn't hurt when he hit the ground it most likely would since he was so high up. Flippy ended up hitting something but it wasn't what he was expecting. Flippy hit a bed at full speed and he bounced up and over the side onto the floor, and after finally opening eyes after a minute he looked around to see he wasn't on the island anymore he was in a room a bed room to more exact. He looked around seeing a set of two doors, so with a great heap of energy he got off the ground and made his way to the doors. The doors opened without noise and with that revealing the puzzled Flippy he walked out of the room and began to explore I t wasn't long before he found another set of doors. Flippy started to run to the doors and while doing that he remembered what happened and was trying to think of what that weird object in his hand was before he fell and like that it happened. After thinking hard about and running Flippy was close to the doors when he tripped and came bursting through the doors into the rooms where there were others sitting in chairs. Standing up Flippy sa what he tripped over and it was that thing from the island that caused him to fall over the railing. Flippy then casually walked over to a chair and took a seat without saying a word it felt very awkward after what just happened and it was right in front of a bunch of strangers he was of course very embarrassed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Merlin and Yen-Sid both came into the room. Merlin stood next to his mentor as Yen-Sid sat in the chair at the desk. "Good evening everyone." He said as the lights in the room flickered. "I know that most of you have questions and I wish I could answer them for you all right now. Right now though we have a much more pressing matter. As we speak the abominations born from the void of darkness and nothingness are coming for you. Why? Because you have the hearts of keybearers. That will be explained later, but because your hearts shine so bright they are coming to erase you from existence. However you have the power to fight them." The lights flickered again and Yen-Sid looked around. "We don't have much time and after this night I won't see you all for a long time. I will distract them before they get a chance to take any of you. Merlin is going to be taking you to a world that the darkness won't be able to find very easily. He will have you trained and ready to fight within a couple of weeks so please all of you listen to him. Merlin stepped forward as he sent a message telepathically to his owl Archimedes. The owl woke annoyed but got the message. He was to go fly into Leo's room and land on him. Ready to go. "Alright everyone this is how this is going to work. I need each of you to stand in a circle and hold hands. Don't be shy because we don't have time for all that nonsense." Merlin said it grumpily because he was leaving Yen-Sid to these new enemies and taking the kids to Traverse Town. Leaving Yen-Sid behind meant loosing a very powerful ally and a dear friend, but Merlin that if anyone could hold the enemy at bay it was him. Merlin took a star like object with a lightning bolt out of his pocket. "Now complete the circle by closing it with me. Once we are all ready we shall warp to pick up two more guests then to a world called Traverse Town. Merlin waited for the group to gather round so that they could all leave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Damian, while still confused, saw no reason to argue with the man and stood up, approaching him and taking his free hand. He looked over the others and chuckled quietly to himself. Keybearers? A bunch of kids and teenagers? Damian much preferred the feel of a rope in his hands, but if it meant he could get his life and family back, he'd do it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

In his personal opinion, the old man, or rather men, were going a bit too fast. The group had quite literally JUST assembled. And yet he did not argue. They knew a hell of a lot more than him which is probably why he grabbed the old wizard's hand. "Fine. But we better get some answers later." Of course, when he said this we wasn't attempting to perform any sort of intimidation... Even if his somewhat annoyed and angry tone and facial expression gave off the feeling of some form of intimidation. He was just a little frustrated over the events that had transpired. His parents, his home. GONE! Who wouldn't be upset. Still, it was his hope that things would get better. Hopefully...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"D-do we have to?" Dee asked, face flushing and gaze averted. Sure it wasn't implicitly romantic or anything, but still, there was that subtle inkling, and Dee didn't like it. "I mean, I'm a natural fighter! I could take these stupid little creatures in like, five second." Deep down though, she knew that training with the new weapon would be important, and she'd need the help of all the keybladers or whatever they were called. She begrudgingly stood up and grabbed the hand of the most recent boy to accept what's his face's terms, still blushing madly and not looking at anyone directly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alyss got up when Merlin asked them to get in a circle. She knew the situation was rather serious, but she couldn't help but feel the same excitement she felt when she first realized that she was leaving her old world for a new one. She was going to go on an adventure filled with monsters and hero's, the kind of adventure Magi always wanted...Alyss sighed and tried not to think about her sister right now. Instead she took a deep breath and stepped forward, taking the only other girl there hand, and waited for someone else to take her other hand. She was curious who these other two travelers would be, teenagers like them? Or experienced adults? And what would Traverse town (and why did worlds have "town" in the name?) be like? Well, Alyss was about to find out (well, maybe not that "Town in the name" question but that wasn't really putting a strain on her curiosity).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

When Merlin asked for them to form a circle Flippy got up out of his seat without looking at anyone since he was still embarrassed about his entrance to the room. Flippy took the hand of some girl he hoped that by listening to this strange man he could find his missing friends, and return home to maybe what may be left of that small island.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Merlin took one last look at Yen-Sid before he and the teens winked out of existence. Yen-Sid was alone now. He got up and looked out the window. A figure in a black cloak with electric blue fringes appeared to be looking up at him. The figure summoned his weapon and burst into the main door. "So it begins." He said as turned and went into the room adjacent to the one he was in. Inside were three fairies. One dressed in blue, another in green and the last in pink, who was bossing the other two around. Yelling the pink fairy was ordering the others to gather their things and to be ready to go. She flew over to Yen-Sid hurriedly. "It's starting isn't it!? I hate that this day had to come..." Yen-Sid stopped her mid sentence. "But we all knew it had to. The prophecy is clear. Two will become none and the memories shall be gone. He who forsake the mantle shall fall for the good of them all." The pink fairy frowned. "Yes but we haven't deciphered the rest! There could be a way to save you!" She silenced again as the door in the other room burst of its hinges and slammed into the desk. Yen-Sid turned slammed the door behind him and drew his wand. His hat began to glow feriously and then his study was a battle ground. Jets of light shot from his wand and the figure didn't even blink as it held up it's hand dissolving the light into nothingness. "You old fool! Your parlor tricks are no match for a Reaper!" He withdrew his hood and shown his face. Scared down the right side with one white eye and the other blazing red. His hair was shock white and streaks of black and red ran through it. "Now where are the children? Can't have more keybearers running around making a muck of all we worked for. Yen-Sid just scowled back. He wasn't in a talking mood. He also knew he couldn't win this fight so he took off his hat turned and threw it at the door that he had slammed shut with the fairies inside. If this were any normal hat it would have hit the door and fell to the ground with a soft thud, but this was the hat of the most powerful wizard so it flew right through the door. Suddenly a spell was cast over the door a barrier was now in place. "Oh I see there in there aren't they? Trying to protect them with a stupid hat and a little barrier made of what!? LIGHT!? Don't make me laugh!" The Reaper jumped at Yen-Sid just as he was turning back around and was struck by the scythe. Falling to the ground Yen-Sid started to fade into nothingness and his heart left his being; the Reaper then slashed his scythe at the heart and it was gone. But not gone gone. More like trapped with in the scythe itself. The Reaper laughed and simply touched the barrier with the tip of the scythe blade dissolving it in an instant. Bursting through the door the Reaper was ready to take everyone out but all he saw was a little pink fairy climbing into the wizards hat and suddenly it disappeared. Cursing and sending off a blaze of black and white fire yelled. "Damn you fucking wizard!" Merlin and the kids had appeared in a small room with a boy in bed. Merlin grabbed the boys shirt and the owl Archimedes flew over to his shoulder and yelled "It's about time you old coot!" Merlin glared at the bird as Yen-Sid's hat popped in and out of it came the fairies. Merlin hung his head as the pink fairy nodded at him. Then he looked back at the group. "Alright kids lets get a move on!" He held the star tight and off they went into the darkness of inter-space hoping that Traverse Town would hear their hearts and be there for them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Everything happened pretty quickly. First one girl grabbed his hand. He knew a lot of guys who would be dumb enough to question whether or not she was sick after seeing her face flushed red, but he wasn't so stupid contrary to the popular belief of many. *She's blush?* but he would question why. He knew she couldn't like him or anything. Maybe she was just shy or embarrassed or something. Another girl join and finally the last guy who'd joined the group. Right, he hadn't had the best entrance. It was probably why he was being so quiet. But things could have been worse. At least nobody laughed. Besides, Rai was pretty sure he knew him. He was from the same world right? Yeah... He had to be from the Islands. But then things began to change. yen Sid had prepared for something and yet before anything substantial the group was gone. They just appeared in a different room. "Woah... Wait..." His grip on Dee's hand tightened slightly. It wouldn't hurt of course, but it was definitely noticeable. He wasn't scared of course, but he was surprised. "Where..." He paused seeing the sleeping boy. "Who's th..." He stopped himself. They'd likely get answers later. Now wasn't the time. Especially with god knows what happened. When the fairies came he just about had his mind blown. After all this... Of course they existed. "So Fairies exist... Crazy huh?" He whispered to Dee. The others could likely hear, but being that Dee was the one beside him it was more directed to her. He tried to be quiet enough not to offend the Fairies or Merlin. He didn't want to cause trouble. Even more so now that something had happened to yen Sid. It would have been insensitive to call it out or say something right. Though the fact that he noticed and felt bad was evident. *Dammit... Too fast... This is happening to fast!* He mentally shouted so as not to startle the others. And just like that they were off again. Rai just hoped that they got to their destination safely and together. It would have sucked to lose somebody. Or... You know... Get lost himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 2 mos ago

To Dee, the others couldn't grab hands quick enough. Even though it was only a few seconds, 20 at the absolute most, it felt as if it were an endlessly impassible stretch of time. Still, eventually the group blinked out of the previous meeting room and into a serene calmness that seemed as if it were almost separate from the chaos of the world she knew was happening still, elsewhere. This nice change of pace was suddenly interrupted almost as soon as it began. The boy she was holding hands with squeezed her hand. Somehow, her face got ever more crimson, and glared at him for a split second before quickly turning away, realizing how childish that seemed. Suddenly, something had busted into the room, stuffed inside of a hat. They looked like... well she had seen something like them before probably, but obviously just in passing. She'd never work up enough courage to ask them what their species was. Then squeezy, as she now unaffectionately referred to him in her mind, had tried to make small talk with her. She stumbled over her words for a few moments before whispering out a small "Y-yeah. Hehe." Then suddenly the group started moving, distracting her from the tirade of self deprication obviously set to occur after such a blatant social failure. They were flying with the aide of a star-like object, as well as presumably Merlin controlling it. The movement would have taken her breath away, had she not experienced travel between worlds before. Still though, it did make her a little nervous, there wasn't much beneath her, after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Damian had thought about grabbing Yen-Sid just as they'd teleported, but realized that letting go for any reason would have been incredibly stupid. "Keep yer 'ead on straight" as Captain Winchester had always said, especially when Damian would start getting off task. Instead, when they arrived in the room with the boy in the bed, he moved to distract himself, playing with a length of rope by practicing his different knots, naming them quietly to himself. When Merlin led the others away, he followed, but he really just wanted a place to rest and try and piece things together. In the end, that's all he would want besides to go home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Merlin thought he could have handled all of the others at the same time as trying to carry out Leo. Sadly he was wrong. As the light around him, Leo, and Archimedes dissipated Merlin saw that the others were gone. He knew that they had all made it cause he had felt them as they had entered Traverse town, but as the star shard began to become unstable for the last bit of the trip one by one the others popped out of the light as if they had been let go by a merry go round that was spinning way to fast. Merlin's heart sank as he felt bad for not trying harder. The fairies flew out of Yen-Sid's hat and sighed as well as they realized that he wasn't coming back, at least not for a while. Merlin looked at the three of them. "You three begin setting up the house. Make it as big as it needs to be for everyone, add rooms as you see they are needed, and finally keep watch over Leo. I must go retrieve one last person for the days ahead. I have no doubt that the kids will find their way here some how. After all Cid should be here by now and he will lead them straight here....blundering oaf and his technology." With that Merlin grasped the star shard again and zoomed off into interspace towards the world of Hollow Garden. The world had been called Radiant Garden in it's state of light and Hollow Bastion in it's state of darkness, but right now it was in between states. A world of light and darkness and a key position for both sides. Merlin landed on the outskirts of the castle avoiding the town all together which had been e-vaced days ago to Traverse Town. The castle was again twisted and ready for villains to occupy it's walls. Who knows maybe Maleficent was back in town but Merlin sure hoped not. Either way he had to get the keybearer out safely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It seemed the spell had caught one last person who had been on there way to the tower and he ended up crash landing into the centre of Traverse town right in front of the gate that lead outside, with a couple of choice words in Japanese. He shock himself off and saw check on his dragon wings and tail. The horns were not that big of a concern right now as he was more focused on where he had landed. He took out a book and looked though it before he said "Traverse town, a town created by the many lost souls of the worlds as a refuge for those who worlds were lost in the darkness". He nodded to himself and took his first step as his appearance changed so that his dragon wings, tail and horns could not be seen. He returned to his original look before he became a half dragon which was Blonde hair, blue eyes, he had a scar on his right eye. He then walked straight into the item shop with the spare Munny he had and brought a few potions from the vender.
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