> ![enter image description here](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/189/3/e/stfu_by_thebit07-d3ldetj.jpg "enter image title here")
Pfthahahaha! Actually yeah, with the exception of the sexual undertones, that's basically how their only real in-canon meeting went as far as I can remember.
"I've heard of you and almost literally everyone my entire life has basically talked about how awesome you are, but I'm clearly the most awesomest ever so you suck!" Then she saves him from an exploding building and his response is basically to get embarrassed and start yelling "The hell did you do that for, I could totally have saved myself from that explosion that nearly knocked me unconscious you totally ruined everything and I hate you!" but then it ends her basically going "Look, if you don't want to die just shut up and start trusting me" and he learns a lesson about not being such an arrogant little pooplord and does. But then they don't interact for the rest of it and he dies before they meet on-panel again so really who even knows XD
Also she asks everyone else why they haven't just killed him already, and the answer basically gets summed up as "We've all considered it, but it would be reeeaaally awkward to explain it to Batman"