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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Marmalade "Mara" Pont Age: 19 Gender: Female Race: Half-mermaid Dragoon Spirit: Dark Dragoon Weapon: Scythe Appearance: ![Marmalade](http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s163/pognip/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20140529_132439_775_zps337ce989.jpg "enter image title here") Personality: Rebellious and loud. Mara is very stubborn when she makes up her mind and won't hesitate to let others know. She has a softer side that she rarely shows simply to protect herself. History: Marmalade was born to a poor family of merchants. Her mother had spent a single night with a merman and became pregnant with her. Her father was never seen by her mother again. Due to her hair color, Marmalade's mother gave her the name she grew up hating and eventually started going by Mara. Ever the doting parent, Marmalade got everything she ever wanted and kept her sweet child away from prying eyes. You can't keep secrets forever, though. When Marmalade was seven, she asked to go out and play. Her mother didn't see anyone around and agreed. A little while later she running into their home, crying. Marmalade told her mother that some children went by and pushed her, calling her names. She asked why she was so different. That was when her mother told her about her father. Marmalade grew up defiant of her world and refused to submit to the scorn of others. She taught herself how to use a scythe as a weapon and caused more than her fair share of trouble. More than once they had to move from city to city because of Marmalade's antics. They ended up just outside of Bale. When Marmalade came to the age of 15, her mother was murdered. With her final breaths, her mother told her about a special stone she kept hidden away in a drawer. Before she could tell Marmalade what it was, she passed. She assumed the stone was what the murderers were after and left her home. Staying on the road, working as a mercenary or on farms when she could. After two years, she found herself in Seles. A small town where no one knew about her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Armond Zeraltus III Age: 25 Gender: Male Race: Human Dragoon Spirit: N/A Weapon: N/A Appearance: ![Armond] (http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa109/cat0048/male/magician.jpg) Personality: Armond is kind, compassionate, and understanding. History: Armond is of noble blood, his family used to reside in Deningrad, that was until an incident occurred several months ago. Armond's father was in the habit of hiring unsavory mercenaries, along with collecting rare artifacts illegally. One such artifact was the Dragoon Spirit of the Red-Eyed Dragon. Since the story of the Dragoons were lost to the annals of history, it was unknown exactly what the jewel was, though his father prized it above all else. This included his own son. As time passed, Armond's father finally hired several mercenaries to guard it, one such mercenary went by the name of Blitz. The man was extremely skilled with dual swords, along with being ruthless and unforgiving. One night, Blitz turned on his employer, slaying him and the others. He took the jewel for himself and burned down the manor, leaving evidence pointing to Armond as the culprit. Upon learning this treachery, Armond fled from Deningrad, traveling all the way to Bale, requesting sanctuary and to prove his innocence. Due to his family and Bale's king being friends, he was granted sanctuary within their walls. He has served as the king's second adviser for a month now. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: "Blitz" Age: Unknown Gender: Male Race: Unknown, though appears human. Dragoon Spirit: Red-Eyed Dragoon Spirit. Weapon: Dual swords, one sword built entirely around the Dragoon Spirit. Appearance: ![Blitz](http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101207041240/disney/images/f/fe/Kingdom_Hearts_-_Organization_XIII_Cloak.png) Personality: Ruthless, murderous, unforgiving, hateful, manipulative, deceptive, and cruel. History: Not much is known about Blitz, aside from being a traitorous mercenary in possession of the Red-Eyed Dragoon Spirit. He was last seen in Deningrad, hired as a mercenary by the noble house of Zeraltus, payed to keep guard over their most prized possession, the Dragoon Spirit. After time had passed, Blitz finally decided it was better to just take the red jewel for himself, killing almost all of those within the manor. He intentionally left evidence of the family's heir, Armond Zeraltus III, as the one who committed the atrocity. During the fire that raged that night, Blitz made a quick and stealthy escape into the wild, he hasn't been seen since then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ezmeralda
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Name: Veragwen Xerayna. Also goes by Vera and Gwen. Age: 19 Gender: Female Race: Human Dragoon Spirit: White-Silver Dragoon Weapon: Longsword and buckler, Bow Appearance: ![enter image description here](http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r160/Kitties_R_Cute/Vergwen_1_zpscb5e942d.jpg "Veragwen") Personality: Veragwen is beautiful, kind, and polite. She loves to help people however she can. She doesn’t particularly like combat, but isn’t afraid to fight. She isn’t exactly the justice forever type but will protect the innocent with all her strength. Vera is always determined, focused, and can on occasion be very stubborn. She’s a quick study and hard to dislike. History: Vera was raised in the small town of Seles. As a child she was bright and full of energy. She quickly became well loved by the people and soon took up learning to be an apocathary, creating healing potions and items and herbs to treat injured or sick townspeople. She matured quickly as bandit attacks became more and more common. She wasn’t about to stand by and let her little town be ransacked and her people hurt. At the age of 12. she took up the sword and bow, and became quite skilled in both weapons. Veragwen more or less appointed herself to something akin to Captain of the Seles Guard, even though such a group didn’t really exist, putting the wellbeing of Seles above all else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AdamantiumWolf
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AdamantiumWolf The Starwolf

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Lakan Valhalla Age: 22 Gender: Male Race(mermaid, wingly, human.): Wingly-human Dragoon Spirit: Blue Sea Weapon: Double Sided Lance Appearance: ![enter image description here](http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130515214459/finalfantasy/images/e/ec/Dragoon_Hyur_Artwork_XIV.jpg "enter image title here") Personality: Lakan has sharp blue eyes and straight spiky hair, he has a tall slim build and a no nonsense attitude, he does well with conversation and tends to keep close to other people, he enjoys others company and they enjoy his. Lakan's close friends call him silver tongue since he can seemingly talk his way in or out of any situation often using colored lies or acts of persuasion, he is easily trusted with his open charming attitude but Lakan doesn't trust easily. History: Lakan grew up in Furni, a city on the south side of Mille Seseau, his father a wealthy advisor and his mother missing from the picture, Lakan was raised by his fathers two maids and learned fast how to treat women right, as he got older he took to the busy streets looking over the shoulders of wealthy traders wishing to do what they did, he learned the hard way that trader folk didn't like to be bothered and took a beating, finding he needed to defend himself more and more he stole into his fathers armory and took the double sided dragon lance his father had bought for a ridiculous amount of gold. Lakan trained with the lance learning to swirl it with the precision and speed it was made for. Becoming bored with the trader business Lakan decided to take up becoming the mayors guard and took his job seriously, after a year as the mayors guard the mayor felt he no longer needed a body guard and sent Lakan on his way, Lakan took to adventuring the rest of Mille Seseasu and the surrounding countries.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Name: Jerus Jericho Age: 23 Gender: Male Race(mermaid, wingly, human.): Human Dragoon Spirit: Violet Weapon: Hand-and-a-half sword and dagger Appearance: Red hair with a subtle hint of black, making it darker than normal, lean, muscular build, earned from years working in fields and helping the blacksmith, 5' 10" tall, with blue-green eyes Personality: Jerus is a quick wit with a subtle serious side, often making light of situations no matter how grave they are and always will to lend a helping hand. The only time you see him be serious is when someone's life beside's his own is in immediate danger. Is also quite the chivalrous gentleman. History: Jerus was born the son of a blacksmith in the city of Fletz in Tiberoa. Most of his youth is reminiscant of working in the forge, helping his father both make and repair armor, weapons and even house hold items. When he wasn't doing that, he went and helped his friends work in the fields, whether it be tilling, planting or harvesting, he'd do it all. This led to a very athletic young man. When he turned 18, he set out on his own, his father having taught him the basics of how to hold and use a sword and dagger in combination. In the words of his father, "Just a sword keeps you from always hitting and just a dagger means you get too close. The two together are a perfect balance." Keeping those words in mind, he's traveled ever since, unable to find a suitable place to become a blacksmith and, while he enjoyed helping with it, he wasn't meant to be a farmer. As he's traveled, he's grown more and more proficient with his chosen weapons, having been taught a little more by soldiers and guards on their down time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dapper Amaroq
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Dapper Amaroq Resident Wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

**Name**: Samael **Age**: 32 **Gender**: male **Race**: Human **Dragoon Spirit**: N/A **Weapon**: Dual Kama blades with black steel blade and handles and red grips. **Appearance**: Samael is of a medium build with medium length black hair and wears a chain-mail vest, a cloak, steel greaves, and boots that are all black. His kama blades are strapped to both sides of his greaves, beneath his cloak. **Personality**: Chaotic Neutral is what defines who he is. Samael never liked to humor stupid ideas like good or evil, he'd always prefer just to do whatever the hell he wanted, especially if it was for money. He would take what he wanted, but it made things easier if he could just pay them off and leave it at that. **History**: Samael was born to poor parents who worked on a farm east of Tiberoa. He never like the people he grew up with, and started to wonder why he should do the things he did for them, like his parents tried to raise him. He was lucky to grow up with the discovery that a few dead people didn't mean the end of the world. Killing them himself when it suited him followed soon after. After a slightly more tolerable childhood than the average peasant, he discovered the joys of freelancing. applying his own work schedule gave him the sort of authority that even his clients had to respect. He would help them with what they needed, but he would ultimately get to decide if he helped them. He specialized in all kinds of jobs, from civil work to assassinations. He kept a low profile, but his name was synonymous with that of an experianced worker. Eventually, he was signed to work for a man named Armond, and everything has gone downhill since then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xiga


Member Seen 1 yr ago

[b]Name:[/b] Nayash [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Dragoon Spirit:[/b] N/A (Later, Gold Dragoon) [b]Weapon:[/b] Heavy, double edged, staff weapon with blunt tips that looks like hammer heads with spikes (ill draw something :D ) [b]Appearance:[/b] Muscular but quite tall, so Nayash appears as slim-fit rather than bulky. She has dread-locked black and brown hair and piercing golden brown eyes. Her face has strong cheekbones and a flatter nose, with filly lips. She dresses appropriately but you'll see her mostly in her leather armor and tracker boots. [b]Personality:[/b] Stubborn, gruff, not at all lady like. Nayash comes off as threatening and kind of mean, however she's really just a softy once a person gets to know her. She is loyal to those she trusts but most often sly and sneaky in her ways. [b]History: [/b]Nayash's youth was rather uneventful. She was born and raised in the town of Ulara of the Death Frontier, and has lived a relatively peaceful life. When she was older she was taught the arts of combat so that she later could defend herself and others in case the town or her would need it. It wasn't only for that reason that the elders of the town chose to teach Nayash the art of combat. Their hidden agenda was to find a way to control Nayash's thirst for strength and power, and her aggression issues. By mastering the art, the elders hoped that Nayash would calm down to a more peaceful state of mind and be able to do daily chores, and deal with stressful situations in a more sophisticated way, but much of it backfired. Nayash became calmer in mind, indeed more controlled in her ways, but way less sophisticated. Her explosive actions turned into sly and the effects were more devastating than before, so it was soon decided that Nayash could no longer stay in Ulara. She was sent out on a made-up quest to find a made up man called Illurath, and to bring him back to Ulara as a prisoner of war to be judged by the people of Death Valley for his crimes against their culture and humanity. It was a task that Nayash happily followed, and hence she was discretely and slyly removed from her own home, sent on an endless quest for a man that doesn't exist. [i]Players note: I hope that this is alright for now, as I intend to update the profile with pictures and perhaps a bit clearer of history. Just tell me if I need to fix anything. Also, i know NOTHING about the game that this roleplay is based of, but I am really interested anyway. Also I heard ya needed a Golden Dragoon, and that totes sounds cool :> [/i]
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by zaga2575


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Character Sheet Name: Kyden Banthar Age: 21 Gender: Male Race: human Dragoon Spirit: jade Weapon: Dual Kukri Kyden is on a path to redeem himself after losing a woman he cared about deeply. He has adapted to her style of combat to commemorate her. He is headstrong and very calm. He does not like to make rash decisions but recently has. He seems to be unsure of who he is. The only thing Kyden is sure of is what he wants.
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