Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

**Marmalade** The sun slowly sank to the horizon. It was evening, but there was still plenty of light left in the day. Marmalade walked down the road slowly, a flyer in her hand. It read, "REWARD! 5000 gold coins to the one who slays the creature plaguing the town of Seles!" "Five thousand coins?" Marmalade said under her breath as she shifted her scythe. The reward would allow her to settle in this place. Not that she was too happy that her new home was beset by some monster. Her tail twitched in annoyance which caused people to stare. She ignored them, as she way used to it. The sun was setting now and the fading light filtered through the foliage, dancing on the forest floor. The dim glimmer of rays did nothing to assist Marmalade. She was thoroughly lost. She slumped onto a stump, her tail flicking aimlessly. The scythe she carried with her was leaning against the remains of the tree behind her. She sighed. "At least the sunset is pretty." **Indel Castle** The castle of the king of Serido. White marble sparkled in the evening glow, giving it instead a wondrous golden hue. For a time of crisis, the fortress was surprisingly quiet. Not even the maids stirred in their bustle to keep the halls clean and organized. The serene quiet was shattered when a rough voice called, "ARMOND!" Suddenly, the castle was overflowing with activity. Guards poured out of entrance, eager to keep themselves from getting the brunt of their kings anger. They all knew why he was in a rage. Someone had incorrectly printed the sum of the reward to be paid upon the death of the beast in Seles. Some fool added an extra zero making the reward far more than the king wanted to pay. Not to mention the wanted fliers had been sent to each and ever city in the three countries. He was certainly not pleased.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

I was still going over the flyer in my hand for the millionth time when I reached the small village of Seles, woefully unaware that the village was in the process of mourning those who'd died the previous evening. I couldn't care any less about the gold reward, these folks are in serious need of help. *Probably just a really angry bear anyways. Wonder if they'll lend me some honey for it...* Looking up from the flyer, I stop as I realize that not only was I in Seles, but it would seem I had arrived in the midst of a period of mourning, and for reasons that probably connected to the monster attacking them. I frown as I look around, unable to find a suitable joke to make some smiles appear and instead decide to find an inn and possibly some food and rest before starting my questioning in the morning. Of course, I was still clueless about the dead body behind me, but that didn't matter much with my stomach growling at me loudly. Getting directions to the inn from one of the guards, I set off humming a soft tune to myself while I search. After several incorrect doors and dodged projectiles in the forms of plates, boots and other items, I find the inn and enter, a smile on my face despite the dark atmosphere. "Hello! Where might I find the inn keeper?" The downtrodden and disheartened faces that greeted me left me mumbling a quick apology and going to find a suitable room for the night. As I went to check each guest room, I muttered to myself about the ill effects on one's health always wearing a frown can have and quickly find a room just up the stairs and on the left. Setting my belongings down, I head back down and discuss the arrangements with him before retrieving my sword and dagger and going out to discuss the attacks with someone who knew what they were about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A distinguished nobleman heard his name shouted and quickly made his way through the halls, his loyal maid, Murasame trailing behind him. Glancing back at the female, he spoke, his tone quick and sharp. "Hurry up Murasame, we mustn't make the king wait any longer than he has to!" he hissed, turning his head forward again. "Yes, my Lord." she replied, speeding up. As the nobleman hurried along, several guards stopped him, "Agh! What now? The king has need of me, why do you block my path?" he asked. One of the guards handed the man a poster, "I believe you need to explain this to the king, Lord Armond, I believe this is why he is upset." the guard told him. Taking the poster, he read it and sighed, "I understand, thank you, I'll explain everything to him now. Excuse me." he said, motioning for the maid to follow him. He remained silent until the pair got to the door, in which the male turned and shoved the paper into her hands, "You idiot! I said five-hundred, not five-thousand gold! I may be a noble, but just how much of my family's wealth do you think I actually possess?" he shouted at her. He sighed and shook his head, "I guess it doesn't matter, as long as Serdio is rid of that creature, the price doesn't matter. I'll forgive you this time, but try not to mess up again in the future." he told her before opening the doors. Murasame bowed her head, taking the paper as she was scolded, though felt relieved once she was told he'd forgive her. She raised her head, "Yes, Lord Armond, it will not happen again." she promised him. Armond made his way to the king, "Your Majesty. I wish to apologize for the amount of gold on the poster, it seems there was an...accident when it was made. However, I am more than willing to pay the amount out of what gold I was able to bring from my family's estate in Deningrad." he said, bowing lowly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AdamantiumWolf
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AdamantiumWolf The Starwolf

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lakan was wandering through the forest, the flier tucked in his belt, he'd been in Bale when he heard tell of the beast ravaging the small town and though he had plans to visit Lohan he decided to go see if he could help out, the price seemed decent enough and if he so happened to slay the beast he might just get rewarded with a mug of ale which seemed best to him, making his way through the forest with his fathers lance weighting lightly at his back he wished he had kept his mayor's horse for he wasn't big on walking long distances. Coming to the small town of Seles Laken glanced around, surely there was a tavern around here, making his way past the small homely houses he pulles off his helmet to seem more friendly letting his spikey black hair shoot out in all directions, seeing the tavern several buildings down Lakan grins with triumph which doesn't last ling as he notices the town in mourning for their lost people, Lakan went and stood by the silent vigil, he bowed his head and prayed for the dead to pass on quickly, after giving his regards to the death he made his way into the dimly lit tavern quickly ordering a pint of ale he moved to the corner and enjoyed his drink nursing it slowly as he pulled the poster from his belt and scanned it with his bright blue eyes. "REWARD! 5000 gold coins to the one who slays the creature plaguing the town of Seles!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ezmeralda
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Veragwen took a look outside the makeshift clinic, she spotted a random villager and motioned him over to her, "If you see anyone about the flyer, direct them to me, please. I'll be in here a long time." She said, going back inside and returning to her work. She sighed as she worked at the clinic in Seles bandaging up her fellow villagers. There were so many injured these days from the monster that between trying to fight it off and aiding them that she didn't get much time to rest. She had earned a few wounds herself, but they weren't serious. She was used to battle and knew how to twist her body so a blow wasn't too serious. "Here, chew on this. It will help with the pain." she said, smiling at him, and handing a few small herbs to a man with broken ribs. He'd taken a hard blow from the beast's tail. She was amazed he still lived, but she wasn't sure how long he would last. His breath was quite raspy so it was possible a bone might've pierced a lung, in which case all she could do was ease the pain. She didn't know much about working inside of someone's body. She was more used to medicine and salves. She straightened and walked over to another injured villager and began cleaning their wounds and dressing them up with bandages. She prayed that flyer yielded some good fighters. Veragwen intended to join them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xiga


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nayash was walking along the cross country roads.Leaving Deningrad behind her, she headed towards the town of Seles in Serido. There had been posters all over the lands, not only in the country of Seridos, but also in the neighboring countries and she was sure many others would be heading towards a bounty with such high of a reward from afar. However Nayash wasn't interested in the reward itself, although it wouldn't hurt with the abundant amount of money the reward would provide her. It was the dark hooded man who most likely also had been attracted by the sum that Nayash was after. And she had been after him for months. With her goal closing in on her, Nayash did not hesitate to enter the town. Well inside the town walls she was met with many odd looks, most likely because of her wears. She didn't wear the usual Armour. Instead she wore light clothes adept to the sandy lands of the Death Frontier, her home town. The clothing, together with the over sized double-sided war hammer, made her sand out quite a bit, but she didnt mind. If she needed to turn more discreet she easily could. In her pack she had more wears with her, accustomed to colder weather. She had acquired them along her journeys after Illurath. But as usual Nayash only responded with a smile and a silent nod, not caring more about the ogling and proceeded towards her goal, the town hall, to see if there was or had been any gatherings before the quest to slay the beast, and to pass along the news and open peoples eyes to look for Illurath. With any luck she could get this town on her side to find the dangerous and barbaric man
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by zaga2575


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Kyden I canno' believe you would do somethin' like that!" Caelyn added with a quick blush. He had just walked up behind her and scared her by grabbing her hips. Not that she minded, of course. She had always had strong feelings for Kyden, but they just had never acted on them. The whole town of Rogue knew it as well. The townsfolk would always laugh when they saw the two together because it was something so pure, and such a thing was rare indeed. They both grew up orphans after a tragic accident befell Caelyn's father. Caelyn's mother was unbeknownst to her. Her father rarely talked about her, other than in the times he compared Caelyn to her mother. This game went on between Kyden and Caelyn since they were 15. Now being almost 4 years their relationship had evolved into a more intimate nature. Caelyn was just waiting on the day Kyden would kiss her. Or would she have to kiss him? Either way she thought it would be magical. She had only been dreaming of it for years now. Kyden had taken her in after her father had passed and fed her and protected her. He was only 2 years older than she, but he always was so grounded and together. It was what attracted her to him so much. There had not been a time that she could remember where she saw him lose his composure. "Caelyn, mind meetin' me down by the docks later? I have somethin' to be askin you." Kyden said. Caelyn noticed he didn't make eye contact and kicked his feet a bit. He was nervous. But about what? Her mind raced at the possibilities, and it boiled down to one thing. "He's goin' to be askin' me out finally. That lughead." She smiled amused with herself at figuring out what his intentions were. "Sure, sundown ok? I have some chores to be doin' but as soon as I'm done, I'll come." Caelyn hurried back home to tend to her work. Dusk startled to settle as she was fixing her hair and putting on the only real dress she owned. Her pace quickened as she saw the dock and Kyden leaning on a post under. She slowed to a walk as soon as she was about to come into view of him. "Now, what is it your wantin' to tell me Kyden." She asked innocently. Or she tried. Kyden recognized the tone in her voice, he knew she knew. "Well, we haf been friends a long time now. And.." Kyden was interrupted by a huge tentacle coming out and snatching him by the leg. "No!" Caelyn shouted as she pulled out her kukris and jumped on the beasts tentacle. She stabbed with a fury, blaming this beast for stealing her moment. She thrashed her knives in a fury that she had never known. But soon she found a tentacle wrapping around her throat. Kyden saw it and started beating on the tentacle he was on. He flailed, with all of his strength and managed to get free. He looked up to see where Caelyn was and to go to her... only to see bubbles as the beast had fled out to sea. "Argh!" Kyden shuddered as he awoke from the nightmare that had tormented him for over two years now. He had left Rogue after the accident because he could not handle all the memories. But they followed him as a ghastly reminder of his inabilities. They were constant reminders of what he strived to do away with. While scouring the coast he retrieved Caelyn's kukri's and began training with them. He had come a very long way in those 2 years. He had experience with daggers but these required a certain finesse. He had to make his life have some kind of meaning. But what? The answer smacked him in the face, literally. A flyer behind blown through in the wind hit him square in the face and then dropped into his hands. He looked at it and realized that it was a reward poster for slaying a monster in Seles. He would go. He had to go. "Caelyn, I don' know how right this will make things, but, I will do this for you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A moment of silence... thats what Marmalade noticed. She could actually hear the low chatter from Seles. It was unusual, but a blessing at the same time as it helped her figure out how to get back to town. Quickly, she stood and gathered up her equipment before heading toward the sound of voices. The silence in the forest was unnerving, she knew something was wrong. The beast must have been on the move. It didn't take long for her to reach the town. In the dusky glow, you could tell just how bad the damage to the city and people was. Buildings sat quiet, their occupants either dead or dying in the clinic. Even at this hour, most towns were still bustling with business. Here, the streets were dead, those still able to move locked in their homes or drinking away the previous attack at the inn. Marmalade knew better than to drink alcohol. Being half merfolk, it could kill her. Her tail twitched in frustration. The inn was probably a good place to start gathering information about the attacks. As Marmalade walked toward the doors, she could hear parents hushing their children's frightened whimpers. A wave of sadness for these folk came over her. 'These kids didn't deserve to live in fear.' she thought until one of the little mongrels threw a half molded piece of bread at her. She knew better than to make a scene, but she also wanted to avoid it in the future. Marmalade sighed and put on her best scary face and glared in the direction the projectile came from. A small group of children stood around a scowling woman. The one who threw the bread hid behind the woman, probably their mother, and Marmalade got an equally sinister look. "Well, that didn't work.." she said under her breath and walked toward the bar. There were a couple people already there, one looked like a competent warrior. The bartender sneered at her as she approached. "We don't serve you finners here." His gruff voice seemed to carry through the room with ease, and the inn became much more quiet. "I am looking for information." Marmalade said while holding up the flier. The man simply grunted and walked away. She rolled her eyes and sat down on the stool.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by zaga2575


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kyden walked into Seles, and could have sworn he saw a ghost. A woman walking down the street wielding a scythe that looked eerily familiar. He decided to tail her to get a closer look, and saw people tossing food at her like she was a freak. Kyden's knuckles were solid white from clenching hard. But he kept in the shadows a bit longer. He had to be sure. He saw her walk into the inn, and heard: "We don't serve you finners here." Kyden's eyes went wide with disbelief! It was her! But how. . . "Caelyn! It is you! But how did you escape!? I saw you go under the water." He wrapped the woman up in an embrace tightly. She spun around with a puzzled look on her face. "It's me Kyden, don' you remember me?!"
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