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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden Aiden was not pleased when he got teleported back to the hall, but he didn't let it show. He'd had his fill of unnecessary confrontation for the day. After they had finished talking, with Black Mamba simplifying it for him, Aiden nodded. "I'm up for fighting dark guilds any day, so sign me up, I guess. Am I going it alone or do I have to partner up with someone?" Aiden was talking to Councilman Ajax, and had yet to even glance in Master Chan Jak's direction. " As for the trail, I don't actually remember what your talking about, mind's still a little foggy from the burns, so could you jog my memory on the subject?" Aiden wondered how Sable would react to this, would he get jealous or congratulate him. Why hadn't they asked this position of Sable, or maybe they had. Who knows, and better yet, who cares. Aiden was going take vengeance on Raul for Hydrologia's death vicariously through these dark guilds. He almost felt sorry for what he was going to do to them. Almost being the operative word.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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Greg Barington - Council Member
Greg looks over at Aiden once Ajax asked him the question, analyzing the Dragon Slayer with great precision to his stature and detail. Indeed, he does look quite powerful, but is he ready to become a Council Member? Thats what he wonders to himself. Yet as a Dragon Slayer, he does look as if he is ready for it. "Well..." Greg then answers Ajax, "I do suppose he can if he wants. Dragon Slayers are quite powerful and experienced with all kinds of threats ya know? Don't underestimate their powers." He pauses as he glances at Aiden one last time before finishing. "I sense the boy to have great potential. He can be a powerful ally on our side if he accepts to join us." Yet as soon as he finished speaking, it appeared that Aiden had already accepted the position. Greg makes a friendly smile, happy that Aiden decided to join their team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

John Wickerspear - Lockdown
Again his magic blast had failed, having been blocked by a shield of water. Suddenly, the shield began to head right towards him, attempting to smash him into a pancake if he wasn't quick enough. Yet with surprising agility, Lockdown was able to flip to the side, just barely missing the shield's power and unleashes another attack behind his back. "Poison bomb!" His staff then unleashes a small tiny ball, filled with harmful chemicals and poisons, which breaks just beside Bristlebane. It then releases a toxic cloud that would surround him, trying to make him suffocate.
Bristlebane frowned as Lockdown managed to avoid looking like breakfast. When he conjured a ball of poison Bristlebane finally decided that this man was a bad guy and he really didn't care if the bounty hunter survived the fight. He quickly reached his hand into one of his many pockets and withdrew it with a golden sword in hand as he charged forward avoiding the toxins behind him while slashing downward at the bounty hunter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Free Roam, Mini Arcs of everyone
The story so far
After the two weeks, the Council had been even more strict and conscience about the events since the death of their prized Dragon, Hydrologia. The Roganoffs are dismayed with the turn of events. Lunar Wolf has started moving, slowly and bit by bit, their goals are unknown for now. The two councilmen, Ajax Thera and Greg Barington went to Viper to make evaluations about both guilds and about candidates for the I.S.E, International S Class Exams which is to happen soon. Things aren't going so well with a conflicted Aiden Cross. Can Team Viper be brought together again?
Master Jak
Its nice to see another Wizard Saint fellow, Jak welcomed him and the maids served him food and drinks. All of Viper's S Class except Nathan and Maitsuki have had been working together with the Magic Council for 7 years and it is all to that the crime rate is very low and civil. In addition, Harpy's Wing, Lunar Wolf, Lamia Scale, and Blue Pegasus as well other guilds have been doing the same. The Magic Council's Elite Force, Rogan's are the Roganoff Special Police Force. "Greg-dono, Ajax-dono. I suppose for the past 7 years, we come to celebrate our long friendship and alliance. I suppose Drake Roganoff is such a hypocrite although we are doing this operation behind their backs. It is all for the best. Aside from Aiden, I would recommend you; Gwen Sniegow. Her skills are remarkable." Jak said with pride. "The Sniegow Family were once assassins which became demon hunters with their exorcist magic. The force can use an Exorcist and Oriel, our newest member could too. Like Gwen, they are from the same North, where most demon activities happen by cult activists." He suggests Gwen and Oriel. Though Gwen can be problematic with stripping, it might help and this program can help discipline the both of them. "Anything else?" He said. "Then there's Sable and Nathan. Oh have I forgotten that Aran has the rank of Elite?" Just have to bear it all.
"Aiden. That mission when we were hired as bodyguards to protect the Phoenix Princess in Veronica. Oh well, that job is still on going. I guest I must be going now but just for a while." He hilariously grinned. Pulling off his usual antics with Aiden. They have an odd friendship. Funny drawings on Sable and Cynthia's faces, and switched their clothes. "Ajax-dono, Greg-dono. I'll be going now. You too Master, Aiden." He disappeared. Only they know how he looks like. The sleep magic is undone.
Lunar Wolf
After 10 minutes of the fight, "OHHH!!!! Cool!" Master Alec is unscathed while Kuro and Oram are going nowhere. "I THINK I MIGHT FALL FOR YOU! ACCELERATOR!" His favorite is Oram after all and he had trained him, Kuro on the other hand is also his elite right. Hand to hand combat makes him dangerous. "Oram, Kuro. This training is to gauge your power if you are fit to take on Viper or Harpy. Who do you guys want to fight?" He asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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John Wickerspear - Lockdown
Lockdown lands a safe distance away from the poison cloud, thinking that Bristlebane is already suffocating inside. Suddenly, he finds the opponent lunging at him with a golden sword! He manages to block the sword's lunge with his staff and manages to stop their locking of weapons. Then he quickly makes a roundhouse kick to Bristlebane's face, along with several punches to his chest area, and with his staff he unleashes a more powerful shockwave repulse.
Greg Barington - Council Member
"Aye," he answers when Jak mentions their relationship. Then when Jak mentioned Gwen he also agrees. "Indeed she is." he says, "Powerful and quick, she is a worthy fighter." He then continues to listen to what Jak has to say.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ajax Thera - Council Member
"Hmmm..." Ajax hummed to himself, thinking over the situation. "We could use an exorcist, indeed. But even then I'll have to train the newcomers. It isn't their skills or records that give me doubts..." Ajax nodded toward Mamba as the mysterious mage departed, soon returning his attention to Master Jak. "It is their behaviors. Of course they will have to be trained physically as well, but that isn't as much of an issue as far as I can tell." Ajax stood up now. He was easily the largest person in the room. With polite grace, he held a hand out towards Aiden. "We have never met before, but we will be working together soon. My name is Ajax Thera. I work with the Magic Council in keeping order, primarily with the Magus Hunters but through my own personal efforts as well." With his other hand he reached under his collar and pulled a pendant out into view. "I am also one of the Wizard Saints. I believe you have met one of my comrades, Enki. And here is Greg." The larger man stepped aside to allow Aiden view of his accompanying council member. "He too is a Saint and works as a Magus Hunter." Now his yellow eyes went back to Aiden. "We'll be your superiors for a while. I will likely oversee your training initially, but we won't hold your hand through the entire process." Ajax turned toward Jak now. "If you trust in these mages..." He looked over to the sleeping mages on the ground, likely beginning to stir now that Black Mamba was gone. "Then I will believe in your judgment."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - Wretched One His eyes flickered open, the confusion of the battle and arguments before hand still fresh in his mind. Even still the affects of whatever had put him to sleep had his head pounding, he rubbed the side of his head and knew then that he was laying on his side, vision still blurry as he tried to right himself. He pulled on his arm but felt something laying on it. What the hell is laying on me? he asked himself absently while his vision returned. His eyes widened once he realized who was on his arm. It was Cynthia. And his hand was in the small of her back, the other that she was laying tenderly on, cupping her head. He was inches from her face, their foreheads just barely touching. He grew flustered and knew his cheeks were pink but hoped they weren't. Swallowing the steel blocking his breath, he tried to stop the toasty rise in his temperature. "How the hell did this even happen?" he whispered to himself, ignorant of the other guild members waking up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oram Hellios, Lunar Wolf
It had ten minutes of hand to hand combat. Ten FUCKING minutes. Neither Oram and Kuro had made any progress and Oram was visibly getting more angry and vicious in his attacks as he made them. "Fucking Fire mages and Ice mages. I don't care who they are or what they are. I wanna beat 'em into the ground!" This statement, was partially true. He did want to take on members with those exact elements. Fire mages for personal reasons and Ice mages to take on any spare anger he felt for Kuro that he wouldn't actually act out on the real thing to avoid any serious injury. "Heh, maybe take down those fuck face Dragon Slayers of theirs." He spoke with a slight chuckle. "Those high and mighty champion Viper fucks need to be cut down a peg along with those Harpy bastards." He sneered speaking almost purely out of anger being that he had nothing personal against those he was bad mouthing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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Kuroku Nagasai
Kuroku tried all he could with the help of Oram, but yet none of them seemed to have even put a scratch on Alec. He was indeed frustrated on the inside, but he knew that a guild master would not be an easy person to defeat. Yet when asked on who to fight, he was the one who spoke his choice after thinking for a bit. "Vyper Bolt." he answers calmly with confidence.
Greg Barington - Council Member
When Ajax introduced Greg he instantly stood up with a smile and waves at the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

@lmpkio Bristlebane growled in frustration as Lockdown managed to block his attack and then he quickly ducked under the roundhouse kick while at the same time sweeping with his own leg at Lockdown's only point of balance, his other leg. Sure that the bounty hunter would fall Bristlebane intended to swing upwards slashing through the man from below as he fell. At the same time his azure ring glowed and the water shield from earlier was pulled towards Bristlebane.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@lmpkio Bristlebane growled in frustration as Lockdown managed to block his attack and then he quickly ducked under the roundhouse kick while at the same time sweeping with his own leg at Lockdown's only point of balance, his other leg. Sure that the bounty hunter would fall Bristlebane intended to swing upwards slashing through the man from below as he fell. At the same time his azure ring glowed and the water shield from earlier was pulled towards Bristlebane.
The bounty hunter found himself to fall off balance once again and quickly gets onto one knee. He then finds Bristlebane's sword swinging upwards at him and managed to roll to the side, with the sword just slashing though his robe. He then gets on his feet and finds the water shield being pulled towards his opponent. He was very tricky indeed, but yet the bounty hunter must soon take his leave with his prize waiting for him. Yet as one last attempt on perhaps killing two birds with one stone, he grabs a hold of the water shield, trying to stop the shield from coming back to Bristlebane. It was slowly dragging him along, yet he has one last trick up his sleeve. Still grabbing the shield and holding his place, he readies his staff. He flings off a metal cap, revealing a sharp spear-like point. With the sharp point facing Bristlebane, he weakens his stance as he flies towards his opponent. He grabs his staff and jabs the sharp point right at Bristlebane's shoulder. He then flies past him and rolls to safety.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia stirred in her sleep, starting to wake up. As she did, the first thing she noticed was something pressing against her cheek and her back. She slowly opened her eyes, blinking a couple times to clear them, and then froze in place when she saw Sable laying not an inch away from her face, looking as surprised as she felt. "W-what are you doing?" She muttered, not attempting to move away, "And why are you wearing my glasses?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yuuyami: Hotsprings, hotsprings~! Yuuyami was definitely taking her R&R seriously. The missions that she came back from was nigh on tiring, both mentally and physically. "Should I tell them~". Smiling happily, the Dollmaker shook her head. Better to leave it as a surprise for the others, they've worked so hard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

"Ahhhh," Aiden nodded, "remember that one, where you broke into my cave, grabbed me by the collar, dragged me with you, then decided to turn back half way through because of the damn camp. You still have yet to apologize to me for that annnnnnnd you're gone. Which means they are going to. . . damn, I really have some shitty luck." Aiden sighed, looking up as Ajax addressed him and introduced him to his associate, Greg. Aiden took he man's hand and gave him a firm shake in return. "That's more than fine with me, I don't think I can be around my previous superiors much longer, do to some. . . issues I had with their decisions. But either way, A pleasure to meet you, and you as well Greg, and just tell me when the training gonna start up, is it now, or do I got some time? Also, you didn't answer my earlier question, which was if I'm going to have to work with a partner or not. I'm fine either way, just want to know what I should be expecting." Aiden didn't show it, but he was immensely satisfied that he would have to serve under the Vyper guild masters anymore, as his resentment towards them was something that wasn't likely to go away over night, especially when he would had to look at them every day. "Also, it seems I have a mission to finish, rescuing a princess it seems. Huh, cliche as it seems, a request is a request." Aiden released his grip on the councilman's hand right when Cynthia and Sable woke up, turning to face them, he couldn't help the smile that cracked across his face. Seeing Cynthia dressed up in Sable's new clothes, that was a little funny. Seeing Sable dressed inCynthia's tank-top, short-shorts, and glasses, hilarious. Seeing them both like this, while embarrassedly wrapped in each others arms, neither of which seemed eager to move, that was fucking priceless, and for more reasons than one. Deciding to help ease their confusion, Aiden cleared his throat to get their attention, before explaining the situation in only the clearest way possible. "Three reasons why you guys are the way you are: My sense of humor, Black Mamaba's sense of humor, which reminds me check your guys faces and look at what your wearing, and finally, Murphy's Law. what ever can go wrong, will go wrong. But before you get angry, let me illuminate something for the both of you, how long are you going to stay cuddled up like that for? And Sable, why are you blushing so much, I thought you were a lady's man. You certainly weren't acting like that a little while ago, and those were under much more intimate terms. Makes one wonder, am I right?" If the two looked at Aiden, they could see he had the biggest shit-eating grin ever, and his eyes held no remorse for what he did and what he let Black Mamba do. "Now then, who want's to give me a nice, big, welcome back hug, anyone?" Aiden held his hands out in an open gesture, but he was ready to move at the drop of a hat if either of the two found his sense of humor less than amusing.
Xavier, had no idea what happened. First, Cynthia got pissed at him for asking what he though was a simple question, then a fight seemed like it was about to break out between Oriel and Caroline, then some guy bursted in a used a bunch of water and ice moves to attack the two, then some more shit went down, until Sable came and broke it up, only for another fight to start because Cynthia was jealous(not his girlfriend my foot) and Gwen was pissed because Cynthia was pissed, but then Oriel got back in the mix and they left, then he passed out. Now he was coming back wake, feeling tired and confused from mental over load. Waking up, he got the tail end of what the blue haired intruder had said, slowly turning around to see Sable and Cynthia in each others arms. In each other's clothes. Unlike Aiden, Xavier had no reason to keep quiet, and burst into a fit of laughter at the sight. "Hey Cynthia," he gasped slightly in between laughs, "What was that you said about not being Sables girlfriend, because I think the scene before me begs to differ."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kyuuten adjusted the fit of his gloves with a contented smile. "A dip in the hotsprings huh? Perfect timing. I'm still a ways from mastering them but working myself into the ground isn't gonna get me anywhere." Pyrrha wasn't with him as he made his way towards the shrine where the hot springs were. Using her own magic to stay in Earthland when they weren't fighting meant she did have to return to the Celestial world every now and then even with her abundance of magic power. Even so it seemed that Kyuuten's spririts had lifted significantly in the last few days especially since it seemed Vyper and Harpy were starting to get along and was back to being the Harpies Shining Sun. Though he was a little disappointed. As much as he was all for being friends with the Vypers he himself hadn't been mingling much. "I've gotta change that. I'm gonna become good friends with the next Vyper I run into~"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Free Roam Free Roam for everyone!
Viper Bolt HQ, 15th floor in the guild We see him in his room, taking off the mask; undressing himself and giving us hints of his body whether he is a boy or a girl. Indeed many people wonder who is Black Mamba? Is he a boy or a girl? Aiden, Councilmen, and the Viper Masters know how Mamba truly looks like. Looking at the mirror, the mysterious Mamba applies cream to his body. It is implied that Mamba is none other than a she but to some casual disturbance or massive trolling, the word of God says that he is a boy. What is Black Mamba's true identity? Who is he? Who is she? What is he? What is she? Is he from Edolas? Is she from Edolas? Where does Black Mamba came from? We have yet to find out. The mystery of the unknown, Black Mamba the S Class Mage of Viper Bolt a funny yet whimsical friend.
Master Jak
He totally agreed on what they said; "I couldn't agree more to the both of you. At this time of our, it is calm before the storm." Master said to them. The Wizard Saints are showing: Marduk better known as Enki is the 6th Wizard Saint, it was said that Viper Bolt would have been the strongest guild in Fiore had he participate in Grand Magic Games. 7th is Kat, 8th is Ajax, 9th is Alec the Master of Lunar Wolf and the 10th is Greg. The 5th who is that of an Ishgalian Saint is Kyou Hasegawa. The 4 Gods of Ishgal are Wizard Saints that aren't human. Each Wizard Saint differ in power and usefulness in the world of magic. Kyou replaced me at the tender age of 18, she seems to have a relationship with Nathan. "By the way, I saw from the daily newspaper that the I.S.E will be sometime around this year, somewhere around 6 months or just closer. I understand everyone is able to participate even if they aren't from a guild. I also heard that there will be 2 S Classes instead of one?" Is that true? He asked.
In the hotsprings, she got her grip on Oriel, making fun of her and both girls are naked in the hot waters with lots of steam, "Hey, stop making lots of steam, you'll make everything hot here."
"Well then. The battle is over after such training. "If you really want to fight the Flame Dragon Slayer and the Ice Dragon Slayer. We have to get rid of the rest or do you want to declare war?" Alec asked. "The more the merrier, Harpy's only saving grace are Revan, Aria Hunterblade, and that white dragon slayer. Heck they're not worth of our time but even so, do burn them, ACCELERATOR! and freeze them Naga-kun."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ajax Thera - Council Member
The large council member looked over at the waking mages briefly before returning his attention to Aiden. "You will have a partner, yes," Ajax answered. "It is almost a necessity for your survival. There is a reason there are few Magus Hunters. Dark Guilds are typically handled by Rune Knights and standard Guilds. But there are some forces that normal mages cannot handle. That is where the Magus Hunters come in." Ajax looked down to Greg for a moment before looking at the ceiling and bringing a hand to his chin. "If you can find a partner that meets our criteria, that will be acceptable. Otherwise we will appoint you a partner. The training can start... tomorrow? Tomorrow will be a good day to begin. We can start earlier if you wish, but no later." Ajax looked over at Sable specifically for a moment before looking back at Master Jak and returning to his seat. "I have heard the same things, Jak-dono. I am only a proctor of the exam, not a coordinator. So I do not know if it is true. However I personally believe that two will be selected this time." The council member closed his eyes for a moment, as if he was recalling a memory. "There are more mages that will be participating this time, so having only one promotion chokes it too much. To be honest I believe there might be even more than two, but that is just me thinking of what I would do if I was in charge." He opened his eyes now. "Though I would also be more strict with the entrants too. S-class isn't just a title of power, though many young mages seem to only look at it that way..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

"Wait, do I choose how I train, or is their some sort of regimine I have to follow, and where should I meet up with you once I'm ready? Oh, and it'll be sometime tomorrow, definitely. I have someone in mind, but I have to find them first. and convince them, which could be a little hard considering I attempted to drown her a little while ago, thought to be fair, she did set me on fire. That hurts a helluva a lot more than getting drowned." Aiden laughed a little at his attempt at humor, though his mind was racing underneath that calm exterior. His first thought for a partner was Sable, but considering the issues they had to work out, that's a no go. Chrome was next, but Aiden's pride as a man kept him from wanting his big sister-figure's help. Not only that, but he knew that Chrome would still treat him like a child, considering her watching over them to be somethong akin to baby-sitting. Not something Aiden wished to deal with. That left Cynthia and Oriel as his last two canidates, and while Cynthia was definitely a force to be reckoned with, Aiden already had the tactical position covered and would need a full-out offensive partner to help keep the heat off him, as well as divert attention so he can pull off his more time consuming plans. Plus, her ever-burning flames could be used to devestating effect in conjuction with his water attacks. Plus, Cynthia and Sable also needed time together, free from distractions, so taking Oriel out of the equation would be a definite plus. Aiden's mind had grown rather devious in his time in isolation, and he was always eager to put that deviousness to good use.
Revan chuckled at Aria's comment, her rather optimistic outlook on the subject being to humorous for him not to. 'You'd be singing a different tune if you knew what I've done, naive little Aria, there is no redemption for this crooked soul.' Turnong to Brad and Sairis, Revan propped himself up on his elbows,with one hand underneath his chin as helooked at the two vyper brats with only one eye open. "Funny, I never thought I'd see the day a Vyper chased after a Harpy. Guess the idiotic council made a decision worked after all. I guess even they can't screw up all the time." While Revan spoke, he made sure to look Sairis in the eye as he spoke, making an off hand gesture to Aria disguised as a yawn. The message was clear, 'I saw that and will use it against you'. A rather evil message, but also a ploy to hide another one, hidden beneath the first in the way he looked at Sairis. This message was far less antagonistic, 'Don't hesitate,go for it you fool.' If Sairis saw the second message, all the luck to him, if he didn't. oh well, he had tried at least. "Either way, hurry up with the truth or the dare. I'm getting bored over here."
'Gwen-sama, why don't you notice me, why are you hanging out with such a vulgar, hateful, flame woman like that. She'll dirty your purity with her sluttish ways. First chance I get, I'm goung to take out the vial woman who thinks she can get close to my Gwen-sama!' These were the thoughts of Julian, who was currently hidden somewhere in the hotsprings watching both Oriel and Chrome Gwen, though it was mostly Oriel. Looking at Gwen naked was always to much for Julian to bare, causing him to short out from overheating. Needless to say, he over-heated a lot in his daily stalking sessions on Gwen. Him staring at Oriel, however, caused him to radiate high levels of killing intent, of which could not be pinpointed and felt like it was coming from all around. Julian had already left his present for Gwen right next to her in the water, though she'd have no idea when or how he had. In a water-proof, heart shaped box were all of Gwen's favorite kinds candies, each one individually hand-wrapped in a special packaging that bore chibi versions of Julian holding out the peace sign with one eye winking, a tiny voice ballon holding the saying, 'For you Gwen-sama, as a sign of my ever-lasting love and appreciation.' So now, he was just waiting for a chance to finally approach his unknowning paramour, alone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - Wretched One "Hell, I could be asking you the same questions," he responded quietly, looking down at her chest stretching his shirt. When he heard Aiden proclaim the reasons they were in the predicament, he reacted on instinct and embarrassment. Sliding from beneath Cyn with little regard, he grabbed the nearest table and threw it towards him. "Damn you and that Black Mamba coward! There's your fucking hug, Ice Boy!" he barked, propping a foot on a table filled with still rousing Guild Members. "Its all fun and games till someone get burns." He smiled fiercely and ignited his body, the heat flowing off him made the air parch and dry. A second later and he had thrown the entire guild into a uproar. With a harsh stomp he flipped the table he had stepped on into the air and threw it at the laughing brat from earlier. "What's so fucking funny! I'll roast you all till Hell complains its too damn hot!" He spouted fire from his mouth at a comically low temperature as he roared in protest and rallied the guild into a make-shift riot. No one dressed him up like girl and didn't have to face the mayhem that would ensue. When the mayhem was in full swing, he dropped down from the table and walked up to Cyn, ducking a bottle that twirled through the air and smashed against the wall. Tugging on his shirt, just a few inches separating his fingers and her breast, he casually said. "I'm going to need my clothes back, yours are too tight. I swear I'm going to pound that Aiden after I get changed."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia managed to avoid most of the fighting by ducking herself into a corner. She had found a reflective glass and started rubbing the markings off her face when Sable walked up to her and started tugging on her... His shirt. Even so, his hand was way too close. "Idiot!" She said with a red face, pushing him away, "I can't give it to you HERE!" She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him. "Look, why don't we go to the hot springs? We need to wash this crap off of our faces anyway, and I could definitely use a relaxing bath after..." Her face flushed again and she started walking. "Anyway let's just go, alright? Oh wait, first." She unwrapped Sable's scarf from around her neck. "You should probably have this before we go anywhere, I know it's important to you." She started walking again, actively stopping herself from mentioning that he actually didn't look bad in glasses.
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