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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ajax Thera - Council Member
The council member appeared unamused at Aiden's attempt at humor. "Indeed," was all he had to say about his joke. With a sigh he closed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. "Your initial training will mostly be in regulations and laws, but some of it will be physical to improve your odds. After a few days you'll be on your own for training, but I will oversee the beginning." He opened his eyes now and a smirk appeared on his face, now the second time his expression had changed since he arrived. "It is always fun testing the recruits, but I won't get too attached to you or your partner." The smirk vanished when Sable got up and started making a ruckus again. Though his expression was neutral again, an aura of annoyance radiated from Ajax. "Right. I almost forgot about this..." he muttered to himself. A table flew through the air, taking a direct course at the council member. With a surprisingly casual and calm motion he raised his arm towards the table. His palm caught the corner of the table, stopping its flight and keeping it in the air. Ajax glared over at Jak, raising an eyebrow before setting the table down gently. "Immature," he said simply. "It seems that order can only exist in this hall when nobody is in the hall." A sigh escaped him and he looked disappointed. "I can only hope that this isn't an everyday occurrence and that your mages are improving on this..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aria Hunterblade "Hm. Well Rev, you don't know the things I've done either..." Aria responded to Revan, her voice lowering with each word. Her head tilted down, looking at her hands rested on the sleeping bag, and her face darkened, turning gloomy. But she then perked up when Revan spoke again. Hearing what he said as he looked at Sairis, and deciphering his hand gesture, Aria's face reddened a bit, but the redness soon disappeared after. She didn't want anyone seeing it. "So Sai, what will your dare be?" She asked, turning to him, shrugging away her thoughts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden Sable's reaction was as over the top as could be expected, thoigh him throwing a table hadn't been counted on. Aiden was going to do something about it, but the councilman took care of it for him. "Nice catch, as for the training, sounds absolutely perfect. And as for my partner, if theu accept, then you won't have to worry about bonding with them, you won't. That I can assure you, as she's a bit too insane for a giy like you to like. Anyway, if you'll excuse me, I have mingling to do, if you need to find me tomorrow I'll either be here, or in my ice cave not far out of Crocus." With that, Aiden got up, gave the councilmen both a bow, then turned around to where he could see Cynthia avoiding the chaos Sable had decided to wreak, completely ignoring master Jak in the process. He easily made his way through the rioting guild members, tosding any that tried to go after him in one direction or another. When he finally reached the spot, Sable was there as well, and was being rather forward. "Sable, I thinking you should rephrase that sentence just the tiniest bit, or else people cpu:d get the wrong idea, oh, and I know your hot blooded, fly by the seat of your pants, running on instinct kinda guy, but can't you wait until the two of you are alone before you start trying to take each others clothes off. You got to think about poor Cynthia here, who I'm prettynsure doesn't want to bear her ladt parts to the world." 'Still don't get the problem with that, but still going to use it. ' Aiden then formed a chair of ice for him to lounge in, looking the part of an evil prince conjuring up his next plan for world domination, right down to the smug, shit eating smirk. All he needed now was a glass of wine to complete the picture. "Oh, and I forgot to say it earlier, but Hey Sable, hey Cynthia, how ha been these last two weeks. I've been great, training a bit here and there, finally decided to take martial arts seriously, so much so I've even tried my hand at meditation. It really helps calm the mind and relax the body, maybe you guys should try it, as you look like your in some dire need of R&R."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - Wretched One He raised a brow at her actions before roughly rubbing his crimson mane. If not here than where? Perhaps she wanted to go somewhere quiet but that would be crazy, especially if all they were going to do was take their clothes off. He twisted his lips in confusion before she continued on and handed his scarf to him. As soon as she did, he touched his neck and regretted that he hadn't paid closer attention to it. Though he had to admit that she was looking mighty sexy with it on. He chuckled at his thought and while he wrapped the scarf around his neck, repeated it to her. "You actually looked really good in it. I mean not too many people wouldn't but you looked amazing." Fixing the scarf so that the tails would fall on his waist, he couldn't help thinking that he looked ridiculous with the mix matched clothing on. With a smug expression of his own, he shot a spitfire at one of the back legs of Aiden's chair. "Ayee," he said, a straight-lined smile on his lips. "Welcome back, Ice Boy. But because of your dumbass pranks, I have this shit to get off my face now. Cyn says we should go to the Hot Springs to get clean together, you should come too. That way I can whip your ass in a verbal battle as well. My training has been super fucking hard, bet you never imagined I could set a tree on fire without touching it did ya?"
Far behind the Dragon Slayer trio, Cringle was looking on at Sable and Cynthia's antics behind the chaos. She scowled before bringing the towel in her arms closer to herself and walking further into the guild. "Just who the hell is she?
Sable crossed his arms behind his head and headed off in the direction of the hot springs, ignoring the mayhem and the words of the Councilman as he strolled off. Though he had to admit that people talking ill of the guild was really enraging. If not for this tug at his heart that wanted to spend more time with Cynthia and Aiden's return, he would had taught that bastard a lesson or twelve about disrespecting the guild.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Lion From down the stairs in the Vyper Bolt main hall, a calm but commanding man in a fine suit and sunglasses came into view. Anybody who got in his way or tried to drag him into the fighting suddenly found that he wasn't there anymore, but instead a few steps ahead. As he came close to Master Jak and the council member, he bowed respectfully. "Master Jak, Master Thera, pardon the intrusion. I came down on the behalf of my lady, Merrian. She noticed the... turbulence down here and instructed me to see if I could lend a hand." As he spoke, a chair flew through the air at him, which he easily batted away with one hand. Cynthia Cynthia's face flushed yet again at Sable's comment. "Jeeze, don't say things like that, idiot. It makes me self conscious." She folded her hands behind her back as she walked behind him, turning to face Aiden briefly and smiling. "Welcome home."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oram Hellios, Lunar Wolf
Oram considered the options. Declaring war would definitely be fun. But... He looked around at the other members in their guild. Not everyone was as strong as the primary group. They might simply become liabilities. Besides, one guild declaring war on another with no real reason or provocation could get the guild a forceful disbansion. "No." He grinned as he made a decision regarding this matter. "We'll humiliate both guilds. After all. Everyone deserves at least a little of our attention." He laughed a bit harder. "But let's do it for the whole world to see!" He was of course, talking about the Grand Magic games. But all that waiting might kill the master. Heh... If only. "But until then. If they were to say attack one of us, we'd have no choice to retaliate." He smirked knowing the guild master would love that. It wasn't like he was a pushover either. Just using his Gravity magic until it was necessary would be enough. He glanced at Kuroku. Of course he didn't need to join him, but the young S-Class mage could prove quite helpful. "Now... Wait..." He facepalmed briefly having just noticed. "Where... The Fuck... Is Julian..." He narrowed his eyes. He couldn't sense his presence at all. And he could just feel that the guy wasn't near. "Kuro! Did he go out again?!" They were lucky the war hadn't already been declared with that water freak's actions. Oh well... If a war was declared he'd simply fight. After a moment of pondering he simply decided... "Fuck it." He shook his head. He wasn't going to try and pretend he actually cared anyway. "I'm gonna go out. Maybe stop by the hot springs or get some food." He said as he turned to leave and waved to the master. After his personal training, starting a fight with Kuro and then the fight with the master he could use the free time. Kuro was free to join of course. Especially if he at all wished to avoid Oram causing trouble, but it wasn't likely was it? "Wait..." He paused again. How many times was he gonna do that shit today? "What the hell was the job you said you had you old fuck?!" He shouted, angry at his master for not bringing it up as soon as the spar ended, and at himself for forgetting. GOD! HE HATED ALEC ROGANOFF!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

"Glad to be home Cynthia, and hey, I resent that statement," Aiden said as he let the chair fall over, doing a bit of a roll until he was upright and walking backwards with Sable and Cynthia. "All I did was position you guys, Mamba's the one who drew on your face and switched your clothes. Speaking of, Mamba's also the one who got me in my new threads, except for the armor, that was my addition. They said I need to look more presentable or something like that. I don't get it, but I don't hate the look. What do you guys think?" Aiden asked as he turned around, leading the way to the hot springs.
A little while later
The three dragon slayers, after having a bit of conversation and catching up with each other, including Aiden's new job and the reason he was going to the hot springs to begin with. As they stepped inside, Aiden constructed two guardians, giving one his gauntlets and the other his boots and greaves. Then Aiden stripped down to nothing and walked into the female bath, ignoring the protests he undoubtedly heard from all around. While he didn't intend on bathing in the slightest, he detested the heat and removed all his clothes so he could be as cool as possible. 'Still to warm in here, god, how can anyone like these things!' Quickly locating Oriel and Chrome, Aiden quickly walked over and squatted down by were the red head was relaxing. "Sup, Oriel, how'd you like to join me to hunt down dark guilds as my Magus Hunter partner. Not only is it likely to be fun as all heck, but I bet we get paid quote the pretty penny for it. what do ya say, you interested? Oh, and hey Chrome, how have you been these past two weeks." Aiden decided to take a seat, but made sure to keep away from the steaming water, not at all eager to get in that. 'Gah, this is unbearable, how does this ever help anyone relax. People are weird.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroku Nagasai
Kuroku simply shrugged when Oram asked where Julian is. He didn't know where he was either. Yet it didn't matter now, war was coming and they will be the ones that would almost certainly start it first. He didn't want a war to break out between the fellow guilds, but he wasn't in charge of the situation. All he could do was obey and not talk back. He then joins Oram to go to the hot springs, as he too must have some well deserved R&R.
Greg Barington
Greg simply groans and shakes his head when chaos began to insure. "Agh," he hisses as he turns to Jak, "If this is what the mages are these days, they will never have a place within the Magnus Hunters. It almost disgusts me on how rude they can become." Then Leo appeared and talked to them. "Well..." Greg said slightly surprised, "If you want to help keep the peace, be my guest."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kyuuten arrived at the hotsprings and headed inside to a series of squeels and cries. Using Meteor he flew quickly through the building seeing Cynthia and the Vyper's fire dragon slayer on the way. In his rush towards the sounds of trouble he assumed they were on their way to help out as well and soared past them as a flash of light and into the women's side of the hotspring. "Harpies Shinging Sun, ready for actio-Gah!" Without realizing where he was going he found himself with a massive nosebleed that knocked the glowing wizard out of the sky and into the heated water.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sairis His eyes peered at Revan with almost murderous intent. He had done nothing besides take a peek at Aria. This was all Brad's doing. Was this a set up? He was sorta worried what Brad would dare him to do. Yeah he was going to pick dare because truth was for the weak. He either went all in or not at all. "Fine Brad. I'll pick Dare." Sairis grinned formed with a little shine like a star. "Throw your best dare at me. I never back down from a challenge, chump." Aran It had been a while since Aran had time to chill out and relax. She had been running around for so long now that it felt like she'd never get any down time. From the council sending her out on relentless missions and then placing her undercover amongst both guilds, Aran could fully say that she just needed break and this is where the hot springs came in. She eagerly made her way to the area with just a towel wrapped around her body. As she entered, she noticed that it was a mixed gathering of genders. "Oh my. What a scandalous evening." Aran unwrapped the towel from her body, dropping to the floor. The light in the room seemed to position upon her naked body, her curves beaming upon those that brought their eyes upon her and the bright red of her eyes alluring both genders. She stepped into the warm water until it covered her breasts and she just smiled at all that were there. "Have a missed much of the party?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia A brief moment of murderous intent was palpable in the hotspring before two blows were struck in quick succession. *Whack, Whack* "Dumbasses," Cynthia said, dropping the wash basin and grabbing Aiden around the neck and Kyuuten by the collar. "This is the WOMEN'S side! Get the hell out!" She tossed Kyuuten through the door and booted Aiden in the back, slamming the sliding screen in their wake. "If you need something, wait until we're DONE in here, perverts!" She shouted after them, huffing indignantly. "Seriously." When she turned around, however, Aiden was still in the bath. "How the hell did you get away?" She asked, her eyes glowing in anger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden turned around to see some kid burst into the hot spring like a rocket, only to get a nosebleed, faint, then fall in the water. Aiden waited a total of five seconds before he let out a sigh and made a gesture with his hand. The water around the boy would rise up and move him to shore. It was around this time that a rather beautiful woman came in wrapped in a towel, which she soon disrobed and took a second to show off before slipping into the water. "Not much of a party, I just came in to ask her a question," Aiden responded, rather unfazed by the female nudity around him. It wasn't that he wasn't interested, he just wasn't in tne right frame of mind to be any kind of embarrassed or flustered about this situation. Besides, it wasn't like he hadn't seen any of this stuff before, being in close proximity to Chrome had shown him everything already. "Now I have to revive this kid who burst in here like a bat outta hell." Aiden said, raising a sphere of water from the pool, quickly cooling it, before realeasing it right over the boy. "That should do it, and do I know you from somewhere." Aiden turned back to the blonde woman, positive he had seen her somewhere before. Suddenly, Cynthia came in screaming and came to whack him. Seeing no reason to let that happen, Aiden dodged her punched and subsequent grab, escapung to the midfle of the pool where he stood on the water, looking a bit put off by Cynthia's outrage. "So what, I just came into ask Oriel something, and this is the only place I no how to find her. You think I want to be in this place, I'm burning up over here. Besides, it's not like I haven't seen this kinda stuff a hundred times before, I do hang around Chrome a lot, so I'm kinda used to it by now. So just chill out, Cynthia, I'll leave as soon as Oriel answers, on my honor. And I'm not a pervert, I honestly am taking no joy from any of this right now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Eklispe> The bounty hunter found himself to fall off balance once again and quickly gets onto one knee. He then finds Bristlebane's sword swinging upwards at him and managed to roll to the side, with the sword just slashing though his robe. He then gets on his feet and finds the water shield being pulled towards his opponent. He was very tricky indeed, but yet the bounty hunter must soon take his leave with his prize waiting for him. Yet as one last attempt on perhaps killing two birds with one stone, he grabs a hold of the water shield, trying to stop the shield from coming back to Bristlebane. It was slowly dragging him along, yet he has one last trick up his sleeve. Still grabbing the shield and holding his place, he readies his staff. He flings off a metal cap, revealing a sharp spear-like point. With the sharp point facing Bristlebane, he weakens his stance as he flies towards his opponent. He grabs his staff and jabs the sharp point right at Bristlebane's shoulder. He then flies past him and rolls to safety.
Bristlebane quickly turns to face Lockdown and is met with the bounty hunter restraining his shield. Bristlebane dissolves the shield and summons another one in front of him blocking the spear jab. Bristlebane dashes forward slashing horizontally at the man as he slams his shield into the spear hopefully knocking him off balance while simultaneously attacking leaving Lockdown in a perilous position.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hmmm...interesting, very interesting. The anatomical structure of the female body is quite intriguing indeed... Nigel thought as he watched through his screens at the people bathing in the hotsprings. These new microscopic nanocameras are proving their usefulness at last... --- Joining Harpy's Wing was a no less than a happy coincidence for Nigel. Back then, he had just arrived in Earth Land from Edolas through the dimentional rift and he was completely dumbfounded by the sheer amount of...everything really. Magic was abudant and the people were living their lives in peace. Nigel didn't have to search for information as much as he had back at his homeworld, where everything was clouded in secrecy. Here, everyone was more or less happy to share information with a complete stranger like him and so it took him little time to adapt to the new environment. At first he just drifted from city to city, taking in the sights and admiring the world around him. Little did he know not everything was as nice and dandy as he originally thought. As he was traveling, Nigel had already stared studying about magic and its applications. He found out, to his dissapointment, that he could not use magic the way the people of this world could, something he suspsected had to do with him originally being from Edolas, where magic wasn't as widespread as here. As such, through his studies, he learned about magicians and magician guilds, where many magicians basically gathered and took requests from ordinary people. Those magicians used their powers for good and to help those in need and Nigel could not help himself from admiring them; but, he also learned about those who missused and abused magic, the so called dark magicians and their dark guilds. He learned about Zeref and the three dark guilds that used to terrorize this world, Oracion Seis, Grimoire Heart and, the most vile of them all, Tartarus. He grew to detest dark guilds and so started searching for a guild to join so he could be a part of the force that would wipe out all dark guilds from this world. That's where Harpy's Wing eventually came in. --- Letters started appearing on his screen as Nigel was analyzing the feedback from the cameras, his eyes caught a female figure entering the hot springs on the screen. He focused the cameras at her, something that proved to be the right decision as at that moment, she dropped her robe and boy did Nigel gain information from that. I wonder what Master Kat will say if she finds out about me doing this kind of research Nigel wondered but quickly shrugged that thought off and returned to his musings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

John Wickerspear - Lockdown
Lockdown thought he got his opponent, but alas he did not. His jab was blocked and was knocked back by Bristlebane's shield. Yet he quickly regained balance, just before getting sliced by a sword strike and casts another shockwave repulse move, this time moving him back towards another wall. This battle was taking too much of his time... he has a bounty that he must take care of. "You are a tricky little bugger ain't ya?" he sneers while wiping his face, "But I think our little battle ends here. I got a bounty to deliver and your standing in my way. Now scram! We'll meet again and finish this off another time." He then quickly rolls over to where his wizard bounty was lying unconscious, quickly picks up his bounty and makes it towards the top of the building. Yet just as he begins to leave, he quickly left a few grey, pea-sized "marbals" behind which drop onto the ground and scattering is different directions. These were in fact tiny explosives, yet despite their size, they pack several big explosions in their wake. They cover up around most of where they were battling and after several seconds they explode, causing several medium-sized explosions. The bounty hunter hopes that this could cause some last-minute damage to his opponent as he makes his escape.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

With everyone in the hotsprings, she just accepts it. She smiled at Aiden to give him a proper greeting than ignoring him a while ago, Oriel on the other hand was drugged by Gwen. Gwen eats her favorite candies and chocolates, she realized that every time she goes to the hot springs, her favorite sweets are always there and whatever she likes are also always there. Never does she know who gave it but she just accepts it like it is GODSEND and GOD MADE IT FOR HER. "I'm cool as always, Aiden." Oriel was too relaxed with her facial cream on. With her awesome mug smug on her face, Gwen does it which marks as provoking, pissing off Cynthia. "What's wrong light bulb. Not so tough seeing boys around? Looks like you're out of a strut." She insults Cynthia subtly. The hotting system prevents Aiden from cooling it as much as possible, it slowly gets warmer for the sake of everyone to enjoy. Then Aran came in. "Long time no see, いたずら(Itazura/Mischief/Prankster] Idiot. No, you didn't miss anything other than that, we still have that challenge." Gwen trash talks to Aran as her greeting. We get to see how she interacts with girls her age, Harpy yes, she doesn't seem to get along well with Cynthia. She calls the boys. "Guys! Join and have fun." Then she sees Cynthia. "Oh yeah that reminds me, I bet your lights out once Sable comes in, light bulb." She delivers once again to Cynthia. -----------------
Master Jak
"Indeed. But don't be fooled by their behavior and appearance. There is more to the book than its cover, don't let your eyes be fooled. Remember when we all first met, gentlemen?" He reiterated their first meeting, Jak was so different back then but when he gets serious he is serious. "You all thought I was just a goofy good for nothing superior. As the white lotus of the tree calms it peace, thy barriers shall break when our eyes set free. Gentlemen." Jak delivers a stomp back. "Let us go to the hotsprings and let our worries, doubts and stresses relieved, gentlemen. Just like old times." Jak invites Greg and Ajax to the hotsprings. Finishing this conversation, he turns his attention to Leo. "If it isn't Leo-boy. Come with us, we'll talk it right in the hotsprings, man to man talk. Leader to Leader. I the leader of this guild as your are the leader of the 12 zodiacs, it will be serene, Leo-boy."
Alec Roganoff
"If you hate my guts about stalling you guys here, I guess you'd have predicted it already. I sent Julian to Vyper Bolt first. The job I'm gonna give the both of you are something grand, two jobs. First, we go the hotspring hahahaahahahahaaha! That's the first job and 2nd. Since the both of you are Magus Hunters." Alec put the paper on Oram's face. "Dragon pest more like damned wannabes. Our lovely client wants to get rid of 3rd rate dragons in Hargeon Town. I'm sure you can do it, Oram. Show em' that dragon power of yours literally speaking, you are my right hand man, you are my dude. The Dragon means the right hand and by that definition, rock the gravity on their asses. I want you to get rid of the Akuran Gang who call themselves dragon slayers for no good reasons, they got a stash full of dragon lacrima and I wanna have it.. Naga-kun, as for you. Your job after this would be to fetch that Assassin Girl in Magnolia. Let's get moving boys."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia, about to take a second swing at Aiden, felt the heat rise to her head when Chrome mentioned Sable. Shit, he's probably coming in this side too, that idiot! There's no way I can let him see me like this! She immediately looked around and saw a small, secluded pool with nobody in it. She ran over to that and slid in, shedding her towel on the way in and laying it by the side. She faced away from the room and tried her best to seem unimportant. Leo Leo thought for a moment, seemingly indecisive, when one of the rings on his left hand glowed softly. Smiling, he nodded to Master Jak, saying "My lady says I should go," He paused again, and added "She also says to keep you out of the girl's side of the bath."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroku Nagasai
"Yes sir," Kuroku says as he nods in agreement. He follows the guild master to the hotsprings. It was going to be quite a day for him indeed.
Greg Barington
"You are indeed right Jak," Greg nodded, "I was a lot more crazy back then... kinda weird too now that I look back at myself. Yet as time passed by in a flash, I changed into who am I today. "Aye!" he then says once Jak mentions about the hot springs. He needed some rest as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - Wretched One Aiden and Cynthia walked in without him, not that he minded because he had a little surprise for everyone in the hot springs in mind. Stuffing his clothes into a weaved basket, Sable cracked his neck and smirked coyly before striding in. Sneaking around, hidden in the background while everyone spoke and bantered, Sable walked slyly to small pool away from the others. The plan was simple, stay at the bottom long enough to scare someone as his stale body floated up to the surface, face first. No one would suspect that a Fire Dragon Slayer could swim, cause their literally out of their "element". Bubbles raised from his nose at he choked back a laughter. When a body finally entered the pool, skin soft and blushed. He tilted his head upward, ready to explode out when Chrome's voice echoed from the surface. Instinctively he stood up from the shallow waters. "Ah fuck yea! now its a party!" he yelled, baring himself to everyone. Glancing over at Cyn in the pool with him, Sable smiled. "Nice tits, Cyn. They look even better than Chrome's. You should join the party over here," he told her, grabbing her hand. He stepped out from the small pool and walked over to the others. Aiden and Chrome were at it and he wanted in on that. "Shut the fuck up ya dunces. Let's fight it out!" he roared, fire dancing on his shoulders and hair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ajax Thera - Council Member
"Yes, as I recall you were once quite immature," Ajax agreed, closing his eyes as if he was watching the memory. "Sometimes you still are." He opened his eyes again and smiled. The large man stood up, looking around the guild hall one last time. "I suppose the bath wouldn't kill me. Though Greg and I are here on business..." Ajax shrugged in acceptance. His serious expression returned now. "We still need to talk to Kat about her guild. Perhaps it would also be nice to find Enki. Make this a little reunion of sorts."
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