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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oram Hellios, Lunar Wolf
"My reason for hating your guts aren't so stupid you old bastard." Oram said with a sigh before hearing his assignment. He couldn't help, but chuckle a bit. Hell that damn chuckle turned into a full blown laughed as he placed his hand over his face. "This is just too fuckin good!" He cheered with glee as he walked forward passing up Kuro and Alec. "I'll be happy to knock those Akura fucks on their asses and grind them down into the very ground they walk on. And I'll bring you those damn lacrima too." He said as his laughter died down and they left the guild. Of course, he still planned on heading to the hot springs first. He could totally use it after all. And Kuro probably felt he needed some rest too. The life of an S-Class must have been pretty hard. "Now lets get a move on. I wanna relax a bit before I go tear those Akura fucks a new on." He cracked his knuckles taking great joy in the idea of destroying a dark guild. And when he destroyed them. he would utterly D-E-S-T-R-O-Y them. Just as Alec had taught him after he'd found him after the incident. Sometimes he wondered if his adoptive father was truly gone. Hopefully he was alive out there somewhere. But he most likely wasn't. "Ah well." He mumbled inaudibly to himself deciding to shake off and forgo thoughts regarding that subject.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia's brain couldn't keep up with everything that was happening. She was already embarrased by Aiden and Ryuuten walking in, Chrome's jibes and Sable's eariler antics, and now here he was again, completely naked in front of her and complementing her on her breasts of all things. "I... uh... uwah..." She said, feeling incredibly light headed. It was just too much for her to handle, and her brain did the only thing it could in the situation. It shut down. Cynthia fainted, falling sideways into the water, and the last thing she saw before she succumbed to the blackness was Sable, wearing what might have been a concerned expression on his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

Aiden gave a sigh of relief as Cynthia left, he wasn't in the mood for a figjt right now. "Thanks Chrome, now if only there was a way for me to wake Oriel up. If she doesn't wake sioon then I'll just-" Before Aiden could finish his sentence, Sable crashed the party outta nowhere, naked as can be, on fire, and as always, icthing for a fight. "God dammit Sable, it's hot enough in this hellhole with out you adding your damn flames to the mix." Aiden was sweating quite a lot, and was looking extremely uncomfortable, with his pale face being flushed woth color and his eye watering from the steam. "Dammit, why did I agree to come with you, should've known you were going to pool some crap like this. Cynthia, could you please kill this idiot." As Aiden spoke, he suddenly felt an intense amount of anger being directed at Sable, and it wasn't coming from Cynthia. "What the-"
Julian hadn't minded when more people came into the hotspring, though it did put a damper on his plans to speak to Gwen-sama privately. But, since there was no way he was ever going to get enough courage to do that,,he was secretly relieved to have an excuse. 'Next time Gwen-sama, I'll definitely make my presence known to you and admit my undying love and admiration.' The thought made Julian very happy, and he was just about to leave to a higher vanrage point, this pool was getting crowded, that he saw Sable go up like a candle. The rage the sight induced in him was instanteous and very intense. To Sable, it would feel like an incredible weight was crushing down on him, for everyone else, they'd sense that someone was extremely pissed at Sable. As the Fire Dragon Slayer yelled, the steam right next to him would suddenly condense and a fist would suddenly come out of it to hit Sable square in the jaw, followed by a kick to the stomach, then would get hit by a massive surge of water from behind him, packing the punch of getting hit by a semi-truck. Julian would form fully after that, the steam condensing to show the Water Demon of Lunar Wolf gazing down at Sable with impunity. He was wearing a plain outfit of a blue shirt with a long, black and blue trenchcoat-like jacket, black pants, and a pair of black combat boots.
Xavier, after dodging Sable's chair, had decided to sneak out of the guild hall and go wondering a bit around Crocus. He made it a point, however, to avoid the hotsprings. He'd heard the blue haired guy, Aiden, say that Chrome was there, and that was all the reason he needed to stay away. He didn't how, or why, but he just knew that if he went over there, she'd find some way to harass him again. It was troubling enoug dealing with her as is, he didn't want to risk it when he wasn't wearing anything. Taking out a cig to light, Xavier sighed, bored as hell with out a clue if what to do. 'I wonder if Caroline is somewhere around, maybe we could do a request or something?' 'Awww,' the voice in his head whispered teasingly 'does the young prince want to see his crush so badly already?' Xavier froze, almost swallowimg his cigarette as his face went beet red. 'How the hell do yiou know that?!?' Her response was dry and full of sarcasm.'I don't know, how would a voice in your head no about your dirty little secrets? It's a mystery.' Xavier wasn't amused, ignoring her and continuing to walk onward, though he no longer cared where he ended up. So what if he had the tiniest crush on Caroline, 'I'm in your head, my prince, and your deluding yourself if you think you infatuation is a small one.' 'Shut up, not helping, hating life.' Xavier was so deep in an arguement with the voice in his head, he didn't notice himself walking right into the now deserted hot spring. No one ever felt relaxed when enough mages gathered in one place, especially if they're from different guilds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - Wretched One As fired up as he was, he spotted Cyn stumble and waver before falling, the ferociousness in his expression soften as he grabbed her with one of his arms than guarded her as solid water-fist attacked him. He felt the intense hatred first, his eyes sharpening before the water jabbed him in the jaw. His instincts kicked in then, he jolted off to the side, sliding in a whirlwind until he found his enemy's face. A straight-lined frown turned his expression grim. The same warm voice echoed from before. "If you're a guild, take care of your friends. That is all I have to say." He lowered Cynthia down to the ground and walked around her, for whatever reason, a enemy guild had just attacked him. In front of the others no less! It was just his bad luck that he chose a Dragon Slayer to fight or else that sneak attack might have worked. Occasionally it slipped the minds of the fodder that Dragon Slayers were like apex predators, they were honed for combat against the mightiest sentient beings ever to walk Ishgal. It took but one mistake for a "capable" Dragon Slayer to counterattack. Even still, he got a bad feeling from the guy. "Don't interfere," he told the others, a fanged smile enhancing his already challenging expression. Without warning he smashed flame charged fist into the ground, tearing up the tiles and flooring as it raced towards the intruder. His opponent was some kind of water warrior and he was in a hot springs, not exactly the smartest place to be. In the mist of it all he rushed through the debris and reached for the man's jaw, hoping to spring him through the floors and out onto the Guild's main hall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hotspring Galore!
"Nice tits, Cyn. They look even better than Chrome's"
It put a big insult on Gwen and blushed on the inside; She looks at her breasts for a second and compare it to Cynthia, she got extremely pissed off at Sable and was about to punch him but the water man came out. She followed Sable, totally ignoring the weird water man and so she froze him solid and he's not revealing his form. Gwen decides to fight Sable for stupid reasons. She slap Sable in the face. "What the heck are you thinking idiot! Breaking our deluxe hot spring pool! Hmph! It took me 8 hours to clean the pool with Yuu, Xavier, Caroline and Bristlebane and another 8 hours by myself and now you're wrecking shit. It's not like I'm lecturing you or anything b-but if you so want a fight, I'll give you a fight!" "What am I thinking? My body just moved to what after he said; That idiotic flame brain." She calms down. Gwen usually punches/kicks/elbows Sable when he does something stupid but a slap and less offending choice of words makes it so different. "We fight later. We'll take care of this peeping tom first. And don't think I'm quickly changing the topic or anything-- Just listen to what I say, okay!." She said with a frown yet focused face. "After all. Those who mess with the guild we fight back a hundredfold! Let's go Sable!" She said. @Demon Shinobi and @Lmpkio Perfect timing for an entrance.
S Class Camp
Brad Li
"Free jewels for everyone, Revan. I take it back, you're an interesting fellow." Brad gives everyone free cash for making him interested, Sai and the rest of Viper S Class know that he is a rich bastard and would give money to those he sees fit. With his own way of kindness, he is still an asshole. "Chump? Hmph! If you're not my cousin or my family, I would have skinned you alive, Sai-chan. Hahaha! Dare. I dare you to kiss Revan. That will be the most challenging dare of your life." Well played. "Just kidding! I dare you to tell who is your crush while acting like a monkey." He bleehhh at Sairis after trolling him about kissing Revan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sairis Sairis eye twitched at the mere thought of kissing Revan and then Brad's real dare. "OH WHAT THE HELL!?" Sai jumped back in a comedic fashion with arms flailing in the air. How could this be happening? This was not real. Brad was doing this on purpose and it was not fun at all. Brad knew that Sai would back out of this. There was just somethings that you couldn't do but if he did back out then that would make Sai look like a coward. Sairis was never a coward. His eyes sorta wandered around a bit to everyone before finally deciding that he must do this. "FINE!" Sairis yelled out clenching his fist with streams of tears rolling down his face. He began jumping up and down like gorilla before blurting out, "My crush...is...Gwen. YA HAPPY NOW!?" His face was flushed red as he sat next to Aria and Brad. The bastard made him do that at that moment and it wasn't fair. Aran "No. You don't know me." Aran responded to Aiden with a smile. Maybe he did know of her. It was a longshot but, she kept her identity under wraps quite well. Several minutes passed as the multiple inhabitants interacted. Aran was satisfied to see such engagements since she had never officially been part of a guild. They were all adorable...except Chrome. Suddenly things changed as one of the Lunar Wolf members happened upon the hot springs. Oh did he rile up everyone at the hot springs. A thought came to Aran's mind which she decided to enact upon. Grabbing her towel, she wrapped it around her body and walked over Sable. Her arms slithered around Sable's torso, her lips touched his cheek and her body pressed against. "Can I help you in this?" Aran asked seductively. While Sable was the cutest male there to her, half the reason was to piss off Chrome.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yuuyami-Why, why, why are there boys in the women's side?! Yuuyami had stripped off her clothing, before putting it inside one of the empty baskets, before suddenly stopping. "...Did I get bigger again...?" The Dollmaker cmuttered her complains quietly, as she looked down, sighing after a few moments. Wrapping a towel around herself, she was about to walk out of the changeroom, when she realized something. There were alot of baskets filled in here...and she could hear voices of both male and female coming from the women's side of the hotsprings. Sighing once again, she swung out her hand, before what appeared to be a slimeball appear, dropping onto the floor in front of her. Picking it up, she whispered, "Any males, cover their faces.". After allowing the Squishy to roll out the doorway, she followed after waiting about a minute, and quickly got herself into the water, hiding her body, and making sure to keep her gaze away from the men.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

Julian was about to go on the offensive again when he felt a familiar tingling creep up his body. Acting quickly, he detached himself from his frozen lower half and mistified his body, fusing with the steam and snapping out of his fire induced rage. 'Wait, what just. . . Crap, I did it again, and in front of Gwen-sama. Now she thinks I'm a pervert and hates me.' Julian would've cried tears of sorrow if he could, but steam can't cry so he couldn't. 'I should really think about seeing a psychologist about this fire issue, it's becoming a real problem. Just yesterday I almost drowned one of the Roganoff's. There has to be a way to settle this, but now isn't the time or place. I'm just going to sneak out now, I really don't want to fight Gwen-sama.' With that in mind, Julian slowly began meandering to the exit, nearly impossible to detect due to all the steam in the air.
Aiden blinked as some guy came out of the steam, attack Sable, then justas quickly disappeared once Chrome got into the mix. 'What. . .The. . . Fuck, all I wanted was to ask one simple question, but nope, looks like that's not going to happen. Instead, all hell breaks loose.' Aiden sighed, looking at Oriel, who was somehow able to sleep through all of this. She didn't wake up soon, he was calling it a day and was taking whoever Ajax gave to him, this was turning into more trouble than it was worth. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, some ball of grey slime came flying at his face, only to be caught and frozen in quick succesion. Aiden took one look at it, then tossed it back in the direction it came from. 'This is getting absolutely absurd, where the fuck did that even come from?'
"Crap, I'm here. . . fuck it, I'm going to relax." Xavier ignored the commotion coming from the female side, undressed and put his clothes in the baskets, then he went into the Male side, slipping into the water with a contented sigh. 'Don't know what's going on in the girls side, but hopefully it keeps Chrome out of my hair.' Xavier thought as he finished off his cig, then breaking open another pack he'd set down by the pool side, lighting up another one and enjoying the feeling of the springs.
"Understandable, I guess, she does hold some charm and never hides anything, at least, not physically." Revan said, giving a short whistle when he finished that set his hydras to take all the jewels Brad had tossed in his direction and immediately start to pelt the annoying Vyper with them. "No, I could never and must return them, I insist." Revan made sure to aim for his empty skull the most, surely the moron wouldn't need it. "Either way, Sairis, spin the bottle so we can pick the next person, mqybe this time we'll get a more entertaining dare. I certainly have some ideas, hehehe."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oram Hellios, Lunar Wolf
Don't ask Oram when exactly he'd separated from Kuro and master Alec. He knew... He definitely knew were Julian had to be. An this wasn't good. Perhaps it was an excuse to get into some more trouble despite his need to relax, but he also needed to make sure Julian didn't get into more trouble than necessary. "Fuck! This so FUCKING irritating!" He shouted as he neared the Vyper guild. Were the other two behind him? Dammit he didn't have time to think about that. He just knew something was wrong. What had Julian done? He knew it was... "JULIAAAAAAAANNNNM!!!!" He shouted as he burst through te doors of the guild. "Where the fuck?!" He stopped seein that obviously somethig had already occurred. He was sure it was Julian. But where was he?! "You fucking stalker freak! Where are you?!" Oram raged as he move a bit furthers into the guild.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Between the steam, and everything else, Oriel was so relaxed that she barely noticed the people barging in. Until someone actually called her name was when she started regaining consciousness, but decided not to answer right away because of how comfy she was. That is, of course, until the sound was just too much for her to just sit idle by while the guys were doing what they wanted. "Fine! Fine, I'm awake. Fuck, can't you pipe down a bit?" She then turned to Aiden, standing up and letting everything be seen. Not that she minded. It might as well be a great opportunity to take Sable's attention. She turned to him, who was being hugged by some other girl, and she didn't really feel like fighting right now, so she merely shrugged and turned to see Aiden. "So this is what Ice chunk-senpai referred to when she said harem, huh? Anyhow, you were....? Ah, yes, Aiden, the water asshole who almost drowned me. What did you want? A mission? I'm all for it, honestly." Oriel turned around to see the hotsprings after saying so. Yeah, they weren't as peaceful and relaxing as when they first happened upon them. She just sighed. It might as well help her get some steam out if she left with Aiden. "So, when we leave for that mission? To be honest, after all these other shitheads came into here and started making a ruckus, it stopped being a cool place to rest." Oriel stretched out, the steam just barely covering her medium sized breasts and other important parts.
Well, Brad had asked an interesting question. And Sairis answer was even more interesting. It seems the guy had a crush on her little sister. To be honest, Ivory didn't know whether to feel good for her sister having someone look at her like that, or sorry for Sairis having a crush on the biggest idiot that had ever walked earth. Of course, that was just her opinion as her sister, given that she thought she knew Gwen better than anyone. "Huh... So, you like Gwen. It seems interesting enough. You have my full support, dear Sairis. Or should I start calling you 'Otouto' already?" Ivory said to him, giggling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aria Sairis' answer was quite unexpected, but at the same time not really unexpected. Not sure how that works. Aria's mind wandered off to think of Gwen, and thought how she must've many admirers. It wasn't unusual though. Gwen was kind and friendly, also the big sister of their guild. Quite the opposite of her in terms of outside appearance. Even then Aria was slightly scowling, though it wasn't the normal one as she was pretty excited about the next person the bottle would be pointing at. "Don't like the sound of that," she muttered at Revan. Maybe he heard him, maybe not. Well, Ivory and Sairis, whom she was sitting in between, would've heard it. She observed the hydras as they pelted the jewels at Brad, waiting for Sairis to spin the bottle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroku Nagasai
Kuroku nods silently as he heads to the hot springs... alone. He too was not fond of Master Alec's presence and wants to be alone in the warm and soothing waters. Once he got there he undresses and gets into the hot, refreshing water and begins to meditate once again. He needs to prepare his mind for the battle ahead. This battle may not be as easy as many would think...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

"No, you shouldn't," Revan said, deciding to stop pelting Brad with his money, as itnhad gotten fairly boring rather fast."I have quite the twisted sense of humor, and my dares would most likely be the most embarassing/uncomfortable." Revan watched on as Sairis took his turn, watching with a contented smile as the bottled slowed to the stop pointing at him. "Looks like I'm up. I'll take truth, that way all O have to do is talk. Go on, ask what ever deep, personal question you wish, and I'll answer. Don't keep me waiting now, Red Hawk, I have a very busy sleep schedule I have to keep."
Julian was able to escape the hot springs, quickly condensing into his regular form and quickly and silently made his way from the hot springs to the hall, where he saw Oram shouting. Moving very quickly, Julian covered the gravity mages mouth, putting a finger to his mouth and making a quick, "Ssssshhhhhh", noise. 'Please don't get pissed and start more trouble Oram, please, please just find it in your heart to be sensible for once.' Julian kept his eyes peeled and his senses sharp, in case any of the mages chased him up here. While Julian felt bad for punching the fire mage, he'd find a way to apologize later. Maybe he'd make them a cake, yeah, an apology cake would be good, but what kind. 'Maybe I should go ask them what they, NO, No, No, focus on escape now, worry about cake later. I'll just make my special molten fudge cake, that should be good.' With this in mind, the only thing left to do was to escape without making more of a fuss. If Oram just followed him out, than they'd be good. If Oram decided to be Oram, than he'd get dragged back into a fight most likely. He really hoped Oram would just not be Oram for 5 seconds.
"This place was never cool to start with, how can anyone stand this heat, it's fucking oppressive. As for the drowning thing, I apologize but to be fair, you set me on fire." Aiden took a moment to wipe the sweat off his brow, feeling absolutely miserable in the heat."Anyway, we're going to do some training tomorrow, then they'll give us free reign after awhile. I plan to go do this bodyguard request, protecting some Phoenix Princess by the name of Veronica. After that, you can pick whatever request we go on next and will continue that way until Ajax, a council man and Wizard Saint, gives us a Dark Guild in need of eradication. I'm getting out of this hellhole to go training the dojo, you're welcome to jojn me as long as you promise to not set me on fire. In return, I won't try to drown you, thus, everybody wins." Aiden kept walking on the water as he made his way out of the springs, giving a wave to Yuuyami as he left. He reached the exit, stopped to look around and probe with his Dragon Slayer senses, before turning back to Sable and his harem. "Oi, I think your ambusher high-tailed it already, so I'd suggest cleaning you're mess before Chrome rips you a new one. And nice meeting you, blondie, you seem like the interesting sort." With that, Aiden quickly got dressed and walked out of the hotsprings and headed of towards the dojo, taking no notice of Oram or Julian as he walked by them to get to the training area.
Xavier looked up as some white haired man came in and got in the pool as well. Xavier greeted him with a "Sup," speaking around his fourth cigarette since getting in the pool, "Haven't seen you around before, are you new to the guild or something?" Xavier was a little ways away from the man, and couldn't see his guild mark because the steam was a bit too thick to let him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - Wretched One He remained battle ready, face feral and body tense until the intruder left. As soon as eased up a chill slithered down his back as the blond woman rubbed her curves against his back, his shoulders stiffened before melting. He let out a embarrassing groan because of the feeling. Her had lips touched his cheek and he could barely respond with words and wide eyes. "D-Don't need it now," he said, proud that he could maintain his brutish tone somewhat. With a bit of effort, he returned to normal with a raised brow. Normally a hit from her would have been enough to send him flying but a slap, he was just now realized his face was warming back up. He folded his arms over his chest. "Chrome? you... slapped me?" he asked her before turning his attention to a leaving Aiden. "Yea, I can tell. They're lingering at the door though. Its taking everything I got, this blonde bombshell hanging on me, and the mystery of Chrome smacking me to keep me here. Just what the fuck was that all about! The bitch just sucker punches me and leaves!" He wanted to say more to Aiden but he left far too quick, it was like he was avoiding the rest of the guild but he guessed it was the Hot Springs. All in all, Aiden's entire situation made him feel worried.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia groaned as she stirred, waking up a bit. Her head was still swimming, and when she opened her eyes she saw the room was following suit. She thought she saw Sable, and Chrome, and someone hanging off of Sable, but her eyes wouldn't focus enough for her to make sense of it. Did I hit my head or something? She thought, struggling to sit up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oram Hellios, Lunar Wolf
He was immediately stopped by Julian. Oram's right eye twitched as he stared down his guildmate. It was taking literally everything he had to not bring some pain to Julian. "Sensible? I think I'm being quite sensible considering your finger and the fact that I think you just insulted me and thought some pretty crappy things." He spoke in a low growl of sorts. He clenched his fist and they shook with rage before he simply stepped aside. "Just... Go." Even in a whisper it almost seemed like a scream. A low roar like growl was emanating from him as he thought about the fact that he would likely need to leave now too. He felt like using the the enemies hot springs and he'd finally lost that fuck face master. Even if they were to allow him to stay for some reason it'd just leave a bad taste in his mouth. Besides, he didn't have a good reputation. And he himself didn't like when people were kind to him. He didn't deserve it when he was young and he definitely didn't... "Fuck." He said as he turned to leave this guild. It looked like he'd be getting an early start on his mission. "Julian." He said simply as he left. Kuro had gone in their right. He might need to apologize and handle things for Julian. At least the initial one. Julian might do something himself. "I'm letting you go now. But when I get back. I don't want to see you. Be on a mission. Or avoid me. Your choice." He let out a small chuckle. It was almost evil. But was he serious? Joking? With Oram how could Julian know? He'd figure it out when oram got back though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alec Roganoff
He doesn't mind being flashy at all, he got his boys wearing towels. "You guys sure are scaredy dogs, Idgaf if you're afraid to show your nuts. You're all sexy and you know it." That's for Oram and Julian as he left his precious S Class on the hold, he deserves to relax anyway. "Ohh! If it isn't Aran, I haven't seen you in a while and look at you Gwen, you've grown greatly. Who the heck are you? Ahh Sable, red hair...guess flame motifs." Master Alec the 9th Wizard Saint attends to the hotspring. "Pardon my pack, they tend to get screw loose in the head with your stripper around." Alec remembers a young 12 year old Gwen, her body is not as a bottle coke rather she's flat and loli. Much to Julian's dismay, he used transformation magic on him and turned him into a towel to cover his nuts. "Anyway. What's going on and why is it so noisy there? I came here to meet Master Jak, Councilmen Ajax and Greg." Then he turns to Oram. "Accelerator. Is that the girl you've been talking about?" He points to Gwen.
Gwen's trying not to get pissed with Aran. She freezes her in the head solid. "Hmph!" She grabs Sable in his ear, "Let's go give them a fight." Dragging him not until Master Alec came. It made her immodest and look like a puppy in front of him, she hide behind Sable as she gets shivers. She whispers to him. "S-Sable Y-YOU G-GO t-talk to to to to to-- him" Looks like her stripping has limits too.
In the midst of research a girl in a bunny girl outfit founds the boy named Nigel. "Hey! Hey! Oldman, do you have any meat? Hmmm have you seen my The coolest guy ever? I'm looking for my best friend." He shows a picture, it is a boy and herself.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"A'ight." Oriel simply says, while getting up from the bath. "I also need some training. Might be a good idea to get my juijitsu back into badass form." She slaams her fist on her palm and is about to follow after Aiden.... Until she catches a glimpse of Cynthia trying to make out what is right in front of her, which is Sable being hugged by a blondie hottie. Damn, if there was a better chance to piss her off, it'd be right now, for being such a bitch a while ago. A devilish smirk appeared in her face. Still nude, she went over to where Sable was, took one of his hands and put it right on her right breast. "Kyaaa! Where are you touching, Sable! There's a time and place for everything, you know? You can't just grab them outside and whenever you like, you know?" She made sure to make it suggestive enough for Cynthia to hear the whole thing, and misunderstand it. She smiled yet again, before seeing Chrome crawling behind Sable. Well, she really did seem afraid of the ugly-as-shit guy that just entered the room, but Oriel merely shrugged, took Sable's hand off her body and turned around, skipping like a little girl. "Well then, see you! If you ever feel the need to grab my boobs again, just ask, darling!" Oriel said, going back to the entrance of the hotsprings and quickly dressing up. "Oiiii! Aiden, fuckin' wait for me, dammit! Don't you know it is just basic manners to wait hand and foot for a lady?" Oriel said, catching up to Aiden while laughing all the while. Obviously, not even she believed that last statement.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

John Wickerspear - Lockdown
Lockdown thought he got his opponent, but alas he did not. His jab was blocked and was knocked back by Bristlebane's shield. Yet he quickly regained balance, just before getting sliced by a sword strike and casts another shockwave repulse move, this time moving him back towards another wall. This battle was taking too much of his time... he has a bounty that he must take care of. "You are a tricky little bugger ain't ya?" he sneers while wiping his face, "But I think our little battle ends here. I got a bounty to deliver and your standing in my way. Now scram! We'll meet again and finish this off another time." He then quickly rolls over to where his wizard bounty was lying unconscious, quickly picks up his bounty and makes it towards the top of the building. Yet just as he begins to leave, he quickly left a few grey, pea-sized "marbals" behind which drop onto the ground and scattering is different directions. These were in fact tiny explosives, yet despite their size, they pack several big explosions in their wake. They cover up around most of where they were battling and after several seconds they explode, causing several medium-sized explosions. The bounty hunter hopes that this could cause some last-minute damage to his opponent as he makes his escape.
Bristlebane cursed as Lockdown managed to escape his attack yet again, but there was no he was gonna let this guy go without a good fight, especially since there was a person at risk, he had no idea who the bounty hunter was going to deliver his prey to, but if it was a bounty it couldn't end well. He had of course prepared for the Lockdown attempting to escape and hurled his Travel Stone as soon as Lockdown began to make his retreat. As soon as Lockdown began his monologue the stone lightly touched the ground behind him. Bristlebane was already swinging as he suddenly vanished and reappeared behind Lockdown sure that this time he would at least nick the arrogant bounty hunter.
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