Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nathan Nathan cleared his throat softly, trying to get the master's attention. "Master Liem." He prodded, his tone both respectful and a bit annoyed. "You have yet to tell us what we'll be doing. What is this amulet and where is it?" He had of course heard a bit about the amulet. Rulers tend to reach his ears from time to time, but he had never looked into it himself. He had little interest in artifacts or magic items outside of fetching missions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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"The king's palace?" The meeting hadn't slipped Kyuuten's mind but he could have used some more time to sample all the food at the festival. After a reluctant sigh he grinned and payed for his food. He and Pyrrha quickly joined Aria on the way to the palace. Kyuuten chuckled at the sight of Aria dragging Ivory around. "Suits? What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" He said looking at his clothes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aria Aria turned around to face Ivory. A rare smile formed on her usual glaring expression, and her eyes turned soft. "You're finally talking," she answered her guildmate. The smile didn't last long though, it vanished as soon as she said it, and Aria reverted back to her normal expression. "Well, I suggest going to the castle first. I don't think we have their measurements, or do we? Also, the missions are fine I guess. I usually take the ones for hunting criminals, they have a bigger bounty," she continued. Hearing Kyuuten and Pyrrha's footsteps behind her and Ivory, Aria slowed her pace a little for them to catch up. "I think we all need dresses and suits. It is a party at the king's castle, after all," she answered Kyuuten.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Chrome/Sairis Collab ------- Sai quite interested in this newfound strength of the, what he affectionately called, twin babyslayers. Sable had turned the attack back at him and Sai was ever the ready to counter. "Two against on-....." Sairis's attention was diverted by the entrance of Chrome in all her extravagant nude glory. "Nice to see ya, Chrome." He responded in a calm manner unlike most guys in this guild. Had been awhile since they had a real fight together but the teamwork was second nature. "CHROME, START IT UP!" Chrome sighed, "As usual. Loser gets to do what we say." She smirked with her arms crossed. Not really wanting to hurt Aiden but it doesn't change the fact that flamebrain and him are not so different, babysitting him is one thing but letting him hang with Sable is another thing. Master Jak. That old man as usual doesn't really care what's happening and just treat as entertainment, so as the other guild members. Shouting it out as fight of the black belts and a white belt which is Aiden. "Alright. I got so much to.. I really wanna talk to you but having a lot of mess to take care of doesn't cut it right now." She said to him and runs to Sairis. A red gleaming aura spilled from Sai's body like a tidal wave. It only lasted a second before being sucked right back into his body and condensing into his fingertips. "Let's give them a homely feeling." A smirk ran across his lips as he eyes were trained on Chrome. No aura compared to Sairis, Chrome parkours by spinning around, it does look kinda appealing, she propels herself from the pole, "Sairis, catch me!" Sai reactions kicked in almost immediately catching Chrome. It was no sweat for him. "So idea's on our impending doom up there? No..wait....hehe..." sai looked upward at the encroaching roar. Ghost Road activated instantly, slowing the world around him down, more so his perceptions, and helping him determine the best action. "Chrome, block and I'll fortify it." The nude mage is strengthened but the fortification feels a bit hard on her chest, she forms an ice platform and propel herself to Sable, sending them a distance but not hurting him. "A kick in the face is not enough, this is for messing things up all the time!" She's on top of him, with fist ready in case he makes any movement. "YEAH! GET WRECKED, CHUMPS!" Sai was utterly pleased to see Chrome and his fortification go straight through Sable's technique. Now it was Aiden's turn and Sai, unlike Chrome, wasn't one to pull punches. Ghost Road activated again against Aiden's attack. Unfortunately for the kid, Sai properly deciphered the next plan of action. If not for the team up then the twins would have been a match for Sai. "Too bad." Sai lunged forward, using one hand to carve through the attack on his right. He flipped so his feet would touch the walls of the guild, knees bent, and then launched himself from the wall at an astounding speed. Touching another wall, Sai began to pinball from wall to wall, motions blurring in his movements. "LOTUS FLASH!" Sai roared as he swung forward at Aiden. Magic trailed from his fingertips into the shape of flower thorns with far more potency then your average thorn. Not enough to seriously injure though. Sairis wasn't that stupid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - THE WRETCHED ONE The battle was heating up and the flames in his gut was burning intensely. Smirking the whole while, the sudden shock and twirl of the environment surprised him; and he found himself on the ground, Chrome resting a top of him. The words she spoke were small barks and only made him smile in return, his black hair sprawled out underneath him. He admired the nakedness atop of him with roguish snarl, dark eyes peering at her. "Is this all you got?" he asked, slowly heating his body till it would become unbearable for her to stay on top of him. "Let's really heat things up between us, Chrome."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

The birds exploded as Sai tore through them, he moved to fast to get caught by the ice spikes, just a bit of a chill. Aiden cursed as Chrome got involved, they fucking had him until she had showed up. Aiden, upon seeing Sai destroy his birds waited until the veritable last moment before he destroyed the ice bird he was on and just barely slipped underneath Sai's attack. Had he been a second slower, or Sai a second faster, he would probably be unconscious right now. Aiden allowed himself to fall for a bit as he charged up his next round of attacks. "Ice Make: Dragonic Ascension" This time, instead of a bunch of birds, he just made one, and it looked a lot closer to a dragon than the other ones, as well as being slightly larger. Now that he had his air superiority back, Aiden focused his magic as he took a deep breath, the scale marks on his arms and face taking on a icy-blue glow as he released his attack. "Ice Dragon's Roaring Blizzard" This was Aiden's super-powered Roar attack, a much larger wave of sub-zero cold gale-force winds filled with noticeably larger ice shards, and in a continuous stream. The attack roared at the cockly S-class mage, with the front of the attack resembling the shape of a dragon's gaping maw.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Feeling the heat? No problem, Chrome has been babysitting two dragon slayers for a certain period of time. Sable and Aiden, the forces of hot and cold, as an Ice Mage; She is immune to the cold and sparring with Sable the flamebrain is no different than fighting Aiden. She moves away from Sable. "I've known hotter flames than that." She smirked. "Sairis, Aiden. Don't use big attacks, you guys might wreck the guild hall but then again, it is fortified by the masters magic. So no problem. I don't need to show my full strength as always." Chrome, everytime she spars with Sable, she's always holding back. Sable is a 2nd degree black belt just like her. "Let's settle this with a bit of magic and your Kung Fu to my Taekwondo." She said. Game Master- Masaki Haruna's narration. Viper Bolt is a martial arts guild founded by martial arts masters; albeit known as Fighter Mage. The five brothers are the way of the dragon, concealed as serpents shall it awake to ascend as a Dragon. A guild that is thought by martial arts and harmony, it brings its kin into a force that they will become and eventually will become. Martial arts is the way of the masters and these wisdoms are passed on to their pupils. Fortification Magic (要塞魔法, Yōsai Mahō): Fortification Magic is a magic that reinforces the position of a physical object and stabilizes the relative coordinates of the molecules within the object, also preventing the target from breaking. It is the same as adding something to an object that is already complete, in case of failure the target will receive it as a poison. Success requires a good grasp of the inner structure to fill openings with the magic. Using this magic has different uses, all dependent on the user. For example, a user can use it on clothes, causing it to harden to the point where they become similar to a suit of armor in terms of defensive power. The user can also use it on a simple towel once it's been twisted, turning into a makeshift weapon. However, with Fortification Magic, the user is unable to freeze a target in their tracks for a short period of time; instead, they can use it to enhance their own existence—granting them an enormous boost in power. Naturally, this is capable of being used as a weapon to strike the user's opponent, as well as to augment the user's own attacks, projected ahead of their body as pure brute force, or imbued in weapons to increase their effectiveness. Any attack which is enhanced by Fortification Magic is far stronger than it would normally be without it; as their fists are capable of penetrating solid steel with ease. Thanks to the immense hardening that the user's body undergoes when using Fortification Magic, they possess the ability to harm their opponents when they perform elemental transformations; rendering the user capable of striking the body beneath the elemental energy, bypassing their transformation; however, it does not negate their magic. It is impossible to reinforce something vague. As living things will resist invasion of the magic, reinforcing someone else is the hardest. This magic is a family magic of the Li's. Users are Man Li, Jat Li, Jak, Sairis, and the black masked S Class Mage. [hr][/hr]
Ivory Blanche
"Good to know. It's not so fun not being with you anyways." She said to her dear S Class colleague and then Master Kat came. "Clothes. Don't worry anything about it! I got them prepared. Elyth made them." The Master and the second in command smiled. Elyth said, "You need to look more dashing, Kyuuten." Ivory on the other hand. "Let's get this party started. According to the King's invitation, some of us will be performing a song." She said. "Expressing our talents and all." She sighed.
Harpy's Wing, founded several years ago by Aeona Mirakl, the first master, with a simple objective in mind, to create a home for those without one, however, the guild that was brought to its glory in X798 by Sonna Mirakl, the second master, but lost its popularity after her disappearance. They are known for being excellent teachers when it comes to learning about magic and its uses, as well as providing a place to stay for those without a home. They have been now in a constant fight against their rivals, Vyper Bolt, ever since. Allowing them to win the Great Magic Games last time was a miss on their part, but now Kat Ingrid Slaine is trying her best to make the guild raise again to its glory days.
The three great Harpy Magics
Harpy Magic An ancient Takeover Magic that of a harpy, turning the caster's body into that of a harpy. Superior in the sky with strong wings, talons, and claws. Specializing in wind magic and wood magic. The previous masters of Harpy's Wing uses this. Vampire's Curse One of the black arts; Elyth Speer's magic is a curse that turns the caster into an equivalent of a Vampire. This magic to a certain degree allows the caster to use curses in akin to demons. Vampire Curse is a devilish magic, hailed as a Devil, Vampires are alluded into this magical world of Ishgal. Upon the demon hierarchy, Vampires are noble and S Class demons. Werewolf's Curse The equal of the Vampire's curse; this magic is one of the Harpy's magic. Upon the night of the full moon unlocks the full power of this magic. [hr][/hr]
Master Liem
"Hahaha! You naughty little snake, Stevie is a girl? Come on! Noo! hahaha and we shall have baby basilisks then? haha you one son of a gun" Losing focus throughout the conversation because of his pet. Going back to the conversation; "The dragon's amulet is one of our guild's prized relic. In Chinese philosophy, it is a lucky charm. That's all you need to know. And you know how I like Buddhism designs in our guild! Like our 1000 armed Guan Yin Statue in the basement and all the dragonic and zodiac like designs in this guild. Pirates.... Pirates!." He cough while eating and vomited on Nathan's face. ".... apologies. As I was saying.... When our fellow Marduk, you remember our wizard saint don't cha boy? He lost it a week ago. Gogogogogogogogogogoggogo!! Before Paku gets pregnant! I forgot! Stevie is a boy and Paku is a girl!" He laughed!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nathan Nathan wiped his face and me!t his expression neutral. "Of course master, I shall leave at once to recover the amulet. With your pardon, however, I would make a request." The S Class mage moved away as he talked, as naturally as if he was simply going to check out the window. He hoped to avoid being directly in the master's spitting range. "I would like to bring Gwendolyn with me. I feel her skills might be a great help, considering I have no way of knowing what we'll be facing." He turned from the window to look at the masters once more, waiting for their response. Cynthia "Other dragon slayers?" Cynthia asked, perplexed. After a moment, comprehension dawned. "Oh, you mean those two over at Vyper Bolt! Yeah, I haven't gotten the chance to talk to them yet, but really that's alright. I doubt we'd have much more in common than with other mages." The girl brushed herself off, trying to make herself look normal. "Nobody noticed I was missing, did they?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Master Liem
"Which Gwen are we talking about? Gwen Sniegow which is Chrome? or what? People and names these days, everyone has a few names to share, some are rare and some are common, it doesn't change the fact that world has its commonalities and differences, which Gwen is it? Liem pauses thinks, the only intelligent mages he know in the guild are Sairis, Nathan, Chrome and more so the other three S Class and their Wizard Saint. "Your becoming more and more promising of yourself of wise decisions, Nathan. Keep it up and I'll give you a 100 year SS Rank quest. So which Gwen are we talking about?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nathan Is that a reward or a punishment? Nathan thought to himself. "Chrome, Master Liem. I'm talking about Chrome. She shows promise in both her path as a mage and her training in martial arts, and I would like to see what she can do first hand. With enough training, she might one day come to replace myself, should I decide to retire or seek answers to my questions elsewhere." He noticed his ciggarette had burned out, and tossed the remaining butt out of the window as he reached for another one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Master Liem
He choked and vomited a penguin out of his throat. "Pardon me from my inappropriate displays, Nathan. My takeover Python Soul that is. I've been stuck in that form since last week and I got out of it now, I have no idea what I ate. He vomited acid on his pail and a lot of things that is disturbing. "Wise. Wise. Wise. Nathan Sensei, a 4th degree black belt like you is well respected by his pupils and masters alike so as the people." Gaining his composure and stopped vomiting for a while. "Very well. You may take her with you... but beware of her stripping and careful of your manly urges, protect her from perverted people. She's the only girl mage currently in our guild, the others ladies are on missions." He said but he didn't regain his composure again, Liem spitted out a steel ball to Nathan which is not on purpose. His vectors should protect him or just simply evade it. He passes out. The Mage Slayer on the other hand is quite.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE "Kung fu?" he questioned in a snarky manner. "Why the hell did you give my martial arts such a fucked name and kept yours official. You really like making me out to be the fool huh?" He shrugged his shoulders in lazy acceptance. He shrugged his shoulders and stood up straight, fist cracking as they became engulf in flames. "Fine, fine, I'll crush your silly Takewondo," he told her, the usual sharp-fang smile appearing on his face. "Ya see, my martial arts is just that, all mines. There's no rules or guidelines for what your about to be up against!" She may had called it "kung fu" but the art of Dragon Slaying was a true masterpiece, it was reliant on a Dragon Slayer's inherited traits; his smell, his sight, his perception... these things made him dangerous and whether Chrome knew it or not, he was a far better combatant than his daily rampages made him out to be. That, coupled with his incredible Fire Magic made him a human cannon, explosions on contact if he willed it. With a dash, he made it within striking distance quickly before throwing three blows towards her gut, face, and shoulder. Little more than a warm up for sure but he was more interested in seeing what she was going to come back with. His sharp eyes danced and looked for the hints of movement in her body, as naked as it was, he held no shame in glance towards her pelvic area for hints. "Don't think I'm holding back cause your naked, Chrome. I'll roast your nipples black if you're not careful."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

"Not really, but if it helps"I'm not sure, but I did, so that has to count for something. Anyway, I think you should try and talk to them, if for nothing else then to see how you rank up with them. Don't let their childish antics fool you, both are very strong mages that make excellent use of their Dragon Slayer magic, plus a supplementery magic. That ice one has found some way to fuse his Dragon Slayer magic into Ice Make Magic,, increasing his control and power over both to a greater extent. The fire one, while I'm not sure what his supplementery magic is, definitely is a force to be reckoned with, his fighting style taking full advantage of his Dragon Slayer abilities." Revan nodded as he laid back, a low whistle escaping his lips, followed by a hiss as one of the hydras transformed into a type of flute, which he quickly grabbed and began to play. A soft, sad melody began to flow through the air, resonating from every shadow. There was not a soul in Crocus who couldn't hear the melodious euphony, filled to the brim with feelings of regret, sadness, and melancholy. This was Revan's most played song when he used his skills at the flute for recreational purposes instead of magic, and while nobody could tell what it meant, it was obviously a very sad and personal story.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Taking the attacks of Sable head on. It is like saying taking on Aiden's raw strength too. Chrome recalls her days with Sable and Aiden sparring, they can eat their own element but can't eat the produced one. "Fight fire with fire. Chrome uses her martial arts, "I'm cutting the formalities, I call my martial arts Chrome Stream or have you forgotten that and what do you call yours"? Revealing her martial arts, this form of hers is purely a modified version of advanced yet dirty Taekwondo. She has been using this since she was 14 and it is how she got her nickname, Chrome. The Chrome Stream Technique relies on agility and dirty feints which is why she's naked. Moving in fast, she does 2 feints, a kick and a back kick and stepping back, Chrome mustering her mana into her body. At the same time, she touches Aiden's excess ice and manipulate it on her own, adding the property of slaying magic and make it an ice armor to herself and kick Sable in his balls, her foot doesn't have ice protection, she use the ice armor as an attempt to send him freezing. TRIVIA: Dragon Slayers can eat their own element but not eat their produced element from their own magic. Elemental Mages; for example an Ice Mage is able to manipulate an Ice Dragon Slayer's ice due to the fact that it is ice but it has to be an excess one and it is in akin mechanics of "Using your opponent's technique" against them. However they can't produce their own. By manipulating the magical properties of the element that is. Same principle applies to other elements/magic. This only works if the Mage is an efficient caliber to his/her own element of proficiency. Strictly, compatibility and channeling. Chrome Stream is not a magic. No tricks just pure body movement in agility and deceit of dirty.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Sairis laughed at Aiden fiercely. The boy was smart and that was saying a lot from how he used to be. Even it was only a simple move but a good one that kept the boy's face intact. Sai kept moving from wall to wall like a pinball, eyes watching Aiden's next movement. Ghost Road caught on to Aiden's mouth opening in a rather unusual motion, indicating that he was about to roar. A dragonslayer's roar was quite the sight and even Sai could say that he was excited to see it whenever Aiden or Sable fought him. Dragonslayer magic was the most intriguing magic on the planet in his eyes; magic so envious that everyone wanted to challenge the twins. Aiden aim was nearly spot on if not for Sairis's continued movement. The empowered roar slammed into the walls causing them to rumble and shake but no damage due to Chan Jak's fortification magic. "You boys and your magic. Look at Chrome and Sable. Aiden, show my grandson that killer backfist I taught you and I'll pay for a new jacket for you. hoho." Chan Jak exclaimed, swaying his sake around in one hand. Sai landed infront of Aiden with a smile on his face and knuckles cracking. "I always wanted to slay a dragon. Looks like you're the next best thing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE The fight was intense and Chrome as usual was bouncing around everywhere during the fight. Sable slid back once he noticed the blows hadn't made contact, his eyes following Chromes movements all the while. He spotted one feint and have lift his arm up for the other, only to receive two kicks because of the mistake. But she also made one herself, she had forgotten who she was dealing with. She had gathered the ice armor but in turn, her bare foot had been gripped viciously before she was launched backwards towards several guild members and the bar counter. He smiled grimly at the embarrassment before engulfing his entire body in crimson flames, the pupils of his eyes were murky holes under the veil of fire. The hellfire stretched upwards through the first floor, releasing a dread heatwave that was visible in the shape of shimmering ripples. Guildmates from above groaned and bitched up above. "Impressive, Chrome. Really, I'm surprised. I've been training my ass off but it looks like you have too," he told her, standing straight up and lifting a laxed hand eye-level. "Let's see how hot you can get before that armor of yours melt." He cracked his neck with brutish bends while sauntering towards her. It was foolish of him to assume that simple punches would throw her off. With shield of fire covering him, he launched into the air and came down onto her with a axe-kick. Vrabe Rheat - Black Lightning Vrabe looked over Crocus, feet swinging over the ledge of a story inn as he bit into apple. The whole place was the opposite of Harpy's Wing; a giant town was it home base, whereas they had but a quaint village. Men ruled their ranks, where women ruled his own. Not that he was complaining too much about that. He raked his unoccupied hand through his silver hair. "We'll crush those snakes this year. I'll be more than enough to handle them all," he uttered with deviously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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"That's our master, always on top of things~" Kyuuten smiled at the appearance of Kat commenting on how prepared she was. "Well, it's good to see that you've calmed down a bit." He told Elyth. "Dashing, huh?" Truthfully, Kyuuten dressed quite well for someone as carefree as he was. His schoolboy-esque attire coupled with his coat and gloves admittedly made him look like some kind butler. "If you really think a suit would help I guess I can try it. As long as you stick Pyrrha in a dress too~" Pyrrha reddened and turned on her companion as he chuckled. "What do I have to do with it?" "You're coming too aren't you? You should look nice right?" "Are you saying I don't already!?" Kyuuten backed away as she got in his face. "And what about Kara and Aries? Why not pick on them?" "Of course you look nice." He responded causing her too blush even more. "Face it, Kara would end up burning a suit off and you know Aries is too shy." The pair continued to ramble back and forth as the group made their way towards the castle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Aiden-Current Mood: Arrogant Aiden let out a curse as he just missed Sai, damning that stupid Ghost Road of his. He let out another curse as Master Chan Jak reprimanded him for only using magic. What, did the old man think he was going anywhere near Sai of all people, he could crush a person skull with his fucking fingers!!! But still, he was running out of options, and he would start running out of magic soon if he just kept firing at the S-class. Considering that nothing he had done had worked, he was going to have to change his strategy. Ghost Road made it impossible for him to hit Sai wit out blocking his vision somehow, and while he knew a couple ways to do that, none had a guaranteed chance of working and would take quite a bit out of his reserves. 'Then again, I could use that and go in close.' 'That' being Aiden's special form of Dragon Slayer magic, where he awakened his draconic blood while using it. Everyone but Chrome thought that it was a refined form of the Lost Magic that Aiden had gotten by slaying Chronos, as he had told them a story of Chronos being a special kind of Dragon, and that was where he got his epithet, 'The True Dragonslayer' due to what happens to him physically when he used it. He had yet to use it against Sai, or around anyone in the guild as he only used it on solo mission so far so as to keep his secret from possibly getting put, but he wanted to win this fight badly. He had been chosen by the master to take pat on the S-Class quest, and that meant he was close enough to Sai's level that he could take him. If the S-Class want to face a dragon, than Aiden should do his best to at least partially fulfill his request. Aiden closed his eyes and took a deep breath, focusing on the source of his magic deep within himself where his inner dragon lay, before suddenly unleashing a large burst of magic energy that went over everything, covering the entire first floor, and some of the second, in a layer of frost. Aiden's eyes had turned completely dragonic, orbs of icy blue with a small crevice of intense darkness. His arms were now covered in what looked like scales made of Ice and gave off an intense, visible waves of cold, and ended in similar ice like claws. Upon his head were two horns that also looked to be made of ice, curving around his head and looking almost like a halo of an angel. And finally from his back were two large dragon wings made of ice, adding even more to Aiden's intimidating appearance. "Slaying a dragon's no easy feat, so please try your best." Aiden said with a cocky grin, already feeling his dragonic instincts playing with his confidence. But why shouldn't he be confident, he had the blood of the greatest of beings flowing through his veins, why should he be afraid of a mere human. "I'm sure it'll get you somewhere." Aiden placed his hand on his bird. "Ice Make: Sky Fall." He whispered, his mount glowing brightly for a second before it split apart into a bunch of spears of ice, which were sent flying towards Sai. Aiden simply hovered in the air, his wings pumping up and down to keep him a float for a second, then he plunged in along after them, as they had been a means of keeping the S-Class from taking a stance to fend off the sudden attack from above. When Sai avoided the spears, he struck with a clawed fist, intending to send him flying right into Chrome, as he hadn't forgotten about the other fight going on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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The Story so far
The introduction of one of Fiore's top 5 guilds, Vyper Bolt and Harpy's Wing, rivals for many years. Sable is infatuated with many girls, Aiden is oblivious to many things, Chrome is shameless, Sairis is the rival of the twin dragon slayers, and Nathan being Master Liem's right hand man. The journey encompass the meeting of Viper and Harpy, and the first stepping stone is to get along through a party by the King. The events that are taking place; viper on a bar fight. The massive attacks of Chrome, Sairis, Sable, and Aiden collided, it caused the first floor, the flower shop, the restaurant, and bookshop destruction. Once again, such mayhem summoned the Masters to pay for the damage that these four have caused. Time skipped to the next day night time Important Details what happened during the course of time *The Masters accommodated Harpy to stay in the guild for now due to the inns and hotels being fully occupied. *Sairis pardoned for causing a ruckus all thanks to his Grandfather. *Sable and Aiden are on cleaning duty from now on. But they still can attend the party. *Nathan and the rest attends the party. *The Magic Council is tight and put roaming rune knights on the streets of Crocus. *Vyper Bolt and Harpy's Wing Masters and S Class will go under trial tomorrow but for now enjoy the party. Magic Council doesn't care who is involved and who isn't. *The Party happened but it wasn't as good as we all imagined.
Story Right Now
Decision Making Time FOR EVERYONE
HINT: Your own decision.Everyone has their separate choice. Vyper and Harpy. Whatever you do in the the first major arc affects.... The Party was a trap all along. "I don't care who is involved. Your petty and childish arguments are going out of hand, it is even worst than Fairy Tail's ruckus. Until you learn how to work together. You will be forced to work together." The King said. The party happened yet it wasn't good, it was a set up all along. "It's a good thing you snakes and birds will be living in each other's roof. Do you have any idea how much jewels I have to spend in every damage property? Get out of my sight and that is why I destroyed the Harpy's HQ and repair in Viper's first floor is impossible!. Now Sable, what would you do? Now Aiden, what would you do? Everyone, what would you do? HINT: Your own decision. In such problematic event... Vyper Bolt and Harpy's Wing are now staying at Viper's HQ and will be catering to one another. That's if they can learn how to not be in each other's throats. The King left them devastated and dragged out of the palace. Furthermore, decisions have been heavily engraved in both the guild's shoulders. What will they do now?
Official 1st Major ARC/ 2nd ARC: FIRST JOB!
Summary Time: 10 AM Location: Vyper Bolt HQ Viper and Harpy Guild Members are stuck together in the Viper Guild HQ. A lot of changes happen in two days, such as getting to know the guild and getting to know each other. Everyone is currently taking job requests and forming teams. Vyper and Harpy Masters talks their members into forming a team with alternate or purely based guild members, and together they will take their first mission together which has very high pay, but a very high risk as well...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Bristlebane woke up and streched happily, another new day, the two guilds weren't adjusting to each other very well. However today was a new day, and just maybe they could all get along... or not. He didn't see why everybody hated each other anyway, seemed like it'd be a lot more fun if they all got along. Then again fighting for no reason was always fun. Most of the Vyper poeple were insane though, they seemed obsessed with two things, fighting and stripping. He didn't the like the girl that randomly stripped, he had to close his eye's until she put clothes back on and he usually ran into stuff. Bristlebane sat down near the job board and began to pull food out of coat and eagerly munched down. If one of those Vyper poeple didn't drive him off again, they were scary. Supposedly he was supposed to form a team with someone, but there was no way he was gonna do anything on an empty stomach.
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