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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Aiden-Current mood: Annoyed, Disappointed, yet still somewhat excited Aiden was pissed off, he had showed his trump card, maybe even revealed his secret to everyone, and he hadn't even got to finish the fight. After he had iced the entire first floor, Chan Jak had decided that enough was enough and intervened, instantly taking Aiden down before he could cause even more damage, and ordering the other three to stand down. After that, he and Sable had been been given the punishment of cleaning up the mess, and to top it all off, they attended the party to find out they had to let the Harpy's into their guild, and where expected to form teems with them. Well Aiden had one thought on that: Fuck. That. He had nothing against most of the Harpies, but he and sable had that S-class mission to do today, and they weren't going to bring in some Harpy to drag them down. None of them looked that tough as far as he could tell, and the only one that garnered his interest is the Dragon Slayer they had, and even she seemed to be rather timid. He thought all Dragon Slayer where supposed to be like him and Sable, fun-loving, violent, and always itching for a good fight. With a sigh, Aiden looked around the guild hall, looking for Sable so that they could hurry up and be off. He had already gotten the supplies they needed, sneaking out last night after the party to collect up to 2 weeks of supplies for the both of them, so all he need was for him to show up and they could be off before they got roped in to a team with some Harpies. He saw one of them now, taking a seat by the Request Board, eating some lunch by the look of it, some blonde hair guy with a stupid hat. He wondered how long this would be for, because this guy just looked so weird to him, like he'd follow over if you looked at him wrong. 'He doesn't look like he could take a punch to his face, much less be a mage. No wonder we're beating these guys, they all seem kinda weak when compared to our guys.' Revan- Lazy mode, under current of being pissed off Revan was not amused, not in the slightest, by the recent turn of events. When the king had told them they were going to have to live with the Vyper's, he knew that this was going to end him. One thing he loved about their home was that it was quiet, peaceful, and far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Now he was stuck in the middle of that Hustle and Bustle, in the loudest, most obnoxiously active guild ever. He didn't like this and wanted out, and he'd do that by taking the first couple of Vyper mages he could, take a bunch of quest with them to show the king they were friends, then go back home. Right after his nap of course.He was currently asleep in the corner of the guild hall, dreaming of his peaceful room out in that wonderful field. Oh how he missed that field.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE Sable rubbed the back of his head while yawning, the exhaustion of the night before was heavy on his face. His unruly hair was even more unruly than usual and the dull, intimidating glare in his eye were lackluster. Last night's clean-up was the real headbanger, trying to fix roofs and entire floors was a tedious work, something meant for the fodder of life, not its stars. Aiden as usual was far too annoying to be around, so he was constantly fussing with him over everything. His gaze narrowed for a moment, the dark brown of his eyes growing serious. Damned Harpies are moving in too, I'm not sure if I'm happy or angry. On one hand I could seeher. On the other, the competition has just severely weakened. Now who the hell am I suppose to fight without holding back? Climbing down through the poorly rebuilt stairs, he could still visage iced over pieces of bricks. He grimaced at the thought that Aiden had been hiding such a power-up from him. It was a startling development, the kid was untrained but his magic was phenomenal. It made him a bit envious and at the same time hopeful. If Aiden could gain power like that than surely he could too. After all, he was a Dragon Slayer as well, and if he had to say so, a lot more ambitious than his icy counterpart. Sable walked over to Aiden, a comforter rolled in a carrier on his back and his hands tucked on the fringe of his pockets. "Let's get the hell out of here dragonling. These Harpies are really starting to piss me off. I passed like three of them on the way here, all of em looked weak as hell," he said, walking pass and heading for the door. "Yo," he called out, pausing his advance for a stray thought. "...Nevermind, let's rocket." Vrabe Rheat - Black Lightning Coolly, he walked over to the bar and took a seat. Last night was... eventful to say the least. They were to be rooming with the Vypers and it disgusted him beyond explanation. He sat without a drink in front of him, his arms hanging between his legs. He hadn't slept a single wink last night, all he could think was how detached from reality the King must've been when he made his decision. Had he not noticed the tension in the Ball Room? just the mere fact that they were in the same room together had sparked the rivalry between them and now, well now they'd be living under one roof. He let out a sigh and after hearing a ravenous haired Vyper speaking ill of the Harpies, found himself vexed. He had joined the Harpy's a year ago but his life was already devoted to their name. He couldn't help the black lightning that crawled from his lips and onto his shoulder crisply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Enki walked over a giant mountain, his sword by his side and his tattered up bag over his shoulder. His hair flowed with the wind as he enjoyed in the view. Before him was the giant capital of Crocus and the home of his guild, Vyper Bolt. Originally he came back to attend the meeting for Wizard Saints, but that was just an excuse to see his former guild mates. A smirk came across his face, leaping off the edge of the mountain and sliding down the mountain side towards the bottom. He was supposed to go check in with the Wizard Saints, but he had something far more fun in mind. Enki had various people eye him down and avoid him due to his intimidating glare. None of that really mattered to him, his mind was somewhere else. He noticed the large number of Harpys around. He paid no attention to them though as he headed towards his guild hall, wondering if that was taken over by Harpys. He'd make them regret it if they had miraculously taken over his guild. He walked up to the doors of his guild, now noticing that there was a mixture of both Harpys and Vypers. He opened up the doors, his overwhelming presence sending off a warning to any Harpys in there. "Just what the hell is going on" He said as he noticed both Harpys and Vypers inside of the guild base. It wasn't long before he noticed someone was in front of them. He glared down at them, he eyes mimicking that of a ravenous monster. Before he spoke, he took a short sniff before a wide grin formed across his face. "Interesting. A baby newt has appeared. Are you a Vyper or Harpy" He said as he continued to glare into the person's eyes, his eyes wide and not even taking a second to blink. He paid no attention to anyone else. Something had finally piqued his interest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia had been perched on the roof of the Vyper's guild hall for most of the morning, watching the comings and goings of the city. Things were so much different here than in the outskirts, and she was fascinated by how many people there were everywhere. She was broken out of her daydreams by someone strange coming into view. He was still a long ways off, and most people wouldn't be able to make out much more than a dark shape, but Cynthia's eyes were far better than most people's. Blinking a few times, she watched the man with his sword and his bag all the way up until he approached the guild. He was a mage, that's for sure, and not a regular one. She continued watching him until he passed out of sight beyond the lip of the roof. "I wonder who he is." She muttered to herself, standing up and taking a running leap off the roof. About halfway to the ground, she sprouted her wings and slowed her fall, coming to a light landing behind where the man was standing. "Um, excuse me?" She said, trying to get his attention. "I can't get inside if you stand in the doorway."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aria She didn't like it. Not one single bit. I mean, how would you feel if you had to attend an important party, then come home to see your own house in shambles? Done by the king, no less, so you couldn't retaliate. Plus you'd have to then move in to live under the same roof as your rivals, and expected to bond with them. Aria was devastated. She climbed down the staircase that seemed to be about to topple over any second to the Vyper's guildhall, her default scowl expression ever-present. She'd very much just want to be in a solo mission right then, but the king wouldn't be happy. 'Right, didn't we have that trial?' she thought, walking to the bar. She was told that the masters and S-Classes would go under trial, making her sigh. She then heard the flame dragon slayer nearby speak badly of her guild, causing more discontent in her. A man whom Aria figured was a Vyper who was carrying around a big blade stood at the doorway, asking harshly about what was happening. She clicked her tongue, but then saw that Cynthia was behind the man, so she proceeded to talk to her. It was nice to see the face of one of her friends. "I agree. Please don't block the doorway," Aria said to him, scowl present, after hearing Cynthia speak.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Vyper Bolt's bartender-waitress and FYI the second girl to be introduced in this event, Sable and Aiden's superior in their current duties since the accident they caused. Akira is a 21 year old woman who serves the guild with her delicious meals, clothing design, and guild designs; she works for the sorcerer's magazine and was once a former model. She dislikes the conflict happening right now with Viper and Harpy and wishes for them to get along.
"What can I get you, lovely customers.
- Akira's quote. The multipurpose waitress of the guild woke up very early to prepare food for Harpy and Viper, the latter came and she's not distaste about it and she finds Harpy to be a rather cool group with their fashion, especially Aria Hunterblade and Cynthia the light dragon slayer. She approaches everyone with her clones, serving food and drinks rather it was super speed magic.
"Happy to be at service" A Ninja Mage of Viper Bolt, he is the strategist and job request compiler and craftsman, if you need anything you can always ask Allan, not only regarding job request but supplies and all the stuff you could want. "Viper or Harpy, I don't really care, whatever you need is in here."
Akiba Viper Maids The Twins, Furano and Haruhi
They are the assistants of Akira and they are sisters of Akira as well, they have the same job. One does not simply choose tsundere course, they are good entertainers but they are also Viper Mages. They approach Revan and company. In unison, "Welcome to Vyper Bolt, what can we do you for? Masters?" The menu came out of the air, it is an archive magic. The sisters all possess archive magic. They are maid ninjas. Magic Council, Crocus Branch The masters of the guild, Harpy and Viper aren't present due to the trial. They selected Ivory and Nathan to come with them to face the trial.
Back to the guild
Yoruno the Black Mamba- S Class
Marduk is back after the one hundred year quest from his bounty and seemingly all the Vipers and Harpies are barely getting along or so and so, the only is he back but also the Shadow Ninja of the guild, Yoruno. Like Sairis and Nathan, he is also an S Class Mage. His S Class jobs are mostly based on espionage and treasure hunting.
He doesn't like to be seen and so he keeps his presence invisible and nobody but only a few can notice him move, other people can but it will feel like a wind passing by. The black ninja is also known as the black mamba and little is known about him aside from his name being famous like; Nathan as Titan, Sairis as Red Hawk, Sable as the Wretched One, and Yoruno the Black Mamba. The guy is currently pissed for realizing that Sable and Aiden took his job request instead. By Viper Laws, Mages of the caliber of Sable and Aiden and the rank of Mage aren't allowed to take S Class missions unless it is given to them. ....Master Bruce and Chak won't be happy about this He disappears like the shadow of the wind and doesn't care if he is noticed.
Chrome is wearing clothes this time, she hasn't been stripping for the past two days and she's already dressed up as one of the Akiba Vipers in a maid outfit. "I never thought clothes could be fun" Must not strip..... She approaches Aria and Cynthia. "Yo!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Aiden Aiden looked up to see Sable and was about to say something along the line of 'shut the fuck up and let's move', when some other guy came and asked Sable what had happened. Getting up from his seat, Aiden dusted off his jeans, then sighed as he realized Chrome was starting to wear off on him. 'When the hell did I take off my jacket, god dammit, I'm already in enough trouble as is, I don't need people yelling at me for stripping like they do Chrome.' Deciding to for go looking for it, because why the hell ad another layer when it was already hot as fuck this morning(actually, it's a nice 65-70 degrees, but to Auden it feels like it's in the high 90's). "What happened is that the king wrecked the Harpy's Guild hall and forced them to live here until we get along." Aiden answered the man's question, not caring if the man had asked him or not, as he pushed past him only to run into more Harpy's and the blistering heat. He visibly blanched in the face of the oppressive sun, quickly turning back to the Akiba Sister's. "Ice, as much as you can, as fast as you can, please." Turning back to face the harpy's, they were two girls that looked to be around his age. One of them seemed to be as happy about the move as he was, the other just seemed rather. . . does she have wings? Aiden zipped around her to inspect them, for a second thinking she may have come from his family. A sister, a tie to back then, but when he got close to them he saw they were just a projection made from light. He didn't know how to feel, happy, sad, confused. In the end, he just sighed, backing up a bit from the two, who were probably looking at him like he was insane. "Hello, my name's Aiden Cross, Ice Dragon slayer of Vyper. Since we are going to probably be seeing a lot of each other, I thought I might as well get introductions out of the way. Also, just to let you know, the king's a total dick for destroying your guild like that, so yeah." He shrugged his shoulders, and gave a yawn, scratching at his scale marks, which had been itching for a lot since yesterday. Maybe he should lay off 'True Dragonslayer" mode for a while.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yuuyami-Annoyed and confused. Off all the things that could be possible, Yuuyami was not expecting Harpies and Vypers working together. She had come back from traveling for research purposes, and found a smoking guild hall in the place of Harpy's home. That was a definite, horrendously annoying scene to return too. "Oneechan?", her little sister asked quietly, as she also witnessed the scene. Yuuyami only shook her head, before muttering, "Sleep for a little while, I need to check something.". Utilizing Requip, she placed her sister back into the pocket dimension, she immediately called out "Seraph!". The large metallic puppet appeared, linked to five rings on her left hand by a single entwined cable. With that puppet it two, she made her way towards the Vyper guild hall, before swinging her hand out. Not a moment later, her puppet slammed opened the doors, partially damaging one of them, and hopefully catching someone's attention. "Can someone please explain to me what is going on?", she asked, her tail quivering in her annoyance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia was about to introduce herself to the strange, childlike dragonslayer when she heard a very unique sound that she had heard before. "Hold off on that," She said, placing her hands on Aiden's shoulders and gently moving him away from the door seconds before it burst inward, replaced by a familiar, angry face. "Welcome back Yuuyami. I suppose you saw the king's kind renovation of our guild hall then?" She shook her wings a bit as they disolved into feathers of light and eventually vanished completely. "Apparently we're not allowed our own guild hall until we sort out our differences with the Vypers. To be honest, I never really had a problem with them, but apparently the voices of a few speak for the many in this kingdom." She shook her head, sighing. "Honestly, I fail to see how destroying our guild hall is any different than what the matches between our guilds did, especially because it was the destruction of THIS hall that started it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Revan Revan was just slipping off into his wonderful dreamland, when a familiar voice broke the wonderful quiet, and thus ruin any kind of good mood rev an had tried to establish. 'I'm not in the mood for this shit, I'm too old for this shit, and I ain't going to deal with this shit right now' He gave a short whistle, and several hydras struck from Yuuyami's shadow, wrapping themselves around their tail and proceeded to coil and uncoil around it in and undulating fashion. "Yuuyami, can you please not yell like your of these crazy Vypers, I'm trying to take a damn nap." Revan then shifted in place, his eyes closed as he tried to get in place. from behind Yuuyami, a collective of his hydras rose to form a shadowy facsimile of him, except it bore more serpentine looks, including fangs and yellow reptilian eyes. "Oi, Aria, Cynthia, try your nest to at lest pretend we're chummy with the Vypers so that we can go and rebuild our guild hall as soon as possible. So just find the most tolerable ones you can, do a couple of request while your at it, and do it with a smile. And Yuuyami, you do the same to, or else I'm not going to let you go, understand?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia frowned at the shadow image of Revan. "Maybe if you'd stop interrupting, oh great and powerful napper, I could manage to introduce myself here." She turned to Aiden with a smile on her face. "Pleased to meet a fellow Dragon Slayer. My name's Cynthia, White Dragon Slayer and so far the only one in Harpy's Wing. It's nice to finally meet another." Caroline Caroline sat near the request board, pointedly ignoring the happenings at the front of the room in favor for a massive leather bound book filled with the same equations as her journal. Anyone paying attention to her could tell her mind was as filled with the functions as her book was, with her eyes flicking all over the page and her mouth forming silent strings of words.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Councilman Erik a.k.a Cobra
The second generation dragon slayer- The Poison Dragon Slayer, the councilman and one of the Crime Sorciere members, Cobra enters the Vyper Bolt HQ. He gut the guts to enter the place alone. "I can hear you all. Calm the heck down, you all have the right to remain silent. I can hear you. All S Class are to report in the trial, King's Castle right now." Behind him were Rune Knights. He looks at the three dragon slayers. So that's Sable. The successor of the fire dragon slaying magic just like Natsu Dragneel. Couldn't careless he sighed waiting for all of the S Class to report in the castle. "Revan, Sairis Ward, Aria Hunterblade, and whoever is S Class, come with me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yuuyami-$&@!$&@!$&@! Yuuyami was about to complain about better methods than lumping the two guilds together when the shadow hydras coiled around her tail, and basically gave it a massage. Or at least it might be a massage. She had barely managed sending her puppet back into the pocket dimension, before her legs have out. Falling to her knees, her hands on the ground in front of her, Yuuyami only feebly nodded at Revan's request.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Revan-Lazy, undercurrent of sadism, immensely pleased with himself, annoyed at council for being annoying Revan sighed, before getting up. The council never seemed to like it when he used his hydra chair to talk to them and it was probably best not to piss them off. As he walked up to the front door and Cobra, he turned to Cynthia. "Just try your best to get along with the Vyper's until the king is placated, okay? That is all I ask." He then stepped up to the council man, giving him a low wave as he stood their, eyeing the Rune Knights behind him. "Are the Rune knights really needed to escort a bunch of S-classes to the council. I'm sure we're all mature enough to get their without fighting each other." He then gave another short whistle, and both his shadow facsimile and the hydra's around Yuuyami's tail dispersed, though not with out giving another tight squeeze. "Thank you very much Yuuyami, your always so co-operative." Revan couldn't keep the mischievous smirk of his face. What he was doing was wrong in every sense of the word, but he couldn't help take advantage of that tail every chance he could. It was just too much fun for so little effort, the Dollmaker mage was just such a fun toy to play with. 'Besides, it's all in good fun right?' Aiden-WTF, pleased to meet another DS, curious as to her strength, kinda in a hurry to get a move on Aiden was confused when the other girl had moved him out of the way, though he soon saw the cause was another Harpy that made a rather loud entrance. This intern caused another Harpy to punish her by coiling hat appeared to be shadow snakes around her tail.' Why the hell does she. . . wait a second I know that magic!' No sooner than he had the thought, a shadow projection of the bastard appeared. Revan, he remembered that guy very well, he had tried fighting him but had never gotten close, hell he had never even gotten the guy to move an inch cause of this annoying shadow snakes of his. He almost charged at the guy, but he calmed himself knowing that it would only worsen the situation. So he did his best to ignore what ever was going on between Revan and the new Harpy, Yuuyami was what the other Dragon slayer had called her, and instead refocused on the introductions. Upon taking note opt her being a white dragon slayer, Aiden then thought back to her wings from before. "You must ne pretty skilled in controlling your magic if your able to make your wings like that." He was impressed, the only reason he could do it was because his half-dragon blood made it easier to use his DS magic. Maybe these Harpies weren't so weak after all. He'd have to see if he could fight Cynthia later, see how good she really was. "Well, nice to meet you too. And word to the wise, keep away from Sable if you can, he's the other Dragon Slayer here and goes after any pretty girl he sees like a rabbit in the spring."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aria Hunterblade In the midst of all the ruckus, Aria kept silent. Every time she opened her mouth to speak, someone or something had interrupted, not giving her any chance to speak. She hadn't even introduced herself to the long black haired Vyper in a maid outfit who greeted them with a 'yo' or to the one who she now knows as Aiden. Fortunately, it was Cobra, a councilman, who interrupted then, or she would've burst into rage. She gave a long sigh, then faced the two Vypers, scowl still present. "Hello. I'm Aria Hunterblade, S-Class mage of Harpy, nice to meet you. Please pardon our fellow guildmate's rudeness, she's just angry seeing the ruins of what used to be our guild. Also, I may have this expression on, but really, it's my normal face. Well then, please excuse me, I'll be going now," she said to them. "Yuu, I know how you feel, but please try not to break things," she continued, turning her head to face Yuuyami. To be honest, Aria felt quite happy when the black haired Vyper woman greeted them, and when another Vyper introduced himself. She thought it was a nice change to see that some Vypers weren't badmouthing her guild like the other one, the spiky black haired one whom she heard Aiden call him 'Sable'. But some people just had to interrupt and ruin her mood. She was now fairly irritable, face full of discontent, adding to her scowl. She then proceeded to walk to Cobra, trying not to click her tongue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Yasuri his lunch and strectched, content with a full stomach, he looked around and saw that the S-classes were getting taken to some trial thingy. Hey Carol was there with her big ol book, she looked really busy. So, naturally he walked over and peered over her shoulder, "What are you and your big brain dooooooooooing?" he asked curiously drawing out the word. He wondered if she was gonna ask to see his magic items again, she seemed to like looking at them for some reason.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sitting on the railing of the balcony the Harpy's Shining Sun wan't looking too brilliant. Out of everyone Kyuuten was probably taking the destruction of their guild hall the hardest. After losing his village 3 years ago he wandered around trying to develop his magic abilities. It wasn't until a year ago that he found Harpy and a new home. It was there that he was able to fully master his Heavenly Body and with the help of Kat he gained a significant handle on Celestial Unity. Seeing that home in shambles only brought back bad memories and it wasn't something the Celestial mage could brush with his trademark smile. Pyrrha was nearby trying to give him some space but she couldn't stand seeing him so down. "Kyu?" "How much trouble do think I'd get in if I deck'd the king?" He asked bluntly. It might have been a much for him to say something like that but at least there was that usual carefree tone within it. "A lot." Pyrrha said as she walked to sit with him. "I wouldn't recommend it." "Hmm..." Kyuuten thought for a moment and Pyrrha held her breath hear what he was about to say. She knew he could be rash and under the circumstances she wasn't completely if he'd actually make an attempt. "So, it wouldn't matter much more if I fully knocked his lights out right?" He said with a half smile. Pyrrha sighed with relief. It wasn't a true Kyuuten brand smile but it told her he was at least on track to cheering up after the last two days. "Come on." She said pulling him back inside the Vyper's guild hall. "Let's take a job to get your mind on things. If we want to get back our own home we gotta start playing nice with the Vypers." Even though Kyuuten thought the King's plan was a little much he was glad to try and get along with their rivals. Kyuuten had always been the one between the two actively trying to make friends with the Vypers. It didn't usually go well as they would want to start a fight and as much as he wanted to make friends he couldn't resist a chance test his abilities though the Vypers didn't see it as a friendly battle. They came down the stairs, actually Kyuuten vaulted over the second floor banister and landed on one of the tables with a loud slam (a good portion of the Harpy repair fees went to table repair and replacement) and headed for the bar to eat before checking the request board.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE He had plopped down and crossed his legs a long time ago, his hand turned in weird form as he rested it on his knee. He was so tired from last night and his head still banged with the thrums of ale he drunk. It had took so much more for him to get drunk than most people, his body usually burned the alcohol off before it had any effect on him. Marduk's overwhelming presence raised among anyone elses, the shock blowing his black hair. The frown on his lip pulled into a snarl, as unaware as a giant might be to a ant, that was how Marduk viewed most people. It made him feel oddly agitated and antsy at the same time, perhaps even more so than with Sairis. Standing up amongst the rowdy crowd, he exploded with a furious roar just as the Cobra came in. Flames ruptured over him, growling with a crackle in its echo. His mane of black hair billowed with the rising heat while a crimson magic circled glowed underneath his feet. He stomped harshly on the ground to get the Guild's attention. With a dangerous grin on his face, his flamse circled around him before two streams spread out towards two tables, both had people sitting at them. The flames changed its solidity and gripped the edges of long tables before swinging them towards Marduk. "Yo, Mardick!" he yelled. "How the hell did your hundred year mission go?! I've been training too and today's the day I finally whip ya!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia knew that something had to be done about the third dragon slayer before he made everything worse for them. She stepped directly into the path of his projectiles and threw her arms out wide, like she was going to block them with her body, but instead she shouted at the top of her lungs. "White Dragon's Guardian Wings!" Unlike when she used her wings for flight, this time she sprouted two pairs of shining, almost solid wings. They spread out around her and those close to her and wrapped them in a glowing shield. Since her magic was mostly meant for defense, while a Fire Dragon's magic was primarily offence, she wasn't quite sure which way the contest would go, but she was confident that her shield would at least protect them from the flying tables. "What is your deal!?" She shouted over the noise. "Are you trying to get us in even more trouble?!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Revan Revan sighed as the Fire Dragon Slayer reacted, he was tired and didn't want to have to deal with this. He moved quickly standing behind Sable, his hand out and one of his rings leaking a large amount of dark energy. "Infernal Arm of he who can stop the movement of the gods, I call upon the Ring of Sloth." The dark energy leaking from his ring condensed around his hand, until they replaced the ring they came from with another ring, this one a lot more stylized than the other plain black bands. Suddenly, a ring of black surrounded Sable, and it seemed to drain all of his energy, rage, and motivation to do anything. "Now then, stay down for a few minutes and rethink your attitude. Your only going to get your guild in more trouble like that."
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