Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - THE WRETCHED ONE He narrowed his eyes as his flames split between a brilliant white shield and smashed into the guild doors, sending them barreling out. He let out a sharp tsk, leaned back, and raised a brow. "Out of the way, girl. You can't last too long against me, you're magic isn't meant for it!" he shouted, raising his hands up in the air and beginning to summon a carriage-size ball of fire. He gripped hold of it and smiled, they'd learned how Vyper operated soon enough, this was all part of the fun. When he sensed someone coming up behind him, he raised his flames over his back and tried to push them back. "I'm not like my predecessor, I'm stronger than Natsu!" he declared with confidence. But even that didn't halt what was happening to him. Like some soul sucking wraith feeding on him, he felt himself slipping. His emotions, ambitions, rage. Everything that made him him was leaking away. Slowly his flames dwindled to small embers, and sparse tongues that lingered on the wooden floors. He kept himself from falling on his stomach with his elbows, frustrated groans leaving his clenched teeth. "The fuck is happening?" he questioned. The fiery pool in his guts was bubbling and even he was beginning to think it was unbeatable. He lowered even further but maintained his defiant glare. The one thing that he was known for was his recklessness and that was all. He fought through the overbearing magic that drained his emotions but failed. Before he knew it, he was angrily and weakly struggling to his feet. Though without the motivation or energy, he could only stumble towards the shield and lean on it, fist banging against it in straight jabs. He tried to summon his fire but it wouldn't come. "That's some fancy magic you got there, jackass. Next time," he uttered, looking over his shoulder at his lethargic enemy. "I'll kill ya." Then he sunk against the front of the shield and fell unconscious, a soft and gentle expression on his otherwise noble face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia watched Revan's magic take effect, making sure it would hold before she let her shield collapse. Sinking to her knees, she sighed heavily as the tension in her body melted away, gone with the shield. She reached up to wipe sweat off her face and her fingers brushed the white feathers that had started showing themselves on the sides of her head. She quickly jerked her hand away, covering her face and trying not to break out in tears. "I hate this." She whispered to herself. Standing up and brushing the dust off her knees, she approached the edge of the Sloth barrier that held Sable and pulled a piece of magic chalk from her pocket. Kneeling down, she began to write in a circle just outside the range of the magic, moving around until she had completely closed the circle. Once it was done, the spell energized and a barrier of magic letters rose from the ground. The person held within this circle may not leave until they agree not to attack members of Vyper Bolt or Harpy's Wing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Revan- Amused "Better and stronger people than you have tried that, but hey, maybe you'll be the one." Revan chuckled, before he dispelled his magic, letting Cynthia take care of handling this guy. "Man, how does Nathan deal with this guy. Is it customary in this guild to attack your S-class mages when they return from a mission, cause if so I'm renting an apartment once we're done dealing with the council's bullshit." Revan asked the dark-haired mage that the Dragon Slayer had been talking to. He then remembered that a councilmen was in their presence at the moment, "No offense Cobra, but you guys are kinda full of it some times." Aiden When Sable exploded at the dark-haired mage, Aiden had been about to charge at the reckless idiot(didn't he remember they were supposed to be going on a fucking mission!) when Cynthia made a shield to protect them all from thrown tables. When she but it down, he noticed her covering something that seemed to form around head. 'Feathers?' Aiden was about to ask about them, but his focus quickly shifted back to Sable as he noticed the dragon slayer actually stopping his attack, a ring of black seeming to surround him. Aiden had no idea what that was, but decided t stay away from it if it was able to knock out Sable the way it did. He watched as Cynthia use some magic around the circle, which seemed to be another type of binding magic, and moaned as he saw the requirements to get out. "Fuck, we had a mission to do, and now we're going to be stuck here forever. God dammit, Sable, can't you keep out of a fight for 5 seconds." Aiden cursed, before walking back over to his previous seat and picked up the supplies he had gotten for the trip and sat down near the circle, glaring at the unconscious mage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yuuyami-Mostly recovered from Revan's punishment. "Guh....." Every single time, whenever she accidentally annoyed that shadow mage, she always suffered by his hands. Or shadows. Getting up on unsteady feet, she looked at the scene where the Vyper's flame dragon slayer was downed. "Others make trouble, so why am I the one targeted by him?", she complained to herself, as she watched the scene. Walking over and looking at the unconscious dragon slayer, she turned her attention towards his companion who sat beside the circle, as if waiting for him to wake up. "Does he ever have a nice day?", Yuuyami asked, gesturing towards the unconscious Sable, her tail flicking back and forth slowly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE Slowly, his brows started to furrow in his sleep, the moments before were still vivid in his head. He groaned lightly before standing up and staring at the crowd. He growled at Aiden, who didn't help him at all during the Harpy gang up. Without a hint or gesture, he looked down at the writing in front of him. "The hell is that?" he demanded from the crowd, he could practically sense the magic emanating from the letters. "If its some kind of stipulation for me getting out of here, you can just shove it. I don't need that, I'll just break your magic if I have too!." A massive flame flowed from his fist as he punched the barrier in front of him, the explosion engulfed transparent room and rebounded him against the other side. The attack didn't hurt that much but it packed enough power to make him rub the back of his throbbing head. It took him but a moment to see the futility of it, he wasn't going to waste magic power trying to escape, the Masters had taught him better than that at least. He walked over to the girl who put up the spell, the smell of her made him agitated. "Hey," he said, leaning onto the barrier with both palms out. "Let me go won't ya? If I adhere to that dumb rule, how the hell am I suppose to get stronger? And on top of that, how would I take you out for dinner later?" he asked, his expression changing into kind smile. A farce of course but he had a mission to get to... and a couple of asses to kick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia shook her head at Sable, ignoring his comments and turning to talk to Aiden. "You shouldn't let one stubborn oaf keep you from a mission. If he won't agree to my conditions, I suppose I could take his place for you. It's not like I have to actually be here for my barrier to work." She leaned against the table Aiden was sitting at, staring off into space. "What's this mission about anyway?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Aiden-Current mood: whatthefuckdoido,fuck,shit,dammit Aiden looked up as Yuuyami came to talk to him, but before he could answer, Sable woke up, tried to escape his cell of words, failed, then tried to woo Cynthia to let him out. Aiden let out a sigh at Sable's idiocy, but it turned into a strangled gasp as Cynthia asked him what their mission was. Considering how it had been given to him, he figured it was supposed to be kept secret, but Aiden couldn't come up with a believable lie to save his life. 'Fuck, what to do, what to do, what to fucking do' "Um, no it's nothing you'd want to do. Completely boring, dull, lame, and, um, guys only. Yeah, the request specifically said that they only wanted guys to take the job." Aiden chuckled, giving small glances at Sable that screamed 'back me up on this man' and 'just except the fucking requirements,dammit'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vipers and Harpies
Brad Li, the First Master, Man Li's son
Brad Li's theme Sable causing havoc and can't even stay down for two minutes. It's raining vipers in the guild, Cobra is even a snake but has no relation to the guild; he told everyone to calm the heck down and suddenly his comrade Racer took every S Class in a flash to the Crocus Magic Council Branch in an instant. "My work here is done" All that is left is Marduk and the non S Class Viper and Harpy Mages. "And I return to see how pathetic has this guild infested by a so called rival. I'm sure you know Marduk..I got out from a lot of hassle more than Sairis, and what do I see. Some third rate baby slayers and needless looking harpy losers. How pathetic is Chan Jak and my old man." Brad Li has returned from his S Class mission. He is the cousin of Sairis and upon his return, he is salty in distaste of seeing Harpy losers infest his guild.
Crocus, Magic Council Branch
Masters and S Class gathered, the trial begins! Council Member Official: "I'm sure you know why I gather you all here. Especially you Kat Ingrid and Chan Jack."
"Yo Marduk!" late reaction as ever due to her serving around, she ignores Brad Li.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kat Ingrid Slaine
"Of course, I am aware. My chicks have been kind of rowdy lately... More with the tension of the upcoming Magic Games, and having lost the past ones. I cannot say I blame them, but I do try to chastiae them at every opportunity I get. Why would you blame them, my dear sir? Frustration is a hard thing to cope with." She then turned to see Jack. "I am sure Master Jack here would agree with me. Letting out steam is good for them, for both of them. We will indeed try to make them a bit less... destructive. I hope our minds are in synch, Master."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Revan Revan merely blinked as he and the other S-classes were teleported to the Council office, glad that he didn't have walk here. He was less pleased about having the council berate them all, especially since, to the best of his knowledge, all of the recent ruckus' have been caused by Vyper Bolt, and Harpy's were the ones being harassed. But their both at fault because politics. Even if it wasn't politics(which Revan highly doubted because every time they had to face the council it was because of Politcal bullshit), he still didn't get why he had to be here. As far as he knew, he had done nothing to warrant the council's attention. "Nope, not a clue, I've been trying to achieve a self-induced coma for the last few weeks now, with little success. But please continue-*yawn*-I needed a nap anyways." When Kat spoke about them being rowdy, he scoffed but kept his mouth shut. For now. Aiden Aiden didn't like Brad that much, hell he didn't like him at al, but right now he could have kissed the golden haired bastard. He gave Aiden an easy escape route from answering Cynthia's question, getting into an argument with him. "Brad, why don't you do everyone a favor and shut the hell up, okay. Nobody wants to here your bitchin' right now. And don't talk bad about the harpy's, as far as I can tell, they don't seem half bad." Aiden quickly added the last part, half because he meant it, half because he wanted to continue the conversation long enough for Sable to get out of his cage, and for them to get the fuck out of here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE The air became tight and suffocating the moment Brad spoke. It was a quiet tingling that had Sable on edge, not because he was afraid or apprehension but because his anger had returned in full vigor. The slants of Sable's eyes narrowed as he raised off the barrier and stood oddly still in the middle of the white magic. Embers drifted from his skin as a crimson hue glowed from beneath him. "Cynthia," he called out far too calmly. "I can't agree to that stipulation. No way in hell. But I'll promise not to touch a Harpy member if you let down this ward." He dug his fingers into the skin of his palms, Brad was better off staying on his mission. No one insulted the Masters and got away with it "Just... please let me out," he shivered lightly, shook with a emotion that couldn't quite be placed. The embers turned into drifting flames as he directed his gaze towards Brad. Usually he could sense a joke but with Brad, it always seemed like he was so condescending and harsh as if he was truly that disrespectful. "...Aplogize, Brad. Take it back!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Aiden Aiden cringed as he heard Sable's demands, knowing full well that if he didn't do something, Sable would land thr whole guild in an even deeper hole than they were already in. Turning back towards the fire dragon slayer, Aiden raised his arms in a placating gesture, hoping ti calm him down. "Sable, we're already in enough hot water as it is, don't make things worse by getting into a fight with Brad right now. It can wait until after our mission, some where we're not responsible to pay for the damages and when your thinking a bit more clearly." Aiden kept an eye on Brad, hoping he would have the sense of mind to apologize for the slight(unlikely), or just keep his damn mouth shut until Aiden and Sable had left(also unlikely). 'Why do I always get stuck of geing Sable's since of reason a lot of the time, it's a pain in the ass'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Brad Li "Take back, no you damned flamehole. I got a date with a hot girl. Harpy freaks, you best be thankful that we gave you shelter; I'd like to grind Aria anyway." Showing his possessive nature and kind of perverted. "If you want to get out of there, you could always ask Nathan to use his vectors but oh... what am I saying, he is not here. HAAHAHAHAHA!"Brad disappears in a flash, a similar magic that the Masters use. He even ignored the S Class trial and the nonsense happening. Chrome "I got this covered!" She was about to strip but all the willpower she has says; NO I CAN'T STRIP. Chrome quickly approach Sable."WOW! I think Cynthia is the right girl for you! Cringle can't even do this!" She jokes around and jokes aside. "Marduk, do something! No, fine I'll do something. Go chat to my clone. Ice Make; Clone." The clone will now interact with Marduk. She approaches Bristlebane. "Yo. Fellow guild mate. I apologize for my guild's rowdiness." Having a distorted look on her face, it totally says that she wanted to strip but is holding back. She's even biting her lips to prevent stripping and plus she's in a maid outfit. "AHHH!!! DAMN IT!"Chrome nearly strips but luckily she's able to hold it."Sorry. If you need anything you can always ask Akira-san." She leaves and goes to Caroline. "Yo, Carol~ My sister talks so much about you ehehehehehehehe~." She can't strip and she's pretty much in an all time low sulking subtly in her emotions.
Kyou the Council Woman A young woman whose about Nathan's age has her eye on her and seems to be familiar with him. "Whatever the cause, my King. Viper Bolt and Harpy's Wing may be barbaric but I suggest we let them go. After all their nonsense has done more good than harm. Like lessening the crime rate with their Kung Fu Wizard skills and Viper has educated the people of Crocus and Harpy's fashion and etiquette helps the Sorcerer's Magazine Company rise into greater heights. It's not like we're at a big loss." This woman Kyou is the person that has been supporting Vyper Bolt, she seems to have a thing for Nathan and a complicated past. Carter the Councilman This old black guy is Jak's best friend, they had been so rush hours in the good old days, he also supported the Vipers and the Harpies. He is friends with Kat Ingrid as well. "Yes, Kyou. They are swag and class. Vipers are sure one hell of sly motherfuckers and 20% of the time, women Harpy's are naked! DAAYYYUUUMM." He calms down. "Jokes aside, Imma let you all finish while I do support you all guys and not guilty for any crimes here. It is all up to Council Leader Jan Roganoff right here and unfortunately, our King must leave and has lotsa problems. So... are there any objections and all that? Then Council Leader Roganoff will take this shit case ya all." The black dude councilman talked so fast that not even Chan Jak can understand. Chan Jak "Carter! Didn't you hear the words that are coming out of my mouth?!?!?!?!?! And now what shit are you talking about! My children may be rowdy and all but they don't do perv on Harpy ladies and since when did we get into that topic." He facepalmed. Brad Li "HAHAAHAHAHAHA.. So remind me why it was YOUR guild destroyed FIRST, and not ours? You damned bloated child wanna be lolicon-shotacon Master Kat and baby harpies are as much to blame as we are, picking fights with us in the middle of the street..." Something Nathan would say but Brad just made it even more mean and he came out of nowhere and he was late."What a hassle. HAHAAHAHAHA! Our guilds may look like rivals but it does so feel one sided don't you think? And you guys are so butthurt and petty like some ants shit." He starts throwing AD HOMINEM and nonsense. Talk about not being part of the action, Brad is not always there to witness harpy vs viper fights. In fact all he does is troll and bash. Man Li facepalmed seeing his son talk shit. Carter talks back... "Yo nigg@. In the code of moral and mage laws of order golden rule #0. Honor thy Guilds. Why the heck you talking shit and disrespecting you guild and bashing the shit out of the Harpies. U was gone and U was doin' nothing. In fact you wasn't there. I'm tellin' ya son. Back the fuck off or I will put a freaking shoot your ass and arrest you with Sairis. Kyou told him to calm down. Brad Li being an ass is he, laughs sarcastically. He was sitting beside Sairis and Nathan and his Dad and Uncle Jak. Councilman Leader, Roganoff. He ignored the fallacies that is happening and proceed to the main topic."A rule is a rule. Your offences are that of a guild war and I will not allow such nuisance to continue. I will not avert. I will not tolerate sexual harassment from a Mr. Sable Rhodroth and his playboy nonsense. I will not tolerate, Mr. Aiden Cross's assaulting on the elderly and little kids like as if he has no manners. I will not tolerate Ms. Gwen Sniegow making obscene exhibition in public. Especially I will not tolerate, Mr. Brad Li and Mr. Sairis Ward-Chan's pseudo guild war on dark guilds. They are dark guilds and you leave them alone unless they cause larger crimes. And as for you Harpies. I will not tolerate your Master's excuse of a meeting. In fact she's always in a meeting and her negligence is why you are involved in this trial. You lack consideration. I also will not tolerate people who can't take initiative like Mr. Revan, Ms. Aria Hunterblade, and Kyuuten for being a hit and run. Face it, your guild isn't doing any progress. As a matter of fact, you petty guilds are giving off mockery on your reputations."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia glared daggers at the insufferable man, the one Sable called Brad. All of a sudden, the letters in her barrier scrambled and rearranged themselves. The one inside this circle may not leave until they agree not to attack members of Harpy's Wing or Vyper Bolt, except in non-populated areas. "I'm sure you can work with that, can't you Sable?" Caroline Caroline might be focused, but even she couldn't ignore so much noise. She looked up from her book and realized someone was talking to her. "Huh? Sister? Who?"
Nathan had stayed silent through the whole meeting, nodding politely at a few familiar faces and one in particular. When councilman Roganoff spoke, however, he decided it was his time to stand up. "Ladies and Gentlemen of the council, if I could have you attention for a moment, I would like to address the concerns mentioned about my fellow guildmates. Starting with Sabel. Taking a breath, he continued. "It's true that Sable can be annoyingly flirtatious at times, but I can name a number of wizards who are more so than him," He glanced pointedly at Carter at this comment, "Furthermore, despite his inability to hold back, Sable is a powerful dragon slayer and an asset to the guild, showing more control over his power than even Natsu Dragneel did at his age, if stories are to be believed." "Secondly, on the matter of Aiden Cross, I'm sure you're all aware as to his unfortunate situation? Aiden simply has a hard time relating in human society, as dragons have different values. Furthermore if disrespect was a crime in itself, your prisons wouldn't be able to hold all the criminals." "In Chrome's case, her 'public displays' are a result of her training, which I'm told can be harsh depending on who you learn from. She is, however, doing her best to overcome her habits and I have seen significant progress over the last few years." "And finally, as for Mr. Li and Mr. Sairis." Nathan's eyes darkened and his expression took a hateful perspective. "The dark guilds they hunt are human scum, and should be eradicated whether or not they have already caught your attention."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

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Aria Hunterblade Aria was still in her irritable mood, but she did try hard not to shout at anyone she deemed annoying, including Brad Li. However, when the council leader spoke about her and her rival guild's offenses, of course she couldn't stay silent to that. So when Nathan stopped objecting and sat down, she stood up right after. "Pardon me, but I would like to state my opinions too, if you would kindly let me so. I do support Nathan, however. The few days I've spent in the Vyper Bolt guild have exposed me more to their members and acts, and I must agree that what Nathan says is true." She paused a while, looking at the faces present, then continued. "For us Harpies, however. Our master may be negligent, but she is mostly just bothered whenever she is called for a meeting, as her plans for that particular day would not be followed. I'm pretty sure we all would be, wouldn't we?" Aria knew that part well, she was having that feeling right then. "And as for the rest of us. Sure, we do cause harm, destroying properties and such, and also cause inconvenience to the public. We are all well aware of that. But still, we do pay the expenses, don't we? Which includes the extra fee that you charge us for inconveniencing the people. Also, I'm pretty sure you've noticed, but some of us are preventing ourselves and our fellow guild members from causing harm nowadays, and you can see that there is progress in that. So isn't that enough, now?" She sat down after speaking her mind, and awaited the responses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Bristlebane carefully watched the striping lady wary of her clothes suddenly being removed escpically since she was in a maid outfit, however luckily she seemed to have it under control. Akira-san hmm, well he didn't really have anything else to do and Caroline was to focused on her book to pay attention to him so he walked over to the crazy fast waitress from Vyper and asked, "Can you lead me to Allan-san, I want to go on a job and I can never seem to find him. I would take a job from the request board but to be honest i've done nothing but grunt work so far from there" he said, and although he was glad most of the crazy poeple had left, he was still somewhat eager to get a job and do some work. Besides he liked Allan-san, his advice had allowed him to retrive both his Aquamirror and Jetfire rings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kat Ingrid Slaine
Kat had stopped listening to what the councilmen were saying after Brad's comment. Jak's comment didn't piss her off as much as Brad's, given that he was just a cheeky brat that thought his power was just about enough to take on the world... Definitely not the kind of guy Kat likes. And definitely the guy he would kick in the ass and shove something up there while she is at it. Her poker face remained, but the aura around her suddenly became oppressive. A single yellow feather fell upon Brad's shoulder, most certainly paralyzing him, even if he was able to resist it a little bit. She approached him in a gust of wind and took him by his shirt, effectively picking him up from where he was sitting. "Look here, brat. Call me and my chicks 'butthurt harpies' again and you are going to learn the true meaning of fear." Several other feathers appeared around her, of several colors, but more purple than any other color. It was clear what her intention was, and everyone of her guild would probably know what she was about to do with the poisoned feathers now that she was pissed off. "Now, apologize and I may only take one of your legs back with me." Still, now that she was angry, when she heard Roganoff, her shit was about to flip. "Petty? You want to see some progress? I'll show you progress." She was about to make feathers appear around the councilman leader, but she quickly calmed down after taking a deep breath. Not a smart move. Stil, she put Brad Li in the air using her magic and made him spin around for a while, with the yellow feather still in effect over his body. She moved back to her seat, without dispelling the wind that was making Brad spin around. "I'm sorry, that was immature of me. Should we get on with this meeting? Or are all of you done saying nonsense?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Enki's grin widened as the young dragonslayer was about to attack him. He dropped his back and got into a fighting position, planning onto taking the attack head on. But before it could reach him, a young girl blocked the attack with what it seemed to be a light barrier. His grin slowly faded as he reached inside his sleeve and pulled out his trusty pipe. He took a hit a blew out smoke "Interesting" He said regarding the white dragon slayer, watching everything take place. Rather than forcing everyone to stop, he let things go with the flow as he watched with an amused smirk. He blew out another puff of smoke, it forming into a small cloud for him to sit on. Cobra, a councilman and one of the few people Enki truly wanted to fight. He never had the chance too but always wondered who would win in an all-out fight. Despite that, he still respected him and nodded to him. He lifted the heavy bag and moved away from the door as the two other mages had asked earlier. A familiar face appeared beside him, Brad Li, a spunky kid who often took too much pride in his skills. Then Chrome, the guild's notorious stripper came walking over. He did a slight wave "Its been a while Chrome. You've grown since the last time Ive seen you" He said to her, not paying a whole lot attention to Brad Li. Even when the events took place, Enki watched in the back of the guild to see how things would take place. Watching as Brad Li argued with some of the Harpys. When Chrome said to do something, Enki chuckled "Its best to let the young ones settle things amongst themselves. However, after a while he could see he was partially wrong. Things began to get out of hand, with the White slayer binding the Fire Dragon Slayer and Brad Li running his mouth. He sighed as Chrome left a clone for him to speak to, which he didn't like. He could always tell the difference between clone and real. To him, it felt like he was talking to a dummy. He stood up, the smoke he sat on taking the shape of a clone of himself "I'll leave you two to talk" He said as he walked towards the group. Enki stood behind Cynthia, his body emitting a blue and intense magical aura to quiet everyone down "I'd say that's enough young Dragon Slayer" He said, glaring down at her with his ferocious eyes. "Telling him to do something like that is like telling a mockingbird not to sing. As a fellow White Slayer, I ask you release him. If he does anything stupid, I'll put him in his place" He said with a grin. He turned to Chrome, obviously noticing how badly she wanted to strip "Chrome, strip. Its who you are, you can't deny that you want to strip with every fiber in your body. Everyone else, enjoy your stay. Free drinks on me" He turned to look Sable in the eyes, the young newt. He chucked "And you're a century too early to be a threat to me. Carry this with you for your next mission and I'll think about fighting you seriously" Enki raised his bag infront of Sable then dropped it. The old bag dropped like a bowling bowl and hit the ground, the entire room shaking due to the immense weight of the bag. It left a small crater in the ground, but Enki was capable of paying the expenses. He turned around and walked towards the bar, letting out a mental sigh of relief Damn those masters. Leaving me to babysit the guild. Enki remembered one last thing, turning to face Sable "Oh and whatever you do don't open that bag. The whole reason of that 100 Year Quest was to obtain what was in there. If you open it, it will get out" He turned his head back around and continued to the bar to get the drink he needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia was startled by the large man's comment. Fellow Light slayer? She thought to herself, not knowing what to say for a moment. By the time she had gathered her thoughts, he had already left. She sighed, turning back to Sable. She knew she should probably follow the man's advice, but something in her made her want to get SOME kind of victory out of this. "Fine, I won't make you a pacifist, but I have a new condition instead." The text on the barrier rearranged itself once more, creating an entirely new message. Sable will not leave this barrier until he agrees to allow Cynthia to accompany him and Aiden on their mission. "I don't care where you're going or what you're doing, I just want to get out of here and back under the open sky again." She smirked at the fiery boy. "Well, do we have a deal?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Revan- Your Evil is showing mode Revan closed his eyes and took 3 deep breaths after the council and the golden Vyper brat had finished their rambling. When he opened them, he was glad to see that Kat had dealt with Brad Li in a rather amusing way, as well as Aria helping to defend their guild. But he felt that he needed to add his own two cents, so as to address something that Roganoff had mentioned about him instead. "Roganoff, you should teally shut your mouth about things you don't understand. You say I lack motivation, and I won't lie by saying I don't because I do, but you don't understand that's a good thing. When ever I do get motivated, that's when my epithet, The mage of Carnage, makes sense." As he spoke, he walked passed Nathan and Aria to stand infront of them, and if either looked into his eyes ashe passed, they'd see scarlet pits of barely restrained rage glaring a hole into the lead councilman."Don't you know why I recieved that name, it was due to my actions upon a dark guild some number of years ago, before I joined Harpy's Wing, that was seeking to copy a dark guild that we should all know too well, Demon's Maw. They had taken to ravaging the country side, raping and pillaging any town that stood in their path. Needless to say, I was very motivated to stop them, being the kind soul that I was, and you want to know what happened to that dark guild. I killed every single one of them, rather brutally I might add, and turned their guild hall into a smoking crater. As I was leaving, I ran into some members of Harpy's Wing who had come to stop the dark guild, and througha series of events I won't bore you with, I became a part of the guild. So be glad I lack mptivation, cause in my case, motivation is caused by a rage so dark, yet so east to set off, that you can't even imagine the horrors it'll allow one to commit." With his piece said, Revan walked to the back of the room, made a hydra chair, and sat down in a wayna villain might after he's won, complete with the snarky smile on his face. "O, and for Brad I have this to say. I've seen a lot of cocky shits like him, and their all the same, little dogs with abig bark. The only ones who always feel the need to berate those around them are those who know they are less than nothing in this world. So keep talking shit about us, it just prove how much of an insignificant, impotent whelp of a hatchling you really are. Have a problem with that observation, than please follow me to a nice open field, so I can show you just how pathetic you are."
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