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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Oh will you guys shut up?" Sairis commented on Revan, Brad, and Kat's arguing between each other. "We got bigger fish to fry right now and if you want a fight then I'll handle you myself later." His eyes darted back over to the council, showing a hint of utter disdain for them in his eyes, and he leapt from his seat in a great burst of strength. The table infront of them would be his landing place, a loud thud resonating as he landed. All eyes were on Sairis now and he had many a words to speak to them. Wrong doings were always pointed at either guild, treating them like crap, belittling every accomplishment. He wouldn't stand for this any longer. "You guys are such hyporcrites and crap. You stare at us and can only point your fingers at us. The citizens of Crocus don't hate us. They don't try to have us placed in jail for garbage. They accept our quirks and extend their hand so we may help them in return. All you do is look down upon the guilds, wiggling your finger at everything." Sairis extended his right hand from his pocket, pointing at the council mages. "What have you all done lately? From Vyper to even those stupid Harpies help protect these citizens and engage them even for small quests like finding a lost cat. As a guild, we all fight and that's how it should be. That's how we grow. That's how we form bonds. We may hate each other but we all have one belief and that's to protect this land no matter the cost. None of you council members handle the darkness that floods the land yet you want to call us whenever there is a problem to be solved. You want to jail us but also have us save people. Dark Guilds harm people but you want us to leave them alone until they commit "larger" crimes. ONE INNOCENT HARMED IS LARGE ENOUGH! ONE MAGE HARMED IS LARGE ENOUGH! Either jail us and handle your own problems for once or shut up and let us go to do what you bastards hide from especially you, Roganoff." Sairis voice was serious and his eyes held conviction. He was ready for whatever happened next.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE After everything had established itself, Sable found himself with a cheerful grin. The new stipulations was more than doable, in fact, he would love to have a buffer between him and Aiden. As much as he enjoyed a good bout, Aiden was family and it wasn't like he enjoyed arguing with the guy. Not to mention, his cold aura always bothered him in one way or another. He placed a palm on the barrier and smirked, his brown eyes rather kind when compared to his norm. "I, Sable Rhodroth, agree to these terms," he uttered before suddenly stumbling forwards. He balanced himself and looked around. The damage he had caused was evident by the holes and scorched marks on the large concrete blocks. Marduk certainly was right, he couldn't live without being rambunctious, it was in his blood. His Dragon Slayer training was basically a structure built on the explosive wildness of a blaze. He couldn't change something that barrel inside his heart. With a smirk, he picked up his carrier and walked over to the bag Marduk had dropped on the ground. "Listen here old man, anything you can do," he struggled with picking it up, straining his voice as he slipped it onto his back. "I can do ten times better!" He stomped slowly towards Aiden and Cynthia, straightening his back as best his could once at the exit, his black hair framing his face. "Alright. Cynthia, Aiden, we're heading out. Chrome!" he yelled out too. "If Brad comes back, let him know he'll have me to deal with later. That bastard won't get away with what he said." He left the guild after that, holding Marduk's bag with a severe determination that slowed his trek out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia hurried after Sable, catching up fairly easily with his burden. "I don't think he actually meant to take that bag Sable," She said with a worried glance. "He said there's something important inside. Maybe we should just find a bag that's as heavy as that, if you really want to carry something like that. I don't know, maybe a back of iron blocks, or quarried stone?" She looked back at Aiden and Marduk, her gaze imploring them to help. Even if he HAD meant that bag, she wasn't sure she wanted to be around Pandora's Box with at least one hyperactive boy who might be tempted to open it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Aiden Aiden sighed, his had been his and sable's chance to prove themselves, but now they had a tag-a-long. And while he found Cynthia to be good company, he still felt like this was a slight against his pride to accept help on this mission. The fact that Sable didn't seem to understand this and seemed fine with it also irked him a bit. Oh well, they'd make the best of it, besides, Aiden would be able to see what Cynthia could do, as she already showed she had good reaction time and defense when she protected that Marduk guy, who seemed to be a part of their guild, though he must not be around the guild a lot, since Aiden had never seen him before. When he noticed Cynthia trying to persuade Sable to leave the bag, then turn to him for help, Aiden just shrugged his shoulders. Marduk hadn't said to not take the thing, just to not open it, and Aiden was pretty sure they could handle that. "Just let him take it, I know we're not the most responsible of mages, but we're not stupid. I have no interest in a crummy old bag like that, and I'm sure that Sable i going to single mindedly carry that thing in order to fight that Marduk guy" Aiden walked alongside Sable, following him and Cynthia out of the guild hall, and to where ever the mission took them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yuuyami sighed as she watch most of the chaos settle within the guild hall. Today was rather eventful, but she definitely needed a break from all this. Else she might just see everything she had at the king for the destruction of the Harpy guild hall. Walking over, she sat down at the bar, before waving towards one of the girls wearing the maid uniforms. "Can I get a glass of wine, distilled water, and orange juice please?", she called out, before remembering something. "Oh, and six glasses of strawberry milk as well!".
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Council Meeting, Crocus Branch
Roganoff "Silence. Young Viper Mage. This is a Magic Council and where bonds are rather called order. Guilds like you are mercenaries. You are no different from dark guilds and for that, you have no right to speak of bonds. What makes you think the council and the King should trust you Snakes and Harpies? Guilds are meant to cater and follow requests. Your figure speech of bonds are childish. I do not believe in such statement. Once your guilds take a job request at any desperate means, it is only natural. You'll turn against the council. And when that time comes. Bonds will be shattered. Drastic and pragmatic measures are there to solve problems. It is I, who disposed Harpy's HQ." TKyou felt disgusted upon his statement.The council members bar Kyou and Carter are thought projections which includes Roganoff. The counter arguments of the harpies and vipers are plain annoying, taking it poorly in a sense that the law is a law to be followed and by that no one shall disgrace the magic council, Roganoff is the man of law. Kyou and Carter supports Vipers and Harpies with all their hearts, at least Carter, Kyou on the other hand just like seeing the mayhem unfold and still support the guilds. Kyou raised her hand and silence everyone."Liz..... She calmed down while directing to Nathan and is about to speak to everyone. "Liz Kaltweiss. Nathan, Nathan, Nathan. I understand where you are coming from." She asserts Nathan and caters to him as well as the others. She said;"There's nothing much to look at the amusement mayhem caused." She's playing chess while talking to them and chess is played with her telekinesis. "First and foremost. I'll let Gwen Sniegow of the hook. Her Master, Liz Kaltweiss was a good woman and even her stripping habits are understandable. But I am not blaming her for teaching Gwen such habit. It is all part of the training and I'm glad a Father figure like you is there to support her and the vipers. Saint Marduk was good friends with her and we still honor Liz to this date and her sacrifice won't be in vain. Please continue nurturing Gwen and the vipers for your mantle is that of Liz Kaltweiss." Kyou twisted the topic in order to free the vipers and harpies, it seem rather off topic. "As for the twin dragon slayers. Neither do I have problems with them and so does Councilman Carter. In fact, I myself thinks that Sable Rhodroth would make a good Spy Mage with his skills and if refined he would so suffice especially on his flirtatious antics. Quality over quantity. Aiden Cross isn't a problem. He just need guidance. She sighed and drink her glass of juice and speak again. "However. A law is a law and in spite of my supportive fiasco on both guilds. Taking down dark guilds is the council's job." Kyou gave a sly and gleefully wink on Nathan which he should know she is lying and it is implied. She uses her telepathy on him without anyone knowing, she gave a message. Kyou drinks again and checkmate!"I, Kyou Hasegawa is in charge of the affairs in Crocus. Therefore, Viper is free from all charges."Looks biased but she does this all the time, this had been the 18th trial for this year, X 814. This woman and Carter have been covering up Viper and Harpy. CarterKyou handles Viper affairs and supports it while Carter is the supporter of Harpy. "Yo! Hotchick! U is right about that but Imma tell ya all something. Tell your Master, to calm the fuck down RRRRIIIIGGGGHTTT NOOOOWWW!! Or Imma call her in the bathrooms and Imma whoop her ass. This discussion is supposed to be civil. You are not allowed to use magic here, Master Kat." Carter angered. Brad LiThat didn't affect him due to having fortification magic, "You really think. I'm stupid enough to fall for an old hag's tricks? Katie." Insulting Kat and nicknaming her."If these harpies are able to pay for everything due to a few person. There's one thing I would like to call productivity. Even if I'm gone, I'm still able to have my share of expenses and taxes. Mr. Revan right here,Imma tell you something doesn't do actual shit!" Brad Li, impulsive as ever speed blitzed Revan and gave him a headbutt. "You better stay the fuck down and shut up with your child's tale. Just because I am Man Li's son, it doesn't mean schtick. Or have you forgotten I am the Prince of all Vipers? You lazy damned SLOTH!" He trolls everyone with thought projection, making two of him. "You know what I think, Roganoff? I think the fodders should stay down and only the strong may stay in our guild. Especially you." His other half is sitting next beside Aria Hunterblade, sniffing her and touching her face and hair. His other half who is standing on the table..jumped and gave a friendly loving clap on Sairis. "Good one brother! Good one! As for you Roganoff. HAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA!!!." Brad laughing out loud and rolling on the floor laughing. [color=fff200][b]"A sissy councilman like you is their leader? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Don't give me that crap, you can't even conduct a non biased trial and nerds like you are the reason why people are suffering here not only in Crocus. An adviser of the King like you can't even decide shit ad conduct a proper trial. My bro, Sairis and I are almighty janitors here. So who is intolerant and incompetent now. You ugly ass buck old man!"[/b[/color]] Brad Li being aggressive as usual. His body is covered in flames and lightning. About to beat up and roast up Roganoff as usual and it's not even half of his power. Carter and the Rune Knights getting alarmed ready to shoot at any moment. "YOOO!!! YOOO!!! NIGG@!!! CALM DOWN! RIGHT NOW!!" Kyou just smiled at the mayhem. Roganoff Everything he said was throw back right to his mouth like his money on his mouth. Anything everyone says will be used against them, he grinned. "Is this how you raised your brethren and children. Master Kat, Master Li, Master Chan? Whatever you say is meaningless. All of you are to abide the laws. You guys get any objections? If this fiasco happen again, we have no choice but to ban your guilds. Let go of me, boy... Do you want it to be your fault that both guilds are ban? LET GO OF ME or I will count to three and your guilds will be ban, 1..." Even if Roganoff is right, an asshole, a jerk, and a dick. He does have a point. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Akiba Viper TwinsThey serve Yuu and drinks in instant with their food magic."It's all free! Onee-san! Ouhh.. onee-san? I don't like asking favors but can you go to Lady Gw--- Chrome and talk to her? I think you two make a good match for a team!" They said and give a chocolate cake to Yuu. ChromeShe yelled back. "Yeah, yeah I know!" Inside her head, finally those two are gone. Chrome finally strips, revealing every bit of her!"AHH YESS!!!! Finally! I'm free!" She yells at Marduk with all the positive feedback she can give. She shook her hand. "MARDUK! She hugs him as her body is pressing against him. "Thank you so much for believing and encouraging me! Oh and by the way you promised that you would train me." She said with dissatisfaction. Then it followed she turns her attention to Caroline. "Ivory. She's my sister." Just straight up said. Then later she jumps on Bristlebane. "YO! Since you seem lonely. How about some company." Standing in his table bar. Then Chrome became the nude announcer."Varpies!" She combined the name."We're not gonna let everyone have their fun! While they are away. I am giving everyone an A Class mission! You guys want to have fun? GOOD! ALL OF YOU FOLLOW ME TO THE BACK AND WE WILL FIX THE SWIMMING POOL AND GO TO OUR OWN VIPER'S HOTSPRING!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Not even ashamed of showing her voluptuous, sexy, and busty figure while laughing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aria Hunterblade Aria stayed silent after her mini rant, and gritted her teeth when Roganoff said that it was him who demolished the harpy guild HQ. She was trying hard to prevent the anger that was boiling up inside her from lashing out any moment, and nodded when Carter telepathetically told her some things. She was about to ask her master to stop using her magic when Brad Li caused another ruckus. She only ignored one of Brad Li's thought projections that was invading her personal space, but what came next truly alerted her. Roganoff was about to ban both their guilds if the chaos didn't stop, and he was counting to three at that. Widening her eyes at the thought, she knew she had to act before the count is reached. She sent strong gusts of winds to blow Sairis and Brad Li off the table. Not looking at them to see if they were blown away or not as she had pinpointed their location, Aria extracted the air in their lungs via their nostrils and mouth, and prevented any new intake of breath by forming a swirling ball of air around their heads, which would render them unable to breathe. Of course, she didn't intend to kill them, and would let them go after 3 seconds. "Yes Roganoff, we will abide by the laws," she stood up before quickly saying it while performing her magic, scowl worse than ever, then went back to gritting her teeth. Roganoff seriously needed to receive some beatings, and Aria was sure everyone felt that as well. She couldn't help it though, the guy held more power there, and their guilds could be dispersed if he wills it, as much as she hated that fact.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Bristlebane turned around at the sound of extremly loud yelling to see, Chrome rip off her clothing... again. He sighed and close his eyes hoping she would put them back on soon. Which meant he was utterly suprised when she jumped into his table bar and started yelling again. Bristlebane fell over from surpise and had to resisit the painful temptation to open his eyes as he lay on the ground. Something about building a swimming pool? Well Bristlebane did like swimming, but the odds of Chrome stripping when near a pool probally increased by like 80% and odds were he'd fall in and drown. Bristlebane pondered all of this carefully while laying on the suprisingly comfortable floor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE - S RANK MISSION With a burden synonymous to his own anger and failings back at the guild, Sable trudged on to the Island of the mission, actively lingering behind Aiden and Cynthia but not asking for any help. Occasionally he found himself roaring in strain, ignoring the small spasms erupting throughout his back. It hadn't taken long for them to cross out of Crocus but as he continued forwards, he figured they'd have to camp out eventually. The road with literally weather worn cobblestone and unruly grass claimed the lands surrounding them, hills rolled in the west and the mountains of Crocus barred the east. Sable stomped forwards anyway, sweat dripped down his body. He'd hated to admit it but walking for hours with Marduk's bag wasn't that smart, in fact, it was admittedly dumb. But a challenge was a challenge, and he never back downed from one. "Did the mission say anything about boats, trains, or magic cars? y'know anything involving not walking?" he asked nonchalant, if not exhaustively. "At this point, a massive stomach ache seems a bit better."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Revan "Pathetic," That was all Revan had to say about Brad little rant, cause all he did was make a nuisance of himself. You'd expect him tp have some self discipline from beimg raised in a martial arts family, but it looked like that wasn't the case. When Aria blasted the golden brat and his more mature cousin off the councilmen's table, Revan decided to assist in helping keep them under control by sending his A-rank hydra's to bind the two rowdy Vypers, which were much larger than the ones he used for his day to day activities. Once captured, even with their fortification magic, they weren't going anywhere anytime soon Turning back to the council, he couldn't help but snicker as he remembered what Roganoff had said about Dark Guilds being council business. "Man, Roganoff, I know your getting on in you years but I really didn't think you'd forget so much that you'd pull that piece of BS out of your ass. Where was the Magic Council 50 years ago when Demon's Maw was tearing up the entirety of Fiore, oh yeah, you were hiding in your tower doing jackshit. It wasn't until the Wizard Saints killed their guild master that they were stopped, so please don't give yourself such credit. You are nothing more than a politician Roganoff, nothing more, nothing less. So please, talk to me when you've actually dealt with a dark guild yourself, or decide to grow enough balls to prove me wrong with your own actions." Aiden "Nope, just that we have to get the amulet from the chick who stole it. If you want, we can charter one." Aiden said, rubbing his hands together to conjure a nice cold breeze around him, so as to stave off the heat. "Man, I really hope that this Island we're going to is somewhere north, if it's some tropical bullshit, i'm going to literally melt." Aiden turned to the new member of their group, slightly curious about his fellow dragon slayer, especially what he had witnessed back at the guild, but he decided to save such sensitive questions for later, for now he just ask some general ones. "So Cynthia, how did you join Harpy's Wing, and how was life with a dragon for you? In fact, i don't think I ever found out about how life with Rhodroth was for you, Sable. That was the name of you dragon, right, Sable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yuuyami-Amused, and also pampering Yuuyami smiled, as she was about to call out to the one the twins called Chrome, when the person in question stripped, and started what seems to be something rather interesting. However, before she made her way towards the girl, she had something to do. Using Requip, she brought out Suki, Shinrei, and Kurenai. Getting questioning and confused looks from the three, Yuuyami only pointed towards the foor and drinks at the table. Her sister immediately made a beeline towards the strawberry milk, whereas Kurenai calmly drank the distilled water. Only Shinrei slowly sipped her drink, enjoying the taste of the alcohol. "You know, you should really try and loosen up with wine. It has an elegant taste of aged grapes, along with the burning fire of the alcohol.", she suggested, with Yuuyami downing the orange juice in one gulp, earning her a laugh from the Dark puppet. "You sisters are quite similar, enjoying the sweetness of childish drinks.". Yuu glared at the woman, before making her way towards Chrome. "So, I heard you mention something regarding A class missions?", she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kat Ingrid Slaine & Ivory Blanche
Kat merely clicked her tongue when the brat Brad escaped from her attack, but as he went on and on, she seriously felt the urge to strike him down. If it just weren't because they were on the council and Carter trying to calm her down.... No, she'd definitely do it even if they were in the council, but why trouble all of the guild because of her own temperament. She took some deep breaths and tried to calm down. Fortunately, the stupid brat finally changed the subject of his stupid antics. She so wanted to punch the guy's teeth in, kill him if possible... But that'd just earn her even more enemies. The oppressive aura she was letting out died down slowly as she recovered her composure. Now that she was a bit more calm, she knew what she had to do. Stop the stupid brat from further staining both of their guild's reputations. "Stand down, Brat Li!" She added her own nickname to the boy and moved her arm forward. Blue feathers appeared all around Brad and Roganoff. "Move again and you will be a bag full of holes." And just then, Ivory approahced her master and made her lower her hand. "Master, stop this right now! You are not behaving any better than the brutes of Viper Bolt. We Harpies represent the beauty and horror harpies can represent... This is not the time to show the horror, but rather, to show how refined and beautiful we are. Show them we are better than guys like that one." Ivory said, pointing at Brad while he was surrounded by feathers and about to end the councilman Roganoff. "Ivory, this doesn't concern brats like you, or that one... But you are right, this isn't the time to show off our faults. I do want to say something to Roganoff though." She made the feathers disappear and used her magic to fly to the councilman, standing just beside Brad and calmly watching. "This is not how we raise our children. As you can see, Ivory has shown a great deal of respect and composure. Truly befitting of a mature woman, and a big sister too." She looked back at Ivory and smiled slightly at her. Kat then dispelled her magic and fell perfectly safe to the ground, turned around and started walking to the exit. "Chicks, we have nothing else to do here. Let us be in our way." She said, commanding everyone in her guild to follow after her. Ivory happily followed after her.
Meanwhile, at a certain island.
"Ne, ne! They are getting here, right? Right? We are gonna make them go KA-BOOM~, soon, right? We will finally have someone go KA-BOOM~, Kurīpā-chan!" A little redheaded girl said, jumping from one place to the other as a hamster on caffeine. As she jumped around, the green hoodie that she was wearing also jumped around with her, making her panties show up... that is, if she were wearing panties. With nothing but the green hoodie, some black stockings and a pair of green sneackers on her, the girl happily pranced around as if her attire was the correct one to wear while she jumped around. "I know, I know, Kurīpā-chan! I'm also like, super excited to see them here! Making their insides fly away will be really cool! What color do you think they'll be, Kurīpā-chan?" Said a blonde girl, dressed just like the redhead, but with a body ten times more voluptous. As she spoke and moved her hands around, her cleavage also bounced at the rhythm of her voice. "Hm~.... I wonder! I hope they are of various colors! It would look really pretty that way, don't ya think?" The redheaded girl smiled widely at the blonde girl. The blonde girl blushed and took the little girl in her arms, burying her head into her cleavage. "Kyaah~! This is why I love you! Our minds are so in synch!" The girl screamed, while the little girl inside her breasts struggled to get her air back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia stayed silent for a while, her face blank. After a while, when it seemed she wouldn't answer the question, she finally spoke up. "Polyaphimous was the name of my dragon, and I'd rather not talk about the time we spent together. It brings up too many painful memories." She reached up and touched the side of her head with one hand. "Suffice it to say, the only thing I have left of him is the mark he left on me." Nathan Nathan had left the council room a while ago, without anybody noticing. It had been a simple enough matter to change into his wind form and slip through the cracks of the door while everybody was distracted, and now he leaned against the balcony railing, slowly dragging on his cigarette. He briefly went over the meeting in his head and clicked his tongue derisively. "Tsk, what a farce." He turned his head and stared off into the distance, to where the sun was slowly sinking towards the horizon. "When did we let things get so convoluted?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE He continued struggling forwards, the delinquent expression on his face still present. With Aiden's question in the air, Sable thought back to his time with the crimson dragon, the white scales that interrupted the crimson on his neck was always the center fold of his visions when he did. Fixing a quirky smirk on his lips, Sable looked up towards Aiden from his hunched posture. "Yea. His name was Rhodroth all right, a bit of a fiery bastard to be honest. I'd be lying if I said I didn't end up admiring the Dragon in the end though," he said before continuing on. "He had this... this air about him that really pushed you forwards, made ya think anything was possible ya'know. He made me believe that If I trained with him I could really get Cringle back. And I did," he finished strongly, a indomitable expression on his face as he straightened his back a bit. "As a matter of fact, just talking about him gets my blood boiling, it makes me feel unbeatable!" A bit straighter than before he rushed along as fast as his weight would allow. The request was to a island off the coast of Fiore. It would be best if they hurried along. He found enough speed to make it to Cynthia's side, friendly as ever with the ladies, he smiled at her as he did. "That's alright, even with the scar you're still pretty amazing. I mean, you did hold me back. To think, you were capable of putting The Wretched One in a cage. Hmm? I'll have to find a way around that if I'm going to become the best Wizard in the world."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Council Trial Arc reaches its climax! A heavy revelation is revealed!
To unite against a common enemy, I must become the greater evil and shoulder all the hate.
Drake Roganoff Revealing that he was just mere young adult and his image was just an illusion of his Grandfather, the rune knights nullifies the magic within the room which involves everyone. He smiled seeing the vipers and harpies together. He turned his attention to Revan; "That's right, I am just a politician and as politician, I do what is necessary for my people. All the charges are throw upon its predecessors thus reincarnating to its successors bearing the unwanted burden. Mr. Revan. Miracles aren't free you know. If you wish for something good to happen a whole lot of bad stuff is gonna happen too. I guess that's how the world stays in balance, good or bad, everything zeros out. Either way, that is all I wanted to see. Your resolves as not just a mage, S Class, Master nor a wizard saint."His reckoning... Drake's plan all along was to unite Harpy's Wing and Viper Bolt. As harsh as his methods are, the young adult is a true pragmatist and would so perform drastic measures up ahead, sacrifices are his game and putting force at his own will. The reveal he has shown as he entered the council meeting atop, the reveal that he is just a young adult whose been pulling this event the whole time; in memory of his predecessors, Drake Roganoff counters back."I need not ask of your pardon nor forgiveness because sacrifices have to be made and as the 14th Heir to this Kingdom, I will not let things be grandeur. Mr. Revan, I'm more than happy to disappoint you but I'm willing to take the fault. I wasn't around that even, in fact. What kind of man would so brought Demon's Maw into such center. Do not forget that you were once one of them. Crime Sorciere and my men are still on the hunt looking for them so need not worry, Mr.Revan unless you are trying to make a farce here and imply the impending doom and betrayal you ought to not only your guild and this country." He smiled sarcastically, body bagging and putting Revan's words back to his mouth. While he was talking, the exits were block and that explains why he got the time to talk and explain his motives to them. Councilman Carter and Kyou got nothing to say more. To all of you. For all the happiness you wish for someone, someone else gets cursed with equal misery. That is all I can say. You may abide the law but the balance with law breakers and law followers will always be a balance. To live and to let live." He drink for a while. "Before I end this trial we have. I for one will let your destruction pass this time, in courtesy of Councilwoman Kyou and Councilman Carter. You have proven to me that you Vipers and Harpies can set aside your differences and the worth that you proved in front of my eyes is noble. To unite against a common enemy, I must become the greater evil and shoulder all the hate. That is what I've done to try and cease your one sides rivalry. Right. What I'm trying to say is; There's a malevolent presence coming and you all better get ready in four months time, the grand magic games that is. Whatever happens now is in on your own hands and mark my words, you all will seek my aide. Until you learn to work together, you will be force to work together as what our King said. You might even thank me for destroying your guild, Harpies. Escort them out."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Revan Revan showed no shock to Roganoff's revelation, but he did clench his teeth when the council member questioned his motives for bringing up the subject, and if he was understanding tnings corretly, accusing him of still holding ties to that farce of a guild. It tookma great deal of willpower to stop himself from snapping the young whelp's head like a twig, but he managed, though not without a great deal of killing intent radiating from Revan towards the head councilman. "I only meant to remind you that dark guilds are a threat that should be elimanted as soon as humanly possible, as a former member of one I can attest to the speed that some can grow in power and size, if under a strong leader and given enough time. Also, I will give you the benefit of the doubt in that what you said wasn't implying what I think it was implying and simply let the case rest with this closing statement, No matter what past allegiances I may have had, My loyalty is to Harpy Wing now and forever after. That is not something I allow to be questioned." With that Revan walked oout of the room, dispersing any hydras hehad summoned in their without a second glance. As he passed by Nathan, he stopped, turning to stare at his rival for a second. "You know, you could've alerted me if you were goung to ditch this meeting half-way through. Then we coyld've done something a lot more productive and fun, like break that tie we're currently in. I forget, who won our last duel you or me." Revan leaned against a wall, gazing up into the sky, but only seeing blood and carnage from his past. What a mood-killer, damn flashbacks, always brung him down right when he needed a pick me up. "Nathan, can I say I don't envy you, what with having to deal with that vulger golden boy, those two dragon slayers, that stripper Chrome, and that insane red hawk, I'm surprised you've been able to keep your sanity. It must not be easy being one of the few sane people in a guild full of crazies."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia looked up at Sable, startled. "Scar?" She asked, bewildered, then comprehension dawned. "Oh, that. That's from... someone else. I was talking about the feathers, but I guess you didn't see those." With one finger, she traced the long scar down the side of her face, mostly hidden by her hair, before she continued. "It happens whenever I use my magic. Aiden saw it when I blocked your flames. Doesn't it happen to you guys? When I asked Polyaphimous about it, he said it's just an effect of the magic." Nathan Nathan took another drag of his cigarette before turning to face Revan. He slowly blew out the smoke before answering. "It's not so bad, most of them are good people at heart. Even Brad, at one point, though recently I can't call him anything but obnoxious." He leaned back and contemplated the sky for a while in silence. "Sorry, I'm not feeling up to a match right now," He said when he finally continued. "You should probably head back to the guild for now, make sure people aren't killing each other. I'd go myself, but there's someone here who'd probably get mad if I left before she could talk to me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Aiden "Nooooo" Aiden some what lied as he floded up his arms and lowered his face so as to hide his scale marks. This was treading a bit too close to home for him, and he was beginning to feel uncomfortable about it. He sped up his pace so that he was walking ahead of Cynthia and Sable, but not too far ahead so that he could still hear them, though due to his enhanced senses, it was still a fair distance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Trial Sub Arc is over!
A tale once told that is shrouded in mystery, Council Leader and the 14th Heir of Crocus, Prince Drake Roganoff got the Vipers and Harpies right where he wanted. Answers are given but more questions rose, what are the Demon's Maw up to now? What will happen in the GMG? What is this mysterious omen heading towards the 4th month of the requiem? A lot of questions thrown and the Black Mamba makes her move.
Black Mamba
He is Vyper's mysterious S Class, he had been moving around and around as a black ninja mage; He appeared right before Nathan and Revan. Not saying a word at first but instead using his magic diary to draw what he was saying. "Master Liem and Master Jet is sending you with an S Class expedition to Galuna Island. You will return in 2 weeks time, please bring Sairis and Brad with you. You can't bring young ones. And truth be told, Sable and Aiden fell for that dupe. I apologize for Master Liem's deceit upon you about the mission. One way or another, he has to make those two out of the picture and it successfully worked." The voiceless S Class said with his word magic.
Chrome's A Class Job! Upon everyone! Sub arc 2
She grabs Kyuuten and Bristlebane,"You two. I did say everyone. Everyone is coming with me to this A Class mission. Our neighbor requested it and the rewards are beneficial!!." She read it out loud. "Three ex...ex... exceeds, I don't know what the heck is an exceed. Free swimsuits for boys and girls, free membership on Sorcerer's Magazine, and it is 100,000,000 jewels! What do you say guys? Shall we go to the nearby dungeon and clean the swimming pool? It's worth it!"She yelled to Marduk. [[color=440e62]b]"Master Liem told me via telepathy that you resume your 100 year quest, hmph! I'm gonna miss you again.. be back early!"[/b] [/color]
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Enki had sat down, ordering a drink and taking a large gulp before Chrome nearly glomped him over from behind. Her naked body didn't bother him one bit. In his eyes, she was still the young child he met many years ago. Instead, what bothered him was the promise he didn't remember making. He scratched his cheek, diverting his eyes to the side "Uhh, of course I didn't forget. I'll train with you after I talk to the masters" He said as she released him before springing off somewhere else. He chuckled, taking another large gulp of the alcohol "Things really have changed. Feels like I've been gone for ten years" He took one last gulp, slamming the mug on the table as Chrome relayed the message. He chuckled, lifting his large katana off the ground and tying it to his back. He began to walk to the door as he spoke to Chrome "Oh Chrome, relay a message to the guild masters for me. Tell them we need talk when I get back. Til then, tell that young baby newt to get stronger. The same applies for you and everyone else" He said as he opened up the front doors "Oh and I found someone interesting on my travels. I'll be sure to send her here. See ya everyone" He waved once without turning his back, the sun shining down on him. A good amount of the Vyper members waved as the man walked off, only taking a small break before continuing his journey. He looked up, with a smirk I wonder how long it'll take for that dragonslayer to look inside the bag. The look on his face would be priceless when he finds out it's just a weight He chuckled as he continued to walk off into the horizon.
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