Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Revan "You had me up until you said we had to bring the two Vyper hatchlings along. While they are S-class mages of great skill, I don't think you understand the fact that I will probably end up killing them in their sleep due to insanity from sleep deprevation. They are the worst out of all the crazies in Vyper, and I won't be stuck around them for 2 whole, fucking weeks, especially after dealing from all that shit from Roganoff and the council. I was hoping to have a nice, quiet morning, not having to worry about his royal blabber mouth tell my secret business to everyone." At least he didn't tell them the whole truth, or else I really would've snapped his neck, consequences be damned. Letting out a sigh, Revan massaged his forehead in an effort to soothe the raging headache he was having. "Fine, I'll do the damn mission, but I make no promises on the conditions of the golden brat upon my return, he seems to make a habit oyt of being an obnoxious littke fuck, I don't care if he's got a good heart inside him or not."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE He noticed Aiden's reaction but didn't pay much attention to it, just another one of those annoying things that would normally had angered him. His cocked brow fell as he awkwardly stepped in tow with Cynthia. The heat that barreled inside him was warm and wild, charging down the woods of uncertainty until it was crispy and dark. He thought on the after affects of his magic and realized he had never encountered anything like that. For him, the magic always came rather natural, almost primordial. It was weird, cause after training with Rhodroth, fire was as easy to him as living. It just happened. A brutish tsk came from him. "Hell no, nothing as weird as that," he told Cynthia. "I usually just smash things though, so its possible its up there and I never notice it." Coming over a small mound on the path, he look at the vast ocean spread out before them, encompassing all but the sun overhead. He chuckled lightly before charging down to the small row of boats and boatsman waiting on the wooden pier. "Bout damn time! Let's go to the Island and wreck that bitch!" he shouted to Cynthia and Aiden rather loudly. Vrabe Rheat - Black Lightning Vrabe had left the Guild Hall so quick that a trail of black lightning had trailed behind him. The edged and static sparked before finally fizzling into nothing a second later. Vrabe gazed out over Crocus on the top of the guild building, his hand stationary in his silver hair as he did, his legs swinging lightly. "Damned Vypers, I'll erase the entire group if I must." His other hand raised up in the form of a "C", the black lightning forming a orb as he pointed it out towards the mountain range. He released it, the particle beam cannon blasted out of his palm and crashed into the far-away crags. A small puff of dust in the distance was visible for a moment but it slid down the mountain side. "I just have to wait till the GMG, then I'll really show them all whose stronger."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

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Xavier Xavier was walking through Crocus, heading towards the Vyper Bolt guild hall where he'd been told the harpies had been relocated. "How bad does a rivalry have to be when the king of the country destroys one the guild halls and stuffs the two guilds together. Oh well, hope that means they aren't boring." Xavier took out a cigarette, lighting it with a bit of super heated ash, and ignoring the shocked looks people were giving him as he walked past. It was a vanilla flavored one, and it was giving him just the mellow he needed right now, as he couldn't help but get excited at the thought of joining a guild. Oh, and finding his deadbeat of a dad, but really, that had just been an excuse he told his mom so that she'd let him go. Now that he was here, he wondered whether he should even join harpy's wing or not, from what he had heard, it didn't seem like his cup of tea. Vyper Bolt, however, sounded much more fun. Oh well, he'd see what each guild was actually like and make his decision from there. Speaking of, he had just reached the guild hall when someone ran out out like a bolt of lightning, literally! "Interesting, lets go see what that's about," Xavier said with a grin quickly following the trail that was left behind before it dissipated up to the top of the guild building. Their stood some guy,muttering something to himself before he took a potshot at some nearby mountains, causing a puff of smoke to appear in the distance. "Oooooohhhh, that was cool, and was that lightning black? Does that mean your a God Slayer too!?" Xavier zoomed over to the older boy, hopping from foot to foot as he couldn't contain his excitement. It wasn't every day you found other god slayers, they were rather rare rom what he could gather. "Wait a sec and watch this, it's so awesome." He took a deep drag on his cigarette, sucking the whlie thing down, before he pointed up and blasted out a plume black ash, sending out a wave of intense heat out as the plume took the shape of a dragon with it's wings outstretched as it rose, before turning around and sailing towards the horizon, soon fading as it dispersed over the town. "So, what'd you think, pretty cool huh?" @Renny
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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May 12 X 814
Sub arc #3- The Dragon's Amulet.
In a land outside of Fiore, the three dragon slayers sail out in a journey to retrieve Master Liem's dragon amulet, the adveture begins as they make their way into sailing the boat. Fortunately motion sickness of a dragon slayer need not feel it for a troia spell is clad into them as it is cast. It will take a day to get to the island and meet their mission. The Mageslayer is also with them as little do they know he followed them. The island of Herastortes....the destination they face ahead of them.
Herastortes Island
The island of abundance, treasures, and riches that one could ever want. Symbolism in a shape of a hand represents the greed of man likewise this island is commonly known as the island of greed; Greed Island as its calling. This island is overrun by pirates and monsters and in the heart of the island lies a dark secret.
Craftoraid, the treasure hunter guild
Guild Symbol
Endā- The Dragon
A man covered in black, purple eyes glowing with a mask, everything around him turns dark. "Kuripas.The both of you stay focus and try not to blow things up while Master Steveis in the ritual room besides our lovely guests will sure help us deal with the pirates. Women shouldn't be doing impure acts among themselves but it is a guilty pleasure as I say." He giggled seeing his two guild mate and friends at it.
Gogotetsu- The Tank
The big guy of the treasure hunter guild, he doesn't talk much has tendencies of breaking things like a berserker. "ME NO LIKE PUNY DRAGON SLAYERS! RAAARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!." He screamed so loud that it can be hear all over the island.
Bizom- The Speedster
The little boy in the team, he who appears as an undead, gluttonous and would eat anything he sees and to his leisure his hobby is eating dead meat of pigs, slimed substance and bugs."JSJGJGJBGJBJJGJNJKDFN" Eating all he can. He gets along well with Gogotetsu. Enda turns his attention to his other two members. "I suppose so, try not to kill each other while I go to the ritual room and check on the dragon amulet." Bizom said while looking at Gogotetsu and the siblings. Enda smiled disappearing like the phantom and darkness he is. -----------------
Sora Kelly the Archer
The man who awaits the arrival of the twin dragon slayers and the man who asked for Viper Bolt's help. The mission's details is a benefit factor on both sides. The real mission is to get rid of the pirates in the island and the dragon amulet is a focal point as well. "My chickens are nothing but skeletons now. I guess I'll cook again." He said while cooking his food on the docks.
Craftoraid, the treasure hunter guild, their intentions are vague. Are they an ally or a enemy of our fellow Dragon Slayers?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden Aiden was at the helm of the ship, enjoying the cool sea spray while he could, and glad that their was a spell to rid people of motion sickness. He knew he was in for a lot of heat at this new island, which was wonderfully named the Island of Greed by everyone who told them about, so he was expecting them to have so a tough time taking the amulet back from whoever took it. Once the ship had docked, he jumped out of the ship, and looked around to see the person who was supposed to be waiting for them. he quickly spotted a man that appeared to be waiting for people. "Oi, you with the midriff, are you the guy who sent the request?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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Vrabe Rheat - Black Lightning He watched the small puff fall down the mountainside and heard the echo of trees splintering as it rolled into the forest nearby. His strength was phenomenal, he would admit that without humility but was it enough to compete with the other Vypers. A few them were incredibly strong, take for instance that man that appeared earlier. Dressed in black, his aura engulfed the entire guild and had sent a shiver down his back. When another approached him, cancer stick in mouth, Vrabe scowled openly. Those that smoked those things were just asking for death, it was like drinking a vial of slow-acting poison. As the boy spoke of his powers, Vrabe stood up and looked down at the youth, the plume of ash that spewed from his mouth was almost ignored. He waited for the dragon to fly off before lecturing the boy. "Don't you know that's stupid, smoking that is," he explained. "Its not smart at all and doesn't make you look cool." With his words dropping from his lips, Vrabe went over to the edge and dropped down from the five story building in the form of his magic. He crashed against the cobble stone before he reappeared and started to walk off, hands in his pockets. Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE With his motion sickness gone, Sable found himself hanging out with Cynthia for most of the ride, whether she had spoken back or not, he was glad, almost overjoyed that she was there. He leaned back against the small boat, hand trailing the surface of the water as it sped towards the island. They said it was shaped like a hand but he'd have to check that for himself once they got there. "So you can cure this sickness?" he asked her again. "I mean that's amazing, would you like to be my partner?" He grinned deviously, the island drawing even closer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

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Xavier "Well then fuck you too, I guess." Xavier muttered under his breath as the other boy left, paying no mind to the small scolding he had been given. He had heard ones exactly like it a thousand times in the past, and would likely hear it a million more times in the future. He didn't even bother informing people that it didn't hurt him anymore, it was just too much of a hassle for him. He pulled out another cigarette, lit it up, and took another drag, taking a moment to identify the flavor. 'Strawberry, no, Lemon, no, both yeah, definitely both. When did I get that flavor? Oh well, time to make my entrance.' Xavier then jumped off the roof, slowing his descent using small, concentrated blasts of tephra until he made it to the ground. Once he landed he took,ine more second to flip the bird at the back of the other god slayer before turning around to facethe guild hall doors. "Well, this is it. Come Xavier, don't chicken out now, you got this." With his slightly frazzled nerves, but a confident look on his face, he opened the door and walked in, giving a wave to those inside. "Hello members of Vyper Bolt and Harpy's Wing, my names Xavier and I'm here to join your guild."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia "I hope you mean you, me and Aiden stay as a team. Otherwise I might have to hit you." Cynthia smirked as she added. "Or just put you in a cage again." She stood up and stepped off the boat, she heard Aiden talking to a man. "Aiden, if this is our client you shouldn't be so brash." She turned to the man in the too tight shirt and bowed. "Please forgive my companion's blunt manner. My name is Cynthia Grey, and these are Aiden and Sable. We are here representing the guilds of Harpy's Wing and Vyper Bolt. Are you the one who sent a request to our guilds?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Bristlebane got up from the floor and turned towards the source of a new voice he hadn't heard before. Eargerly he went up to welcome the newcomer, and while suddenly moving towards the door tripped and flipped over a table promptyl crashing head over heels in front of Xaiver on account of his eyes still being closed because Chrome was still neked. "Join Harpy Wing, we're the best and defiantly probally not insane, most of us anyway. But before you join, what'd you do?" he asked curiously ignoring the rather large bump on his head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Sora Kelly
"Yes, yes. I am." He bows meeting the trio, and tells them to follow him to the base for they can't stay too long on the open, Sora looks worried about something. He goes ahead out of fear, a certain mage downloaded a map to their brains, it is archive magic which will lead the trio to the base of operations.
He lets go of Britz and Kyuuten, it's her duty as a Viper to assist to those new well technically it is Allan's job but he's on day off right now so Chrome not even bothering without clothes approaches the young man. "Yo, little prince. Welcome to Vyper Bolt, I'm Gwen Sniegow of Vyper Bolt, nice to meet you. Well majority here are viper. So which guild you wanna join?" She asked. "If you want to be fabulous go join harpy but if you want action packed, hardcore and martial arts, join Vyper."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

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Xavier "What do you mean what'd I do, is this a jail or s- WHY THE HELL IS SHE NAKED!?!?" Xavier face went from confusion to shock and embarrassment as he looked up from the guy who face-planted in front of him to the pretty dark haired woman who didn't have a scrap of clothing on here. Not even underwear. 'Whoa, wait, no, bad Xavier, stop it rigjt now, focus on something else, anything else but the marvelously tempting sight before you.' Xavier, with some degree of difficulty, removed his eyes from Chromes nude form and looked, instead, at the ceiling. It was a very nice ceiling, ornately carved, good support, and seemed to be made out of some kind of oak. Yep, nothing better than staring at the ceiling. "Um, so yeah, joining harpy was sorta the plan. My dad is a part of that guild, maybe you've heard of him. His name is Revan, he's tall, looks to be around his late twenties, dark hair, red eyes, laziest bastard you've ever met. That's how my mom described him, by the way, I've never met the guy. He wouldn't happen to be here, would he?" As he spoke, Xavier never once took hus eyes off the ceiling, crushing every urge he had to lower his gaze. Upon hearing the Gwen's proclamation, his answer was instantaneous. "Harpy's Wing it is, cause while Vyper sounds fun, I can't say I'd be to comfortable hanging around a naked woman 24/7. Actually, I'm positive I wouldn't." He quickly took out another cigarette, lemon flavored thus time, since his last one hade fallen out of his mouth. He lit it, then nearly smoked it down to the base in one go, holding the smoke in for a bit before he let it out in a long stream. "Also, why the nickname little prince, if you don't mind me asking. Also, could you please but some clothes on, please?" 'Damn, this is a damn good ceiling. I could stare at it all day, and considering the present course of events, I probably will be doing just that.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Blah blah blah snakes and mythical creatures, science, magic, science, magic, whatever the chicken or the egg and Revan? So, the lazy man has a son? Ignore, ignore, Chrome was rather ignorant. "It's just a habit and you'll get used to it." Chrome flick her wrist and grabbed the kid's right hand which spawn clothes in an instant to herself. She stares at the kid and poked his forehead, a guild mark appeared on his right hand as part of Vyper Bolt and Harpy's Wing one on his left. [b]"Hahaha! While I may be so assertive and forceful, I'll be your supervisor for Viper and ICE MAKE: CHERRY BLOSSOM!." She threw cherry blossoms on Caroline. "Carol, let's babysit Revan's kid here." Chrome said and grabs the boy. "Seems you're confuzzled on which guild to join, you have two guild marks and at the end of the day, we'll see which one you'll enjoy. That being said, I'm sorry for my stripping, it's a habit as an Ice Mage, a result of my training."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Xavier "I severely doubt I'll ever get used to that, but I guess we'll see. And you know who my dad is huh, so what is he like, I'd like to hear fromma fresher and less biased opinion than that of my mom. " Xavier finally looked down and gave a sigh of relief to see that Gwen had clothed herself, giving her a nod when she told him the reason for it. 'Even though it's not her fault, that's a strike against Vyper bolt, because stripping women were a bit of an unwanted distraction for a young mage like myself, one I'd like to avoid if possible.' Speaking off, Xavier looked at the guild marks on his hand, quickly deciding that whatever guildnhe chose, he'd have the guild mark moved to rest on his left eye. Reason, cause he thought it be cool to show his proof of guild membership by just closing his eye. He'd look like a total boss, he was sure of it. "So, you guys doing anything right now, be it a request, an errand, or just lazing about. Also, what are the rules for smoking in the guild halls." An imoortant thing to ask, he hoped neither guild forbade it. Soeaking of smokkes,,he looked down at the one he had dropped, quickly picking it up and tossing it in the air. He took the his current one out of his mouth and opened wide to catch the falling cancer stick in his mouth, chewing it a bit before swallowing, savoring the dual flavor before placing the other one in, which he quickly finushed off and replaced with another. "Oh, and if your curious, my magic type is Tephra God Slayer magic, Tephra being volcanic ash. It's a pretty awesome magic if I do say so myself, and don't let my age fool you, I'm rather adept at using it and always testing the limits of what I can do with it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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I really enjoy playing with little kids, preferably cute boys like him and I don't feel like stripping. I quickly alter the mark to be put on his left eye. "We each have our own chores and duties like Akira-san being the bartender, I taking care of new members and whatnot." Showing the big sister side of herself, Chrome smiled proud of his magic seeing another slayer is around and it might prove a trouble if Aiden or Sable spots him; The boy looks able and mature enough even more than Aiden but even so, Gwen will be at his aide no matter what since he is just a kid and all, she'll be the best big sister she ever hope for. "Cool magic. I'm an Ice Mage, Ice Make magic powerful on its own rite fueled by creativity. Oh! That so? Don't let my stripperefic/good looks fool you too. Your dad, well. He is a strong mage, I've had fought him once in the grand magic games and lost to him when I was your age." Gwen admits her loss but even so, she's open and humble about it. "Your dad is a good man even though he's lazy and anyways what's your name?" She already introduced herself formally without using her nickname because she finds him worth it. "And if you wanna tag along, I have an A Class job for everyone in the dungeon. The sound of it is creepy but worth it. Gwen remember a comical yet scary memory of being pinned down by those weird hydra things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE He wasn't talking about all three of them being partners at all, to be blunt, she was useful to him. But he guessed he'd have to settle with Aiden joining if that was what it took to be rid of his motion sickness. As the group got off the boat, Sable felt uneasy. Now he knew why they called it Greed Island; it was palpable. The air was... heavy in a sense. He trailed behind Kelly silently, his hand reaching up to rub his dark mane occasionally. After awhile, they reached the base. Sable cocked a brow irritably and grinned, his fist smashing into each other, flames bursting from his knuckles to his elbows. He placed himself between the entrance and Sora. "Alright! Where the fuck is the bad guys? My blood is boiling!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Bristlebane got up dazedly and shouted eagerly, "YAY dungeon time, do we get to fight monsters this time?" he asked excitedly, he hadn't gone on any mission since the guilds started sharing and was a little bored being cooped up in here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yuuyami-Revan has a SON?!?!?!? So Shocked! Yuuyami walked up until she was in font of Xavier, before staring closely. "You're that man's son?", she asked, trying to keep her voice leveled. However, the look in her eyes seems to reveal the sheer amazement at such a thought. However, she narrowed her eyes, before questions, "Are you going to take advantage of people's weakspots for your amusement...?", her tail flicking around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

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Xavier Xavier backed up slightly as this strange woman came up, wondering what his father had done to get her to ask him that. To answer Gwen's question, my name is Xavier Lyone, and to answer your questions, So I've been told and no, I will not. Now for my own questions, what is your name? Why do you have a tail? And what has my dad done to get you to ask that question?" Xavier was almost afraid to hear the answer to his last question.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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The pack of the wolves, Lunar Howl introduction. The Wolves and the Roganoff Family
Drake Roganoff "Pathetic snakes and birds..." He said while eating in the council diner's room. [b]"Letting them go is like letting a criminal free without consequences but to think they would so..... Clarissa are you ready?" He said.
Lunar Howl
One of the top 5 guilds in Fiore, ranking #3 as Viper is 4th and Harpy being the weakest. This guild Lunar Howl is a guild of elite and seems to be the most vicious out of the 5, a very nasty guild. The Roganoff's run this guild and everyone hates them.
Clarissa Roganoff. Drake's niece who is one of the S Class of the guild; The reigning feared illusionist of Fiore; Judging from last year's GMG rankings. She wasn't present that time thus allowing Viper to get 1st place, Nemean Claw 2nd, 3rd Lunar Howl, and 4th Harpy, last but not least the other guild unknown.(Cuz I haven't come up with a name :p)
This woman is the younger sister of Drake and another one of the S Class of the guild; She's the walking carnage of the guild and almost took the guild to victory last game.
"HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I will let them taste the flames of the God! I can't wait to fight that dimwit brainless flamebrain, Sable Rhodroth again HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! All the women should be lusting over me! Not him! Say Brother, shall we declare war to Viper and Harpy?" This is Johnny Roganoff, the younger brother of Drake. He is the ferocious rival and Flame God Slayer counterparting the Dragon Slayer Sable.
"Isn't that sweet? Nathan Striker is mine and so does that bastard Revan!" This is Leonard Roganoff, the distant cousin of the Roganoff's. His magic is mysterious and has fought Nathan countless times.
One of the members that is not a Roganoff but very strong. "Tch.. tch... you kin are such screwed up family. We all know Aria Hunterblade and Sairis are mine. Your obsessions with Viper and Harpy are too much of unhealthy but whose to say I'm not part of the fun." The howling reckon of the wolves, the Roganoffs introduced, will they make their move?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline Caroline glanced up from her book as one of the ice flowers touched her on the forehead. "I have got to learn how to do something like that," She muttered, then paused for a moment as the conversation she had delegated to her subconscious caught up with her. "... Revan had a kid? Revan's kid wants to be around him? I always had him pegged for a deadbeat." Caroline shut her book carefully, even though it still made a loud 'thwump' when the pages met, and looked the kid up and down. "Well, you've certainly got the feel of him, I'll give you that."
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