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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

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Xavier Xavier immediately turned to look at the girl that had just spoken up, Caroline if he had heard Gwen correctly, and couldn't help but frown as he processed what he said. She had said his dad was a deadbeat, which he had figured as such, then she had said he had the feel of his father. Xavier wasn't sure whether or not to take that as an insult or not, so he reserved judgement on the comment for now. First he'd meet the man that was being referred, then he could give an appropriate response. "I'll get back to you on whether or not I feel insulted by that statement after I meet the guy, but first, can somebody tell me where he even is? Oh, and since you probably missed my introduction, my name is Xavier Lyone." Xavier walked over to the book worm mage, thrusting his hand out to her, half as a form of greeting, half to offer her help up if she needed it."A pleasure to make your aquaintance." @chukklehed
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yuuyami-Oh my god, he's actually normal! The doll maker only sighed in relief first, before backing off somewhat from Xavier, giving him his personal space. However, remembering that she, in turn, was questioned as well, Yuuyami only shrugged. "I'm Yuuyami Enkou, puppeteer. This tail was a little....experiment. Which leads us to your third question. Your father always uses my tail to coerce me into doing whatever he wants!", she said, her tail still slowly flicking back and forth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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The Dragon Amulet Arc! Focal, Greed Island
"Yes welcome. His five other friends are behind him, Kelly tells them to follow and head to the base of operations. "We'll discuss everything in the base. We shouldn't be out here in the open. Showing fear and agony in the looks of his face as his eyes is looking at the water and something is implied. "Lord Sable! I'm a big fan nice to see you here!" The creeper twins said in unison and they seem be erotically dressed only a hoodie, long socks, and shoes. Then they stared at Aiden, blatantly ignoring him while Enda greets Aiden and so does Bizom. Gogotetsu offers them a back ride as he transforms into a metalic vehicle. "Milady, you are first." With all respects from Enda he attended to Cynthia first. The Creeper Twins are with Sable. Sora Kelly is with Aiden.
Greed's Chasm
He is waiting for his associates to return but then a large explosion occurred! Sending everything into debris as the explosion is seen from the island's trajectory meaning everyone can see it. "Woah! Guys let's go! We got company!" Pirates starts surrounding the trio and the 6 man team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden Aiden could only stare at the two girls in hoodies, a question going through his mind: 'Did I hit my head or something, or does Sable actually have female fans? I didn't even think that was possible, in fact, it should ge impossible.' Shaking hus head, Aiden turned to see a small boy and a strange man with purple eye come to greet him, a giant metal golem thing doing similar to Cynthia. Aiden was about to ask the import question of 'What the fuck is going in and who the hell are you people?' when they were suddenly set upon by pirates. "Fuck this, Ice Dragon's Blizzarding Roar!" Aiden jumped up high in the air and blasted the surrounding area with intense cold, causing Ice to quickly spread across the ground. He had made sure to avoid his group, as well as the strange people who had come to greet them. After Aiden had finished and fallen to the ground, slightly drained from the attack, the two grouos were surrounded by a large patch of thick ice and snow. Some of the pirates hadn't been fast enough, to escape Aiden's attack and were either frozen or had a limb stuck in the ice. Plenty of the pirates were fine however, but Aiden hadn't been trying to hurt them, he'd just upped his homefield advantage. He jumped on to the ice, hands clawed as he cried out, "Ice Make: Hunt from below" When he landed, the ice beneath the pirates glowed slightly before barbed spears burst out at them, knocking a few more pirates out of the running and injuring a few others. The force that had attacked them had bern about 50 pirates, know itnwas around 30-25, give or take a few of the wounded ones. "Hey Sable, pick up the pace already, I think you might be dissapointing your only female fans in the world if you let me do all the leg work." Aiden called back to his companions with a large grin, before tirning back to the pirates, blades of ice forming around his hands as hebgot ready to unleash some of the only martial arts he knew on these guys. It had been to long since he had fought somebody that didn't totally out class him, and he had to saymthat it felt good. As the oirates glared at him cautiously, Aiden decided to take the fight to them and charged, hands out and ready to strike them down. @Renny @chukklehed
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia was surrounded. She supposed she did look like the weak link in this group, and that was probably an apt assumption, but that didn't mean she was defenseless. "White Dragon's Blinding Flash!" She yelled, placing her fingertips to the side of her head as a massive flash of light blinded the pirates. "Let's go, Light Speed!" She yelled, a magic circle opening up beneath her and instant before she disappeared, leaving a faint afterimage behind. Another afterimage appeared behind each of the Pirates right before Cynthia kicked them down. She stopped moving a little ways away, breathing a little heavily. "Don't mess with a Dragon Slayer." Caroline Caroline took the boy's hand, accepting the help up. "I like you better than Revan already." She said, "You feel just as strong, and as an added bonus you don't seem completely useless And you're polite too." She grinned and tucked her book into her shoulder bag. "I can tell you're gonna go far here, kid."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE - Following The Burning Path He was just as surprised as Aiden when it came to the twins, one was just as busty as Chrome, the other just as cute as Cynthia over there. With a careful glance he looked between the two of them, there scents giving off a distinct smell but never hinting fully towards his assumptions. So he ignored it for the time being and smiled at the two. "Really?" he asked, grinning shamelessly at the two. A whiff of his nose exposed the explosive danger moments before it occurred. The scent of sulfurous powder and earth filled the air and the debris itself was oddly close. It veiled Sable in storm of flames and dark smoke. Covering the girls beneath his body, Sable gobbled down the flames surrounding them and raised up off the ground. He wiped the remaining embers from the corner of his lips with a knuckle and a grin. "Oh hell yea, that was some grade A fire!" he commented before launching himself towards a large portion of the pirates. He spun fire around his body and landed among them like a cannon. The explosion sending a shockwave out that rocked the cliff side beside them, shaking a good portion of the island. Through the flames, he picked up a pirate by the sides of his face and held him up in the air. "You're messing with Vyper's Bolt now" He brought the man closer to him. "You ready to die?" A choked gulp was heard from the pirate. "Vyper's Bolt! Ah shit, you've got to me th- the." He was prevented from speaking by Sable tightening grip. With a contagiously dangerous grin, Sable directed his voice towards Aiden. "I'm way ahead of ya there, Ice Boy. You're about ten pirates beneath me right now," he guessed, knowing the ground was littered with the smothering and twitching bodies of dozens of enemies. He pitched the struggling pirate towards the cliff, watching the man's body rebound before falling to his stomach. Grabbing the back of his shoulder, he rolled his throwing arm and sauntered out of the flames, sure that the pirates were taken care of fairly quick. He jab Cynthia is the arm firmly. "Nice moves, And here I thought you'd slow us down," he poorly complimented before continuing on to the Sora. "Well! let's get a move on."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Gwen sneezed,"Excuse me."; "Is there someone talking or perhaps talking about me?" She thinks. Going back to Revan's kid. "Yo, Carol. Can I talk to you with Yuu for a sec? Call Britz as well." She asks politely. But not to let herself get into thought, her belief of sneezing is when someone is talking about you, a person that shares a great bond. Mostly. However; when Chrome sneezes it is usually when she and Sable fights. Other times it would be when Aiden gets himself in trouble, Sairis gets home, Marduk gets home, and Nathan about to do something weird. (Valentine's Day ship tease <3) Enda The masked leader of the 6 Treasures; Enda, sneaks around with his phantom powers. Making everything dark around the pirates as in their vision is taken away. He appears behind Sable and Aiden and teleported them back to the vehicle. "Are you guys crazy? While thank you for kicking pirate butt! We don't have time for that, you'll just grab attention of The Don." Sora Kelly continued his sentence. "It's pointless to fight, you'll grab the attention of their leader and it's bye bye to Master Steve." The twins look worried due to the explosion so as the other two. Enda looks furious and for unknown reasons he started brawling with Sable. Sora Kelly "Lady Cynthia. Cease the fighting, we have to keep moving. More of them will come and the worst...!" He ignores the feud between Sable and Enda and he looks pissed yet sorry about it. Gogotetsu Vehicles goes faster. The creeper twins provide cover and Bizom is driving Gogo. "Oi oi.... Lady Cynthia. Did Sable-sama ate that fire a while ago? Because that's...." His face is blackened but then.... The twins starts throwing bombs as more pirates come. A shark looking and octopus looking monster pirate appears. "Gogo, Bizom! Drive faster!"The twins said in unison as Gogotetsu turns himself into a wide glider making room for everyone. The wild goose chase it is. "Shit! Guys they're here!" Kelly refers to the monster pirates as the pirates throw in their smoke and oil magic. Kelly starts shooting arrows while the twins throw bombs. "OHH SHIT NO! DON'T!" Kelly shouted...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aria Hunterblade She should've known. Why Aiden was in such a hurry before to get a move on from the guild to the mission he and Sable had decided to take. It was an S-Class mission, and they wanted to avoid being caught taking one. Aria sighed, hovering above the chaos of explosions, fighting and magic. She had gone back to the guild after the trial's dismissal, and stored supplies along the way. Her being in the guild seemed to go unnoticed though, save for a shocked few, as she had teleported to the guild's job request board as soon as she reached the front of the guild, then teleported back out after grabbing the paper of an S-Class job request. She was aware of the newcomer though, Revan's son, but decided it would be too much of a hassle to answer his questions, that it was likely that she'd stay and chat with the others, and it would eventually reduce her time for the mission. So then she climbed up the top of a fairly tall building, requipped a staff that she opened up to be a glider, and handglided away to Greed Island, map in memory, summoning strong winds to bring her forward. The island was indeed the shape of a hand, that she took note of, but the other eye-catching thing was the battle that had ensued. She spotted the three dragon slayers below, and a few others with them, whom she figured were the ones who issued that request as they seem acquainted with the slayers. From above, she put away the staff in the pocket dimension of her Requip Magic and let gravity pull her down, also she reduced air resistance, thus she fell faster. She requipped her swords, placing them in a position vertical to the ground, with the blade pointing at both monster-looking pirates as she fell headfirst. But when she saw the monter pirates throw their oil magic, she flipped her body, and her feet landed atop the shark looking pirate, knocking him to the side, then she teleported farther away from the scene. Where the oil and bombs were about to meet, she reduced the oxygen levels there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Kyuuten and Pyrrha were on their way back to the Vyper's guildhall a noticeable improvement in the Celestial wizards spirits present. "Feeling better?" Pyrrha asked with a smile. She hated seeing him without his signature grin and though the one he wore now wasn't quite yet there it was good to see him cheering up. Kyuuten nodded. "Definitely~ Also, a bit sleepy." He said with a slight yawn. "I didn't expect that Bond to take so long. At least not because we had to wake him up first." His chuckle slipped into a yawn. "Once we get past that barrier I know he'll be a great addition to our team~"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia saw what Kelly was yelling about and reacted fast. She pushed her way to the back of Gogotetsu and threw her hands out. "Guardian Wings!" She yelled, just like in the guild, and her four wings shimmered into existence. Oil and bombs were a bad mix, but they couldn't be worse than Sable's dragon fire. She enclosed the entirety of the vehicle, guarding everyone with as large a shield as she could manage. "Hurry!" She yelled, white feathers showing on the sides of her face. "I can't keep this up forever!" Caroline "Sure thing." Caroline said, turning to Bristlebane who was standing right next to her. "She says come with us." With her task out of the way, she followed Gwen to, wherever it was she was taking them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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Vrabe Rheat - Black Lightning Vrabe was walking through town with his hand tucked in his pockets, the faint call of a ancient voice echoed from what seemed like miles away. He shook his head of it, making it disappear and causing others to take short glances at him. Looking up, he spotted Kyuuten and approached him. "What are you doing away from the guild?" he asked, his concern hidden by a stern tone. "You should stay close to the other Harpy's, you never know when a Snake might decide to strike."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Bristlebane eagerly followed Caroline, he wasn't sure what they were doing but it would probably be a lot of fun. "Think there's going to be any explosions where we're going?" he asked excitedly
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Xavier "Thanks for the compliment, my mom made sure to beat that politeness into me and I'll tell you what, those are some lesson's I'll never forget. Believe me, I've tried." Xavier took a couple moments to shiver as he remembered his mother's hellish punishments for when ever he acted rude or impolite to anyone who didn't deserve it. Once Caroline had gone with Britz to Chrome, he turned back to Yuuyami, taking moment to stare at her tail. "You must go through so much, man, I'm trying to keep an unbiased opinion about this guy, but everything I hear about him makes me looking forward to meeting him less and less. And I wasn't really that hyped to do so in the first place." Xavier took another drag from his cigarette, as he had left it sitting there for too long, breathing out a stream of smoke that took the shape of a snake. It flew around for a little bit before it finally faded into nothing somewhere over head. Picking up on what Britz said, a grin spread over Xavier's face, though he didn't say anything. 'If they bring me along, then I'll make sure there will be some explosions.' The thought caused him to chuckle a little, excitement coursing through his veins soon driving out the disappointment he had been feeling. He hadn't been expecting the saint, but he had been hoping for something more than he was hearing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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She said to them, "Aran is not yet here, I just don't want her to influence Revan's kid and I'm gonna need the three of you in this job request too. All the way to the dungeon." Gwen shows a map. "Careful there's explosions as in there's a myth you called Vyper Bolt's Basilisk.. An ancient demonic snake. Either way I don't think its true nor hiding in the dungeon. A myth is a myth. Let's go." Gwen grabs the boy. "I'm wearing clothes this time, try not to close your eyes. We have to stick together in the dunge---." Akira-chan smiled and deploy the hatch as Gwen and the rest were transported to the dungeon. "Damn it! Akira! Can you wait for 2 seconds? Why can't you even let me finish what I'm trying to say!" An application was downloaded into their heads, the map to what they are after. "You guys looking for that super swimming pool, hotspring sauna right?" Akira asked telepathically. "There are ingredients needed to fulfill its cleaning." The ingredients are: Golden Scabbard The spiciest chili which is blood crimson color Bones Snake skin Basilisk eyes Chrome took something from her pocket, it is one of those things that Marduk gave. "A chili? Who knew" She said. "Carol you got any magic that can help? Anyone?" Chrome is dumbfounded currently as Akira signed out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline Caroline went over the list in her head. "I'm sorry, is this a mission to clean a pool in the bottom of a dungeon, which is absurd by the way, or a life threatening scavenger hunt? Why would you need a golden scabbard and basilisk eyes?" She sighed and tapped her bag. "Whatever, a job is a job. I don't have any magic that would help with finding these things, just weapons and armor. Well, actually." She shifted from foot to foot in thought. "I do have one thing I've been working on, but I haven't finished it yet. I don't know how well it would work."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Dragon Amulet Arc Part 2: Contamination of the Air
Wings and Tails OST: Battle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cK3NMZAUKGw
The tides of the water and oil, monster pirates disappear like the wind!
Aburaki and Mizuki
The Shark and Octopus pirates are faced by Aria Hunterblade, Sable is separated from the rest of the group as Enda did so. All of them faced minor injuries due to the irregular ethernano effect of the island! Encounter Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IzR_ClTE8Y Regardless of Aria reducing the effects of the explosion it still exploded due to the effect of the island. "Look what we have here, if it isn't Ms. Carnage of Harpy's Wing." Stating the name of Aria's title, they disappear silently like the mist. Sora doesn't look so good and he's trying to calm himself aside from the wounds he received. "Lady Cynthia. Sable-sama just consumed flames a while ago with the irregular magical power/ethernano in the air... this is bad.. at this rate." Bizom continued his sentence. "He will become one of those ugly pirates that mutated their bodies. Which is why Sora-kun told you guys to hurry before the air gets contaminated around us. We have at least 48 hours to make or find an antidote for Say-Say-kun. Well, that's if we find him and Enda." He said. Then the creeper twins were sad, "Enda will not hesitate to kill those who are infected by the air. It's mercy killing. He killed..." Gogo stopped them. "Don't talk about it. We have to keep moving and get the amulet..." The creeper twins noticed Aria's arrival. "Cynthia-sama, is she your group?" ============================== Enda "I'm sorry but I will have to end you dude." He uses his ghost phantom magic and causes afterimages to flash and blitz Sable.(Open for an attack if you can react @Renny).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia "Ethernano?!" Cynthia cried, dropping her shield. "Why is there Ethernano in the air here? What is this place?!" If this place was covered in Ethernano, then whenever they tried to eat their element they would eat the nano too. That could mess them up later on. "But," She paused, her thought process shifting. "If that's what's turning people into monsters, I don't think you have to worry about Sable. Actually, you might have to worry about him killing Enda, not the other way around."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE "I don't know what the hell has gotten into you," he told the mask man, his crimson flames erupting over his body as the phantoms were summoned. "But I won't hold back," he growled, his voice straining. He hadn't noticed but ever since he had eaten that fire from earlier, his body had felt odd. It actually felt... hot. As if his very core was bursting with energy, boiling his insides and magical essence. It was weird but his gut literally cringed, sending him to the ground in a frenzy of clenching muscles. Something he didn't have the time for at the moment. His fist crashed into the earth, deep veins spreading out from the impact and etching themselves into the side of the cliffs around. He growled in pain as the flames around him engorged and spread outwards, racing towards the many phantoms in the form of a immense torch, Sable being the wit powering it. The very island shook with his overbearing rage, and he couldn't explain it but it was like all his sanity was being consumed by fire "I- I... I can't-" His words were consumed by a vicious roar, his flames clearly visible from afar. The massive fire ceased to exist as he reigned in control, leaving remnants licking the blackened earth and cliffside. Glowing brown slants peered out towards Enda, a scaled patterned laying around his eyes as he stood up straight. His gaze was notably feral and cold, a great difference from his usual expression. With a single step, a blade of fire raced through the cracked ground and towards Enda. "This strength... I'm five times, no, at least ten times stronger than before. But how?" he wondered, oblivious to the flames drifting from his body but keenly aware of his heightened senses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden Aiden ignored Cynthia's exclamations, and pretty much everything said after 'Edna's going to kill Sable', instead opting to grab Kelly by the collar and bring him in close, glaring at him with cold murder in his icy blue eyes, the pupils slit and a rumbling growl escaping from his throat. "He's going to do what!?!? Like hell he will, and like hell I'll fucking let him!! Now you tell me where that masked, pink-eyed bastard is or I will-" Before he could finish his threat, the island shook, a huge torrent of flame visible somewhere in the distance. Dropping Kelly, Aiden quickly formed a bird and flew off towards the site of the explosion, not noticing the glow in his scale marks that was starting to form. Once he arrived over the area, he couldn't help but feel the intense energy flowing off of Sable, the heat causing Aiden to cringe slightly in discomfort. Not only that, but something about this massive energy seemed familiar, as if he had been in the presence of such energy before. Suddenly, he was hit by a barrage of images, brief, indistinct flashes of memory. He was unable to make anything out of them, but he felt intense emotions from each one. Pain, Desperation, and Hunger. The last one was the most intense out of them all, such an all consuming hunger that took away all reason, all sanity. It terrified him, as he wondered 'What is this, when did I feel these emotions?'. He shook it off, filing it for something to deal with later. Now, he'd focus on helping Sable, if he needed it. Though, in the fire dragon slayer's present state, Aiden doubted he would. Xavier Xavier had no idea what any of what was listed had to do with cleaning a pool, but he didn't care. He was just excited to do the mission. Plus, the myth about the basilisk sounded awesome, and even if Gwen said it was false, he'd be looking for it. How could something so awesome not be true. The thought was inconceivable. "Gwen, just because I'm not as old as the rest of you, doesn't mean I'm easily influenced. Also, could you please call me by my name, and not 'Revan's kid'. I really dislike being associated with him, as I feel it will cause people to expect the worse of me, with Yuuyami's initial questions for me being a prime example. Anyway, let's go and find this stuff already, and maybe find this demon basilisk while we're at it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Bristlebane looked around curiously not at all surprised by the sudden drop, "Well i'm not sure how anything here is related to a pool, but at least it sounds fun, although i wonder if the golden scabbard comes with a golden sword, I've always wanted a golden sword." he said wistfully and then started wandering around looking for stuff. Hopefully the Basilisk couldn't turn people to stone like normal ones could or they might be in actual danger. Buuuuut it probably wasn't here anyway
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