Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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"It's not a surprise to get strong with such ethernano since you're a dragon slayer and look at your right hand turning into that of a sea crocodile. You should know that the ethernano is contaminated in the palm area of the island to where we are now. I don't want to kill you but those who turn into one of them needs to be killed otherwise they will be rampaging." Enda's eyes glow and his darkness magic glow intense as pitch black but he was hesitant. "I'm sorry for acting rash, we better find you a cure." He said. After that he uses his telepathy and informed everyone including Aiden that they're alright unless Sable acts rash himself as always. As much as possible. Enda tries to think and act rationally and it starts by not killing Sable. "The cure however is temporarily, the one we have at least but it should help you. The permanent one is with the Pirate Captain"
Sora Kelly
He didn't mind Aiden's grip. "Who knows and I'm glad they're alright unless Sable-sama acts stupid as always from the news. He's famous and all for his rampages and damaging private property." The creeper twins stopped him from talking. Gogotetsu agrees and approaches Aria. "Ms Aria please come with us we got lits to discuss."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Vrabe Rheat - Black Lightning Vrabe was walking through town with his hand tucked in his pockets, the faint call of a ancient voice echoed from what seemed like miles away. He shook his head of it, making it disappear and causing others to take short glances at him. Looking up, he spotted Kyuuten and approached him. "What are you doing away from the guild?" he asked, his concern hidden by a stern tone. "You should stay close to the other Harpy's, you never know when a Snake might decide to strike."
"Making new friends did always lift your spirits." Pyrrha said before noticing someone walk up to her and Kyuuten. "Is that Vrabe?" Kyuuten looked up at the God Slayer and smiled. "Hey, how's it going?" Vrabe was a great guildmate but he's probably one of most serious of the Harpy's. Next to Kyuuten that was made exceptionally more noticeable. "Hm? Oh, I had an errand to run." He answered. As much as Vrabe tried to mask his concern it was quite apparent considering the circumstances. Kyuuten chuckled. "Come on, you too? The Vyper aren't that bad. Frankly I'm glad we've got this chance to make friends with them~ Though the king could have thought of something that didn't involve destroying our home..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aria Hunterblade She couldn't remove the oxygen fast enough. The blast still came, sending everything within its vicintity flying away, though the explosion was minimised. In reflex, she had shielded her face with both arms in front of them, bracing herself for the impact as she was flung away. Her sense of direction was disoriented, leaving her no clue as to where she would land. Thus she created an air ball around herself to shield away debris and such, and cushion her fall. After all had calmed, she dispersed the swirling air around her, checking herself to see minor injuries, some cuts and bruises here and there. Some parts also throbbed from the explosion, but she shrugged off the pain. Then another explosion occurred not too far off from her, making her abruptly tilt her head to view it. She recognized the magical energy flowing out of there to be Sable's, and almost instantly saw an ice bird take off after with the figure of Aiden riding on it. She had sensed a high concentration of ethernano among the air particles, the radius of that being from where Sable was then to the palm of the hand-shaped island. That she knew upon coming to the island, so it was no surprise that Sable had attained a high magical energy level. A big, metallic man-shaped thing, whom she recognized was the one who had shapeshifted to a hang glider before, came to her, inviting her to the rest of the ones with him and addressing her by her name. She hadn't met him before, but shrugged the thought as she recalled her name and title being known by many. She put away her swords in the pocket dimension before responding to him with a nod, and she then followed him to the group clustered together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Xavier Xavier looked around the place they had landed in, a dark looking stone dungeon with torches spaced out at regular intervals, though only one in ten seemed to be actually lit. Focusing energy in his hand, he shot out a stream of super heated ash down a line of torches, lighting up a random corridor that he proceeded to walk down, calling back to the others. "Well, what ever the hell we're here to find, we ain't going to do it standing around. I'm gong to scout this tunnel out a bit, and as soon as I come to the first fork in the road, I'll double back. Anyone who wants to join me is free to." Xavier continued walking for a while, soon losing sight of the room he had started in. As he walked he came to a three-way fork in the tunnel, and was about to turn back when he felt. . . something calling to him from down one of the tunnels. LIke a siren's song, it whispered to something deep inside of him, cloudng his mind and drawing him ever closer to it. He slowly began to walk down the middle tunnel, and if anyone jhad followed him, they'd notice that his eyes had hazed over, and seeming to be flashing between their regular azure blue to a deep and disturbing black, the pupils slitted and a glowing scarlet red. 'Come, lord of darkness,' he heard whispered into his mind like a malicious parasite, 'come and claim what is yours by blood.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Troll: Hiro Mashima is pulled to do a 4 hour timeskip by Haruna-chan
P.S if nobody knows who is Hiro Mashima. Shame on you.
Greed Island, the upper palm.......4 Hours Later.....
Craforaid HQ-Map of the Island revealed
Four hours have past, the Craftoraid tend to the snakes and birds wounds, have a meal, look around, investigate and have medium rest. With Aria around, Sable and Aiden are turned to the baby slayers they are with her authority presence as an S Class. Of course neither of them knew that this mission is not an S Class. It was all according to Master Liem's plan to keep the two dragon slayer away while the members of the guild repair the first floor and for Chrome and others to clean the swimming pool. In addition, the discussion about the island is revealed by the creeper twins.
After that, they were all on Sable; tending to his monsterfied right arm and checking every part of his body if there are any signs of him being turned into a monster pirate.THEN they join Sora to discuss while Aiden is sparring with Enda and Bizom simultaneously. Dealing with both speed and stealth attacks. Afterwards the meeting is set: Sora said; "The island as we know is shaped as a hand, we are in the upper palm where the contamination is 50-50." He said and continued. "There five corners of the island. Each finger of the island is enchanted with a magic barrier. The thumb is pure jungle. It is where the finest fruits belong, I recommend we travel into twos to each fingers. The index finger is furthermore contaminated with Pyrofrost lacrima, freezing lava- all thanks to the pirates hording our treasures. The fourth finger is pure air but the air in someways feels cursed yet holy, we believe that this air once circulated in the island's atmosphere will help purify the corrupted ethernano and cure the sick." That's right. Before they head to the base, there were many sick people turning into pirate monsters, women and children dying off because of the poisonous ethernano. Somehow the creeper twins and Sora skip the part about he middle finger. "Any questions? We need to form a temporary team to each fingers and one of us has to stay in the center. We can't stay here too long because the pirates will hunt us down and they got Master Steve. Now that we told you about the island's nature, we need to rescue Master Steve in order to find out how to dispel the barriers." He said. -------------------
Four hours later
Chrome and the others have been walking in circles and coming across monster like figures. "There's no end to this maze. Surprisingly she hasn't stripped yet. Something caught her attention. Something gold and shiny. "Bristlebane, go to my right, I mean head to your right and if you see something gold and shiny grab it quickly. You find the scabbard, you get the golden sword." She said and told Caroline, Yuu, and Xavier to get a sample of the grass of each, red for Xavier, blue for Carol, and green for Yuu. Suddenly, an earthquakre occurs as a black figure with supernatural eyes is about to munch Xavier. "Xavier! Look out!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Xavier Xavier snapped out of his trance as Gwen called his name, jumping backwards out of instinct and just barely avoiding getting chomped. Before getting a good look at the creature, Xavier started to blast it. "Tephra God's Bellow," He screamed as a plume of black, super heated tephra slammed into his attacker soon followed by another attack, "Tephra God's Obsidian Spears!" With his hands out strectched he plasted conjured more Tephra, forming it into a spear shape before using his mgic to compress it, then launched it into the ash cloud his last attack had created. Quickly backing up, he charged up his fist with more magic that he'd love to launch into the face of whatever attacked him. Aiden Aiden listened to Skelly talk, wincing every now and then as he moved. The combo between the masked guy and the kid was vicious, because as soon as he got inman engagment with one, another woyld pop up and atrack him, allowing the other ine tonescape and starting thecycle all over again. Focusing back on Skelly, he already knew where he was headed. "I say me and Sable handle the Index, just tell us what, or who, needs breaking so we can cure everyone on the island."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE The scene was tense and filled with flaring magic, the wind blistered from the heat but just as soon Sable opened his mouth to speak, the scene wiped to black. After the narration had finished, Sable sat crossed legs and pouting, contaminated arm bandaged up. "I can't believe you guys fucking skipped me," he muttered, looking up at both Cynthia and Aiden. "I thought we were a team, a Dragon Slayer trio... what kind of trio skips their friend. I hate you guys and that Hiro asshole," He pursed his lips to one side and looked away before quickly changing his tune and returning to normal. Standing up, he cracked his neck and marched off alone towards the index finger. "Welp, I've chosen the lava-frosty stuff," he stated gleefully, though he could still feel the lingering affects of the last time. His bones felt brittle and his body seemed far weaker than usual. "If I can master it, I'll become the best in no time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE The scene was tense and filled with flaring magic, the wind blistered from the heat but just as soon Sable opened his mouth to speak, the scene wiped to black. After the narration had finished, Sable sat crossed legs and pouting, contaminated arm bandaged up. "I can't believe you guys fucking skipped me," he muttered, looking up at both Cynthia and Aiden. "I thought we were a team, a Dragon Slayer trio... what kind of trio skips their friend. I hate you guys and that Hiro asshole," He pursed his lips to one side and looked away before quickly changing his tune and returning to normal. Standing up, he cracked his neck and marched off alone towards the index finger. "Welp, I've chosen the lava-frosty stuff," he stated gleefully, though he could still feel the lingering affects of the last time. His bones felt brittle and his body seemed far weaker than usual. "If I can master it, I'll become the best in no time."
Aiden "First off, stop what your dong, stop it right now. Bad Sable. Secondly, glad we're on the same page, but obviously I'm going to master it, and obviously I'm going to be the best. Why do you seem to have trouble understanding this."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aria Hunterblade "What about the middle finger and little finger? Well regardless, I'll be picking the ring one. So where is your Master Steve?" Aria questioned the twins, scowl ever-present. She was, as usual, leaning against a wall, with crossed arms. With bandaged limbs and in quite a weak state, she saw Sable standing up from his chair and walking off, trying to get to the index finger of the hand-shaped island. "Sable, take Aiden with you at least. You know you're not gonna get anywhere like that," Aria told Sable's back after Aiden spoke, the flame dragon slayer's bandages palpable. She was quite concerned of his well-being, though she doesn't show it, and instead masks it with her usual frown and scowl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia knocked Sable over the head. "Hey, stop breaking the fourth wall, it's there for a reason. If you're done pissing off the creator, can we get back to our mission?" She glanced at Aria. "I'll go with you. Not that you need backup, but my healing magic might be able to stave off the effects of the Ethernano for a while." She bowed to the S Class, adding "I'll try not to hold you back."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

On top of a tree, there rested a woman. With fair sking, red hair and red eyes, along with some really skimpy clothing. She slowly rose from her slumber and yawned, no, more like grumbled something akin to the call of a beast that just woke up. She rubbed the sleepiness away from her eyes, before looking around and checking her surroundings. "What in the seven hells.... What am I doing here again?" Trying to recall the events from yesterday, Oriel stroked her temples, but only a headache fell upon her. "Goddammit, I can't remember shit... Again. Oh well." She looked down to the floor, and it was several meters away, maybe even a kilometer? The tree was fucking high, after all. Well, what doesn't kill you... She jumped off the tree and landed safely in the ground, though she still heard her legs crack a bit. "Ouch, that fucking hurts!" Oriel said, before looking around again, and spotting a group of three guys that may or may not have taken note on her, after that fall. They weren't facing that way, but they were still relatively close, maybe the noise alerted them. "Crap, I don't feel like dealing with bullshit right now." She quickly hid behind some bushes and eavesdropped on them a bit. She didn't get everything, but she heard one of them saying he'd go to the 'lava one'. Well, that seemed right up her alley. Maybe she could also get them to take her out of wherever they were. She set her eyes on the guy with long black hair (Sable), sizing him up and taking into account everything she could discern with a single glance. "Not a bad one... Maybe I'll eat him up." She said, passing her tongue by her lips as if to savor the guy. "The hunt is on, I guess." Her stare was so intently and her intentions so perverse the guy might have felt a chill going down his spine just from her looking at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Bristlebane grinned eagerly, he knew it, what kind of golden scabbard didn't have a golden sword. Far to excited to bother making a plan or stand around for another second he ran towards the shiny object, Please be a golden sword, please be a golden sword Bristlebane thought to himself as he ran towards it totally ignoring the scuffle behind him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden heard a voice from behind him and turned to see a girl with flaming red hair that seemed to have fallen from the tree quickly hiding herself in some bushes. Finding this very suspicous, Aiden walked over to the bush she was in, making a grunt as he saw her seeming to drool over Sable. 'What the hell was wrong with the women of this island, what do they ese in the walking fire hazard' "Oi, who the hell are you, and what are you doing spying on us?" As he spoke, he took a stance, not sire what to expect from the woman.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Dragon Amulet Arc- Five Corners x Burning x Pirates
The story so far
Gwen "Chrome" Sniegow's P.O.V/Point of View and Narration
After a long debate in the council, vipers and harpies argue over the rites of freedom, rules and regulations that are established by the council. The council leader, Drake Roganoff nearly banned both guilds but thanks to Councilwoman Kyou and Councilman Carter, they were able to save the vipers and harpies from the terrible fate predestined by the Council. All S Class of viper and harpy were sent on a 2 week S Class expedition excluding Aria Hunterblade. Sable, Aiden, and Cynthia went on an S Class mission that day but they don't even know that it was Master Liem's plan of keeping them out of trouble. During that four hours we've all been walking in circles in the dungeon near our guild, we came across the Basilisk which was believed to be a myth. With Aria on the picture in Greed Island; things are taking a different turn now that they know about the five fingers of the island except the last finger and the middle finger. That day was the day where everything changed based on everyone's decision including mine. A day that I can't forget. I have written everything in my diary. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Roganoff Estate
Brad Li and Drake Roganoff
Visiting a grave at the Roganoff estate, Brad is disgusted and angered for everything that the Roganoffs did to the Li family and Viper Bolt. Drake showed up. "Nice seeing you here. Your mother died proud as a Roganoff and you should know your place as a Roganoff too. Those trash snakes and birds don't deserve a place in Fiore. Think of this way, with you as part of the council....no... what am I saying... Not that I will apologize but accept it anyway. I can't mess with your reputation as Uncle Man Li's son but they will find out anyway. Besides.... your mom is such an atrocity to our clan. She's not even worthy to carry the name of the Roganoff and---" Brad Li punched Drake right into the face and made him spit out blood, Drake was still smiling. "Don't you dare speak ill of my mother again, your hypocrite speeches in the council does not amuse me at all and don't think just because we have the same blood, it doesn't mean I'm part of your kin. The Li's, The Roganoffs, fuck all that. I have my own identity, I'm not like my dad nor do we are family, you greedy hypocrite freak!" Brad Li trash talks. Drake laughed. "Hahaha. That is so like you but threaten me again and I will end you. And I'm not talking about your career. Not just your life but your guild too." He teases but then Brad throws a vending machine with his rage. The fights goes off screen. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Ice Make: Samurai Sakura Blizzard!" Gwen fuses ice make dynamic and ice make static being the weapon while the samurai is the conduit for it. The ice familiar samurai releases a sword sakura blizzard on the monster. Upon looking at it, she can't believe her eyes. It is the Basilisk. With her quick reaction, she notice that Xavier is attacking it with his fist while her attack is about to land a hit to the Basilisk. "Damn it! Ice Make: Wing Talons!" Gwen molds an ice wing shaped like hands, extended and pulled Xavier before he could do his attack. Her attacks on the other hand missed as the Basilisk was hissing and moved quick. "Guys, don't look at its eyes." She warned them. "We have to kill it one way or another." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sora said, it is not up to them who will decide as decision comes later not until they rescue Master Steve. "Master Steve knows better. Even if I were to agree of you two dragon slayers going at the index, I can't guarantee you it will suffice just because of your elements. We find Master Steve, we get things straightened out." He disagreed with Sable and Aiden. "Guys we better--" A large spear impaled Sora out of the blue, ".....run...." He fell down. A horde of pirates are surrounding them and the return of the Pirate Brothers; Aburaki and Mizuki returns for a rematch to capture them. Enda screamed. "GUYS! GUYS! GUYS! RUN! RUN! There's too many of them, we can-----". He got knowkced out.
Pirate Captain: Raul Scheherazade
As the Pirate Captain watched from his ship via lacrima vision, he stood by with a smirk on his face, looking at the looks on everyone's face. "Thank you so much for this view....... Or should I say, I commend each and everyone of you for leading them to this place. Now.. now... Don't give me that look, it's making me blush. I hate to wait and one way or another, they will give me" He is holding his doll and caressing it. In that sudden attack. Enda was knocked out. The Pirate Brothers said. "You guys are outnumbered, you got nowhere to go. Either calmly follow us or get killed." Decision Making:Follow or Fight!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Xavier Xavier let out a shout as he was pulled back, almost about to roast Gwen until he realized who it was. He went to look at the creature, but quickly looked away upon Gwen's warning. He kept his eyes low, focusing for a bit before he cried out "Tephra God's Bellow" letting out another blast of super heated ash surge towards the beast, giving it a curve so that it didn't interfere with Gwen's attack. "Tephra God's Divine Judgement: Obsidian Rain" He cast a dense ash cloud towards the basilisk, quickly condensing them into a barrage of razor sharp obsidian pieces that would converge on the Basilisk at high speeds. "So much for it being a legend huh." Xavier said, his eyes subtly shifting between blue and black, the voices whispering to him again. 'Kill it, my prince, kill the basilisk and take it's soul and make it your own.' Xavier's grin grew wide, a bloodlust he had never felt before beginning to take hold.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE Sable smirked at Aiden's comment. If the Ice Boy really thought he'd beat him, than by all means he could try. But it would never happen, never in Aiden's life, only a few people could beat him and he already had them on a certain list. Sable found the energy to stab Aiden with a challenging gaze. "Yea right, no way will you ever beat me dickwad. Haven't you noticed, those flames earlier would had decimated your ice toys," he told him, feeling almost absolute that they would have. He felt his back crick with pain and clench up, one eye closing. "D-Dammit." Than he turned to Aria, teeth clenched in agony. "As if I need you tell me that." He fixed himself right, directing a warmth to the pained area, it soothed made it bearable. He shivered before straightening himself and rebuking his crippled state. Even worse was the fact that the chill down his back felt eerie, as if he was in danger or something. But he wasn't really in danger. This feeling was different for sure. The situation was turning so complex, people were talking and decisions weren't being made. If he could, he would had been long gone but his body was killing him. He turned to yell at Sora but the moment he did, a spear pierced the man's gut. Sable noticed the multiple scents closing in on them and made sure to put himself in front of Cynthia and Aria as they closed them in. A sharp tsk left him. He wasn't fit for a fight but that had never stopped him before. He smirked, more like snarled with confidence. "Get killed?" he mocked, flames erupting over his body. "Yea right, you and your weak squad won't beat me!" he yelled, taking a harsh foot forwards, flames growing and shrinking from the strain of forcing his magic. He hadn't noticed but his breathing had become haggard. Shit, my stomach is hurting like hell. My whole body feels as if its tightening up on me. DECISION MADE: FIGHT
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia watched Sable step in front of them after Sora got impaled. Her immediate instinct was to help Sora, but she wouldn't be able to while they were under attack. She took two steps until she was beside Sable. "You won't be able to take them all like you are, I'm going to help you." She placed a hand on his shoulder and closed her eyes, breathing in deep. Then, with only half a thought to the wisdom of it, her deep breath became deeper and she started inhaling the light as well. As the corrupted meal entered her body, her eyes blazed with light, and the feathers that usually appeared on her head showed up in full force, growing not only at the sides of her face but down her neck and over the tops of her arms. "White Dragon's Healing Light, Full Power." She intoned, and Sable started glowing as her magic targeted his wounds. She could feel the Ethernano trying to corrupt her body, but her own magic was fighting back for now. She should be able to fight at least without turning into a monster. "You are an affront to the natural order," Cynthia said to the pirates. "I will purify you." Decision made: Fight
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Pirate Duo
Mizuki- EF Aburaki-EF "Brother, you take the puny midget while I'll have Sable to myself." Mizuki said. They are in their human form and activated their demon form respectively. Altogether they yelled; "エーテリアス フォーム Ēteriasu Fōmu! Megalodon Shark King- Mizuki and Burning Octo Oil Ink- Aburaki. Mizuki the water type demon rushes to Sable, while moving he is filled with water itself as he skates to him. Exchanging fast blows. Aburaki on the other hand spills oil and ink on the whole area, making it an Area of Effect/AoE affecting their battle. Trivia: Etherious Demons in particular, do not make use of Magic, but rather Curses for they are demons which accordingly run off of Curse Power (呪力 Juryoku). Also, various members of the Etherious subspecies have displayed the ability to enter a so-called Etherious Form (エーテリアス フォーム Ēteriasu Fōmu), in which their appearances change and they gain access to an enhanced set of their already available abilities, something which is dubbed as utilizing the "real power" of the race. The Etherious demons are demons created from the books of Zeref. "Your boyfriend won't be able to fight with fire if he lit my oil! There will be a fire forest! HAAHAHAHA!" Aburaki says to Cynthia from a distance. "Oh...those wings a while ago. It's really you, White Harpy Cynthia Grey. It would be an honorable fight!.............Now.... TENTACLES!!!! TENTACLES!!!! TENTACLES!!!!!!!" Tentacle Curse The tentacle curse is a form of curse used by Aburaki the Octopus Demon. It is oily in substance and sticky with its pores. Continuing it. "You better dance well, White Harpy Cynthia. I've not seen many girls dance with my tentacles since then. Do you know why your boyfriend, Sable is turning into one of us?" He asked. "The island is corrupted with demon particles mixed in the ethernano atmosphere thus fusing together which is volatile to non mages and mages alike. The Wretched One is only lucky to withstand such effect all thanks to his dragon slayer magic." The other pirates attack Aria, Aiden, and the other Craftoraid members.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden Aiden stopped questioning the woman as they were attacked, quickly moving to Sable and Cynthia's side. Standing on Cynthia's otherside, he summoned his ice focusing it towards his hands as he prepped for battle. "You fishified rejects of nature think you can take 3 Dragonslayers, an S-class, and 5 other mages with this many, then I must say that you're quite the dumb-ass fish." Aiden smiled, cracking his knuckles in anticipation. "Now then, let me show you guys what happens when you decide to mess with Vypers. . . Oh, and, um, harpies too." Aiden added the last bit lamely, he had been pretty cool until then. "Ice Make: Howling Night!" Aiden clawed his hands together and smashed them into the ground, causing a wave of ice to rush forward and freeze the oil the octopus-demon had summoned, then began smashing into the pirates. That was not all however, as the moment they hit the pirates, the ice transformed into fierce wolves that proceeded to tear into and attack the pirates. The attack took a good bit of wind out of Aiden's sails, but he summoned his ice claws and leaped into the fray, slashing at every pirate he could with a fierce savagery, and making his way towards the freaky octopus man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Bristlebane grinned, booyah not only was it the sheath it had a sword in it as well, double points! He quickly grabbed it and turned around waving it triumphantly over his head, and saw Xaiver trying to shred the basilisk with shards of what looked like black glass, cool. But Bristlebane was about to do something cooler, he took out his Traveling stone and hurled it at the Basilisks head. He raised his new found sword out of its sheath over his head and yelled a battle cry- only to have the stone completely miss and hit Gwen. Which left Bristlebane in the incredibly shocking experience of having his entire body, but worst off all lips, pressed up right against Gwen and his heroic jump into the air was now leading to him crashing to the ground with Gwen most likely underneath him.
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