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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Transitioning from the pirate battle, Bristlebane is on top of a naked Gwen who just stripped and about to get serious. His body was pressing on him. For 5 seconds that is, the kiss was intact. Gwen lets go and breathes heavily after that kiss. She's silent and quite embarrassed. "Oh come on what's that for? Tch... nevermind.. ICE MAKE: JukchangJang!!" Gwen erupts 20 meter long Korean ice spears which encased the Basilisk in ice. "Ice Make: Prison! Ice Make: Thorn Vines! Ice Make: King Kong!" Restraining the Basilisk. "Oi! Use that shiny sword of yours and go inside the Basilisk's mouth. Idiot." Sable's kiss was bad already which tasted like Tabasco sauce and Aiden's kiss was cold as heck. Gwen shrug those thoughts off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia left the small fries to Aiden while she faced off against the octopus freak. "Fine, I'll fight you, but don't think just because I'm not destructive I can't stand up for myself!" Cynthia held her hands out to her sides and coated them in light. "White Dragon's Brilliant Claws!" She yelled as the light around her hands focused on her fingertips. She launched herself at the demon, batting away his tentacles and leaving thin lines of light where her fingers touched. She aimed herself for the main body, then she just needed a few seconds to end this fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE The energy flowing through Cynthia and into him was wondrous, it soaked into his bones and veins like warm milk, promoting a natural healing that felt like a form of ecstasy. Once she was done, he looked at her changed form and was almost startled by her beauty. Quickly, he snapped his blushing face from her and towards the demons. He couldn't allow his feelings to stick around, much less be seen when the enemies had surrounded them. So, he let out a hmp and smiled. "Purify them huh?" he asked Cynthia, eyes stuck on his opponents. "Fuck that, let's just wreck them! Then later we can eat em!" He charged off towards the Mizuki, his flames barreling over his body just as water had the shark. He was never the thinking type, so it was only dumb luck that Aiden had shelled the oil over in ice, preventing his flames from igniting it. He ran up on Mizuki and crossed blows with the shark-man. Sable dodged the demon's blow, guarding himself from the shattering ground and power behind it. It was impressive that Demons had been so strong but he doubted they were ready for a Dragon Slayer such as himself. Sable launched himself off of a tree as he dodged one of Mizuki's attack. He twisted in mid-air and filled his lungs to the brim, his voice echoed with strength. "Fire Dragon's Roar!" He released the pent up flames, charring the earth and setting the trees blazing as it headed towards Mizuki. Unknowing of the results, he landed back on the ground and stared towards the crisped area, looking to see if Mizuki survived.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aria Hunterblade Before she could reply to Cynthia, Sora's body was pierced, and Enda was knocked out. This made Aria widen her eyes, turning to look at the attackers. She saw the pirate captain amusing himself with the situation, and she clenched her teeth, scowling. We'll see about that, she thought. The opponents were soon divided nicely, and Aria, Aiden and the rest of the Craftoraid guild were left to fight off the massive horde of the other pirates. The oil released by the octo-guy that had formed a large pool on the battlefield was soon frozen by Aiden, making Sable able to attack. My turn, Aria thought. She moved her hands in a swirling pattern, manipulating the surrounding winds, and released it as a massive tornado towards the small fries. The tornado was controlled such that it would send anything flying upon contact, but it wouldn't suck what it does not touch in. And Aria could manipulate it well, so her allies would be safe from it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Transitioning from the pirate battle, Bristlebane is on top of a naked Gwen who just stripped and about to get serious. His body was pressing on him. For 5 seconds that is, the kiss was intact. Gwen lets go and breathes heavily after that kiss. She's silent and quite embarrassed. "Oh come on what's that for? Tch... nevermind.. ICE MAKE: JukchangJang!!" Gwen erupts 20 meter long Korean ice spears which encased the Basilisk in ice. "Ice Make: Prison! Ice Make: Thorn Vines! Ice Make: King Kong!" Restraining the Basilisk. "Oi! Use that shiny sword of yours and go inside the Basilisk's mouth. Idiot." Sable's kiss was bad already which tasted like Tabasco sauce and Aiden's kiss was cold as heck. Gwen shrug those thoughts off.
O gawd. O gawd. O gawd. She was naked again. O gawd. Bristlebane franticlly scrambled off of Gwen face redder than a tomato, grabbing a tissure from his coat to block the stream of blood emitting from his nose, "Eh, Erm, um, hem, eh, stab with sword got it." Brisltebane turned around and turned his embarrasement briefly into anger "STUPID BASASLISK!" He yelled and furiosuly lept into its mouth and stabbed his new, still shiny, sword through the top of the basilisks mouth impaling its brain. Bristlebane half hoped that the basilisk would take him with it. O gawd he had just kissed a naked girl. A really nice naked girl. She probally hated him now. THAT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN. THAT NOT WHAT HEROS DID.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Someone had discovered her, not that Oriel minded that much. She really didn't know why she was hiding in the first place. She stood up while sighing. "All right, all right, calm your tits, please. Testicles? Anyhow, I am not spying on you, to be honest, I barely care about what you are doing." It was a pain to explain, though, since she couldn't remember how the hell she winded up in that island. The group was quite big, in fact, she was surprised only one guy had come to her to tell her off. Well, anyhow, when the other two fishies appeared, she knew it was her chance. "Great..." Oriel quickly turned around and started running with all her might, getting far away from the group and the fish in a matter of seconds. "See ya, whitey! Thank you, Same, Tako!" She shouted as she ran away from them. Well, they had been nice enough as to be stupid enough for her to make her escape, and they did seem to be in a dire pinch. Then, the better she could do, was light them up with her flames and make things easier for them. She quickly snapped her fingers, activating her magic and directing it towards the shark and the octopus. "Good luck, idiots!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Deriva the Witch
A strong magical presence invoked, as the ground crumbles. It was none other than the girl in the wanted poster, Deriva the Witch. Capture her and the bounty and the dragon amulet is the reward. "You Barbaric Pirates, I'll handle this.." The Pirates focus their attention on the remaining Craftoraid members. "Lady Aria! We'll take caare of this! Fight the Witch!" The Twins, Bizom and Gogo fights on.
Aria vs Deriva
She smiled, "I'm sorry about them and don't worry, Craftoraid members are fine but if you so want them safe, all of you must surrender." She said. "I hate to let things drag out but.. your dragon slayer friends are such nuisance." She winked.
His body was dented by Sable's attack, an ordinary magician would have been knocked out as well as ordinary demons but for him, it's different. He is an Etherious Demon. He has lots of scratches. "Screw this." Due to the location advantage, he isn't as powerful. His etherious form deactivated due to some unknown flames making him revert back to human form back and forth to demon form. Decision: Now's your time Sable! Eat the flames to get a power boost and beat Mizuki! Yes or No?
"Curse you!" He spams ink blasts that are homing to her but in the end he got owned by Cynthia. Deriva smiled knowing that the Monster Brothers got defeated but what awaits is a tempest once Mizuki goes down.
"So much for the hype of such creature. Bristlebane." She walks closer to take a look. "Go take out the eyes and give it to Carol." It is implied that in this situation, Carol will be the one to study about the eyes and the anatomy of the Basilisk for the hyped awesome super cool deluxe swimming pool that they are gonna clean. @chukklehed Come up with anything about the ingredients on how to make this awesome pool. "Let's get moving!" The Basilisk is dead. Dungeon Arc reaches its CLIMAX!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE Powerful flames erupted around him and Mizuki, dazzling Sable with its purifying feeling and awesome grace. They flowed around with purpose but whatever it was, was lost to Sable. All he saw was fire and that was all it needed to be for him to eat it. Running towards the demon, he waded his hand through the fire and gorged himself on the flames until an entire stream of it was inside him. The power that course through him was something amazing. Ontop of Cynthia's on healing, it made him feel invincible. Leaping into the air, he spun around and shot a massive column of the fire from his fist. The flames were crimson hot and sparkled with the added magic, anything in its path would be incinerated to ashes. "Fire Dragon's Great Blow!" He landed on the ground with a thump, roaring flames burning behind him. A unfamiliar scent lingered in the air and he turned towards Oriel's fleeing direction, unknowing of her help but intrigued. Turning his attention to the witch, Sable barked out to her. "Yo, come fight me so I can smash your face into the ground!" DECISION MADE: YES Vrabe Rheat - Black Lightning "Selfish," he commented on the king's actions. "I could care less about the damage done, to destroy a person's home and force them to move is completely unforgivable." He sighed lightly before rubbing his head. "I could never get alone with those Vypers. They're loud and obnoxious. They make me want to kill something. We go get something to eat since we're out. Wanna come?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Bristlebane sighed, much to his gratitude Chrome was playing off the whole incident like nothing had happened and the blush in his cheeks slowly went down and he emerged from the basilisks mouth covered in icky icky saliva. "Well that was fun." he said brightly, "Good thing we're making a pool cause i really need to soak this stuff off." he said hoping that Xavier would also pretend the kiss hadn't happened
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Xavier Xavier clicked his tongue as he saw Britz kill the basilisk. 'That was my kill, and I lost it to a fool like that. I should take my ashes and stuff them down his throat, watch him squirm, choke, and burn. What a pleasure that would be.' It wasn't until he had finished the thought that he realized what it was he had just considered. It snapped him out of whatever state of mind he had been in before. 'What just happened to me?' Xavier gripped his head, groaning as it pulsed with pain. The last thing he could clearly remember was walking down a tunnel, then it all got disjointed and broken, like a shattered mirror, showing him only hazy images with no context. Each image, filled with dark emotions he had never felt before, at least, not like this. He feared these emotions, and yet, at the same time he felt like he couldn't get enough of them. He saw that Chrome was naked again, but he no longer felt such a strong urge to look away, though he eventually did. 'Don't be afraid to take, my prince' that same voice whispered in his ear, 'for all you see, and all that you desire belongs to you' Aiden After barreling through another wave of pirates, Aiden noticed the arrival of the strange hooded woman. It only took him a second to realize that she was the woman from the request, and possibly the leader of these pirates from the looks of it. Which meant taking her out would be a great way to help end the mission faster. 'She doesn't look that tough, but looks can be decieving. Plus, if she leading those fugly fish demons, she must be rather strong. Probably best to take her seriously.' Aiden closed his eyes in focus, snapping them open as he went into 'True Dragonslayer Mode', again releasing a burst of icy magic that covered everything in a layer of frost. "I'll show you a nuisance, ya witch, Ice Dragon's Blizzarding Wing!" Aiden charged at the witch, jumping when he got near to attack from above, his fist covered in hurricane force gales of sub-zero windsm jam packed with deadly sharda of Ice ready to impale the woman when ge struck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Dragon Amulet Arc: Part 3, The Terror.
Deriva The Witch Incoming nuisance. As she thought, she pranced at ease, receiving and blocking the Ice Dragon Slayer's attack with a simple gesture of her wrist, disabling it and appearing to have received the boy's hand with her fist. "Get out of my way mongrel. Aria Hunterblade is mine." She teleported him to Sable as they bump heads. "Aria, you are mine!" She rushed at her and as they meet, they teleported to the endless wind location in one of the fingers. The Shark and Octopus demon fused together in one body. "RRRAAAAAWWWWWRRRR!!!!!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aria Hunterblade Aria stopped the motion of the tornado after the witch spoke, seeing as most of the pirates were heavily injured by it. Possibly even killed. She nodded to the other Craftoraid members, then turned back to the witch. "They're not nuisances. You are," she scowled, noticing that she was the witch in the wanted poster. Aria saw that Sable had yelled at the witch to fight him after shooting a massive column of fire at sharky, and she skidded back when Aiden charged at the witch, attacking the witch with a fist of swirling hurricane of ice shards. Aria had actually planned to fight her alone, but oh well. The more the merrier, she supposed. She requipped her twin swords, getting into a battle-ready stance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden Aiden cursed as the witch easily blocked his attack, teleporting him away to Sable's fight then taking Aria away to whoknowswhere. 'Dammit, why am I so powerless. I was nothing to her!' Aiden growled in anger, onethat only grew as the two fish freaks became one big freak. He coated his claws in a coating of ice, extending their range, before turning towards the demon, a cold rage in his dragonic eyes. "Ice Make:Fallen Grace," he whispered under his breath, the ice coating his claws emitting the intense cold aura. His glare increased as he let his anger at his weakness take him over, letting the icy rage flow through his veins as he charged at the demon, a deeop, guttural, animalistic roar ripped itself out of Aiden's throat. He slashed at the demon with a frenzied pace and wild ferocity, trying his best to turn the fucker into sushi.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia skipped backwards as the two fused together, trying to get out of the way. Tsk, my binding runes won't work on that, I'll have to think of something else! She thought, glancing from side to side. She watched Aiden leap at the demon, but doubted he would be able to take it down like that. However, seeing his Ice gave her an idea. "Sable!" She shouted, pulling out her magic chalk. "Help Aiden keep that thing busy, I have a plan! I'm going to need your fire and his ice at the end, so make sure he's calm enough to help!" She cast her gaze to the sky to judge the position of the sun, and ran a few feet to the left before crouching down to write some runes. "I'm counting on you two!"
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oriel, in a Certain Ship
"Get outta my way." Oriel punches a pirate, sending him flying while he is still burning up. She snaps her fingers and the fire disappears. "Uwaaah, nothing but fodder around here, huh? How boooring. Well, at the very least, I got myself a nice fucking ship." Oriel smirked and continued making her way through the ship, with the very same smirk in her face. She punched anyone who came across her, and the pirates weren't even trying to retaliate anymore. It made things boring. They kept saying things like 'The captain will handle her'. Well, if the captain was so much of an awesome fighter, Oriel couldn't wait to see him. She passed her tongue through her lips as if to savor something again. "I hope he is a jucier prey than every other piece of idiot that's come across me. You should really employ guys better than these shitheads." She stood in front of a big door, probably the captain's chambers. Perfect. She kicked it open and went inside, only to find the captain sitting in front of his desk, facing the window while caressing a single doll. "Uwah, so cliche. Though I think the other guys use a cat rather than a creepy ass doll." She approached the desk and slammed her hand on it. "Listen here, darling. You will take me outta this place in the ass of the world and to Crocus, or I'm gonna pound your ass around." The guy behind the desk laughed. "My, my, don't be so hasty, why don't you take a seat? I'm sure we can work something out." He turned around and motioned towards a chair. Oriel was a bit surprised about how calm the guy was, she had just made her way through his pirate army, after all. She took a sit, nevertheless, and looked at him with expectant eyes. The guy himself didn't look dangerous, but there was something about him.... Something that told her taking him head on would end badly for her. It wasn't his ability, neither his magic, but something else... Maybe the creepy doll he was holding? "Great, we can talk this through. I would have hated if I had to clean your insides from the deck later today." "You can clean something else in your bedroom, if you want." Oriel said, half serious, half teasingly. "Then, what you wanna talk about?" The captain smirked. She was rowdy, and maybe a bit of a slut, but he didn't mind it.
After the talk
Yeah, I'm too damn lazy to write everything up, so you'll have to do with the explanation that comes afterwards, just like in every anime
"So, I get rid of these guys and you give me my ride to Crocus, right?" Oriel said, making sure she got what the guy said. The pirate captain merely nodded. "And these guys, 'Craftoriad', and the other guys who just got to the island, they are after your ass, huh? You should've done something real bad if all of those people are after ya." "Oh no, don't misunderstand. They are after a, what would you call it? Family relic that is currently in my possession? Yes, that would be the perfect way to describe it." The pirate answered her. It was fishy, but well, if it got her out of the damn island, what more did she care? "Spare me the tearjerkers and useless descriptions. I know what I gotta do, and I'm gonna do it. There won't be a fucking ash left of those guys. She slammed her fist into her open palm, before standing up and walking towards the exit. "I'll be back in a bit. Make sure the anchor is up by then." She lazily waved at the captain goodbye, and the pirate did the same. "Yes, they'll be up. As long as I don't have to use him, that is. Otherwise, the seas will be too rowdy for us to leave.
For some kind of miracle, Oriel found one of the targets she had been assigned. That guy said something about a witch, and damn, that gal that was fighting sure looked like one. She was fighting against another girl (Aria), and she was probably a part of Craftoriad. The first one that would down in Oriel's list. The wind was fucking crazy, but Oriel could handle it. She ran full speed at the witch and dropkick-ed her right in the face. "DYNAMIC ENTRY! Always expect the unexpected, bitch!" Oriel shouted after her surprise attack landed succesfully. She then turned to the other girl fighting her and gave her a thumbs up. "Don't worry, I'm on your side. How about we turn this witchy into a pile of shit?" She took her tonfas out of god's-knows-where and equipped them on, before snapping her finger and engulfing them in fire. "The name's Oriel, by the way, and yours?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Watching every event happen with lacrima vision, he seats still and after that talk with Oriel, it doesn't bother him much. "It's almost about time for me to get up and bring the amulet in fruition. Steve will be a good choice of a vessel. He said as he embraces the unconscious Steve. "Well... to think that they knocked out Aburaki and Mizuki at their demon form to the point they have to fuse is so sad. A sad truth that they are nothing more than mere fakers, they are not an Etherious for they are nothing but fakes. For such treasure, the dragon amulet is."
"Another one bites the dust but oh well." She snaps her finger and summoned the Craftoraid members, in formation. Enda, Creeper Twins, Bizom, Gogotetsu and Sora. The earth trembles as the nearby volcano starts erupting pyrofrost lacrima to the sky and raining it down to the island. Another thing is that, there's no need for vipers and harpies to unseal the barriers, it was never sealed to begin with with the exception of this finger side of the island. "What can I say. Craftoraid lead you guys into a trap. With you S Class Mage out of the way, Sharktopus will finish off the trio. I couldn't careless if a pathetic ally is with you. Kill them." Deriva joins in as well. Deriva activates her treasure magic, Spawn of the Witch, Potion Splash. Enda activates his treasure magic, darkness enhancement; YamiKami: Long Broad Sword. Bizom activated his treasure magic, dance of the undead, Zombie: Vampire Speed. Creeper Twins activated their treasure magic, Holy Cowl Explosion: KA-BOOM. Gogotetsu activated his treasure magic, Made of Iron: Iron Golem Mode. Finally Sora Kelly activated his treasure magic, Spooky Skeletons: Mad Bone Garcher.
THE CRAFTORAID WERE BAD GUYS ALL ALONG!!!!!!! Will Aria and Oriel survive?
Next: Aria and Oriel vs Craftoraid
The monster grab Aiden and Sable in their heads, he is faster than before. "RRRRRRAAAAAWWWRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!"
Gwen and the rest
Still doesn't care if she's naked, she grabs Bristlebane and Yuu with her abnormal strength. "GUYS! GUYS!, I see a portal there. It says that we need the sword to cut it. It needs to be done by two woman. Carol, Yuu! Do the honors!" She said and approaches Xavier, very closely. "You've shown great skill. Let's see whatever is in that portal." She said.
Two battlefronts for the survival of the island, the story reaches its 75%!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden As the fused demon grabbed Aiden's head, Aiden grabbed the demon's arm that held him, digging in his claws and spreading the intense cold of his fallen grace through out the demons body,causing an deep setting numbness to over take it. It's reflexes would be slowed, the cold sapping its strength away bit by bit. And Aiden wasn't done, not in the slightest. With his free hand, he charged and focused his magic into free hand, forming a pointed aura of ice energy. "Ice Dragon's Blizzarding Spear!" Aiden struck out, aiming to strike the demon's chest. At such a cloae range, it would be hard to miss. Aiden would keep striking againmand again, pounding the demon's body with high-powered punches, each one seeming to get stronger as Aiden lost himself to his rage, but in the process, Aiden was beginning to lose himself to his magic.
Xavier "Huh, oh yeah, thanks," Xavier pondered telling Chrome about the voices in his head, but decided against it. 'It's just the excitement getting to me, that's it. Yeah, I'm not crazy, just really excited.' Speaking of excitement. . . Xavier's face turned extremely red as Chrome came over to hum, very naked and way too close for comfort. He backed up aways, looking everywhere but in Chrome's general direction. "And c-could you p-please put some clothes on, or cover yourself, or something. For a lady such as yourself to walk around in such a state is very indecent, to say the least." Xavier shifted his focus to a dungeon wall, taking a moment to marvel at the construction. That was a well-made wall, for a well-made dungeon. He was so good at recognizing quality architecture, he should become an architect one day. It was a good career choice, and he seemed to have a knack for it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE Sharktopus was quicker than before, so quick in fact that his palm had gripped Sable's face before he could react to it. The impulse to attack was strong but Cynthia had a plan and even though she was a Harpy, she was also a friend now. He would have to trust in her. Even with his face in a hold, he shot the Light Dragon Slayer a thumbs up. He could hear Aiden rampaging beside him. That powered-up form must make him crazy. He had to admit when he delved into his own magic, when he entered that state, he felt as if he was running on instincts instead of brains-- then again, he always felt like that so it wasn't nothing new. He warmed his body up to fight against the sheer cold pouring off of Aiden. Gripping the demon's arm, he conjured flames into his palms and released the energy pent up inside of them. Explosions ripped out dozens of times within a few seconds. He smiled beneath the arm gripping his face. "This all ya got, fishbitch? better try harder or you'll lose your arm!" he mocked, hoping to keep the attention on a rampaging Aiden and himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia While Aiden and Sable kept the demon busy, Cynthia dashed in a circle around them, stopping at evenly spaced areas to draw runes. At the second place, she had put a rock on top of her work, and now she was just finishing the fourth. She stood up quickly and shouted at her partners. "Aiden, Sable, I'm ready! Get out of there and help me, Sable, put fire on the rune to my right, Aiden, ice on the one to my left! Hurry, we don't have much time!" She hoped Aiden wasn't too far gone to understand, and closed her eyes for a second as she reached up to the side of her face. I wish Aria was still here, but this will have to do. She thought to herself as she grabbed one of the feathers still adorning her face and plucked it. It wasn't a pleasant experience, but it was better than being eaten by a demon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aria Hunterblade Aria nodded to Oriel, default scowling face on. "Aria," was her reply to her. She was quite glad to know that someone had joined their side. But that mood of hers disappeared almost instantly, like a ghost, leaving no traces of it ever being there as Aria witnessed the Craftoraid members turning against them. She was furious. Her red eyes seemed to glow, harshly glaring at the traitors as they activated their magic. "You tricked us..." she said in a low voice, but loud enough for them to hear. The raining pyrofrost were sucked into a growing whirlwind monster that was controlled by Aria's will alone. It went around the battlefield, sucking in only the pyrofrost and hurling them at the small fries.
She put her arms in front of her, palms facing each other and fingers clawed, quickly gathering energy in the space between them. She then spread her hands away from each other, splitting them into 7 large orbs, shooting them fast like a machine gun at each enemy. When hit, they would be completely drained of their magic power. The magic would then hang in the air, before ultimately dissipating, and the damage dealt would equal the amount of magic power the target has.
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