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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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[ur]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4zM5XbRzHE[/url] Battle Theme
Craftoraid vs Aria and Oriel
Deriva was shock to see Aria not holding back, giving a massive oh crap! She knew well that she can't beat Aria right from the start even she is an S Class of Craftoraid just like the likes of Sora and Enda. "Curse you!" She got angry when her team mates all got hit but despite that, they continue fighting on. She also got hit. "Deity of Darkness! Slender Horror!" Enda shadow runs the attack but still was hit by it, half of his body. This was something he couldn't out run even with his phantom powers. White undead hands starts erupting from the ground, spamming those hands like to get a hold of Aria and Oriel. With Bizom's combo. "Boomer Tank!" He lets out acid substance mixed on Enda's attack. The Creeper Twins attack from left and right, "Hiroshima Nagasaki KA-BOOM!" The throw countless bombs to Aria and Oriel. "Bone-saw Impaler!" Sora launches countless arrows. "BABY METAL RAGE!" Gogo lets out steel balls. The Witch laughs, "How can you survive an attack coming from all directions! War God Magic: Wormhole Dance!" She reveals her magic which is just like Minerva Orlando of Sabertooth. She ported explosive potions.
Captain Scheherazade
Erotically eating, he watches from the lacrima vision while playing with his doll like puppets and he licks his index finger, his tongue was long and he was moaning with an orgasmic voice. "GOOD! GOOD! GOOD! Aria Hunterblade! Do show me more of your power! That rage, that explosion! I can't hold myself back, the game is becoming so grand!" Then he looks at the fight with the dragon slayers. He even does it more. "AAAAAIIIIIIDDDDDEEEEENNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAIIIIIDDDEEEEENNNNNNN!!!!! I cannot fathom such expression of yours!" He finally acknowledges the not so famous Dragon Slayer.
"RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!" After its arm is lost to Sable and Aiden's efforts. It grows back due to tentacles and launches its super sharp tentacles to them, this time spraying ink mist so that it won't be seen.
Back to the Captain
After he climaxed, he calms down with a straight look on his face. "I guess it's about time I get moving as well. All the treasures will be mine. Craftoraid has done me well. Even with their numbers, they are no match for Aria. The Trio Dragon Slayers are putting it to work. I will have to work it as well." He wears the dragon amulet.
NEXT: Extreme Terror!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE "You got it, Sunshine!" he barked out, skidding back from the encounter with Sharktapus and flipping out of the way of the sharp tentacle and ink. Twisting in the air and he slammed his fist into the rune Cynthia had pointed to, his fist ignited crimson. A large column of fire consumed him and shot upwards before simmering out. "Don't underestimate the nose of a Dragon Slayer. I could smell ya stank ass tentacle coming before you even launched it," he exaggerated, snarling confidently as he held up his part of the attack. "Aiden!" he called out. "Keep it together and follow through!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

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Aiden Aiden threw away the Demon's frozen arm, and quickly flew upwards to avoid the tentacle attack. With snarl, he nearly charged into the mist, eager to rip the demon's to shreds, but his fellow Dragonslayers call just manged to reach him. He flew down to the spot Cynthia had pointed out, slamming his fist down where he had landed to bring up a pillar of ice. He didn't speak to his friends, but he did manage to give them both a nod, as if to say 'I'm still here'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The torando girl seeming to be right in her element, given what her magic was doing. Still, the Craftoriad guys weren't anything to mess around with either. Oriel had seen better, though. She smirked, excited about the prospect of an exciting fight. With her speed and using the wind around her too, Oriel jumped out of the center where all of their magic was about to collide in. "Better hurry up, Aria, or your ass is gonna get blasted away." Oriel said, after reaching safety. She then took up her fighting stance, putting one of her arms low and the other high, her feet separated from each other quite a few centimeters. She seemed quiet and still for a moment, before disappearingand appearing behind the archer, Sora Kelly. "Get bent, archer piece of shit." Oriel said, her eyes seeming lifeless and hostile for a bit there, before delivering a full force kick direct to Sora's head, but of course, she wasn't finished. Putting her foot on the ground to impulse herself, she then dashed against the Creeper twins, her eyes still looking like those of a hunter. She put herself between the two, and punched each of them with her tonfas, probably igniting them in flames. "C'mon, now you are just making it too easy." She said, standing on the ground and moving her neck around a bit, making it crack. She then looked at the witch and stuck her tongue out. " You better have something else up your fucking sleeve, otherwise, you are done for."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Everything was in place. Cynthia threw the feather she had plucked onto the rune she was facing and crossed her hands over one another, closing her eyes. In a monotone voice, she started chanting. "Flame to the North, and Icon of Fire." The runes under Sable started glowing crimson and linked to the other three runes with a red line. The ink burned as it came near the line, and eventually thinned out enough that the monster could be seen. "A feather to the East, an Icon of Wind." The runes she was standing over glowed white, linking to the other three with a white line that overlapped the red line between the two runes. The wind picked up, and blew the remaining ink cloud away. "Ice to the South, an Icon of Water." Aiden's runes glowed blue, and linked the other three as before. The air grew colder around the circle. "Stone to the West, an Icon of Earth." The empty rune glowed black, and followed the same pattern. With all four runes connected, the air grew heavy as if in anticipation. "I call upon the providence of that which presides over these elements. Exhibit your might in defense of the contract!" She threw her arms out wide and opened her eyes, which glowed with an inner light. "Four Corners Cant!" The air seemed to be sucked inward toward the center of the circle as the lines that connected the runes bent inward. Four magic circles, one for each element, opened above the demon in the middle, and a beam of light dropped into them. As it passed through each circle, the beam split into smaller beams four at a time, half of them taking on the color of that circle, and when it came to the final circle, all sixteen beams centered on the target, blasting into it with enough force to push the three Dragonslayers backwards. Cynthia fell to the ground, blown back by the force of her own spell, and didn't get up. Once the light had gone, she continued laying on the ground breathing heavily, her eyes closed. "Did we get him?" She asked weakly, not opening her eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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BATTLE THEME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCvJRSvVlks AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! It separated the demons into their respective forms. White eyes as they have been knocked out. Cynthia's magic that cleanses with purification of the soul! Soars higher as the wings of light! Thy Godspeed is such tremendous spell wrought upon the vicinity of the island, leaving a crater.
Victory is achieved! The Trio Dragon Slayers won!
But the extreme terror hasn't been delivered for what awaits is despair.
He appears before them but above them on his flying sky pirate ship. He claps his hands and a big head thought projection akin to Megamind appears.. what you lack is presentation. He wasn't impressed by Cynthia's move but it is just how he wanted it. "I commend your efforts for taking down Sharktopus. Well." He's not going down in his ship but something terrible is about to happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE He crashed into a thick tree and unleashed an explosion to soften his fall. The tree splintered to pieces, the blast from Cynthia's magic covering him by lumber and roots. He pushed aside the debris and stuck his head out, he could feel shards of broken wood in his hair. He shook his hair but it did little for him. "Woahhh," he exclaimed, falling back and laughing heartily. "That was Amazing! I mean really, I didn't think a puny Harpy could be so strong." Getting to his feet, he walked over to Cynthia and stood over her, a gentle smile on his face. "Yea, you beat him. You did good--for a Harpy." He offered his hand while looked out towards the projection. "I'm gonna burn that smile off his face," growled Sable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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He blushed at Sable. "Stop saying things to me like that, you're gonna make me pregnant boy, ohh but I don't mind if it's you on some Sadomasochistic relationship, Sable or should I say... Miki-kun! Mikhail Summerking! haahaha, that face of yours is just like what 'he says'. My name is Gertrude Raul Anthony Petrona Elijah Scheherazade! Nice to meet chuu~ <3 <3 You may call me your fabulous sweet lover, my sweet honey!" His illusion clones are glomping Sable and Aiden and ignoring Cynthia because he hates her. "Except for you, beautiful honey. The boys are mine, you're nothing but a woman who stands in my way. OHHH!!!! My name's acronymn is G. R.A.P.E.S! HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" Captain stands in his ship tall and proud to be gay rather bisexual. "Now then, you can't spell slaughter without laughter nor can you spell grapes without rape. Let me see those beautiful flowers of yours and fruit ripe! It's a sad fate that you guys while proven yourself worthy to my crew, it is so sad that I like to have fun. Hmm... shake it off!" His eyes started glowing as the Dragon Amulet influences. Raul raises his hands, making weird gestures and dancing around like a gay dude. "NOW THEN! I AWAKEN YOU! THY BENEVOLENT TERROR FOR LOVELY FRUITS AND TREASURES ARE SERVED TO YOU. RISE UP AND BEHOLD!!!! THE WATER DRAGON KING, TERROR OF GREED AND PUNISHER OF THE GREEDY! HYDROGLOGIA!!!!!!!" The island starts trembling as earthquakes fall and the volcano explodes, the five corners of the fingers popped with white ash and raining down pyrofrost lacrima and other sorts of shards.
Underneath the sea of the island, you can feel the crawl of the benevolent punisher of greeds, and as the skies darken, rain falls. It rises up. The Water Dragon King, Hydrologia gets out of the sea making its debut!!!!
The Extreme Terror Awakens!
Theme of the Water Dragon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxIsGx4eJrk "Hahahaha. You Dragon Slayers have the magic to slay a dragon, I'm sure you know well of that." As he controls the dragon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aria Hunterblade "Hmph," she gave a sound, witnessing the attacks come from all directions. She saw Oriel speed run to safety, so that worry was at least lifted off her mind. Summoning her twin swords and having her black one sucking in Enda's darkness magic, she teleported after to the airspace behind the witch, eyes glaring red, the explosions of all the attacks in one spot reflecting in her eyes. With a swift motion and reducing the air resistance, Aria pierced the witch with the black sword imbued with shadowy darkness at where her heart roughly was. Aria's killing intent was pouring out, but it didn't mean she would lose control of herself. She was aware of the eerie vibe coming from the captain at his ship. The ground trembled. Skies darkened. And the captain was being freakishly creepy. The volcano explodes, the five corners of the fingers popped with white ash and raining down pyrofrost lacrima and other sorts of shards, but that would be taken care of by her whirlwind monster. The problem is, that a huge dragon called Hydrologia burst up from the seas.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden Aiden had landed a short ways away from the force of cynthia's blast, his sanity returned enough to give a whistle at the attack. He had new respect for Cynthia, that spell was pretty powerful. hen the captain appeared, Aiden had to fight down a shiver, and made sure to cut down any illusion that came near him. This guy was a fucking creep, and Aiden was going to enjoy kicking his ass. Unfortunately, he seems like the type that would enjoy that as well. However, when he did a strange dance and began dancing while holding the dragon amulet, a familiar shiver went up Aiden's spine. He knew this feeling, and soon his suspicions where given form when he called out the name of the dragon he sought to summon. And what a beast it was that came out of the water, letting out a mighty roar as it rose from the water. Any thought of the captain left Aiden's mind, as he hyper focused on the dragon. Aiden quickly walked forward, grabbing up a piece of the strange ice that rained from the sky. He could sense the power of ice and flame coming from it, but it didn't matter to him. He focused his mind, pushing forth everything he was, everything he treasured about himself, into his magic. This enhanced the aura of sub-zero energy around him, but it left behind an empty shell behind. 'I am nothing, I have always been nothing, I will always be nothing, and yet, when one is nothing, that is one can truly become anything.' Aiden recited that in his head, those words form Chronos when he spoke of using two elements. Aiden stopped walking forward. staring up at the beast with cold, empty eyes, before devouring the pyrofrost lacrima, allowing the enrgy to flow into him, revitalizing him at first. Then the fire hit him. His body exploded in pain, an intense burning that rushed through his veins. It was the worst pain Aiden had ever felt before, but he endured it, let it grow inside of the hollowness that was his body, filling the space that he had emptied inside his soul. With a pained roar, Aiden's magical energy exploded outward, forming an intense pillar of icy blue flames that reached up into the sky, the base of which having exploded into flaming spikes of ice surrounding where Aiden was. In the center of the pillar, two glowing points of intense light could be seen. The pillar transformed into a slightly dragonic shape, letting out a roar of it's own before fading away, finally revealing Aiden, who looked much different than before. He had four dragon horns sprouting from his head, each the color of Deep sea ice, his hands covered scales of a similar color, tipped with sharp claws. From his back sprouted a pair of white dragon wings, the membranes being icy blue in color, and a scaled tail as well. His eyes were glowing a deep blue in color, the slit pupils seeming to take on an intense white, like it was at the heart of a raging inferno. On top of all this, a line of icy blue fire ran up the tail and Aiden's spine, stopping at the shoulders.
Aiden stared up at the dragon in front of him, his cold glare growing more intense as he beheld the beast. "What a pitiful creature, it has size but it's magic power pales in comparison to what I sensed inside of Chronos, even if he wasn't able to access it all. To think that something such as this is consider to be apart of the same species as him would be laughable, accept that it makes me sick. So then Hydrologia, prepare to die." Aiden then launched himself up into the air with his wings, taking a deep breath before letting out a powerful roar attack at the beast, launching a large stream of the blue flames towards Hydrologia's head. "Ice Dragon's Roaring Inferno!" Aiden would fly around the beast in evasive maneuvers, continuing his assault as he did so. Where ever the fires from his attack hit, Ice would spread underneath it. The cold from these attacks was able to penetrate deep, causing damage on both the surface and on the dragon's insides.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE Creeped out as he was, he maintained a cold stare at the Captain, the clones that he had released were held back by flames that encompassed both Cynthia and himself. Regardless of the situation, he could never force the flames burning in his gut to extinguish. It was impossible and inconceivable! It would never happen as long as he had a single cell in his body. He had plenty of energy but he felt like he was full. As if he couldn't grow any further. Why though? he struggled with the thought, his eyes glaring at his palms. I've never felt stronger but for some reason I'm upset. Is this my limit? is this as far as I can go? He looked upon the Pirate Captain with furrowed brows. A roar shook the air itself, pyrofrost rained from above, even ash fell from the five fingers of Greed Island. Steam rose from his magical flames as rain fell from the sky. Filled with grim clouds and second only to Hydrologia, Sable stilled his stuttering heart. For once in his life, something had finally made him hesitate. He placed his hand over his heart, his armor battle-torn from the explosion before. This feeling. I can't recall it--but it seems familiar, His heart stuttered again. Is this love? he guessed. He shook his head no a second later, ignorant of Aiden's transformation and start of the battle. He looked up with his realization, the idea that struck him had been completely foreign for so many years that he had forgotten about its existence in himself. "...Fear," he uttered to himself, his hands trembling. The image of Rhodroth flashed into his mind. The massive red dragon was imposing to look at, kind but dangerous brown slit rested underneath ridged brows, horns sprouted from the side of his jaws, and his trademark white scales were wrapped around his elongated neck and move down his chest. "Even still... even if I'am afraid, my flames are still burning and I still have people to protect. Cynthia and Aiden, Aria too. If I fail to beat a Dragon, than what kind of title is Dragon Slayer even useful for!" A dark blaze erupted over him, wisps of white and shimmering stars within. He broke open the dam of his limits, he could feel it in himself. Tapping into the flames that sprung up out of no where earlier, he felt a certain purity insert itself into his fire. Sable spoke out calmly to Cynthia. "Don't you die on me you stupid Harpy, I'll be back as quick as I can." Sprinting out of the circle of flames, he left the self-sustaining ring, hoping to offer her some form of protection from the nuisances. As soon as he could he launched off the ground with explosive force and with a exorcist-powered blazing fist launched his fist towards Hydrologia's massive nose. He might not be as strong as Aiden with his Dragon Force active, but dammit he felt those flames were strong enough to pack a punch. The explosion sent flames spurting about and a cloud of dark smoke billowing upwards. "Fire Dragon's Great Blow!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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It's mindless and berserk because of the Dragon Amulet's influence which is like Dragon Manipulation Magic. It took Aiden and Sable's attacks and does not hear what their saying but from its soul, a voice in their heads are lingering. Help me, please help me. "RRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWRRR!!!" It shakes of its body, letting out some smooth scales to let Aiden and Sable out, its body is scratched thanks to a DF Aiden and a Flamed Exorcist Sable. Sending both dragon slayers into the sea. Where Sable is at a big disadvantage.
水竜の咆哮 Sui-ō-ryū no hōkō!
Roar of the Water Dragon King Runes made by the captain caged the island as no dragon and two slayers will enter it. "Hahahaha! Is that they got? The roar was a huge splash of water beam, it was a slow roar. Both of them could easily dodge it. "I'm not yet done, he's on his ship. He gestures.
Sui-ō-ryū no Orosu!
Water Dragon King's Beat Down. It circles around the slayers creating a water vortex.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Aria Hunterblade "Hmph," she gave a sound, witnessing the attacks come from all directions. She saw Oriel speed run to safety, so that worry was at least lifted off her mind. Summoning her twin swords and having her black one sucking in Enda's darkness magic, she teleported after to the airspace behind the witch, eyes glaring red, the explosions of all the attacks in one spot reflecting in her eyes. With a swift motion and reducing the air resistance, Aria pierced the witch with the black sword imbued with shadowy darkness at where her heart roughly was. Aria's killing intent was pouring out, but it didn't mean she would lose control of herself. She was aware of the eerie vibe coming from the captain at his ship. The ground trembled. Skies darkened. And the captain was being freakishly creepy. The volcano explodes, the five corners of the fingers popped with white ash and raining down pyrofrost lacrima and other sorts of shards, but that would be taken care of by her whirlwind monster. The problem is, that a huge dragon called Hydrologia burst up from the seas.
The 7 Mage got their asses man handled by Aria and it is just as clear that they were barely a match for Aria's strength as an S Class. To the point that even if Deriva is half or close to half of Aria's power she's still no match. The sky returns to normal but time is running out. "Please kill us...." Enda said. "Our bodies are nothing more than scapegoats to keep you out of the picture, Ms.Aria." What does he mean? Sora explained. "Yes, it is our fault that the island is in this mess. We haven't paid our debt to that tyrant gay captain." Creeper Twin # 1 said. "Hydrologia is the guardian of this island, the only way to beat him is to defeat the Captain." She said and #2 said. "We're all being controlled by his voodoo magic, the dolls that he carries all the time.... We don't want to hurt you. So please kill us." All of them were crying and Deriva was already coughing out blood from Aria's attack a while ago. She can't even move properly. "We're not compatible with the demon particles and it's slowly killing us. This place, is purified air. You need to get it all over the island.... the Captain....he.... know....... orphans.... secrets....." Deriva passed out. Bizom and Gogo attacks Aria from behind. Back to the Captain, his attention is divided, he can't control his voodoo dolls while devoting himself to the dragon amulet, controlling Hydrologia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden-Unfeeling, for there is no mercy in the heart of Winter Aiden Aiden growled as the dragon slammed him into, but he was fine. Sable, however, wouldn't be unless he did something which, in his present state of mind, he nearly didn't. However, Aiden knew that, weak as it was, it was still a dragon and he could use all the help he could get. Upon hearing the dragon's cry for help, Aiden couldn't help but smile. 'Help, fine, I'll help you by sending you to the grave.' Aiden surged forward underwater to grab Sable, focusing his energy before exploding the flames outward and downwards."IceFire dragon Make: Arena" When they died down, a good sized plateau of Ice had been formed in the center of the world pool, the bottom being frozen to the Coastal shelf to hold it in place. Him and Sable were in the center at the top of the plateau, a good couple of feet above the water line. Aiden was slightly fatigued by the action and he sent a cold glare at Sable,asa he was the only reason he had done it. The fire dragon better pull his weight from here on out, cause he was on his own. "Try to keep up and stay out of my way Sable, and try to stay away from the edge so you don't fall into the drink again." Aiden said, but the rest of the sentence was clear. 'Because I won't save you a second time.' Aiden then leaped back into the air, tracking the beast as it circled them. The roar attack it had launched would hit the plateau, but it was sturdy and would probably hold together, albeit while losing a good bit of it's stability. Thus, Sable would probably be fine, and if it didn't hold, then it was no longer his problem. Now, for dealing with the nuisance dragon, Aiden clawed his hands together, ice magic flowing out in a mist like fashion as he focused. "IceFire Dragon Make: Tears of the Jötunn." Thrusting his hands forwards, he shot out a huge barrage of flaming ice spikes towards the, each one exploding into a ball of freezing fire as it hit. He kept up this barrage on Hydrologia, every miss working in his favor, as it would cause the water around the dragon to quickly freeze around it, hopefully trapping the beast long enough for him to finish it off in one clean blow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE He groaned as he stood up from the fall, the crimson flames of the exorcist still burning over his body. The call of the Dragon had wracked his resolve, sure he wanted to end this battle but he didn't want to hurt something that was unwilling. Especially if he knew it was unwilling. Aiden on the other hand had reached a new level of jackass. "You wanna die asswipe?" he shouted after the skyward Dragon Slayer. He stood on the pillar of ice, looking out at the mirror of ocean as Hydrologia swam around them. His intent to fight was obvious but his will had been voiced. Now came the hard part of dealing with it all. Aiden's merciless bloodlust, Hydrologia's dangerous power and unwilling participation, and that fruity Captain laughing on the ship. He could hear the man from even this far away. Before him, he saw only one choice and that was to be as wild as he possibly could. He charged forwards but slipped on his way to the edge thanks to Hydro's roar, he slid off and with only his hand gripping the ledge, exploded from the pillar and into the liquid panorama screen separating Hyrdologia and himself. His fire remained covering him to his surprise. Wow--this must be the flames from earlier, he concluded, smirking but not opening his mouth, for drowning was still a very real danger. Water boiled around him as he made his way to the giant dragon, javelins of fire exploding and freezing the ocean around the massive reptile. He gripped onto one of the jagged spikes of the dragon as it swam, hoping that if its soul could speak to him than perhaps his own could speak to it. I feel sorry for you, Hydrologia! He was surprise his thoughts came out so honest, they were without filter and wholehearted. Snap out of it! Dragons are suppose to be stronger than this dammit! You're one of them right, act like it! Rhodroth would never let someone control him, you shouldn't either!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The dragon was bleeding from Aiden's attacks, "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It is feeling pain but for a guardian like him, he can't even break out from the control of the Captain. Needles comes out of Hydrologia's body, a barrage of spiky toothpick shaped needles. The Captain was a bit pissed for having it bleed. "Dragon Force huh? You really are my type Aiden and I smooch you Sable for being on par with your boyfriend, however. An order is an order. My orders are absolute, I will not forget this good memory. Can you survive its secret art?"
Metsuryuu Ougi: Neibī Mizu Daiba!
Which a human would use but Captain named it. The Dragon was not messing around, it lets out its secret art, Navy Water Diver. The Dragon starts floating and dragon dancing, its magical aura resembling that of wings of an angel, blue magical wings of water. It explodes itself, releasing acidic water! Like a phoenix dying only to rise from the ashes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia watched with dismay as Aiden, Sable and the dragon continued fighting. Tears streamed down her face as she forced herself to her feet. No, not again! I won't let it happen again! She screamed silently, and started inhaling. She sucked in light as hard as she could, so much that the area around her started dimming, then blackening and eventually becoming a pitch black sphere of darkness. Finally she stopped inhaling, and the light returned, revealing her in her full Dragonforce mode. The feathers that had adorned her arms now spread across her entire body except her face, and ten foot wings spread from her back. She waited for a second, then launched herself into the air with an audible 'boom' as her wings snapped down and she sped directly toward the area between the fight and the ship. Flapping her wings gently to keep herself in midair, Cynthia held her hands out towards the disk of ice floating on the ocean. "Please," She said, lines of light tracing themselves down her arms. "Let me reach them in their madness." She raised her arms above her head, opening a white magic circle and closing her eyes. Focusing on her desire to clear their minds and free them, Cynthia took a breath and shouted. "White Dragon's Secret Art! Hoshi no Ame!" Three brilliant white ribbons streamed from her magic circle and traced themselves through the air toward the battle. One found Aiden and wrapped itself around his torso while the other two descended into the water to find Sable and Hydrologia. "Now," She growled, turning in mid air to face the ship. "I think it's time to pay you back for all our trouble."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden Aiden turned to glare at the pirate, ceasing his attack on the dragon to face him. A nuisance, and a bother. Also, the one controling the beast, but reaching him would be bothersome. Unless. . . "IceFire Dragon Make: Rise of The Phoenix." Aiden blasted out a large amount of icefire into the air around him, then began molding it into an dynamic ice construct that looked like a mix between a phoenix and a dragon, then sent it flying towards the man's ship with a loud screech. Whether it worked or not, Aiden would see if the Dragon stopped moving, if it kept attacking him, then he would kill it, simple as that. He'd slain dragon before, he could do it again.
Before he could do anything, a strange ribbon of light wrapped itself around his torso, and with it came an unpleasant needling at the back of his mind. The feeling soon grew, and as it did, Aiden's sight began to grow dimmer until there was nothing but darkness. And like that, Aiden passed out, falling head first towards the water from a rather high elevation. -Meanwhile in Aiden's mind- He was alone. Nothing around him but the whiteness of the blizzard and the chill that permeated his bones. 'Why,' the child though as he trudged through the deep snow. 'Why did they send me away. I did everything they told me, but the outcome is the same. I guess their right, I truly am. . . nothing.' The boy trugedded on, but with each step sunk deeper into the snow. The wind whispered to him, the snow called for him, and he was sinking away into darkness, slowly loosing himself to the cold. 'Ya know, I'm starting to feel warm again. I wonder if that means I'm going to die. Bu what does it matter, I'm just nothing, I have no one, I am no one. I am nothing and that is all I'll ever be.' . . . aiden . . aiden . . . "Aiden!", The boy opened his eyes, and was nearly blinded by a bright light. In the light he could see the vague outline of a girl reaching out to him. Calling to him. She needed him? She wanted him? Why, he was nothing, wasn't he? "Aiden! Wake up!" She called to him again, still reaching, still needing, still wanting. Slowly, the boy worked his hand out of the snow, raising the shivering limb towards the girl. Right when he was about to grab it though, he hesitated, unsure of how to proceed, when the girl smiled and grabbed his hand. Suddenly, he was filled with warmth, but it was different than what he had felt before. That had been a warmth that drained him of his energy, of his will, yet this warmth, this heat, filled him with energy, renewed him, It filled him up. He wasn't nothing. He was never nothing. He was Aiden, a proud Mage of Vyper bolt, and like hell he was going to give in to the cold. He was the mother fucking cold, it gave in to him. Gripping the hand, he pulled himself out of the snow. . . -Back in real life, a few seconds later- And found himself plummeting at high speeds towards a wall of water. 'Ice make: Pod', Aiden quickly formed a thick shell of ice around him, and thus was barely able to survive the acidic water. When he hit the ocean's surface, the pod cracked open, and Aiden shot back into the sky. Looking over the situation, memories of what had since the battle's beginning rushing into his head. He was horrified by his action's, the dragon had asked him for help, and he'd attacked it. What was wrong with him. It was this form, Dragon Force, it had messed with his head way worse than he'd though it would. 'Never again, I'll never use Dragonforce again, even if I die because of it. It makes me too dangerous to be around for both friend and foe.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Battle continues
Raul and Kumar
The ship was unscathed thanks to a masked person, vaporizing Aiden's attack without damage, everything was perfectly fine. "Raul-sama" He said. Raul replied. "Perfect timing, I guess I can't let these idiots get on the ship. Tch..... get back to work. I can take on all of them myself even without your help." He said to his elite while tweaking his puppets. Kumar is nothing more than his mere assistant. "Pathetic. To think you idiots are dragon slayers." Captain Raul taunts them. He waves his hands. As Hydrologia appears to his physique he is wounded with his own attack which is suicidal and revival on its own like a phoenix. Blood and visible major injuries are seen. But it started breathing and drink the waters to replenish magic to full power even though Cynthia healed it. "We all know to well that I am the most beautiful here. To think you are dragon slayers that couldn't even kill a dragon. How bleak! You are all as ugly as it can get. Now you know why your dragon parents abandoned you. You are all weak and ugly!" He said with a smile of despair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE He was wet, completely submerged in water and yet he felt nothing but a searing and white hot sting over his body. Pieces of his skin hung off of his face from the explosion, deeps burn razed his skin, barreling deep to the bone in his side and right arm. He was unconscious and in this, had felt a odd sense of serenity and clarity. Was this what people called Twilight Wisdom? A certain precognitive superiority that only came when death's touch was inches from the flesh. I shouldn't had gotten so close to him, he admitted to himself. How stupid was that? I should had just let Aiden kill him... but I-I just couldn't ignored his plea. Oi, Hydrologia must've really wanna die. I wonder if the others will fair okay. He felt like he was shedding a tear but was uncertain. He forced a ugly and awkward smile. Shit! I don't wanna die like this! Please, Rhodroth, I don't wanna die like this! A voice answered back in his weary delusion. It was rambunctious, brave, and honest. But it brought a familiar calm to his doubtful thoughts. It sound like the echo of an echo, a very faraway memory that found its way to the surface. It shouted at him but he knew it was directed towards other people. "So you're gonna end this by dying, huh? Stop running away!" It bounced off the walls of his mind. Than another came and another after it, all sounding the same and voiced by the same guy. "Gramps, lets fight. I know there are times when you have to fall back, Gildarts taught me that. But this ain't one of those times. The bastard who makes an enemy of Fairy Tail, we need them to remember the power of our guild with all its heart and soul. Lets fight gr...gramps!" "It's for our comrades. For seven years... Always... They were waiting for us... No matter how tough it was, no matter how sad; even if they were made fools of, they endured and endured... and protected the guild. For our comrades, we'll show you... The proof that Fairy Tail has kept going! And that's why we'll keep moving forward!!!" Sable lips parted but took no breath or spoke, they only mouthed the words that stuck out the most. "Fairy Tail." His consciousness started to return, the warmth and bliss that enveloped him when Cynthia healed him earlier flowed through him. As he blinked his eyes open, fluttering away the voice of encouragement and inky blackness, the stranger spoke once more. "If you're a guild, take care of your friends. That is all I have to say."
He woke up with blank but furious eyes, the sparkling flames covering his body boiled the water around him so fast, that the surface bubbled with the heat. A roar escaped him as he righted himself in the water, the roar echoed into the air as water attempted to flood his lungs but the flames surrounded him evaporated it far quick than it could. His space in the ocean was literally without liquid, only oxygen existed from the leftover H2o. "Hydrologia," he spoke out, voice as clear as on land. "I don't wanna kill you but to protect my Nakama... I'll fight until my eyes are filled with salt, my skin is wrinkled beyond recognition, and my fist are broken!" A crimson flame erupted from a clawed hand and stretched through the water to form a sharp crescent. "I'll regret it but I will-- Secret Art" he uttered, the sparkling flame buffering and engorging to the point that large and quickly popping bubbles trailed the surface of the ocean where he floated. "Come to your senses, Hydrologia. Last chance," he muttered.
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