Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"So, you are his son. Rhodroth the heir of Igneel the Flame Dragon King as you are the new heir. I am pleased to meet an old friend of mine's relative but listen. The nasty amulet has to be taken off. It is a nasty relic that us dragons hate. I barely have control of myself. You have no choice but to kill me and even if I die my spirit will live on just like Atlas Flame the eternal flame for he who protects the Sun Village. As your Godfather, I order you to use the secret art on me. You and your icy friend... looks like he is the heir of my older brother, Chronos. Tell him to swallow once I roar as you do your secret art one me. Just do as I say. He speaks telepathically to Aiden, Sable and Cynthia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The 7 Mage got their asses man handled by Aria and it is just as clear that they were barely a match for Aria's strength as an S Class. To the point that even if Deriva is half or close to half of Aria's power she's still no match. The sky returns to normal but time is running out. "Please kill us...." Enda said. "Our bodies are nothing more than scapegoats to keep you out of the picture, Ms.Aria." What does he mean? Sora explained. "Yes, it is our fault that the island is in this mess. We haven't paid our debt to that tyrant gay captain." Creeper Twin # 1 said. "Hydrologia is the guardian of this island, the only way to beat him is to defeat the Captain." She said and #2 said. "We're all being controlled by his voodoo magic, the dolls that he carries all the time.... We don't want to hurt you. So please kill us." All of them were crying and Deriva was already coughing out blood from Aria's attack a while ago. She can't even move properly. "We're not compatible with the demon particles and it's slowly killing us. This place, is purified air. You need to get it all over the island.... the Captain....he.... know....... orphans.... secrets....." Deriva passed out. Bizom and Gogo attacks Aria from behind. Back to the Captain, his attention is divided, he can't control his voodoo dolls while devoting himself to the dragon amulet, controlling Hydrologia.
Aria Hunterblade Aria's eyes slowly softened, the glow and rage in them evanescing. Guilt washed over her as she witnessed the crying Craftoraid members as they reluctantly tried to kill her. She looked down, realizing that Deriva's body had slipped off her sword, thick red liquid staining its black blade, dripping off its pointed end. Aria widened her eyes seeing the unconscious witch as she lay motionlessly sprawled across the ground, helpless. She let a strong gust of wind blow away Bizom and Gogo behind her. The strength in her hands that were gripping her swords seeped away, causing the blades to fall, but it was requipped to her pocket dimension before hitting the ground. No, no, no, no, not again, she thought, as a flurry of images flashed across her mind. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. She looked up at the sky, remembering their words. With hand motions, she started redirecting the pure air around the island, and sending the demon particles away, making sure the concentration of etherion was just right for normal mages, while repeatedly apologizing in her mind, sometimes muttering the words.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

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Aiden Aiden stared at the dragonnfrom way up high, unable to fully process what it was saying. 'Hydrologia is Chronos' younger brother my uncle?. . . And he wants me to just let him die.' Aiden gripped his head, the icefire around him flaring up wildly dud to the intensity of his emotions. He was conflicted, unable to choose whether or not to stand bye, letting Sable finish the dragon, or to stop Sable from doing it. For a long time, he felt like swooping down and grabning Sable, stopping him from killing what was quite possibly the only kind family member he had, but In the end, he held back. This was the way things had to be, as he knew that nobody on the island was in shape to beat the Captain in time. "I swear on the name of Chronos, that Captain isn't leaving this island alive." Aiden muttered under his breath, the flames that were now covering his body darkening in response to his rage. He was going to make that man suffer, and he was going to suffer for a long, long time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia "No," She said simply, knowing that Hydrologia would hear her. She pointed to the water surrounding the ship and focused. It was a simple matter to redirect light into a writing tool, and as she traced a circle around Sable, Aiden, herself and the ship, a line of runes showed up. The conditions of the runes were simple. No dragon shall enter these runes. "Now you just stay out there, and watch how Dragonslayers react when one of our own is threatened. Ready, Aiden, Sable?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - WRETCHED ONE Unfair. How unlucky could one guy be, how much emotional punishment could one be put through? hopefully it wasn't more than this for he felt truly sorry for having to destroy Hydrologia. His eyes were barely hid by the shade of his wavy hair, his frown was more evident as he showed nothing but disgust for his agreement to Hydrologia's plea. Even Cynthia's plea and magic had not altered the flow of events, they had kept the Dragon still but the runes hadn't accounted for the will of others. She'll learn that she can't always impose her will on others, he told himself His free hand floated inches above his blazing wrist. As the free hand turned into a claw, the flame bolstered even further enlarging to it climaxing strength. "Tsk! You heard that Aiden!" he yelled before clenching himself inwards. He looked up towards Hydrologia. Though his face was snarled up in attack, he felt for certain that he was prepared for the end. "Alright, god-father. Sayonara." He needed to hurry, any more comments, voices, or statements would only make him waver in his resolve. Regardless of resentment he may receive, he just knew this was right. So he pulled his arm back, his flames arced around the waters like a whip. "Dragon Slayer Secret Art," he said, snapping his arm forwards towards Hydrologia. "Wretched Sun!!!" The sparkling crescent spun through the water with all the power of a ethereal blade. The water sizzled as its form and molecules were erased on the way to the Dragon. A single blink was all it took for the attack to smashed into the massive beast. Even under the ocean, the explosion was titanic. The surface bulged under the pressure before popping, tsunami size waves rocking the Captain's ship and splashed over a minuscule part of Greed Island. The water thrown into the air fell down like rain, graying the clearing sky with a final sprinkle. Popping his head over the surface, he finally could see the sky and feel the light drizzle from above. He kept from meeting the gazes of the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 3 days ago

Aran, Mistress of Heaven The Pirate Captain grinned with far less excitement then before. Hydrologia was being soundly defeated by just two dragonslayers, upstart slayers at that. Unfortunately he would never be able to exact vengeance upon Aiden and Sable as he had his own problems to deal with. Moments passed with only silence before his chest exploded with blood as a spear shaped construct pierced through his back. He turned his head to see the blond, red eyed Aran gleefully smirking at his demise. There was a lack of remorse in her actions as she had killed many times before. The Pirate Captain attempted to raise his arms and enact one more voodoo spell but he was far too late. Aran was quick to grab the pirate's head and twist it violently until the sound of bone snapping echoed into the wind. "Now its time to meet the slayers of dragons."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden Aiden watched in silence as Sable did the deed, unable to contain the emotions he felt brewing up insideof him. Despair, Rage, Sorrow, and a host of other emotions, some he could name, most he could not. And through all of this, one thought permeated through-out it all. 'That monster will die.' Blank eyes, blinded by rage, stared at the Captain's ship from up above, his right hand glowing brightly as the blue flames converged upon it. Everytime the ball offire tried to grow, it was condensed by more flames, and the air around Aiden was so cold that the very moisture in the air was freezing and turning into snow. The air whipped around him in a flurry, his magic fluctuating wildly, as if it bore a mind of its own and was trying to escape from Aiden's body. Suddenly, it all seemed to freeze in place. For a second, time seemed to freeze, the world fading away as he hyper-focused on the ship. "Secret Art: Ascalon." The mass of ice magic on his right elongated and morphed into an elaborate spear, the base of the blade having a motif of a dragon wrapped around it. He raised the spear, drawimg it back as far as he could before launching it torwards the ship at high speed. When it hit, the spear would explode into icy flames, which would spread quickly throughout the ship, freezing what ever it touched and draining whatever magical energy it touched. After Aiden launched the attack, he just stayed hovering in the sky, waiting for Hydrologia's death roar, waiting to fulfil his final wish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Damn, things were getting rowdy. A dragon, the guys in Craftoriad crying for their lives, and not to be saved, rather to be taken away from them. These guys were no joke. They were holding their very own against a dragon, not to mention the ray of light that brought judgement over some poor souls. Oriel would have gulped, weren't it for the incredible wind surging from Aria. She did what she thought best, approached the Creeper Twins and made them bash heads with each other rather harshfully, leaving both unconscious. Then, there was Sora Kelly, and Enda, who were both still conscious. She did plan on killing them, but them asking for their lives like that was something that made Oriel uncapable of killing them. "So, that creepy ass gay guy is behind all of this after all? I knew he was fishy, but who'd have guessed he had a dragon up his sleeve. Even worse, why would he send me against these fucking monsters." She first looked at the panicking requipping girl and then at the guys fighting the dragon over the horizon. "He never really had any intention of me making it back alive, huh? I'm gonna fuck him up real good. No one shits around with me and lives long enough to tell the tale." She said, fixating her eyes over his ship. Still, th eother two guys were pretty good. Maybe she'd snare them both, they seemed interesting enough. She passed her tongue by her lips again. "So, Aria? Calm down, girl, things like this happen. This ain't even the start of it, and if you come crumbling down like that... Heck, you won't last long in this line of work, no matter how strong you are. Casualities are inevitable, so stop fucking whining and stand up." Aria was making some amazing wind currents, though. It was hard to beleive this girl ranked less than S Rank. Oriel felt she had the aptitude to become one, if she was in a guild, anyway. Oriel then turned and kicked Sora Kelly full force with her spleen, leaving him unconscious as well. "Anyhow, you know of any good way to get outta here? I don't even remember how I got here in the first place."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Dragon Amulet Arc: Conclusion
Raul dead? Is that even possible? "You damned snake...." His body is in tatters. He is dead. But something fishy is going on as his Pirate Assistant, Kumar never do a thing about and he smiled as he is holding a jar. The amulet is all that is left, it finally free Hyrodlogia from that influence. The Water Dragon King despite its injuries almost meet his death. He was in a state of mortal wounds from the twin dragon's secret art and he didn't roar directly at them, he misfired. The conclusion of the fight put casualties on both sides whether ally or foe, it gave our wizards a new meaning to live. The fight in the Craftoraid is also over and neither die, in death brings life, their beloved Master Steve was safe and sound, Deriva regains consciousness and teleported with everyone in the fray. Runes effect were gone as well as amulet's due to the Captain's death. Hydrologia is dying and with everything he got; he spilled the beans. We finally get to hear his voice, a calm and serene baritone. "I don't have much time but listen carefully young Mages; you three dragon slayers included." He gives a brief stare to Cynthia as well and one to Aria and everyone. Now that everybody is here he can talk. "Fourteen years ago, the island wasn't shaped as a hand and there weren't much pirates. There was a man who came to this island and bombarded it, making it shaped as a hand. He isn't a dragon slayer but his power is beyond comprehension, never seen anything like it before." He said while breathing with sheer will power. "This man imprisoned me for 14 years under the sea without water nor food." Now that explains why Hydrologia was never at 100% against the trio to begin with, he was suffering from starvation for all those 14 years. Everything he said was true. The island wasn't shaped as a hand before. "This man...not only he but there was this person who was with him who put all the clean ethernano air into the corner. I don't know if that person is his accomplice but that person.... I could never forget the horrors of the crumbling wind and earth, these people are like....." He is dying fast with but sheer will as he can to maintain. "Dragon children, I finally get to see you all up close, come closer." He was crying with tears of joy. "Son of Rhodroth....." He puke out a scarf on his face. "Your Father told me to give you this..." He coughs and he looks at Cynthia. "Is that you, daughter of Polyaphimous? I may have nothing personally for you but your mother left me her spell spell books. She told me, when you turn 19, you will be ready to learn more White Dragon Spells, the book is with my dear, care taker, Deriva." He said and last but not least he looked at Aiden. "Your Father, he isn't dead and he will forever be remembered. He loves you very much. I made a promise to him that I will be by your side.. regardless if I'm dead." He put his claw on Aiden's forehead. "You, the son of my beloved brother, Chronos. As your uncle, I give you this parting gift and may you use it for good." The power of water that purifies the darkness within, you are now an Ice-Water Dragon Slayer. Memories of Chronos and Hydrologia are engraved in Aiden, especially a catching one where Chronos talks about Aiden in their conversations. Aiden receives water dragon slayer magic which adds up to his ice element. He cried even more and the Craftoraid hugged their beloved guardian. It was a feels fest.
Hydrologia dies.....a funeral was held the next day.
Magic Council
The Mage Slayer
"I have altered their memories and erased my existence from them, My Lord but we have failed to retrieve Hydrologia. The Dragon Slayers have foiled us." He said with a dismayed voice. @j8cob @Against This @Lmpkio Kyou appeared. "Is that so? You don't have to worry. It is all going according to plan, smoothly. The Balam Alliance, Demon's Maw, Chimera Tenma, and Naraka are going to be delighted of your efforts." She said. Kumar appeared. "Hehehe.. Kyou-sama. I've got Raul-sama's body in Hell's Core, he will be revived soon." He said. "Life and death are one in the same, everyone just like how I got Drake to destroy Harpy's Wing's guild. It's a good thing, everyone in the council agreed with me to have Vyper Bolt and Harpy's Wing in favor of no charges." Kyou plays with chess and checkmates the black haired dude, her fellow council member. [@j8cob, that's you]. The King is dead in the hands of Kyou. "Drake Roganoff couldn't agree more, now that his predecessor is out of the way, he will now be the King of Fiore." She said. "All in the name of Lord Haji." She said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the funeral of Hyrdrologia, everyone gets closure as Craftoraid pays respects to their new allies Vyper Bolt and Harpy's Wing. In Galuna Island, there were plenty of demons running away from a blonde hair man as earth severs them. "Velid-sama. How long are you gonna keep this up?" @Renny
The crumbling earth of the right, Velid, the Earth Devil Slayer
Dragon Amulet Arc Finished.
Two weeks later..........
Two week is a big time, everyone has all the time that they need. Xavier joins Vyper Bolt along with Oriel. A lot has happened in a span of two weeks. With the usual Sable breaking stuff and council debates and all those daily routines. Drake Roganoff is currently the acting King. Currently, Sable, Aiden, and Chrome had been fighting each other 3 days straight, mostly Sable and Chrome. "It's my win again." She taunts the boys.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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Unknown Person
A gargled groan can be heard as a wizard skids across the ground, until suddenly crashing into a wall. He groans in pain as he struggles to get up, covered in scrapes and bruises, his clothes in tatters. Dust and debris are kicked up from the recent battle that was going just shortly before. Out of the thick dust cloud, a hooded man approaches ominously with a gnarly staff glowing with dark blue energy. Was he a dark wizard? No. He isn't one of them... but nor is he on the other side. The downed wizard still struggles to get up as he tries to take a good view of his attacker. "W-Who... are you?" he asks weakly with a groan. Soon he found his scruff being grabbed by a powerful hand as he was lifted towards his kneeling opponent. "Madoushi scum..." the hooded man says towards the wizard, "All of you wizards are scum. Good Guilds, Dark Guilds, you always fight like little pesky children... making a mess in this world." "W-What are you talking a-about?" groans the wizard with a cough, "What do you want from me?" "Nothing much..." answers the hooded man with a chuckle, "Other then to get paid... my client says that he hates your guts. Boy the things he would do to you he said..." "What dark guild *grunt* did you come out of?" the wizard asks again, "Who are you?" "Oh I'm not one of them..." the hooded man replies, "But nor am I one of you." He then takes off his hood, revealing his face in full. "I'm known... as Lockdown." he then says, revealing his nickname, "I'm what you call... a bounty hunter."
Kuroku Nagasai
Just outside the guild building of the Lunar Wolf guild, Kuroku Nagasai was meditating peacefully in the front yard outside. He had whitish-grey hair, yet he is a young man, with both white shirt and pants. He had recently did some hard training, just for good exercise and additional practice. Even S-Class members train regularly so that they won't get rusty with their skills in the future. Now he is relaxing, remembering his past life... his parents... his friends... and other peaceful thoughts. The cold wind breezes through his body, but it didn't bother him at all. After all, he was born in the cold snowy mountains so he was already used to it anyways. He continues meditating on his rock...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden Location: Some cave outside of Crocus Aiden was currently meditating in the middle of a large pool, the only light coming from candles set way up above. He was seated on an ice pedastal, floating in the still water, the only sound to be heard was that of his own breathing. Suddenly, an icy hand rose from the water, soon followed by an ice replica of Raul. And yet wasn't alone, as soon, he was followed by more ice statues, each bearing a face that Aiden was feeling a deep anger at. All of the masters, his mother, Drake Roganoff, and even Sable. In total there were around 30 replicas, and all of them were converging on the meditating Dragonslayer. A Raul replica snuck up close to him, hand raised about to strike. It never got the chance. Aiden moved quick as lightning, spinning around and gripping the replicas face,crushing it in his grasp. Turning to his other oppnents, he surged forward, launching numerous strikes at them. They evaded his attacks, their movements rather fluid for ice mannequins, and struck back with equal ferocity. He traded blows with them for sometime, his movements fluid like water, his attacks like sharp like ice, and his eyes filled with cool anger. Soon, however, he was beginning to get over whelmed, the mannequins beginning to attack in tandem with each other, striking at him when he tried to attack others. Aiden growled, before jumping back to give him some distance from them. As he did, a Raul replica stepped forward, its arrogant face a perfect imitation of the late-pirate captain. "Why do you run, my delicous dragon slayer, are you,truly such a coward. No wonder you could do nothing to stop me from taking control of Hydrologia. All you could do is stay there and watch, helpless and weak." The replica's voice sounded just like Raul's, and ellicited the same anger and rage Aiden had felt on that day. Aiden clawed his hand over the water. "Ice make: Naginata." The water underneath Aiden froze over, and from it rose an elaborate weapon made from ice, which he grabbed and twirled around slowly as he gathered magical energy around him, focusing it on the blade. He dipped it into the water, before violently spinning around, forming a storm of water blades around him. "Water Dragon's Whirling Deverish!" He yelled as he launched the blades at the manequinns, cutting them to pieces in short order. Aiddn gave a sigh of relief, walking to the poolside and took a seat, thinking about all that had happened over the last two weeks. The travel,from Greed Island had been hell, but even worse was when they'd returned to the Guild. The whole quest, all the pain and emotional torment, all for nothing. He had been so angry, he had left the guildhall that very night. He'd found this cave, sealed the entrance in 10ft of ice. He'd spent the last two weeks training his martial arts, his new magic, and his mind. To gain better control of his abilities, he had spent a few hours each day meditating, finally taking the martial arts of Vyper Bolt seriously. So far, no one had found him, and he preferred it that way. He had no one he wanted to speak to right now. He had mourned his uncle, now he was focusing on his abilities. Plus. . . he just couldn't face Sable right now. He knew why Sable had done what he did, but he couldn't look at him without feeling a great amount of rage. He thought this isolation would help, but it wasn't, unfortunately. 'Im guess I'll have to go back soon then. I wonder how things have been at the guild.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Velid - Inner Lonliness A massive pillar of white rock was raise over the island, the full moon was its background, the vintage point was that of the demons running away in terror and haste. Deft hand strokes in the air sent sharp constructs from the earth and into his fleeing prey, their monstrous screams were cut off with the sound of gravelly rocks. He looked over his shoulder as the voice reached him, his yellow eyes the shape of a frogs gleaming the man with a odd kindness. "Not too long, just a few more. I can't believe there was a island literally full of demons. Guess its a good thing I came around," he told the man before raising to his feet. He peeked down at the miles of open air that rested between him and the earth below. It made him a bit uncomfortable. "I guess I should make this quick, we have lots of work to do." His eyes landed on the furthest demon to the left, than onto the lead one, than the one straggling behind, and finally, the one furthest to the right. With a clear image, he stuck his hand out in the air and clenched his fist tightly. Just as quick as he had, miles of earth clenched inwards, raising out of it was large, slanted monoliths of white rock. The pieces fell and crushed some of the innocence caught in the cage. The ones that were left unharmed inside was screaming in agony, as Velid turned his back on the immense cage and unleashed deadly spikes that ruptured from the middle and stretched into the sky. The screams were no more after that. "We don't have long Velid-sama, the boat to the mainland is leaving now. Don't you have business in Crocus?" asked the cool attendant. Velid took the time to think, placing his index finger on his chin. "Yea, I think I do. But first, let's get some ice cream, kay?"
Sable Rhodroth - Wretched One Sable skidded across the earth with precision, dodging one of Chrome's icy attacks. His breathing was hard and sweat was trailing down his new face. His crimson hair fell pass his cheeks in long strands and his stance, knees bent and spaced wide apart, side turned to Chrome with raging flame engulfing his fist, was practiced. To most people the most notable aspect of his new appearance would be his appearance but for him, whenever he looked at a clear stream or his own reflection, he only saw the white-scaled scarf around his neck. I've gotten a hell've lot stronger, he admitted to himself. Its been two weeks though and I know I haven't mastered it. Either way I don't have the time to think on that, now do I? He rocketed himself off the ground and into the air towards Chrome, his lean and bare torso straining under the force as he stretched his fist back and launched a cottage-sized column of fire towards her. "Enryuu No Idaina Dageki!!" The blazing flame rushed towards her, crisping the grass twenty-feet around them. "Get burned bitch!" he yelled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Gwen Sniegow- Chrome
"Still not down huh?" They've been at it three days straight, Gwen receiving 20 wins while Sable had a total of 5 wins. That enhanced version of his attack. This is their 25th round. Still is naked in the whole battle, Gwen does the ice make stance for the first time, she hasn't been too serious against Sable even if she's naked. Using Ice Make with both of her hands, she does; "Ice Make: Cold Tsubamegaeshi!" A swallowing return of blizzard, hail, snow, and ice, this move is the exact opposite of Sable's King Flame's Great Blow. Freezing 20ft as well right back to that attack. Their attacks collided, Sable is clearly stronger in terms of firepower as his attack not only collided to cancel her attack as Gwen's attack does too, remaining flames were still around. Gwen moved fast, coming out of the mist, giving a high kick to Sable's jaw like an uppercut. "That's it for today. We still have other things to do." She said like claiming victory straightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Xavier Xavier was currently on the sidelines, watching Gwen fight this Sable guy. He was one of Vyper bolt's two Dragonslayers, and the only one Xavier had met. The other one had left soon after they returned from some mission, seemed to be rather upset at the masters for some reason. As Gwen ended the match, Xavier decided to walk over to Sable, cracking his knuckles. "Let me have a shot at him, Gwen, I think I can take him this time. 10th times the charm, am I right?" Xavier had been challenging the fire dragonslayer for the past week, determined to beat him just once. He'd been having a hard time of it, put today he was feeling lucky.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - Wretched One Sable rubbed his chin lightly as he rested on the ground. He was no where near tired, yet he felt that Chrome was running low on fumes or something. Lately his energy has been phenomenal, talking about being a bundle of energy was a understatement compared to how he felt. He rarely slept nowadays, only trained by roasting rocks with his breath, pulling thick roots behind him as he ran, and honed his senses with rudimentary missions. It was all becoming easier with time. "I'll get ya next time you cold stripper." He stood up and looked towards the new arrival again, for the umpteenth time he was challenging him. Raising up off the ground, he dusted his baggy jeans off and rubbed his crimson mane before gestuering for the kid to come over. "Bring it, brat. I'll beat you until you get the clue you're no match for me!" His flames engulfed him with vigor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Xavier Xavier wasn't bothered by the wave of heat, in fact, it exhilirated him. Sable was a strong fighter, and he was eager to prove himself to the dragonslayer. Some would say Xavier idolized him, and while he would deny it vehemently, they were right. "That's what you think, Sable, but I am going to take you down this time, just you watch me." Xavier grinned as he gathered his magic. "Tephra God's Bellow!" Xavier blasted a plume of super-heated ash at Sable, but didn't stay still, moving in after the attack and using it as cover. Once Sable dodged, he'd jump up and blast at him with a fist shaped cloud of ash. "Tephra God's Fist!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Gwen Sniegow- Chrome
2 weeks is sure an ample of time, Xavier should be used to Gwen being naked infinitely; she comes closer to him, close, close, close, close, close, close, very close and her body is pressing on him. With a poke to his forehead. "Alright." She said teasingly which she kinda did by getting so close to him. "You can fight him." Gwen still is fine, her magic power is still intact but she lost interest in fighting Sable. Fighting him is like fighting Aiden as a dragon slayer, her tactical strategies makes up for her lack of firepower. Something was really bothering her and it's not just Aiden. --------------(Before) Currently, she's watching the fight. Thinking of something deep. She leaves the boys on their fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

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Ajax Thera - Council Member
The black-haired man looked a bit flustered as his opponent put him in a checkmate. The expression quickly passed into a serious one as his yellow eyes went up to Kyou before him. It no longer appeared that he was bothered by his defeat at the game. "We will see what comes of those guilds," he spoke, his voice surprisingly soft-spoken despite being a notably large fellow. "I have a feeling they are more important than we realize..."
Two Weeks Later
The relatively young council member walked silently through the streets of Crocus. His large stature and choice of clothing, being that it resembled black samurai armor, made him easily noticed. Most naturally stepped out of his way, but his body language held no threatening presence. Ajax approached the Vyper Bolt district, stopping a moment to admire it. Though his serious expression didn't change, his eyes were clearly darting around and soaking in the details. With heavy footsteps he entered the district, ascending the stairs and looking around for any signs of life. It wasn't until the council member arrived at the main building did he find anyone. With a polite knock at the front door, he entered the guild hall and took a brief look around. His gaze eventually settled on several older gentlemen, whom Ajax presumed were a few of the Masters of Vyper Bolt. "Excuse me, gentlemen," he introduced, keeping his voice at a respectfully low volume. "I came here on behalf of the Magic Council to inquire about some of your members. Do you have the time to answer a few questions?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia sat on the sidelines of the fighting with one of Polyaphimous' spellbooks propped against her knees. She hadn't made much progress reading, though, since the events on the island kept playing themselves in her head. One event in particular wouldn't let her be.
Cynthia raised a hand to her lips, her face turning bright red. Why in Earthland had she done something like that? It was embarrassing, and her mind wouldn't let her forget that. She groaned softly and buried her nose in the book again, trying to drown out the memory by cramming her lessons into her head. Caroline Caroline had been scribbling her final edits into her newest weapon, the second one she had finished since the guild was destroyed. She was about to go find Gwen so that she could test it out, but as the self proclaimed council member showed up, she decided to stay put and see what happened. She lowered herself in the chair a bit, glad she had chosen a shady corner to sit in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - Wretched One I'm amazed by a God Slayer's strength but its not enough, he thought, sprinting to the left to dodge the bellow and feeling the aftermath of it behind him. He saw the slight movement that flowed with the youth, heard his steps as he approached. With a slight sway, he gripped the youth's wrist and launched his fist towards the God Slayer's gut, a large explosion bursting from his fist in the process. Smoke drifted from his fist. The youth had potential but as he was, he was too slow, too experienced, and too reckless. He reminded him a bit of himself. A sudden scent wafted past his nose and glanced over at Cyn, a slight pink on his cheeks as he did. "Shit," he whispered.
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