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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The girl continued to sit their, her expression somewhat depressed, as she continued to stare. At least until the dragon made of shadow took a hit to the head, slamming it into the ground. "....?" Looking behind her in surprise, she beheld the sight of her dragon...and what appeared to be a flying human torch.

".....nuisance...." She quietly muttered those words, before turning to face the newcomer, while staying in the same seated position. However, though she didn't move, the black dragon seemed to rise up, roaring in fury, before swiping at the flaming individual with a claw.

Though the Lightning was somewhat unusual, as there wasn't any warning of a storm, she ignored it as harmless for now. The current priority was to deal with the nuisance, while waiting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Aiden was shocked when Brad revealed himself to be a dragonslayer, and a dual elemental at that, but he quickly turned his focus to the battle at hand. He would let Brad and Sable take the first shots at the dragon while he began to take down the smaller dragons that had spawned from it. Taking his Ice make stance, Aidn summoned a platoon of Ice Guardians infused with Dragonslaying properties. With a nod, they simultaneously spung forward into the down, bringung down the smaller beasts and helping to rescue any and all citizens for escort out of the village. The process caused him to lose half of his Guardians, but he quickly replaced them once he was sure that all the townspeople were safe.

Forming his Ice-Naginata, Aiden made a gesture with the blade and the small group of Icen constructs rushed up the mountain, and he followed close behind. The constructs bursted onto the scene and would charge with half going after the dragon, and the othef half going after the girl. Those that went after the girl, however, were trying to capture and detain, as Aiden was unsure if she was villain or victim.

"Fluid Ice Make: Dragonic Ascension!" Aiden called out his signature attacks, sending a flock of dragonic birds soaring into the black dragon's claw and body. While that happened, Aiden focused his energy on his blade, causing it to take on a dark azure glow as his face broke out into a grin. The snow around him would begin to melt and collect around the weapon tip, forming a ever growing ball of water. Once it had reached a sufficient size, Aiden woukd cry out with his next attack. "Water Dragon's Whirling Deverish!"

Aiden spun around rapidly, swinging his naginata wildly in front of him as he did so,which would launch highly pressurized blades of freezing cold water at his foe, a storm of blades that would each hold a sizeable amount of power on it's own, and makes for a high level attack when sent out in a group. After the attack, Aiden would back away a little to catch his breath, as the toll for all of his attacks began to catch up to him, leaving him out of breath and slightly unfocused for a few seconds.
@Masaki Haruna
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The girl barely gave the Ice Guadians a cursory glance, before watching the ice Mage with a blank look. However, unlike her, the shadow dragon slammed down its claw, snapped at, and sent the Ice Gaurdians targeting her away. Its tail swung wildly, crushing another Ice Guardian in its destructive path. However, the attacks that strike home on the dragon caused it to seemingly bleed out shadows, a black mist that seeped into the air.

"...futile...." Muttering these words, directing them at the attackers, as the dragon only lifted its head to let out a thunderous roar, as it seemed even the injuries inflicted upon that dragon hadn't caused it to falter. Switching to the offensive, the dragon crouched, before pouncing on the other Ice Gaurdians that were causing it harm. The sheer ferocity as it fought was something that was akin to a wounded animal backed into a corner.

The girl continued to watch, before speaking. However, her words were lost in the cacophony of the shadow dragon. If one could have heard her, or read her lips, they would've known she asked, 'Why are you obstructing me?'.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Hard Fought

Sable pulled his fist back for the dozenth time, the fire engulfing it crackled and grumbled in his ears. He let out a fierce cry as he released it like a bolt towards the beast again. The explosion that it brought forth smoked dark columns into the air, blinding him to the others and the Dragon. Which is why the most he could do was brace himself as a large claw swatted him from the Dragon's head.

The next thing he felt was splintering wood as he crashed through a burning cottage. He struggled from between the bent the door and a wooden column, eventually tossing it off his body and weakening the building even further. The roar of fire inside was deafening but it was a welcoming sound. From his spot, he took in a deep breath, gulping down the flames as they flowed into his gut and rejuvenated him.

He sighed a heated breath into his hand as the flames settled and coursed through him, massaging his muscles and adding to his magical reservoirs. Perfect ... I'am ... I'm ... not going to lose to anyone. As he stepped towards the fractured doorway, he noticed the charred bodies of a man and woman, underneath them was the crisp corpses of a two children. He paused.

A great numbness took hold of him and he continued out the building.

He rocketed off towards the large Dragon. The smell of sweet ice and Aiden was nearby, along with Brad. Sable bit his lip till blood beaded on top. This is my battle! Mines!

With a might wave of powdered snow, Sable half-slid and half-crashed into the grounds occupied by the furious beast. In his ears, he heard the childish voice of a girl asking why they were in her way. He simply furrowed his brows at the Dragon and began to walk towards it.

“You're an obstacle for me. One that'll make me stronger if I can overcome you,” He said, igniting flames over his fist like a match sparked by anger. “ … You'll give me the power to change-” He stopped the next words from slipping out his mouth.

Desperateness had coated his words and pained anger was on his face. But a burning hatred was clad around his arms in the form of his flames. How could he even begin to think that he could change what was already set, the only thing he'd ever have control over was himself. He sprinted off towards the beast, leaving a trail of uncovered earth in his wake.

“Fire Dragon's Roar!” he yelled, releasing a stream along the path of the Dragon and across to its left wing. The snow surrounding them was melted quickly, leaving a charred area where they fought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Masaki Haruna
Tenshi thought about it a dragonslayers magic was meant to slay dragons after all. Also a dragonslayer of darkness and crystal sounded really good it would prove her strength to others she was not weak just because she was young. "Moka! take me to the dragon its time to shatter any misconceptions they had on me and sabertooth! we well be the strongest guild just you wait I will kill the dragon and show them all my strength" Tenshi said outloud as she charged forward. "People forgot about sabertooth thought them weak, Lets disabuse them of that notion shall we?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

The black dragon's assault took out the entirety of Aiden's Guardians, but it also gave him time to replenish himself, taking a deep breath to draw in the surrounding snow for a small boost in energy. It also gave him a better idea of his opponent, as he took time to analyze the beast's behavior. It obviously cared little for it's own well being, but it viciously demolished anything that tried to get close to the girl, who he could now see was obviously not a captive, and curiouser still, it had less to use any type of magic. Why wouldn't it use it's element in this fight, especially from all of the damage it was taking.

Aiden was thrown out of his thought as Sable charged back into the fray, seeming to say something to the beast before launching a powerful roar attack at the beast left side. Seeing an opportunity, Aiden used Water Dragon's step to launch him over to the beast's right side, taking a deep breath as he prepared to launch an attack of his own. "Weiss Dragon's Blizzarding Typhoon!!" Aiden unleashed his strongest roar attack, a conglomeration of Freezing winds filled with shards of ice swirling around a large vortex of water, the inner and outer edge being filled with ice debris and razor sharp water blades. And in the center of that was an large amount of pure magical energy in the shape of a Dragon’s Roaring Maw, rushing forward to sink it's fangs into the other beast hide. If the attack hit, it would cause a magical chain reaction, causing the water that crashed into the beast to freeze on contact, casing the wyrm in a thick layer of ice the size of a small hill. The ice would be slightly weakened by the fire of Sable's attack, as Aiden had launched his roar shorty after and the heat had remained.

After the attack, Aiden would land in a slide onto the ground, taking a second to inhale some more snow for another quick fix, taking the edge of the exhaustion of using that attack. Then he'd just wait and see what happened as a result of that attack, and to catch his breath again. His Naginata was at the ready in case the girl finally decided to get involved(that is, if she didn't get caught up in the attack as well), and he charged up a Water Dragon's Step, at the ready in case he needed to make a quick evasive maneuver.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

For all its intimidating appearance, the shadow dragon was heavily damaged from taking hits from both sides. Being frozen and burned was probably something one doesn't normally expect. However, despite having over half its body crippled, the dragon still stood up.

The girl finally looked at the attackers with a slightly curious expression, before frowning. Without warning, the shadow dragon basically detonated, akin to a shadow shockwave being sent out.

"You are not my targets. Run, before you become elevated to a danger to my objective."

Calling out these words, she looked at everyone, her expression neutral. However, it wasn't a mask, nor emotionless. It was empty, akin to staring down the depths of an abyss, that which you couldn't see the bottom, shrouded by cold shadows.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago



The snow shifted in front of his face, a veil of white fluttering around him. With a loud tsk, Sable raised up from his hands and feet, his stomach tight as he glared on at the beast. Aiden had delivered a powerful attack, one that twisted his insides even more than they already were. His fangs squeezed in tight against each other as he stood up, the winter wind pulling at Natsu's Scarf.

The white jacket that Oriel had requiped on him had proved durable, it was near immaculate still. He glared towards the Dragon and likewise at the girl that he had just noticed among them. Among them all, none them had the power that he was searching for. The Dragon wasn't real. It was weak. Hydrologia had been far stronger.

Just as he thought this, the Shadow Dragon erupted, releasing a shockwave of pitch black. It was so dark, that for a moment, it blotted out the pure white snow and consumed him in its inky embrace. When he came too, bruised and angry, he melted a mound of snow from his fiery back and raised to his feet. His white jacket had been painted with irregular black strips now, stained and stylized.

" Run?" he barked back incredulously. " Yea right! You're dealing with the Wretched One! Rank me at the top, put a crown on my head as a Kingkiller. I'll wreck you and your chart! Bring it onnnnnn!" He yelled, his body exploding in raging flames, the heat licking out towards the others and reaching out dangerously close to the girl.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Aiden raised a hand as the dragon let out it's shockwave of energy, using the ice it had cast off to form a shield along with the snow that surrounded him. He then infused the ice into his naginata, the frozen remains of his last attack still holding the aura of dragon slaying magic around it. He also coated his gauntlets and boots with it, to ensure that every attack that he launched would be effective. As Sable vented his anger at the girl and her wyrm, Aiden paid closer attention to what she was saying. Targets? That means she was sent by someone to target this village, but why and who? The only way we're going to know is if we take her in alive,though Sable isn't going to make that easy in his present state. Turning his eyes towards his opponents, he noted that the fight wouldn't be getting any easier from here on out, now that the dragon revealed it's element to be shadows and seemed ready to make generous use if it to deal with them. Aiden decided to use Sable's firey aura to his advantage, taking a deep breath as he prepared his next strategy.

"Ice Dragon's Roar!" He unleashed the billowing gale of freezing air and ice shards at a bit of an angle, meeting with the fire and bolstering it towards the girl's general direction, but he was sure that the dragon would take care of the flames approaching it's mistress. While the dragon was preoccupied by the flames, Aiden would use them as a cover, moving past Sable to strike at the burned left side with a flurry of slashes from his naginata, before he drew back his fist, which glowed with an intense blue aura. "Water Dragon's Torrential Fist!"

A large amount of water gather around Aiden's fist for a split second, then plowed forward at at high speed, aiming to crash into the dragon's side with all of the force of a steel beam shot from a cannon. But Aiden wasn't finished, however, as he gather water around him again, this time forming two large discs that he'd send forward while the water was still surrounding the leg and wing. "Weiss Dragon's Freezing Pulse!" The discs, upon smashing into the target, would freeze on contact, and would quickly spread though the already present water, locking the leg and the wing in place. Aiden would then blast forward with a Water Dragon's Step, hoping that the frozen limbs and dealing with the fire would leave him enough of a window to launch a full-powered slash from his Naginata towards the girl's midsection. He had dulled the blade of course, but it would still deal quite a bit a pain if it hit.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The girl seemed to sigh, before standing up. "I warned you, yet you ignored me." With those cold words, the dragon shielded the girl from the majority of attacks. However, as soon as it was clear that the ice user was attempting to target the girl instead, the dragon dissipated into the air, a shadowy smoke once again. No, it was more accurate to say that the shadows didn't dissipate, as they now concentrated around the girl.

"I don't know who you are, but it doesn't matter anymore." Saying these words, the shadows created a pair of black wings, alongside perpendicular broadswords. "You're all going to die here."

With such brave words, it may seem like she was one of those cliche villains who talk big, and send their minions after the protagonist. However, she only wrapped herself with her wings, blocking the naginata directly, before swinging wide with one of her massive swords.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tenshi was annoyed at the rate she was going she was not going to be able to do anything already she could hear roars of the dragon but she was afraid at this rate she would not be able to make it. With a slight sigh at having to do this she muttered softly "crystal dragons crystal movement." Creating a large golden crystal she melted into it before it shattered leaving nothing more but fragments. A bit away from the fight she another golden crystal was formed before she stepped out. Stepping out as it shattered she took to her knees it was a pure movement technique having way to much cost to use it effectively in a fight. Gathering her breath she looked around the area around was destroyed but she could not see any traces of the dragon. Though spotting a girl with four wings she couldn't spot the dragon standing back she watched curious on what exactly going on she did not want to jump into a fight with the wrong intentions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Pride & Death

The figure that stood before him now had a power that dwarfed the Dragon's. This winged-woman, holding two vile swords and fitted with wings of black power, was on a different level. And it pointedly, if but for moment, silenced the enraged Sable. His flames retreated back to him as he shrunk from the difference in strength. In his stomach, he felt it knot up until the pain started urging him to retreat. He would have done it if not for the intense voice in his head that yelled, without leeway, for him to charge forwards.

The next moment, his flames raged forwards again. He charged up the charred-black slope and towards his opponent. He climbed pass burned and blackened shrieking animals; the unfortunate reptiles and mammals that were living underneath the snow had had been caught in the battle. Once at its precipice, he launched himself into the air, front-flipped mid-descent, and slammed his burning fist onto the ground. The fiery shock wave that ensued raced out towards Aiden and the winged-girl, tasting their skin with determined vigor.

" Me first, Frosty!" He stood up and the flames on his fist slid over his forearms and past his shoulders.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Aiden was thrown backwards a fair distance by the girl's attack, though he had been able to keep himself from being sliced in half by using his Naginata's shaft to protect himself. That being said, the hit had definitely hurt, and the crash landing he made in the snow a fair distance away didn't make help it. However, considering Sable's action's afterwards, he was glad he had been moved when he had. Getting up from the ground, Aiden took a moment to analyze their situation and see if their are any flaws in his enemy that he could exploit.

We have her outnumbered by thr- wait, who the hell is that? Aiden's attention shifted over to the girl who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Was she an ally or a new foe, he had no way of knowing and he wasn't going to waste energy on her write now, as she seemed to be content with watching. Okay, keep an eye out for her right now, deal with her only if she becomes a problem. As for the shadow user, she has a pretty solid defense with those wings, a strong offense with those blades, a great amount of magical power, and the versatility of the shadow element on her side, but she seem to be arrogant as well. Maybe we could use that against her if we coordinated our attacks, but as it stands I don't think Sable would be willing to do that. The fire dragonslayer's previous attitude brought forth a tinge of prideful anger in him, though he calmed himself through breathing. Now wasn't the time to let his emotions get the best of him . . . but it was the time to go all out.

Steadying his breath, Aiden focused on his dragonic side, feeling the familiar rush of power and instincs that came with it. His scale marks grew exceedingly bright, than a pulse of cold would go through out the area, giving all those present a slight chill as Aiden shifted in to his TDS mode, the scale like ice armor that covered his torso and armors glowing slightly from the magic energy held with in. The power he felt in his veins was as exhilirating as ever, and with it came a sense of confidence, of self-worth, of pride that he normally didn't possess. In this form, he no longer felt empty and useless, but strong and whole. For a moment, he considered knocking Sable out of the way and taking on the shadow mage by himself, but he quickly shook the thought from his head. Calm yourself, Aiden, you are in control, not the dragon inside of you. Don't let what happened with Ajax happen here.

Aiden, his head clear, launched himself into the air with his hands in the Ice Make stance, deciding to assist Sable and test his new foe a bit more as well.

"Ice Make: Dragonic Ascension, Fallen Grace, and Bones of the Ancients!" Aiden sent out 12 of his flying ice constructs coated with an intense freezing aura and primed to explode into a giant spike of ice as soon as they made contact with the girl, aiming once again to trap her or at the very least to limit her movements so that others can more easily land a hit on her. He then landed near the newcomer, never taking his eyes off of thee shadow user as he decided to find out if the young blue haired girl was friend or foe. "Whoever you are, I hope you're here to help us out, since I think this mission just got a lot more complicated. Think you can keep up?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The girl only launched herself a distance away, to avoid the flames that licked at her. Shifting her gaze between the ice and the fire users, it was only now that she noticed the newcomer. However, this newcomer had not done anything, whether hostile not friendly. For now, she wasn't a threat, and that was all that mattered. Refocusing back at the battle at hand, just in time to behold the sight of the twelve ice guardians charging towards her.

"No matter what you do, it's futile!" Calling out these words, the girl slashed at the minions of ice. However, the moment she slashed, they had detonated. Caught unprepared, she didn't jump back fast enough, finding herself half immobilized in the ice.

Grimacing, she struggled, before swinging her sword down on the ice. Although a deadly weapon made of shadows, the brute force was not enough to shatter the ice, only crack it.

Immediately switching plans, she dissolved her wings, before forming a large shadowhound, albeit sightless smaller than the dragon she had before. Using it to buy time, she continued to swing her blade at the ice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Sable stared at the winged-woman through enraged-lens. Red seemed to consume his sights, the flames that roared off his elbows were put to use as thrusters as he rocketed off towards the trapped woman. He sprinted up the path, offering only an explosive backhand to the hound. A overpowered, crimson hued, flame rupture from the impact and towards the right-side of the mountain where a crater dented the thick rock. He was unsure if it was incapacitated or not but he burst forwards anyway, his eyes set on being the strongest.

Without slowing, he lit his foot aflame and spun to slammed his heel into the woman's face. But the flame spurted and flickered out, his face drained and exhaustion took over his thoughts. The cold of the mountain for the first time, touched his skin. Sending a shrill chill down his body. His lips parted and gray smoke left hastily from within.

Idiot! you've used up all your ma...

And like that, he fell onto the dark-winged woman. Arm holstered around her small body, eyes barely open as he fought away sleep with will. "I will ... beat you," he strained from his tired body, flames flickering to life on his shoulders, arms, and hair. The orange fire licked upwards off his hair, the strands dancing from the strained effort of trying to stay awake.

"Damn youuuu! Damn you! Eurghhh!" Then he fell unconscious, completely at the mercy of his enemy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Righting against miniature dragon mooks made of shadow was easy but Sable falling into zero was never a good thing; "Sable!" Oriel blasted Sable normal flames for him to feed but held back considering the range of their enemy. Brad was also saving people from the mooks but his dragon lacrima drug did not go as planned. Even she fell unconcious Too.


"Tenshi." The blonde hair girl absorbs the demonic energy present in the village which invokes black tattoos, cursed tattoos on her body. She threw barrages of high powered devil slaying lightning shockwaves and asked Tenshi to perform a unison raid with her. "Unison........." Lightning surges in Tensi's hand as Moka charges her.

Then, the black dragon started talking; "Tenrei. Are you sure you still want to kill them? The 4th generation fire dragon slayer is not as strong as the rumor says. Let alone the dragonkin boy and the crystal dragon slayer. Let us spare them from abyss for now. Once they become stronger. No mercy shall fall.." The black dragon said. But then Brad comes charging in and got stomped casually by a smack of the tail.

"So now what? Why aren't you..." He asks again.

In a place to where the holy maiden is,a familiar face appears before her. "Cynthia, why the long face?" Deriva the Witch comes forth.

Meanwhile in Avatar....

The Necromancer and Sage stabbed each other as they collide!
@Akashi Mayhiro

@Bleu Chess @Feisty-Pants @Saltwater Thief

After the explosion from the guild, Lyon appeared to have protected them via big a ice phoenix. "I will take care of the matter at hand here, Niti, Yuuka, Jeanne, Anna. Go after Sage now and while at it bring Hana with you. We need to save our reputation. None of us wants Lamia to disband because of one member's recklessness."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeanne - The Valiant Redoubt

Hana's concerns did not fall on deaf ears in the least while the sword in Jeanne's grasp crackled and sparked with the raw power that she possessed. Yet it still faded and the Archangel's fingertips flexed ever lightly in irritation. Simply because she had over-extended her abilities did not mean she lacked the fortitude to control her magic.

Watching on as Hana then transported Xavier indoors, the Archangel frowned ever lightly in response as she felt that there was something amiss, even though she couldn't put her finger upon it. There was much turmoil within Lamia Scale after Augustine, and there was not a word of utterance spoken to her about it.

For the elder sisterly figure she had aspired to be for the Guild, it was beyond troubling. Niti had fled from her, Hana had spoken rather suspiciously too to boot, which was completely outside the norm for a Samurai.

Each time, every conversation had rotated around recently returned Anna...but why?

This will be addressed later...I'll approach Anna directly. Surely she can provide the insight I need to these troubling thoughts.

A sudden eruption from within the guild caused the fiery white swords she controlled to appear as shrapnel flew about. Combined with the petals that Hana had thrown in her direction, the Archangel scowled further as she heard the issue at hand. Sage had gone and done something foolish and reckless, endangering the well-being of his guild mates in the process.

Thin lines of light traced across her form as the Armor overtook her figure in the matter of milliseconds.

"As much as we should have the company of many to hunt down our troubled one, it could very well be a trap to leave Lamia Scale mostly defenseless. I will go hunting; Hana, come with me please. Otherwise, we should leave some form of defense in the light of this recent offense against us." Jeanne spoke calmly, but with resounding purpose as she strode into the damaged hall.

All the while, wings of absolutely beautiful ivory grew upon her back, sprouting outward like a flower's blossom on a springtime day. Turning then, a simple long sword of white fire appeared in her grasp as she bent her knees and leapt powerfully into the sky; streaking across the sapphire heavens at the speed of a falling star.

It did not take long for Jeanne to arrive in Valdosta. So infuriated was she by the embarrassment of Lamia at the hands of the Sage, that the magical strength that the Archangel seemed to emanate was beyond crushing. Eclipsing the ongoing madness below, the purity of light that the Archangel seemed to constantly emanate blinded the darkness as she flew down delve into the depths of the tunnels beneath the surface. Not long after, the Archangel silently landed behind Sage amongst the chaos.

The pressure he was putting off was immense, far out scaling the Sage she had come to know in the past few weeks. It was worrisome for now, but whether or not it bore true fruit in her paranoia of him had yet to be seen.

"Sage. You are hereby ordered to return to Lamia Scale. Hana is on her way along with a few others. Return or face far more dire consequence, we will handle what remains here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yuuka Takenaka the Gardener

"Fuwahh!!!~" She said in a cute tone and insisted on coming with Jeanne but she was too fast for her to catch up. "Niti! Let's go too. We can't let them have all thee fun!" Yuuka peersuades Niti to come with her to the ivy village.

@Bleu Chess


"We are here." His Hound Dog Unit and Oram are with him. "Oram, take out the one with zombie face." Better said than done, Alec's troops excluding him and Oram were decimated by the Guild Master of Avatar.

"Long time no see, Ether Canceller or should I say 9th Wizard Saint, Alec Roganoff. It is such a nuisance for having you here." The Guild Master of Avatar who is the Priest implies that he knows Alec personally. And it is not surprising considering the two are mortal rivals.

"Oh well, I just wanna see the look on your face behind that mask of yours, and I guess it worked!" Alec and the Avatar Guild Master clashes, a few motion of exchanging blows and giving headbutts to each other.

The Zombie Man grabs Oram and throws him into Lazarus Pit. It is a water in Valdosta that is said to reincarnate the dead and heal anything. The rest of the Avatar members do as they please.

@Demon Shinobi
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


The flames that spurted on his shoulders soon dwindled to small ambers, his eyes falling to closed lids as his will waned. His chin rested on the lithe shoulder of his opponent, too tired to move and too tired to care. He had only felt such fatigue twice in his life. The first was when he traveled five days and nights as a youth to escape from his past, the other was training Rhodroth for the first time. Things had changed since then, he had become a mighty and dare-he-say feared wizard. But the feeling of depleting his magical reserves still burned his gut like a foul hunger.

He felt meager, almost infantile as he sniffed out Oriel's exorcist flames. Small intakes of air would be heard in her ear, the flames behind curved into his vision and ran towards his mouth.

Just a little ... Just a little! he told himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Masaki Haruna
Oram Hellios
Fighting the Zombie Mage of Avatar

Oram couldn't believe it. Just like that, He and the rest of the Hound Dogs were taken out. Dispatched leaving only Alec. It was humiliating. Frustrating! He was fucking pissed! But he couldn't do anything. Was he going to die? Just like that?! He growled, but soon felt his body moving. It wasn't him. Fuck! Something was moving him. He couldn't speak.

He felt himself submerge. There was water all around him. But... "Dammit all!" His voice finally came, but it was distorted and muffled by the water encasing him. He began to move in the direction he believed to be upwards. A loud gasp could be heard as he emerged, clawing his way out of the Lazarus Pit. His gaze shifted from side to side as he looked for the culprit before his eyes fell on what appeared to be a zombie. "What kind of shit is this?" He scoffed, laughing to himself bit. He wasn't taking this lightly. No. He was just angry.

"Alright, ya damn bastard. You wanna go at it?" He cracked his knuckles and rolled his head around his shoulders taking great pleasure in the sound of the cracking. He was loosening up his body. "I've been taking on pieces of crap the old man has been throwing out me with the rest of those fucks for way too long. So I'm glad to blow off some steam with a real enemy. Something that I can actually take pleasure in beating to a pulp." He laughed. "It's just to bad you're a heap of garbage just like them. Another lump of flesh." He gave a small grin, almost sadistic in nature.

And just like that he was charging at the zombie man, his speed much greater than what it used to be. The zombie guy wouldn't know it of course. He had no real specs of Oram's former abilities. But he could feel it. The stupid training was actually paying off as much as he hated to admit it.
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