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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


For a moment, Cynthia was shocked speechless. Then she stormed to her feet, fury in her eyes. "What is wrong with you?!" She shouted as the darkness around them became deeper, "How can you be kind one moment, then an ass the next? And have you forgotten it's your fault we're even in this mess? You're the one who kept walking every time I told you to stop, and if it weren't for my runes, you and that cat would be neck deep in snow right now!"

She paused for a moment, glaring daggers at Sable, before pointing to a spot next to the fire. "Put the cat down. I'm about to show you I'm not as soft as you think I am."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Top Tier Battles: Valdosta Arc-Collabo with Akashi and Haruna

The Cold and Chaotic Black and White: Part 1

Stacy and Sage vs Avatar

Stacy and Kumar faces off and to her disbelief, Kumar is a foe from the past and reveals herself to be a girl. She throws countless ice make spells that are unnamed to Kumar but all of that were dispel by arc of time the lost magic. Kumar tells Stacy her identity once more and she is none other than Fei Rien a Time Mage she fought against with Gwen in the past.

Fei aka Kumar: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/240/2/a/_render__akemi_homura_by_liriasky-d7wzdq2.png

"Ice Make: Snow Tiger!" Stacy uses her signature move against her long time foe but it was dispel once again by arc of time and this time around flash forward of laser like crystal balls are used against Stacy sending her afar with bruises. "I told you this before Stacy, any magic is useless against arc of time." A few more crystal balls were spammed on Stacy making the battle seem one sided as Fei uses; "Luminous Minutes." Endless spam of crystal balls danced around Stacy and injures her sending her left, right, bottom, down and finally on the receiving end of punch by Fei. Stacy is helpless.

Meanwhile amongst the fight, the demonic figure of Sage soon arrived at the shackle the Lily had told him about, a feral grin spread across his lips as he swished his right hand sideways, instantly the ‘shack’ was completely destroyed by multiple dark snakes like creatures before reveal and stairs leading to the underground amongst the scattered remains of a building.


Walking again Sage headed down stairs the soon lead of the narrow and dim lit corridor littered with frozen or knocked out henchmen’s, possibly done by someone that Lily mentioned. Stepping on the men Sage chuckled as he heard the cracking and screams of the bone he crushed underneath his feet before leaving them and riving pain. His sadistic laughter was interrupted by grunting and other sounds, it wasn’t dirty hot moans he was think of.

It was the sound of two mages fighting, his right hand soon enlarged into a demonic hand as he picked up the pace and headed towards the sound which lead him towards a (unexpectedly) well lit room. His dual Colours eye soon saw two girl fighting each other, one with light purple hair and the other with a familiar white hair….

‘…that girl’ Sage wondered as he saw her kneeling on the ground pants and the other women mocked her. ‘……meh.’

Jumping over the rail and slamming down into the ground, the Demonic mage growled, getting both the girls attention. Before rushing both of them a second later.

"If you're just gonna stand there and stalk me like last time with Gwen then you're a goner. Get your ass here and I'm not asking for your help. That's because I don't plan to. I am just getting started." Stacy states that she doesn't need the man's help who seems to be who she thinks he is. The Ice Mage stops briefly to analyze the situation although arc of time being dangerous, Stacy had fought it before. She will do it again and succeed with pushed efforts.

Stacy strips naked with a determined look on her face. "I told you, I'm just getting started." She said.

Fei claps her hands and smirks, "And your logic is?"

Sage just shook his head as he neared the White haired girl 'i could just knock her out and deal with his myself..but i don't think that is wise' Jumping over the girl he stook a Flimsy swing with his demonic claw at Fei before backing off, creating some assistance.

'He looked at Stacy again...only to see that she was naked. Breathing through his nose, he slowly (While gazing at her breast) looked back at her opponent. As Stacy retorted that she was getting started, Sage decided to go with it and jumped back a Little.

As he past her, he left a note for her. -Fine by me, i'll just hang back and see you're pale ass get kicked. I'll just watch...and do other stuff.-

"Turning down an ally's aide. How honorable yet ironic in this situation." Fei mocks Stacy for her stupid decision but Stacy didn't falter, she is confident in her own abilities. But more Avatar members pops out. George The Exorcist, Maryjane the Devil Princess, and the Necromancer Man.

Stacy thought herself through again. "Alright fine. You'll get the same liberty in taking them down but that doesn't mean I ask for your help. Well, I do, we all have a common enemy so let's roll with it." She walks towards Sage and gets a look at him closely. At this moment Stacy faced karma so she tries to do her best to turn the tables around.

-No.- Sage flat out rejected the alliance as he used his left hand to ruffle her white hair up -You said that 'you were getting started' so i'm waiting for that to happen, he cracked his neck as he walked past Fei and towards the other Avatar members, the footmen shieled the main member of Avatar. However it man Sage smiled as he held out his Demoinc hand towards them.

'1st trick from Nya: Demoinc Beast's infernal void!' Soon all men had black void under them as Shadow hand reached for them and Dragged them into the void that the Silent mage as said. Leaving 3 Main Mages to him.

'hmmmmm......2 on 1 should be go enough for now' He turned to Maryjane and sent a Note her way -'I've Fucked you once, and i'll make your i'll fuck you good this time- he sent a second note to the Necormancer

-I'll deal with you next.- Once again he faced the Naked women and gave her a wave.

-Let me know if you become a Damsel in Distress ok~?-

Stacy got rustled when Sage fondled her hair, she wanted to punch him in the face but now isn't the right time. The Avatar members feel so disoriented and out of the mood and their reaction was the usual cliche storyline where the good guys do their plans while saying it outloud in battle. "Fine. ICE MAKE: RAPTOR BOMBER!" A rain of hail shards rained down from the gigantic dinosaur bird.

Fei yawned, "You know what, I know I am the strongest among my friends, it will be boring if I don't let them have the fun. Ciao for now." Fei disappears leaving Sage pitted against Maryjane and Necromancer watching from behind while George is to Stacy.

"Stacy...." George smiled. "Don't interfere, this girl is mine." George speedblitzes Stacy and teleported out of venue which leaves Sage against Necromancer and Maryjane.

MJ vs Sage

Maryjane moves incredibly fast and uses her magic on Sage. "A Devil Slayer huh? You're not the only one who slays demons. White Devil's Holy Rage!" Maryjane roars out a flash of light against Sage and on the way the strong flash of light decimated the ground. Revealing herself a fellow devil slayer as well.

'Another one huh...' Sage readied himself as he took Mary's attack head on as the White light Engulfed him. The ground Gave way and the building around them shook. '....Hpmh.' The aftermath revealing that the boy was hurt, but the wound were soon healing over by hard scales ong Black and red. Sage grinned again.

-Please allow me to return the Favour: A true rage.- Sage jumped back a few meters away before inhaled and large amount of air the Magic/ curse mixed with the air.

'Deviled Beast Demonic rage!' as he roared a slim beam of Black and Red hit the wall behind Maryjane before a second more larger cone of magic blasted and Disintegrated everything in it's path. Traveling Straight to her.

MJ smirked, "A curse? Don't make me laugh!" She demonstrates her potency with magic and curses, redirecting the magic content by taking on the attack and absorbs the curse which in return activates her black marks around her body appearing as a cursed mark, half of her body was colored with black like tattoo marks and her eyes were glowing gold.

"I'm sure you haven't forgotten. Devil Slayers are able to absorb curses which activates black marks like Gray Fullbuster. In theory, it doesn't boost the wielder but I guess that is put to the test as I feel enough power surging through me!" MJ moves at "light-speed" creating optical illusions with her magic more like afterimages and appeared in every direction. "White Devil's Tachyon Surge!" It is unknown what the spell does but at that moment MJ is moving at fast speeds.

'...........' Sage looked around as the many images of MJ surrounded him. Inside a dark laugh entered his mind.

"She is Talented, i will admit to that...but anything can be Tracked the way we are now kid." Bakuko grinned as he cleared his mind with Sage, closing his red eye, his black eye suddenly turned reality into transparently blue and outlines of MJ was seen...but a figure with Black coloring was behind him.

"Bingo!" Roared Bakuko as Sage crouched low "Dark Matter make: Javelin Shot!" As he got into a a throwing form, he timed as the black figure switched from place to place '.......'

"Now!" Turning his body 180 degrees and channeled his physical power into his arm as threw the dark spear, turning into a hi-speed bullet. He watched as the Spear made way towards a Image or 'MJ'

"Light Make: Gaebolg!" The afterimages were condensed, a battle of spear against spear which clashes like fire and ice but this time light and dark.

MJ appears right in front of Sage hugs him, "White Devil's Tachyon Flash!" Sparkling the flashing light is a double edged sword which converts the pain of the enemy into a supply of strength which is a hot light and in return the user suffers 10% of that pain. Both come crashing to the ground.

"I got a lot of trivia but did you know that molding magic and slaying magic with the same element can be used in a combined fashion which is more precised. It's been educational kid. But light will always triumph against darkness."

She doesn't want to waste her time. "Father has better things to do and he needs me for that master plan of his. You're good kid and cute as well." She sighed.

Peak Village

Stacy is in a rundown snow village in Peak Village with the man named George.

-Who is this man named George?!
-Next Issue
#Parent and Child
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


" Don't kid yourself, Cyn. You can't beat me without your wards. And now that I know about them, they won't work. Go sit down."

Sable started to walk pass her, his eyes focused on the base of some large object he planned on sitting near. A moist brown was almost entirely covered in the suffocating white of the blizzard. But he picked out the minuscule scent buried in it as lumber. Surrounding it was other splintered and torn apart pieces of wood, some looked to be charred years ago, perhaps the remains of a scorched cabin.

He sat down and loosened his arm. The Exceed wasted no time in brandishing its small wings and stumbling through the air. It wavered slowly away from him but refused to stray no more than five feet. It was cautious of its surroundings and dependent on his presence it seemed. He smiled gently at the exceed's attempts to fly faster than its wings could carry it.

The crazy cat likes to rush about huh? he thought to himself. That's not a bad name. Rush. I think I'll call it Rush from now on.

"Yo, little Exceed," The Exceed paused in its tracks, its dark blue eyes resting on him. "How do you like the name Rush?"

Strained touched its cyan-furred face before dipping from the air and rising up again. A second passed before it lost all magic and fell towards the ground. Sable pushed himself forwards, the snow piled on his face but the small weight that fell into his hand told him he caught the little guy or gal. He pulled his face from the snow as water pooled underneath him.

"Y'know what, I'm calling you Rush anyway. You're stuck with it." He pulled himself up onto his bottom.

Rush fit perfectly in his hand and before it knew it, had began to cling to him. Sable scooted to the base of the ruined cabin, his hand trudging through the snow as he did.

"Rush it is then."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Cynthia was angry that he picked a fight with her, but somehow being brushed off was much worse. Bristling with rage, she gathered some of the light she had stolen into her palm, releasing it in a blast at Sable's back. It wasn't enough to actually hurt him or the Exceed, but it was enough to get his attention and even knock him over a bit.

"Fine, you want me gone so bad? All you had to do was say so. Maybe I was just blind, but I wanted to think you were more than a playboy thug." Without waiting for a response, she took to the sky, flying eastward on her wings of light. Soon she was out of sight in the darkness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


His back still smoked from Cyn's tantrum attack. The muscle surrounding his spine stung. It felt like fine hairs had been ripped from flesh and was fighting through the compact, tense, muscles to regrow. He was doing a fine job of ignoring the pain, he had been through much worse before.

Since Cyn had left, he had made quick work disposing of the fire--though he doubted he needed to due to the cold--,packed the few things he had laid out, and regrettably trudged on. She had decided to leave, it was her choice and one he had respected and felt relief over. Thanks to her verdict on the situation, he wouldn't have to worry about being stabbed in the back. With the serrated wind picking up and Rush shivering from it, Sable thought it best to tuck the Exceed in his sac.

I need to grow stronger, I need to be ready. I want power. And not just any power, I want true power! he uttered to himself, brows furrowing and jaws tensing.

He adjusted the straps of his pack and felt the tattered remains of his cloak tug towards the bottom of the mountain. White schools of icicles fluttered around him with the strength of a storm but he trudged on. The crunch of his boots were the only sound that he heard above the deathly howl. For a long time he contemplated how to gain strength and when the memory of Aiden passed through, he felt for a moment, that a small thread had introduced itself to him.

Magnus Hunters... That bastard... he was strong. The bastard that whisked Aiden and Oriel away.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Her hair is tied in pony tail, fiery breath of boredom. Oriel is off duty, she now officially bares Viper's guild mark on her upper left shoulder. Duties. It's Aiden's thing but not hers, she's been questioning herself a lot lately if being a Magus was the right decision.

Off duty more like covert since Kyou send her on a mission to thwart something. Her exorcist flame have been reacting to it recently but it is odd since the nature of her target is neither human nor demon but a dragon. When she gets back, she'll like a long break and take part in the grand magic games. But there's more to that since the grand magic games is moved on November X-814. That's because Oriel hacked the files.

Walking along the way, she stumbles upon Sable; "Now, now. Long time no see Sable. Why the long face." She rolled her eyes. "Really this is my lucky day right? Last mission of the week and a Sable."

"I know this isn't the right time to joke around but trust me. I am serious on quitting my job as a Magus Hunter, it's boring running errands you don't like. Haaaa......." Oriel gets closer to Sable looking at something cute and fluffy.

Brad Li

On a mission with Aiden, together they are at an icy village. He wouldn't believe it at first that Aiden is his partner, a familiar face but like Sai and Aran he is a fellow veteran. His purpose is to aide Aiden on the mission. The two have a conversation at first glance but it is awkward. Continuing where they left off. "Eh? You haven't done it with Gwen yet? Man you guys breathe the same air and all of the years I have observed from the guild is that, she strips too much yet doesn't get sexually assaulted. You have a strong mother complex and recently picking up Gwen's stripping habit. Sai's always with Dad or Uncle Jak. Nathan gets violated by pukes in courtesy of Uncle Liem. Matt and Chak have their manly drinks. Oriel does her best to annoy Gwen.. and the Harpy's..." Kyou in fact did send them on this instead of her. Since she has a metting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saltwater Thief
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Saltwater Thief The Wild Card

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Annabeth Stagitta- Lamia Scale

Niti was bitter. She should have expected it, in hindsight; for a healing magic practitioner to not be able to save a comrade was distressing enough, let alone having somebody else swoop in and solve the problem with nary a word in addition to it.

"I suppose I am. I owe you an apology, Niti. I should've offered you an explanation, and I didn't. Too wrapped up in myself, as usual."

At that point, Niti asked politely yet forcefully about her secret that she so very much wanted kept. She paused, deep in thought for a moment while she pondered what to say. The young healer was certainly owed his answer, but was he owed that much? No, she finally decided- the less people knew about that secret, the better. However, that did not mean he couldn't be made privy to the bit that concerned him.

"Alright, listen carefully, I can't say this very loud..." she began as she leaned in to whisper, so that only they two could hear, "The reason your healing spells weren't able to restore Jeanne is because of her own magic. It's very powerful, but such power comes at a price- if she overtaxes herself, like she did in Augustine, it causes a backlash that results in her own power trying to consume her. It's a continuous damage, like a disease, but because it's her magic any healing arts designed to combat such things don't recognize it as hostile. And if they never identify the source of the damage..."

She paused to watch Niti piece the puzzle together. Part of nurturing was letting the younglings figure out some conclusions on their own, after all. And with his skill and knowledge, Anna was certain he would understand.

"Now, the reason I was able to take care of it is because the magic itself needs to be harnessed and essentially pulled off of its victim. I know how to do that, because I used to use that very magic. In fact... Jeanne received her magic, albeit indirectly, from me. I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner, but when I saw what was happening... I knew time was of the essence, and I acted as quickly as I could."

"But, you know..." she continued, musing to herself in the standard volume of casual speech, "Usually, that backlash spreads so quickly that there's almost no time to react to it. By the time I got to her, Jeanne should have been nearly gone... but the damage was limited to her torso. I think she has you to thank for that, Niti. Being able to hold off the Vengeful Curse is a great feat- most healers would simply be overwhelmed. It's something to be proud of, beyond any doubt. Perhaps one day you'll be strong enough to fight it off completely, if you keep practicing."

Reaching a hand out, Anna smiled warmly as she gently ruffled Niti's red hair. A pat on the shoulder was her final gesture before rising and stretching her arms.

"I suppose I'd best get back to the main hall, there may be something that needs doing. Oh, and Niti?" she said as she turned back toward the soap mage on her way out, "If you ever need anything, I'm always here."

And with that, she made her way out to the hall proper.

@Bleu Chess
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
Avatar of Masaki Haruna


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Cold and Chaotic Black and White: Part 2

Absolute Venus (明星覇 (アブソリュート・ビーナス), Abusoryūto Bīnasu; Absolute Venus meaning Command of the Morning Star!)

MJ vs 'Sage'

".........Kuk......kukukukukukukukukukuk" A demonic voice giggled at her little antics "I knew the Boy couldn't handle this type of fights....not after what he just went through."

(Insert music: Rebuild of Evangelion: Sin from Genesis)

The mage stood up looking down at MJ, his Dual coloured eyes changed to Blood red with Vertical slits as his darkened skin soon as Red Devil marked etched onto his body. "Quite a lesson you taught my student little girl. But in exchange: Let me teach you something!"

Instantly 'Sage' reached out and wrapped his demonic hand around the girls head and squeezed it hard, his sharpened teeth showed as he chuckled "It's true that Devil slayers can Mix Make magic and form powerful attacks...but let me ask you something: Have you ever pulled of a One man Unison Raid? The Ultimate type for dual magic mix?"

He drove her body deep into the ground before punching her stomach hard before doing a shot-putters spin and sent her flying into roof of the build before forming a Large Black Sphere into his hand.

Still protected by the light, she only took minimal damage and reacted to Sage's attacks but tachyon surge is a spell hard to maintain so she have to evade out of his way. The battle reaches a decisive blow. MJ eats lightsticks and refill her magic reserves. The curse marks she absorbed were gone.

"Oh well. Very educational." She said grinning.

"Who knows. Quite obvi
"Who knows. Qu
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Job Request Board:
* Suggestion: Hunt the Direwolves.
* Suggestion: Perform a play.
* Suggestion: A day with Gwen
* Accepted: (In Construction) Explore this ancient ruin for us.
* Suggestion: (Under Construction) Catch the Phantom Thief.
* Suggestion: Find Bristlebane's yo-yo.
* Suggestion: I Need A Wyvern's Hide

The Cold and Chaotic Black and White: Part 2

Absolute Venus (明星覇 (アブソリュート・ビーナス), Abusoryūto Bīnasu; Absolute Venus meaning Command of the Morning Star!)

MJ vs 'Sage'

".........Kuk......kukukukukukukukukukuk" A demonic voice giggled at her little antics "I knew the Boy couldn't handle this type of fights....not after what he just went through."

(Insert music: Rebuild of Evangelion: Sin from Genesis)

The mage stood up looking down at MJ, his Dual coloured eyes changed to Blood red with Vertical slits as his darkened skin soon as Red Devil marked etched onto his body. "Quite a lesson you taught my student little girl. But in exchange: Let me teach you something!"

Instantly 'Sage' reached out and wrapped his demonic hand around the girls head and squeezed it hard, his sharpened teeth showed as he chuckled "It's true that Devil slayers can Mix Make magic and form powerful attacks...but let me ask you something: Have you ever pulled of a One man Unison Raid? The Ultimate type for dual magic mix?"

He drove her body deep into the ground before punching her stomach hard before doing a shot-putters spin and sent her flying into roof of the build before forming a Large Black Sphere into his hand.

Still protected by the light, she only took minimal damage and reacted to Sage's attacks but tachyon surge is a spell hard to maintain so she have to evade out of his way. The battle reaches a decisive blow. MJ eats lightsticks and refill her magic reserves. The curse marks she absorbed were gone.

"Oh well. Very educational." She said grinning.

"Hn..Lightsticks huh, That's clever of you then..." the Sage spoke from the smoke as the dark matter in his hands got bigger, creating a medium whirlwind of smoke around his hand "Tell me Light devil, where did you get your slaying from?

"Who knows. Quite obvious don't you think?" She yawned. Magic Circles activated. "I got you where I want anyway." There were a lot of magical circles.

"And on the contrary it's not just light, it's holy." She charges in.

"Holy Devil's...." In melee combat as fast as she is. "KARMIC THRUST"


Bakuko roared as he fired his attack againes the white haired girls attack as two Magical forces combined as both were fight to gain ground over the over. The Devilled beast roared as he push more magic in his attack, he was able to step towards her hand began pushing her back.

'As much as i hate to admitted it, the light will always be better....'Then a wicked grin appeared on his demonic face 'But the Brighter the Lighter, the more denser the Shadows become and soon the light will blind your objective!" Bakuko Roared again as he used his left hand to generate another Rasengan before pushing it into MJ.


And she looked sad and took the attack. Not knowing what else to do, MJ just took the attack like as if she's punishing herself.

'That look....' as Maryjane took the attack and skidded away, Sage was back in control as he look on in shock as he cut the connections to his attack, he saw everything...She took the attack...she had the chance to push back...why?!

His demonic form slowly dispearsed as his demonic features returned to normal and his dual eye turned back to Blue and Black respectively 'I was enjoying his fight...why did you stop?!" Sage shook his head and ran towards teh wounded girl before skidding to his kness and lifting her head gently.

'She's breathing...' He activated his curse before making another Rasengan i his hand and held it close to her 'Obsorb it, please...you're hurt.'

The Humanity that Sage casted aside....came back.

She willingly absorbs it which gave white marks this time and she speaks in an ancient language showing her love and dedication to which can be understood by Sage. "The unforgivable is burnt by the sun." MJ releases a psychotic look and stabs him with his barehands to the chest.

MJ starts speaking in an exorcist form of language, making herself look even more demonic. "Rage Packer." She exhaled smoothly. She is now clad in light, white and gold, naked like a Goddess and fiery hair floating and red eyes.

"Devil Slayer Secret Art: Absolute Venus!"
Absolute Venus (明星覇 (アブソリュート・ビーナス), Abusoryūto Bīnasu; Absolute Venus meaning Command of the Morning Star!)

MJ summons the "planet" venus which represents her love and from there everything starts to crumble and repulsive forces of gravity occurs sucking everything.

From afar, the other avatars were glad that they aren't in her vicinity. It gave them bad memories of Rage Packer's MJ.

"KIDDDDD!!!!" The black beast roared as he tried to get his host to fight again, but a punchure to the chest isn't exactl a minor case. As his body was lifted towards the core, the beast only shook his head...."he isn't responding...i just his humanity still linger...and will teach him to have no heart: Not his Loved one, not to his friends...not to anyone but those i and he choses!"

And then with a twist of turns MJ passes out, the cruelty of Avatar never ceases. All this time, she was bewitched by the Necromancer's curse and controlled by him not in a magical way but complex in a blackmailed manner. "I knew Maryjane doesn't have the spine to murder people. That brat had it coming."


Suddenly the Planet that MJ as Made crumbled allowing the knocked out Sage to fall towards the ground as he landed hard next to MJ, there bodies close to each other.

".....I just i got ahead of myself...time to head up then." Bakuko growled as he started on healing the body, his cuts and gashed where healing in a matter of Mintues before he gave himself a Magical spike that course around the body, awaking Sage up with a start.

"Welcome back, dumbass: how do you feeling being tricked by a girl?"

The beast grunted "it doesn't matter, anyway: Wake her up kid."

Sage had muderous intent in his eye as he Black hair turn white an his eye become black and Red, charging up and Good amount of Magic in his hand, he punched MJ in the Stomach and sent a Danerougs amount of magic around her Organs.

She was crying and smiling for real this time. "Stacy... Stacy... please protect Stacy." MJ have a brief flashback about her childhood friend. "I never thought Stacy's alive." Going back to the reason why she always visits graveyards. "Stacy is alive... it's okay if she doesn't recognize me. I deserve to be punished for being with Avatar anyway."

".............." Sage looked at MJ as she asked him to help the other white haired girl.

-Why?- he Wrote to her, -If anything....i should bring her here and kill her right in front of you- Sage glowered at her -But Being in a Legal guild could make things messy-

Standing up he dusted himself of and Walked away from her -If you want to save her: do it yourself, You have to power do fight me.-

"Men aren't considerate of women's feelings." Necromancer Man said as he stakes MJ with his stakes, killing her at the very right moment, showing no mercy like a cultist would do. MJ was holding a picture of Stacy with Gwen and a group of children and it was tainted in blood, it flew right into Sage's face. "The weak will die off and the strong will live."

(Insert Kuroko No Basket 2: Imminence)

Sage grabbed the photo as he looked at it with horror...he carefully wiped the blood of the photo and his eye widened, his breathing hitched.

'I.........." He looked at one particular child: A boy standing in the corner with Black hair and Blue eyes. "remember....this day-!?'

Sage bared his teeth as he grasped the picture tighter in his hands as he White hair started waving wildly.....'I....nearly killed.......guh.....AHHHHHHH!!!!!!'

A roar of a Demon escaped his mouth as he Red and black aura engulfed him, inside his teh Demon as Grinning "Anger is the best way of Gain new levels...then let me to give you a taste of EON!

Sage was fully covered in Black and white before a two eyes and a Feral like smile appeared in font of the convered aura as he rocketed out into the sky.

Sage....was alive and felt something so power in his life....as allowed it to take him over as as tears came from the corner of his face.

'I.....' as the Aura stoped a Boy was not there anymore...In his place stood a man in Pitch black armour with a rustic helmet with a thinly carved slit displaying the ghastly glow of his eyes. The armor is the work of the delicate and nuanced workmanship of its smith's utmost effort, succeeding in granting it an air of formidability and a fine construction. It is a perfect armor that can be called neither exquisite nor crude, and it instead perfectly melds magnificence and functionality. It is carved with countless marks and scratches

A demonic growl escaped from the armoured man as two black blade appeared in both and and stood to fact the Necromancer.....

Whatever it is....it was pissed.



"We're destined to fight" George said to Stacy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Time had, ironically, frozen what little change had occurred in the last few months. He had rather quickly reverted to the rude upstart that walked with self-importance. Cloaked in a brown, tattered robe, Sable and his partner Exceed: Rush was on there way towards the Magic Council when he spotted a red-head girl.

As she approached him, he stopped walking and swept back the hood that covered his features. "That's the first fucking thing you say to me?" He smiled fondly at her before leaning a bit closer, a balled fist falling onto his hip. "If you don't want the job, why not telling me where your higher-up is. I'm going to make the bastard train me. And then... well... let's just say I plan on having a hell of alot of fun."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago

Aiden showed visible disgust towards Brad's statement about Gwen, the very thought of it making him want to hurl. "No, Brad, and I likely never will. Gwen's too much like a sister to me for that to even be an option. As for never being assaulted, that's because she'd kill anybody who tried. . . and what the hell is a mother complex? I . . . don't even know who my mother is. I was found and raised by Chronos for as long as I can remember." Aiden hesitated slightly from telling the lie, but he didn't wish to talk about his own family matters at the moment, especially with Brad of all people. While the man usually meant well, he was much too crude of a person to discuss such a delicate matter with.

"Anyway, where are we supposed to find the targets, and how strong do we expect them to be?"

@Masaki Haruna
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ajax Thera - Hellmouth

With a casual toss, the bruised and unconscious Claudius was thrown into the train cart's holding cell. Though his feet and hands were bound with magic negating cuffs, the cage itself prevented any captive from using magic. While Aiden and Oriel had been called to action in the middle of their fight, Ajax didn't intend to let Claudius off the hook. With an emotionless stare, Ajax gave him one last look before closing the door to the cell.

The Council's high-speed train was stopped at the station beneath the Magus Hunters' training facility. Ajax was about to step back out of the train, to get some paperwork done while all the "kids" were away, but the conductor's voice stopped him. "Ajax-dono..." The big man stopped, clearly recognizing the voice didn't belong to the man that had always been the conductor. He turned and looked towards the front of the train. The friendly smile that always populated the conductor's face had been replaced by a serious expression, but otherwise he appeared as the same old man.

Stacy Kaiser - White Tiger

The sudden rush from the man called George caught Stacy off guard. The moment he came into contact they teleported, giving Stacy no time to prevent it. But as they appeared in the snow-covered ruins, Stacy broke free and slid to a halt several meters away, carving a path through the snow. Her fight earlier had left her winded and a bit bruised, and she took the brief pause as a breather, simply staring down George angrily. It took her a moment to fully realize where they were.

"Why did you bring me here?" Stacy questioned, her voice sounding more like a demand. The freezing temperature seemed to not bother her in the slightest, despite her nakedness. Then again, her white hair was practically long enough to cover her. "And who the hell are you? Don't talk to me like you know me or I'll break your jaw. Fei had it easy, but now I'm warmed up." For emphasis, Stacy took a fighting stance and pointed her left palm towards George. "I'm still going to break you, whether you tell me or not. But I might be more gentle if you don't piss me off any further."

Hana Oshiro - The Last Samurai

The pink-haired woman looked back to Jeanne as she summoned one of her magical blades. "Are you well enough to be using magic like that again?" Hana questioned first, before Xavier's Knight explained the situation with the sparring. The Last Samurai seemed confused when he mentioned Xavier's need for self-destruction, but her confused expression changed into one of concern when Xavier passed out.

Hana was quick to his side, though she was unsure what to do when she got there. "He's unconscious," she confirmed, placing her fingers over Xavier's right wrist to feel his pulse. Knight was correct, he did need medical attention. Hana stood up and held her hand above Xavier, cherry blossoms flowing from her palm and collecting underneath the unconscious boy and forming a small cloud. Dense enough to lift him up, levitating with ease to carry Xavier at Hana's waist height. "If it's not too serious... this can be good practice for Niti."

Her pink eyes went back to Jeanne now. "Too bad he's run off. I guess we should bring him in. But..." Hana looked back down at Jeanne's sword. "If you aren't feeling well you shouldn't push yourself. I've heard wiser people than me say that, so it must be true." The small cloud of cherry blossoms that was supporting Xavier began floating toward the guild hall on its own, no longer by Hana's side. The pink haired woman eventually followed behind it, but she had stayed behind a bit to speak her mind to Jeanne. "I wouldn't want you getting hurt again if it can be prevented..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"The fate of Lamia Scale. No.. rather the world is in your hands. If you don't beat me, REBIRTH will commence to destroy the whole planet.. Oh, Stacy.. you're amazing.... " The ground crumbles as lots of ice familiars have been summoned, the ice is no ordinary ice because it "melts" and freezes its path, draining all source of life.

Those malice induced ice beings attacks Stacy head on and a giant centipede made out of ice erupts from Stacy's ground. "Gentle?" He snaps his fingers with more ice. "Don't talk to me like you know me? Oh... come on! You know me Stacy and I know you so as your Master Liz and Gwen.... Oh what the hell.. petty little girl." The ice exploded point blank range.

And now...
He smiles creepily.


Time had, ironically, frozen what little change had occurred in the last few months. He had rather quickly reverted to the rude upstart that walked with self-importance. Cloaked in a brown, tattered robe, Sable and his partner Exceed: Rush was on there way towards the Magic Council when he spotted a red-head girl.

As she approached him, he stopped walking and swept back the hood that covered his features. "That's the first fucking thing you say to me?" He smiled fondly at her before leaning a bit closer, a balled fist falling onto his hip. "If you don't want the job, why not telling me where your higher-up is. I'm going to make the bastard train me. And then... well... let's just say I plan on having a hell of alot of fun."



"Dude, that's some life you got there. Sometimes you gotta know when to accept your desires, dat Gwen. Life is short you know." Brad said to Aiden. He knew quite a bit of Aiden due to confidential matters and council related matters of Magus.

"We are dealing with a rampaging dragon and it can spawn dragons. It's element is----"


"You know..... I--." Before Oriel could continue, Kyou approaches them. "Dragon 5 o'clock to the north! We need you Sable immediately. No time to explain, I am nothing but a thought projection and I don't have all of my powers." Kyou appears before them with urgency to rush to a nearby town which is plagued by dragons.

Kyou uses her teleportation magic and teleported themselves in a place where there is cold and snow. Naked, they all fell on Brad and Aiden and he didn't even finish what he's going to say.

@Renny and @RaijinSlayer

Fire and Ice of fate, the two snake comrades; Sable and Aiden meets again!


A hawk from the council appeared before, Niti, Yuuka, Anna, Hana and Jeanne. It has a letter:
"Urgent. Sage Ruzuzaki spotted in the town of Valdosta, wrecking public and private property, utilities and at this rate the town. Retrieve him or else Lamia Scale will be suspended."



"Now that you're done here. The next subject will be the days onward. Valdosta Town is being shitted on fools like Lamia Scale rather by some Lamia member. That infamous S Class, Sage Ruzuzaki. I hate Lamia, Viper, and Harpy. Now..it wouldn't be fun if we don't have Lamia Scale for the grand magic games. You understand that Oram. Well... get your ass moving, we're going to Valdosta!" @Demon Shinobi

Behind him is his army of black unit operations, the Hound Dogs.

When the wolf howls, the pack follows! Alec makes his move!



Avatar Member- Silas Thorne

"Master. It appears that your granddaughter died once again, should we have the Necromancer resurrect her this instance?" The man with a white rose asked. This man is one of the main members of Avatar.

"That won't be necessary."

Avatar Member- Nobunaga

"I wouldn't count on reviving traitors, my lord." This man is named Nobunaga, he is a fallen Samurai. He is the fastest of all main members of the Avatar Cult. He is also the second in command.

Their Guild Master remains silent. "You're being too salty Nobunaga. It's not nice to frown, you'll get older." He teases his teammate. Nobunaga gets angry. "Shut up, pretty boy. I'll cut you into pieces if you utter one more word!" He draws his sword and Silas draws his rose and together they clashed.

Then their member Frankenstein joined too.

Avatar Member- Fran ken Stein

Brawling on with the rose user, fallen samurai and himself the zombie magician.

Then a beautiful woman joins the fun and her presence alone calmed thy anger of the boys.

Avatar Member- Nightmare

Reintroducing the woman with many names, she goes by the alias Fei or Kumar the master of Arc of Time. Her presence alone is malevolent. Her real name remains unknown.

"You fools need to calm down. It feels as though the smoothness is rough when friction occurs. Fret not boys, I can feel Lamia Scale coming to save one of their own. Sage Ruzuzaki will face his fate against the Necromancer."

Frank grinned; "Either way, I am lusting for a good fight!"

Silas smug. Saying nothing and keeping his cool demeanor.

Nobunaga stays silent.

Striking parallels of Avatar and Lamia Scale; the destined fight is set!

Post Credit

Back to Lamia Scale, the guys have received the letter.
@Saltwater Thief @j8cob @Bleu Chess

Yuuka smelled an explosive powder; "Guys we need to---" And an explosion blank happens!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago


Before Aiden could reiterate the fact that he didn't 'desire' Gwen in any way, shape, or fashion, he suddenly found himself being crashed into by a pile of naked bodies. When he finally got around to focusing, he pushed the person o top of him off, surprised to see that it was Sable of all people. At first he was glad, if a little confused, that he was here, but then he spotted who he had come with. Kyou, what the hell? Why the fuck did she send him here if she was going to call in Sable as well!?!? Does she think I'm not good enough, that I can't fucking handle it!! Of course she'd want Sable, EVERYONE WANTS SABLE!!!! Anger and frustration surged through him, the fact that he was hear with Oriel didn't help matters either. But before he did anything he would regret, he took a calming breath, using the techniques he had learned during meditation to calm himself.

After he had accomplished that, he got up and reached out with a hand to help Sable up, a smile on his face. "You know how to make an entrance, as always. Come to save the day again, oh Mighty Wretched One." Aiden's voice took on a mocking tone as he called the other Dragon Slayer by their epithet, and while it was somewhat light-hearted, there was still some bite in it. "If so, then stop playing in the snow and let's move it, the people here need our help to deal with their dragon infestation. Let's show them that the Twin Dragon Slayers of Viper is more than just a name."

@Masaki Haruna
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 4 days ago

Stacy Kaiser - White Tiger

The young woman looked at George in disbelief at first, but her expression soon turned into anger. "You think you're funny, don't you?" she spat, jumping out of the way of his ice minions. She slid to a halt and recomposed herself, her red eyes still stabbing through him. "My father's been dead for years! If you think you can fool me with a disguise when I saw him die with my own eyes then you've got another thing coming!" Her right fist went into her left palm, taking up the proper maker stance. She was serious.

"And I warned you already. I'm warmed up." The snow at her feet began to swirl around as her magical power began to release. "I'll show you the power of a true Kaiser! And you'll regret taking my father's face!" A light blue glow of magic radiated from her hands. Stacy remained still even as the Ice Familiars closed in on her. "Ice Make! Hungry Dragon!" She thrust her hands forward, letting loose a giant eastern dragon of solid ice. The dragon immediately bashed through the Ice Familiars, showing no signs of impedance on its way to George.

As the Ice Dragon drew closer to its target, something began to change with it. Red lines, dark like blood, began to form throughout the ice like veins. "Only a true Kaiser can perform this magic!" Stacy shouted, anger still evident on her face and in her voice. "While a fraud like you can only die to the Blood Ice!"

Hana Oshiro - The Last Samurai

The cherry-blossom woman looked over when the hawk appeared carrying a letter. Hana reached out and took it, taking her time opening it before reading it. "Urgent. Sage Ruzuzaki spotted in the town of Valdosta, wrecking public and private property, utilities and at this rate the town. Retrieve him or else Lamia Scale will be suspended," she read slowly, making sure her dyslexia wouldn't embarrass her. Only after finishing the letter did the meaning sink in.

"I thought Sage had taken a mission... This is bad. He might make Lamia Scale look like the bad guys..." The letter in her hand fell to the floor as she clenched a fist and held it over her chest. "Our honor as mages of Fiore, protectors of the defenseless. We cannot allow this. We must go-" Hana stopped mid-sentence, twirling around toward the guild hall and raising a hand toward it. Cherry blossoms began flowing from the ground at her feet, like tendrils of pink mass. The packed blossoms flooded into the guild hall, each tendril wrapping around one of the mages within the building.

While this would surely come as a shock from the suddenness of it and the strangeness too, the reasoning was soon explained. Like Yuuka, Hana had noticed the smell of explosives. She couldn't identify the source so she instead did what she could to protect everybody. Even Jeanne next to her was covered in cherry blossoms, leaving only Hana uncovered when the explosion occurred. As the dust settled it could be seen that a thick wall of blossoms had covered her at the last minute, effectively ensuring that there were no casualties or injuries.

"A bomb." The blossoms that had covered everybody individually began to scatter now, vanishing into the air as the magic wore off. A serious expression had taken hold of Hana's face. While her face seemed calm, there was an undeniable rage in her blue eyes. An anger previously unseen. "Someone... attacked Lamia Scale?" Even her voice gave away her true emotion. "Do they dare mock us? To believe us to be so inferior as to be defeated by... a cheap tactic?" Hana's left hand was held out to her side, a white glow proving she had summoned one of her blades. She held the black, sheathed sword tightly in her hand. "I... am not happy..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Berserker's fury
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


The sudden teleportation was startling as he fell from the sky and ontop of two constructs. When he was pushed aside by one of them, he quirked a eyebrow. A foreign but familiar feeling of malice tickled his gut. The scent was defintely his but what was the odds of meeting up?

On his knees and hands, Sable pushed himself up from the cold ground, the heat of his body causing tails of steam to rise around him. He rubbed his head as he looked around at the snowy village, a storm of ice and snow passing along his face and trying veil what lay ahead. Not this shit again, he murmured before hearing Rush drop down from the sky, its stumbling wingbeats just in range of his ears. The Exceed floated near him with worry on its face.

Sable dropped his hand on Rush's head and smiled wholeheartedly; he was beginning to think Rush might be a girl with the blush that tended to paint its cheeks whenever he did things like that. "I'm okay, no need to worry," he said.

Then remembering his surroundings his snapped his head towards the gut feeling, only to see a changed Aiden standing in front of him. No longer the kid at the guild, the struggling adoloscent that fought Hydrologia, or the vagabond that left. He had been transformed, if only a bit by the Magnus Hunter. And it pissed Sable off to have to witness the incomplete power that subtly danced around him.

He gritted his teeth within his closed lips before knocking aside Aiden's hand and standing up on his own. When he noticed he was naked--all except for his scarf--he simply let out a harsh sound and started towards the village. "You're the one yacking away, you-no-good-fake-dragon slayer. Just stand on the fucking sidelines, I'll take this one down just like I did, Hydrologia." His words were spat out harshly into the cold air as he strod forwards, fire dancing around his hair and tense body.

As he strode forward, he spotted a slain man, one of many around the area. Must've been one of the first the Dragon encountered before the village. Poor bastard, he thought. One of them was around his size and since he preferred not to have his jewels out for the Dragon to attack, he took the man's clothing and put them on.

At the end of it all, he was draped in his porcelain scarf, with a black tunic covering his torso, a navy obi sash across his waist, and charred white trousers on his legs. The man's boots had been melted, along with his feet. Sable tossed back his crimson bangs with a hand before running down the path towards the endangered village.

" I don't need anyone. Curse that Aiden. I don't want the same power as him. I'll become strong on my own, become unstoppable," he whispered voicelessly. " ... A true Dragon Slayer. I'll bathe in its blood this time!" He snarled viciously, his voice blasting through the cold.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago

Aiden's extended hand curled into a fist as Sable passed by him, the Fire Dragonslayer's words, and if wasn't for the fact that they were on a mission right now, he would've tackled the ass. Whatever was up Sable's ass right now, Aiden would deal with it later. He turned around to follow Sable, every step causing his anger to grow inside of him. But he knew that wasn't him, not truly, but the dragon blood roaring at him to show him just how much of a lowly wyrm he truly was. But he didn't focus on it, instead focusing it all on to the upcoming battle.

As he came up next to Sable, he finally took notice of the creature that Sable had accompanying him, an Exceed if his memory served. He remembered Gwen telling him one time that the more well-known Dragon Slayers had Exceed partners as well. Where did he find one, I wonder? Aiden pondered for a moment before he quickly shook off the thought in favor, and walked passed Sable without a word. Instead, he let the cold aura he left behind speak for him, which was formed from his magic reacting to his rage. LOoking towards the village, and the beast that over-looked it, a deep growl came from his throat, the scale marls taking on their signature glow as he prepared for battle.

@Masaki Haruna
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


George Kaiser

"HAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Just as I've imagined. You would react this way" George laughed at Stacy's reaction, he cancels her spells. Jabbing her with a feint but a punch to her gut. [b]"You look so much like your mother. A true Kaiser you are indeed and I don't have to prove anything. I am indeed your father." He uses the similar blood ice and lock Stacy's hands and feet.

Then erupts blood ice from her back and sending her on mid-air, George goes mid-air and strangles Stacy. "But you see, I am more than just your father. You and I are destined to fight." He grins with malice.

Kyou disappears, Oriel smug as she knew she's such a pain to have; "I learned this trick from Gwen, a trick or two." She uses requip and clothed herself and Sable.

Brad's not impressed. "You idiots being idiots." Brad rushes to the dragon who is clad in fortified magic and launch thunder shocks on the dragon.

"Dad always told me to keep this a secret but screw it."............................


Few weeks ago, mission with Revan and the S-Classes, Brad tackled a lightning dragon and killed it.


Brad enters Dragon Force, his magical reserves are off the charts. He grew out long fangs, even more muscular body, scales, longer hair, and pitch white eyes. His hands and feet are dragonic. Hellfire and Lightning Dragon Slayer elements shroud him. His flames were scarlet and his lightning was purple. "Dragon Force: Thunder Hellfire Form." He rushes to the dragon and mocks Sable and Aiden. He was sorta kind to Aiden but things takes to the worst turn as he never change and always mocks everyone and berate them.

"Thunder Hellfire Flash!"

While all of this is happening, Moka is with Tenshi. "A dragon. Looks like the rumors are true. Dragons are still alive and kicking. Sable and Aiden are there and a fake dragon slayer is there too. I can sense he is induced with condensed with over doused of dragon lacrima. I can't kill a dragon because it will take time. So what are you gonna do Tenshi? Imagine darkness and crystal elements, you have dual elements, Sabertooth will be the strongest guild. Prove that you can kill a dragon!"


Back to Stacy and George

"What the heck. I'll tell you anyway........." Holding back, George stays still.

"I am Martha Kaiser. I am your mother who is using your father, George Kaiser as a puppet. Indeed I am not lying but your father is long dead and so am I am long dead. But long story short. I too am nothing but a puppet." A woman in blue appears before Stacy. She was hanging upside down.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

For anyone below, at the top mountain, the silhouette of a large dragon seemed to rest. However, at the top, on a small but flat plateau, sat a fragile looking girl. Sitting with her knees drawn to her bountiful chest, with her pale hands wrapped around her legs. Sighing, she continued to stare at the destroyed village, unmoving, as her gaze seemed to bore into the scenery before her. Behind her, the silhouette of the dragon could be seen, the shadow seemingly almost melding with the dark surroundings.

"...it hurts..."

Finally breaking the silence, the girl muttered these words to no one in particular.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Orange and red flames danced on his clothing, that was until a yellow light formed over him, and without his acknowledgement, changed his clothes. He strode forth ignorant of the new wardrobe. Jet black fur lined the inner edges of a one-sleeve cream jacket. Underneath, his torso was bare. Navy trousers that fell into dark boots--with likewise belts wrapped around it--made up his bottom-wear. The flames that danced on him interacted with the foreign magic before returning to it normal color.

Aiden and Brad transformed into beings that took on the characteristics of Dragons. It was infuriating and lit a flame in him that was unprecedented until that point. His mind went blank with envy and rage as Brad burst forward and attacked the dragon with lightening infused with purplish fire.

No way ... No way! he repeated infinitely in his rage.

Fire exploded from his legs as he shot through the sky and towards the Dragon plaguing the village. All he could see was the Dragon, even the vibrant lighting of Brad's attack had been dulled down to slight glows in his peripheral. He clasped his hands together and pulled it far back before slamming it into the Dragon's head, unleashing a forminable explosion onto its head. Crouched on its crown, he wrapped a hand around ivory spine jutting from its skull. The smoke cleared as he continued to pound explosive blows into the skull of the Dragon.

" I'll fucking kill you!"
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